329 research outputs found
Investigating the Impact of Carbon Tax to Power Generation in Java-Bali System by Applying Optimization Technique
Java-Bali power system dominates the national installed capacity and will contribute to about 76% of the national CO2 emissions from the electricity sector in the future. Thus, minimizing CO2 emission from the Java-Bali system can help Indonesia to reduce the national CO2 emissions level. We apply optimization approach to investigate this problem by including carbon tax into the cost function. We analyzed data based on electricity generating system in 2008. In general the optimization showed that diesel and gas turbine is not needed in the power plant system. Further, the simulation showed that if Indonesia adopted carbon tax by US 50/tCO2. There are some weaknesses from this study such as not use strong assumption for availability factor and generating costs. This study proposed that government needs to optimize utilization of combine cycle power plan to offset steam power and implement carbon tax above US$ 50/ ton CO2, to reduce CO2 emissions significantly.Power generation, Carbon tax, Optimization
This study uses a pen Asphalt 60/70 production Pertamina Cilacap, natural rubber (Latex KKK-60) production in the country that have been tested by the Center for Estate Crops Research Bogor, coarse and fine aggregate Ex stone-breaking machine (Stone Chrusher). Laboratory test results showed that the quality of the asphalt rubber (Latex KKK-60) of 3%, better quality when compared to petroleum asphalt mixture without Latex, because it can reduce the value of the penetration and softening point of asphalt marked increase with the increase of stability when tested with Marshall test equipment. Use of rubberized asphalt for road construction materials is an alternative that produces quality asphalt mixture with a better quality of asphalt mixture using petroleum asphalt without latex (conventional), and potential. Asphalt mixture with the addition of (Latex KKK-60) of 2% - 3% can increase the stability of 13.633% with the use of specifications HRS 30% coarse aggregate
Perancangan Sistem Kendali Robot Tangan Menggunakan Motor Servo Dan Sensor Flex Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega32
Technological developments, particularly the field of robotics is currently growing very rapidly seen from the many application of robotics technology based control systems and artificial intelligence in the fields of industry, education, and everyday life. Research and development of various kinds of robots from time to time continue to improve the effectiveness, productivity and employment among various automation robot manipulator such as a robot arm (robotic arm).
This study used a flex sensor that is placed on the glove to detect the position of the finger more easily and simply. Flex sensors have output (output) in the form of resistance that is processed by the microcontroller as data to the servo motors for motion commands in the form of pulses of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation). LCD device / liquid crystal display shows the value of the input data (input) sensor flex. One can directly determine the movement of the robot arm directly corresponding movements of the operator.
Robot hand made tested have tried and succeeded gripping round and square-shaped goods with varying size and weight, such as ping-pong balls and ball kastik respectively 40.5 and 61.5 mm in diameter, 175ml bottles of body fragrances, and phone 128, 7 grams
This International Relation research discusses German support for Ukraine through weapons and military assistance. Apart from that, this research also discusses how the direction of German chancellor Olaf Scholz’ policy, which was initialy pacifist, changed to agreeing to send weapons aid to Ukraine to face of the Russian invasion in 2022 whick was influenced by several factors from internal/domestic and external, for example pressure from the requesting country, Ukraine. The aim of this research is to find out how the process of change in Scholz’s policy, which initially prioritized dialogue, diplomacy, and avoid changing arms battles and agreeing to became the main arms supplier to Ukraine as several domestic and foreign. The method used by the author in this research is an explanatory method based on real case studies that have recently occurred. Apart from that, the author also uses qualitative and quantitative methods, where the sources the author used come from website, online media and several studies that are international in scope. The use of data is also included in this research to support the author in the development of weapons supplies that have entered Ukraine from the other country
Towards greater health coverage in Indonesia:An evaluation of National Health Insurance (JKN) reform and healthcare use and equity
