44 research outputs found

    The age factor in lexical availability studies

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    En este trabajo nos proponemos hablar de la aplicación del factor edad a las investigaciones de disponibilidad léxica. Aunque es cierto que en los estudios realizados en el marco del Proyecto Panhispánico de Disponibilidad Léxica (PPDL) no se tomó en consideración esta variable porque los entrevistados eran todos jóvenes preuniversitarios, no faltan trabajos que han encuestado a hablantes de otras edades, con resultados de mucho interés. En el artículo nos basaremos en diversas investigaciones realizadas en la isla de Gran Canaria, con distintos grupos etarios, para mostrar la indudable importancia que tiene el condicionante edad para analizar las diferencias léxicas que se producen en una comunidad de habla y para explicar las relaciones entre los vocablos de los distintos centros de interés cuando se tiene en cuenta la incidencia del tiempo aparente.In this paper we aim to discuss the application of the age factor to lexical availability research. Although it is true that in the Panhispanic Project of Lexical Availability (PPDL) this variable was not taken into account as all the interviewees were young pre-university students, there is no lack of works that have surveyed speakers of other ages, with very interesting results. We will base our contribution on several studies carried out in Gran Canaria with different age groups, in order to show the undoubted importance of age conditioning in analysing the lexical differences that occur in a speech community and to explain the relationships between the words of the different centres of interest when the incidence of apparent time is taken into account

    En torno a los usos personales de haber en el español de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

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    La personalización del verbo haber es una variable gramatical que no ofrece problemas teóricos para ser abordada como un caso de variación sociolingüística. En muchas zonas del mundo hispanohablante (vid., por ejemplo, De Mello 1991) alternan las formas del singular y del plural sin que de ello se deduzca un cambio de significación, ni semántica ni pragmática. Consecuentemente, en la clasificación de Martín Butragueño (1994), esta variable de tipo funcional (en cuanto supone una reinterpretación del CD como sujeto) se caracteriza en la matriz gramatical por estar condicionada solo por factores morfológicos y sintácticos

    Sexuality throughout all the stages of pregnancy: experiences of expectant mothers

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    Objective: To explore and understand the sexual experiences of expectant mothers during their pregnancy. Methods: The study was carried out in two healthcare centers in the Almería Health District, in southern Spain. The participants included pregnant women who received prenatal care and/or maternity education. The inclusion criteria were being pregnant, maintaining sexual activity and agreeing to participate in the study. The exclusion criteria were having limitations on sexual activity by medical prescription. The sample consisted of 15 expectant women selected using a convenience sample, of which 5 took part in a focus group (FG) and 10 in in-depth interviews (IDI). Data was collected between the months of June and December 2016. Participants were contacted by the main researcher and an appointment was made to carry out the FGs or the IDIs. Results: Three main categories emerged: False beliefs and a holistic approach to sexuality during pregnancy, which is related to the concept of sexuality, false beliefs, and limited sexual counseling during pregnancy. Limitations: From fear at the beginning to physical diffi culty at the end, referring to the fluctuations in sexual desire as well as the physical changes that limit sexual activity. Adapting to changes: safe practices and satisfaction with one’s body image, which encompasses concerns about the risks and the relationship between body image and self-esteem. Conclusion: A lack of sexual counseling during pregnancy leads to the creation of false beliefs, which, together with physical changes, concerns about the risk, and fl uctuations in sexual desire and interest, bring about a decrease in sexual activity. But sexuality remains an important aspect of pregnancy, toward which the participants must adopt a broader approach, not limited to intercourse, and adopt sexual practices that are adapted to the physical and emotional changes that happen during this time

    Psychometric Evidence of a Multidimensional Measure of Prosocial Behaviors for Spanish Adolescents

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    Prior theories and scholars rarely distinguished between distinct forms of prosocial behaviors (i.e., actions intended to benefit others) and most scholars operationalize prosocial behaviors as a global construct. Furthermore, stringent tests of psychometric properties of prosocial behavior measures are rare, especially in countries other than the United States. The present study was designed to examine the structure and functions of a multidimensional measure of prosocial behaviors in youth from Spain. Six hundred and 66 adolescents (46% girls; M age = 15.33 years, SD = 0.47 years) from Valencia, Spain, completed the Prosocial Tendencies Measure-Revised (PTM-R), measures of sympathy, perspective taking, and a global measure of prosocial behavior. Results showed that the hypothesized 6-factor structure of the PTM-R had good fit, the best fit model as compared to alternative models, and that there were several unique patterns of relations between specific forms of prosocial behaviors and sympathy, perspective taking, and the global measure of prosocial behavior. Furthermore, although there were significant gender differences in some forms of prosocial behaviors, the structure of the PTM-R was equivalent across gender. Discussion focuses on the implications for theories and measurement of prosocial behaviors

