8 research outputs found

    Etude de la germination de cinq provenances de Tamarindusindica L. en conditions de stress hydrique au Sénégal

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    Ce présent travail se propose d’évaluer le comportement germinatif de cinq provenances de tamarinier (Tamarindus indica L.) dans des conditions de stress  hydrique. Six concentrations croissantes 0 ; - 1,4 ; - 2,8 ; - 4,2 ; - 5,6 ; -7 bar de polyéthylène glycol (PEG 6000) ont été testées. Les résultats ont montré une  variabilité de la germination de l’espèce en fonction de l’intensité du stress et de la provenance. Le seuil critique de germination des provenances du tamarinier est  de -7 bar. La provenance Sakkal de la zone sahélienne s’est montrée plus tolérante au stress hydrique avec un taux de germination de 2% en conditions de stress  sévère. Toutefois, ces faibles résultats sont imputables aux conditions de conservation des graines. Ces informations sur l'écologie et la physiologie de la  germination du tamarinier sont vitales, non seulement pour comprendre les variations génétiques des différentes populations de tamarinier au Sénégal, mais aussi pour développer des stratégies pour la conservation de la biodiversité et la restauration des forêts tropicales.Mots clés : Germination, provenances, Tamarindus indica L., stress hydrique, Sénégal

    Comparative radiological features of disseminated disease due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis vs non-tuberculosis mycobacteria among AIDS patients in Brazil

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    Background: Disseminated mycobacterial disease is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with HIV-infection. Nonspecific clinical presentation makes the diagnosis difficult and sometimes neglected. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study to compare the presentation of disseminated Mycobacterial tuberculosis (MTB) and non-tuberculous Mycobacterial (NTM) disease in HIV-positive patients from 1996 to 2006 in Brazil. Results: Tuberculosis (TB) was diagnosed in 65 patients (67.7%) and NTM in 31 (32.3%) patients. Patients with NTM had lower CD4 T cells counts (median 13.0 cells/mm3 versus 42.0 cells/mm3, P = 0.002). Patients with tuberculosis had significantly more positive acid-fast smears (48.0% vs 13.6%, P = 0.01). On chest X-ray, miliary infiltrate was only seen in patients with MTB (28.1% vs. 0.0%, P = 0.01). Pleural effusion was more common in patients with MTB (45.6% vs. 13.0%, P = 0.01). Abdominal adenopathy (73.1% vs. 33.3%, P = 0.003) and splenic hypoechoic nodules (38.5% vs. 0.0%, P = 0.002) were more common in patients with TB. Conclusion: Miliary pulmonary pattern on X-ray, pleural effusion, abdominal adenopathy, and splenic hypoechoic nodules were imaging findings associated with the diagnosis of tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients. Recognition of these imaging features will help to distinguish TB from NTM in AIDS patients with fever of unknown origin due to disseminated mycobacterial disease

    What can global health institutions do to help strengthen health systems in low income countries?

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    Weaknesses in health systems contribute to a failure to improve health outcomes in developing countries, despite increased official development assistance. Changes in the demands on health systems, as well as their scope to respond, mean that the situation is likely to become more problematic in the future. Diverse global initiatives seek to strengthen health systems, but progress will require better coordination between them, use of strategies based on the best available evidence obtained especially from evaluation of large scale programs, and improved global aid architecture that supports these processes. This paper sets out the case for global leadership to support health systems investments and help ensure the synergies between vertical and horizontal programs that are essential for effective functioning of health systems. At national level, it is essential to increase capacity to manage and deliver services, situate interventions firmly within national strategies, ensure effective implementation, and co-ordinate external support with local resources. Health systems performance should be monitored, with clear lines of accountability, and reforms should build on evidence of what works in what circumstances

    Évaluation de la production en fruits de peuplements naturels de Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) dans deux zones climatiques au Sénégal

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    Objectif : Ce travail vise à évaluer la production en fruits et en pulpe de A.digitata afin de mieux connaître ses potentialités dans deux zones climatiques au Sénégal.Méthodologie et résultats : L’évaluation de la production a porté sur 88 et 54 arbres. Les poids des fruits et de la pulpe ont été étudiés par rapport à des descripteurs physiques de l’arbre. Des équations de régression entre ces variables ont été établies. La production moyenne par arbre est 35,5 kg de fruits en zone soudano-sahélienne contre 64,9 kg de fruits en zone soudano guinéenne. La moyenne de 46,7 Kg de fruits par arbre correspond à une production de pulpe de 28,28 kg par arbre. Il existe des régressions significatives entre les paramètres allométriques de l'arbre et les  caractères de productivité.Conclusion et application : L’espèce Adansonia digitata a de grandes potentialités fruitières dans les deux zones climatiques prospectées. A l’issue de ces travaux, il est possible de prédire le potentiel de production d’un baobab à partir des données morphométriques de l’arbre. Les équations de régression établies constituent des outils performants qui peuvent être utilisés par les techniciens forestiers pour évaluer la production des formations naturelles et des parcs agroforestiers, voire la productivité des individus dans le cadre d’une domestication. Ils pourraient également aider les décideurs locaux et les industriels à la prise de décision dans le contexte de la décentralisation et de développementd’entreprises privées. Aussi, la variabilité de la fructification de Adansonia digitata pourra être exploitée par les futurs programmes de sélection et d’amélioration génétique.Mots clés : Sénégal, Adansonia digitata, production, fruits, zone climatique Évaluation of Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) fruit production in SenegalObjective: This work aims to evaluate the fruit and pulp production of A.digitata in order to know its potential in two climate zones in Senegal.Methodology and results: The evaluation of the production covered 88 and 54 trees. The fruit and pulp weight were studied compared with tree physical descriptors. Regression equations between these variables were established. The average production per tree is 35.5 kg of fruit In the Sudano-Sahelian zone against 64.9 kg of fruit in Sudano guinean zone. The average of 46.7 kg of fruit per tree corresponds to a pulp production of 28.28 kg per tree. There are significant regressions between the Allometric parameters of the tree and productivity traits.Conclusion and application: Adansonia digitata species has a great potential fruit in two climatic zones surveyed. Through this work, it is possible to predict the production potential of a baobab from morphometric data of the tree. The regression equations developed are powerful tools that can be used by foresters to evaluate the production of natural formations and parklands and in addition the productivity of individuals in a domestication context. They also could help local makers and industrialsin the decision-making in the decentralization and private enterprises development contexts. In addition, the Adansonia digitata fruiting variability can be exploited by the future breeding programs and genetic improvement.Key words: Sénégal, Adansonia digitata, production, fruits, climatic zon

    Spirit of Religion

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    The Health Systems Agenda: Prospects for the Diagonal Approach

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    The recent attention to health systems has reignited the debate on some of the dichotomies that have persisted for decades in the global health field: prevention versus treatment, primary versus specialized care, vertical versus horizontal strategies, and social determinants of health versus health services. This chapter provides a conceptual basis to advance the understanding of health systems. It helps settle the disputes between vertical and horizontal approaches in order to improve health through the construction of a “diagonal” perspective. The chapter talks about health systems, and revisits the debate around vertical and horizontal approaches to healthcare. It discusses the main features of the diagonal approach and exemplifies the use of this approach by addressing the issue of child mortality in Mexico. The chapter concludes with a brief reflection of the strengths and potential limits of the diagonal perspective