Following the implementation of National Health Insurance (JKN), the ongoing efforts to improve health coverage in Indonesia face several challenges that need to be explored. These challenges include consolidating existing health insurance schemes and introducing self-enrolled schemes to enhance healthcare utilization effectively. Moreover, socioeconomic and geographic disparities persist, hindering equal access to healthcare benefits across different groups and regions. Another critical aspect is assessing the effectiveness of BPJS Kesehatan's performance-based capitation in addressing health quality concerns, particularly in primary care settings. Additionally, understanding the impact of natural disasters, such as the 2015 forest fires, on healthcare utilization is crucial. In this doctoral dissertation, we explore these challenges and their implications. Firstly, we examine the relationship between increasing coverage share and healthcare utilization at the district level, revealing a positive correlation, especially in hospital care. However, concerns about adverse selection with self-enrolled schemes pose financial sustainability risks for JKN. Secondly, we assess healthcare funding distribution under JKN, highlighting significant benefit incidence for wealthier groups and regional variation in hospital unit costs. Thirdly, we analyze the implementation of performance-based financing through the KBK scheme for community health centers (puskesmas). Despite high expectations of the results, our findings indicate limited success in promoting primary care utilization (increasing but not met the target). Lastly, we investigate the impact of the 2015 forest fires on healthcare utilization, focusing on specific respiratory conditions. While limited effects were observed for older individuals, positive impacts were noted for young children seeking care in urban primary healthcare facilities.<br/
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat daya saing ekspor komoditi Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil Jawa Tengah keluar negeri, baik secara komparatif maupun kompetitif. Selain itu, akan dijelaskan strategi-strategi yang diambil oleh pemerintah dan pengusaha terkait dengan upaya meningkatkan daya saing produk Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil Jawa Tengah. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan metode analisis RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage) sebagai pengukuran tingkat daya saing. Sampel yang digunakan adalah data ekspor Jawa Tengah dan data ekspor Indonesia selama periode 2009-2013. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dari Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Jawa Tengah, Badan Pusat Statistik dan studi kepustakaan terkait. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ekspor komoditi Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil Provinsi Jawa Tengah memiliki daya saing yang tinggi. Pada tahun 2009 Jawa Tengah memiliki nilai RCA sebesar 3,99. Nilai tersebut meningkat dalam tiga tahun berikutnya dimana pada tahun 2010 meningkat menjadi 4,70, kemudian 4,86 di tahun 2011, dan kembali meningkat menjadi 5,00 pada tahun 2012. Penurunan nilai RCA terjadi pada tahun 2013 yang hanya mencapai 4,24. Secara keseluruhan nilai RCA produk TPT Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2009-2013 menunjukkan nilai yang positif. Strategi yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan daya saing industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil Jawa Tengah antara lain dengan Deregulasi Ekspor-Impor, Pembentukan situs INATRIMS (Indonesia Technical Regulations Information Management System), dan Pengembangan Klaster Industri. Kata Kunci :Daya Saing, Ekspor Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil, Jawa Tengah, RCA
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite an active sensor offering unique high spatial resolution regardless of weather conditions can operate both day and night time with wide area coverage. Therefore, SAR satellite can be used for monitoring ship on sea surface. This study showed on an alternative method for ship detection of SAR data using Pi-SAR-L2 (L-band, JAXA-Airborne SAR) data. The ship detection method is this study was consisted of eight main stages. After the Pi-SAR data was registered and speckle was filtered, then the land was masked using SRTM-DEM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission-Digital Elevation Model) data since most ship detectors produced false detections when it applied to land areas. A ship sample image was then selected (cropped). The next step was to detect some unique keypoints of ship sample image using Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) detector. The maximum distance (‘MaxDist’) of keypoints was also calculated. The same detector was then applied to whole Pi-SAR imagery to detect all possible keypoints. Then, for each detected keypoint, we calculated distance to other keypoint (‘Dist’). If ‘Dist’ was smaller than ‘MaxDist’, then we marked these two (or more) keypoints as neighboring keypoints. If the number of neighbor keypoints was equal or greater than two, finally we marked these keypoints as ‘Detected Ship’ (draw rectangle and show its geographic position). Results showed that our method can detect successfully 32 ‘possible ships’ from Pi-SAR-L2 data acquired on the area of North Sulawesi, Indonesia (August 8, 2012)
Program PPL diharapkan dapat mendarmabaktikan ilmu akademis mahasiswa di lapangan, selain itu mahasiswa juga dapat belajar dari praktik-praktik di lapangan secara langsung. Sebelum pelaksanaan PPL, penulis berserta teman-teman Tim Kelompok PPL UNY 2016 melakukan observasi terlebih dahulu, dimana pada saat melaksanakan observasi ditemukan beberapa masalah. Berdasarkan hasil observasi maka penulis menentukan program yang berjudul “Optimalisasi Penggunaan Perpustakaan Sekolah Dasar/Sederajat Melalui Pendataan Data Peminjam dan Pengunjung Perpustakaan Sekolah di Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Klaten”. Program Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) dilaksanakan di Kantor Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Klaten di bidang Pendidikan Non Formal (PNF) pada tanggal 15 Juli sampai dengan 15 September 2016.
