757 research outputs found

    Correlation of Patient Symptoms With Labral and Articular Cartilage Damage in Femoroacetabular Impingement.

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    BackgroundFemoroacetabular impingement (FAI) can lead to labral and articular cartilage injuries as well as early osteoarthritis of the hip. Currently, the association of patient symptoms with the progression of labral and articular cartilage injuries due to FAI is poorly understood.PurposeTo evaluate the correlation between patient-reported outcome (PRO) scores and cartilage compositional changes seen on quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as well as cartilage and labral damage seen during arthroscopic surgery in patients with FAI.Study designCohort study; Level of evidence, 3.MethodsPatients were prospectively enrolled before hip arthroscopic surgery for symptomatic FAI. Patients were included if they had cam-type FAI without radiographic arthritis. All patients completed PRO scores, including the Hip disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (HOOS) and a visual analog scale for pain. MRI with mapping sequences (T1ρ and T2) on both the acetabular and femoral regions was performed before surgery to quantitatively assess the cartilage composition. During arthroscopic surgery, cartilage and labral injury grades were recorded using the Beck classification. Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients were then obtained to evaluate the association between chondrolabral changes and PRO scores.ResultsA total of 46 patients (46 hips) were included for analysis (mean age, 35.5 years; mean body mass index [BMI], 23.9 kg/m2; 59% male). Increasing BMI was correlated with a more severe acetabular cartilage grade (ρ = 0.37; 95% CI, 0.08-0.65). A greater alpha angle was correlated with an increased labral tear grade (ρ = 0.59; 95% CI, 0.37-0.82) and acetabular cartilage injuries (ρ = 0.61; 95% CI, 0.42-0.80). With respect to PRO scores, increasing femoral cartilage damage in the anterosuperior femoral head region, as measured on quantitative MRI using T1ρ and T2 mapping, correlated with lower (worse) scores on the HOOS Activities of Daily Living (r = 0.35; 95% CI, 0.06-0.64), Symptoms (r = 0.32; 95% CI, 0.06-0.57), and Pain (r = 0.31; 95% CI, 0.06-0.55) subscales. There was no correlation between PRO scores and acetabular cartilage damage or labral tearing found on quantitative MRI or during arthroscopic surgery.ConclusionFemoral cartilage damage, as measured on T1ρ and T2 mapping, appears to have a greater correlation with clinical symptoms than acetabular cartilage damage or labral tears in patients with symptomatic FAI

    Удосконалення структури підприємства і системи управління щодо реалізації стратегії розвитку

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    Обґрунтовано два підходи до взаємозв’язків виробничо-економічних функцій підприємства, маркетингових досліджень і реалізації вироблюваної продукції в розрізі прогнозного проекту стратегічного розвитку. Сформульовано три підходи маркетингової трансформації процесів управління прогнозами стратегічного розвитку на основі реалізації продукції, що випускається. Доведено, що синхронизатором багатьох індивідуальних конфліктів стає концентрація зусиль щодо переміщення центру уваги із виробництва, де він до цього часу знаходився, у сферу маркетингу і фінансів, що дозволяє уникнути економічної кризової ситуації.Обоснованы два подхода к взаимосвязям производственно-экономических функций предприятия, маркетинговых исследований и реализации выпускаемой продукции в разрезе прогнозного проекта стратегического развития. Сформулированы три подхода маркетинговой трансформации процессов управления прогнозами стратегического развития на основе реализации выпускаемой продукции. Доказано, что синхронизатором многих индивидуальных конфликтов становится концентрация усилий по перемещению центра внимания с производства, где он до этого времени находился, в сферу маркетинга и финансов, что позволяет избежать экономической кризисной ситуации.Two approaches are justified interdependence of production and economic functions of the enterprise, market research and sales of products in the context of the forecast project development strategies. Disclosed three approaches marketing transformation processes management outlook strategic development through the implementation of our products. Proved that the synchronizer effort of moving the center of attention of industry where he was before that time, the scope of marketing and finance, avoiding economic crisis

    Exercise-Induced Hypoglycemic Hemiplegia in a Child with Type 1 Diabetes: A Rare Find with Multiple Potential Causative Mechanisms