    Viruela símica en un paciente con VIH: reporte de caso

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    La viruela símica es una enfermedad zoonótica endémica en algunas zonas de África; desde mayo  del 2022 se confirmaron múltiples reportes de viruela símica (VS) en países no endémicos. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con antecedente de VIH con exantemas en diversas regiones del cuerpo, con mayor concentración en la región glútea, asociado a adenopatías cervicales y proctitis infecciosa. Se procedió a la toma de la muestra de las lesiones dermatológicas para el estudio molecular de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real (RT-PCR), que confirmó el diagnóstico de VS. La infección por Treponema pallidum y Neisseria gonorrhoeae se identificó mediante serología y cultivo de secreción anal, respectivamente. Se aplicó tratamiento con antibióticos específicos para gonorrea y sífilis, y la VS respondió favorablemente a la terapia sintomática e inmunomoduladora

    Emerging adults' cultural values, prosocial behaviors, and mental health in 14 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Evidence suggests an impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health, particularly among emerging adults. However, theories on altruism born of suffering or adversarial growth suggest that we might also see prosocial behavior as a function of the pandemic, which may protect against mental health challenges. Because cultural values are central in determining prosocial behavior, the current study explored how cultural values were differentially associated with adaptive prosocial behaviors that might protect against mental health challenges. Participants for the current study included 5,682 young people aged 18-25 years from 14 different countries around the world (68% female, 62% college students). Path analyses suggested that there were few differences in patterns as a function of culture, but revealed that horizontal individualism and horizontal and vertical collectivism were indirectly associated with lower levels of depression via prosocial behavior toward family members. Discussion focuses on the importance of coping by strengthening family relationships via prosocial behavior during the pandemic

    Emerging adults’ cultural values, prosocial behaviors, and mental health in 14 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Evidence suggests an impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health, particularly among emerging adults. However, theories on altruism born of suffering or adversarial growth suggest that we might also see prosocial behavior as a function of the pandemic, which may protect against mental health challenges. Because cultural values are central in determining prosocial behavior, the current study explored how cultural values were differentially associated with adaptive prosocial behaviors that might protect against mental health challenges. Participants for the current study included 5,682 young people aged 18–25 years from 14 different countries around the world (68% female, 62% college students). Path analyses suggested that there were few differences in patterns as a function of culture, but revealed that horizontal individualism and horizontal and vertical collectivism were indirectly associated with lower levels of depression via prosocial behavior toward family members. Discussion focuses on the importance of coping by strengthening family relationships via prosocial behavior during the pandemic

    Revista Colombiana de Computación. Volumen 7 Número 1 Junio de 2006

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    Presentamos a la comunidad académica este nuevo volumen de la Revista Colombiana de Computación para el cual se han seleccionado los artículos mejor evaluados en el Congreso EATIS 2006 (Congreso Euroamericano de Telemática y Sistemas de Información), el cuál se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Santa Marta, Colombia, del 7 al 10 de febrero de 2006 y que contó con el respaldo de las asociaciones IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, ACM y Sociedad Brasilera de Computación.We present to the academic community this new volume of the Colombian Journal of Computing, for which the best evaluated articles have been selected at the EATIS 2006 Congress (Euro-American Congress on Telematics and Information Systems), which took place in the city of Santa Marta, Colombia, from February 7 to 10, 2006, with the support of the IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, ACM and Brazilian Computing Society associations

    Gestión del conocimiento. Perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Volumen 17

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    El libro “Gestión del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, Volumen 17 de la Colección Unión Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capítulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro es una publicación internacional, seriada, continua, arbitrada, de acceso abierto a todas las áreas del conocimiento, orientada a contribuir con procesos de gestión del conocimiento científico, tecnológico y humanístico. Con esta colección, se aspira contribuir con el cultivo, la comprensión, la recopilación y la apropiación social del conocimiento en cuanto a patrimonio intangible de la humanidad, con el propósito de hacer aportes con la transformación de las relaciones socioculturales que sustentan la construcción social de los saberes y su reconocimiento como bien público