Tujuan dari program Optimalisasi Penggunaan Perpustakaan Sekolah Dasar/Sederajat Melalui Pendataan Data Peminjam dan Pengunjung Perpustakaan Sekolah di Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Klaten adalah untuk membantu pegawai di bidang PNF mengetahui pemanfaatan perpustakaan sekolah, banyaknya pengunjung dan peminjam buku di perpustakaan, peran perpustakaan sebagai gudang ilmu di sekolah. Selama pelaksanaan program kerja kegiatan ini, penulis dibimbing dan dibantu oleh staf seksi perpustakaan sekolah bidang PNF sehingga dapat terselesaikannya program kerja yang dilaksanakan oleh penulis. Sekolah yang menjadi sasaran pelaksanaan program ini adalah SD BIAS Klaten dan SDIT An-Najah Jatinom Klaten. Pencarian data ke sekolah dilaksanakan tanggal 25-28 Juli 2016. Adapun rangkaian kegiatan yang dilaksanakan penulis terwujud sebagai berikut: Menyusun dan menyiapkan instrumen observasi, Menghubungi pihak sekolah mengenai observasi pendataan perpustakaan melalui telepon, Mendatangi sekolah untuk melakukan observasi di perpustakaan, Mengolah data hasil observasi, Melakukan pengklasifikasian data, Membuat laporan.
Hasil yang diperoleh dari program PPL ini adalah berupa laporan tentang data peminjam dan pengunjung perpustakaan, serta program kerja dan penggunaan perpustakaan. SD BIAS Klaten dan SDIT An-Najah Jatinom Klaten tersebut sudah memanfaatkan penggunaan perpustakaan sesuai dengan tujuan, program kerja dan pengelolaan perpustakaan dari kedua sekolah tersebut sudah sama-sama baik. Meskipun SDIT An-Najah Jatinom lebih baik dari segi fasilitas dan program kerja jika dibandingkan dengan SD BIAS Klaten, namun sekolah tersebut sama-sama memiliki tempat / ruang perpustakaan yang nyaman, lengkap dan baik untuk digunakan para siswa untuk menambah wawasan mereka. Program perpustakaan di SD BIAS Klaten dan SDIT An-Najah Jatinom Klaten sangat baik dan bermanfaat, antara lain pameran buku/April Book Expo di SDIT An-Najah dan program Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di SD BIAS Klaten. Kekurangan yang ada di perpustakaan kedua sekolah tersebut adalah tentang pengelolaan dan pengamanan buku di SD BIAS Klaten, dan tentang penataan koleksi dan pelayanan di SDIT An-Najah Jatinom Klaten
公共政策プログラム / Public Policy Program政策研究大学院大学 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies論文審査委員: 大山 達雄(主査), 諸星 穂積, Roberto Leon-Gonzalez, 土谷 隆, 伏見 正則(東京大学
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