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    A 10-year-old boy known to have type 1 diabetes presented to the emergency department with history of sudden onset of right-sided hemiplegia after exercise. He did not respond to oral glucose administration, but had an almost immediate resolution of symptoms with intravenous bolus of dextrose. Hemiplegic hypoglycemia is a rare complication in diabetic children, mostly affects the right side of the body, and is rarely recurrent. Children have normal brain imaging and angiography testing, and electroencephalogram may show slow-wave activity. The recovery takes place within 24 hours, and the prognosis is excellent with no focal neurological deficits noted. Our patient responded within minutes to intravenous dextrose, which is unusual and has not been reported previously. The mechanisms leading to development of hypoglycemic hemiplegia are unclear, but may involve effects of hypoglycemia on intracellular signaling pathways or molecules on motor neurons, as recent studies have shown normal brain cell glucose uptake and metabolism in hypoglycemia. While hypoglycemic hemiplegia is rare, it is a frightening experience to caregivers, and efforts should concentrate on its prevention by preventing hypoglycemia

    Pollination and serological studies on Egyptian grapes

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    White Roumi grape (Vitis vinifera L.) produces low yield when planted alone. Both pollination and serological tests indicated that this problem appears to be due to the presence of partial self-incompa·tibility in its flowers. Cross-pollination is necessary in White Roumi vineyards in order to obtain abundant yields and to improve berry quality.Different degrees of cross-compatibility were found between White Roumi flowers and four grape pollina.tors. Evaluating these pollinators indicated that Red Roumi and Thompson Seedless pollen gave the highest berry set and fruiting. BezEl-N akah resulted in early ripening berries possessing the largest weight and size. Ghariby proved to be an unsuitable pollinator of White Roumi flowers. It decreased  berry-set percentage and fruiting and increased percentage qf preharvest berry drop. Moreover, the berries were of poor quality.Bestäubungsversuche und serologische Untersuchungen an ägyptischen RebenDie Rebsorte White Roumi (Vitis vinifera L.) bringt allein gepflanzt nur niedrige Traubenerträge. Sowohl Bestäubungsexperimente als auch die serologische Prüfung zeigten, daß es sich hierbei um eine partielle Selbstinkompatibilität handeln dürfte. In Rebanlagen mit White Roumi ist Fremdbestäubung erforderlich, um reichliche Ernten zu erzielen und die Beerenqualität zu verbessern.Zwischen den Blüten von White Roumi und vier Pollenspendern wurden unterschiedliche Grade der Fremdverträglichkeit festgestellt. Bei Bestäubung mit Pollen von Red Roumi und Thompson Seedless waren der Beerenansatz und Fruchtertrag am höchsten. Pollen von Bez-El-Nakah hatte eine frühe Beerenreife zur Folge; die Beeren dieser Kreuzung waren am schwersten und größten. Die Sorte Ghariby erwies sich als ungeeigneter Pollenspender für die White-Roumi-Blüten; der Beerenansatz und Traubenertrag waren vermindert und der Anteil der vor der Ernte abgefallenen Beeren erhöht. Überdies waren die Beeren von geringer Qualität


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    This study aimed to investigate the attitude of three nematode and phylloxera resistant grape rootstocks (Freedom, Ramsey and SO4) through the micropropagation stages till be micrografted by Superior scions. During that the effect of paclobutrazol (PP333) on rootstocks stem diameter, transverse sections in graft union regions and acclimatization of resulted micrografts were studied. The results proved that the most effective sterilization durations using 1% NaOCl were 15 min for Freedom and SO4 explants as they achieved 0.00 and 0.00%of  contamination and 100% and 90% of survival percentages respectively, while 10 min duration was sufficient for Ramsey explants as it achieved 0.00 % contamination and 100% survival percentages. Significantly, Ramsey achieved the highest number of shoots (1.25), Freedom gave the tallest shoots (4.13 cm)and SO4 got the highest leaf number (7.33) all on MS medium. In multiplication stage; Freedom rootstock proved to be the most reacted rootstock as it significantly accomplished the highest shoot number (2.00) when planted on BA medium, the tallest shoots (3.54 cm) when planted on TDZ medium and the highest leaf number on Kin medium. Whereas, in order to get thicker shoots for easier grafting; using of PP333 at 5 mgl-1 significantly was the best for Freedom (3.55 mm) followed by SO4 (3.03 mm) and Ramsey (2.85 mm) rootstocks. In micrografting stage, Superior micrografts significantly achieved the best results on rooted Freedom rootstocksin scion survival (100.00%) and on un rooted rootstocks in scion bud burst (75.00 %), graft union formation (50.00%), rooting (75.00%). On the same trend, Freedom rootstock was more active in cell dividing activity when grafted by Superior cultivar compared to Ramsey and SO4 rootstocks which were very poor in producing callus cells in graft union. Finally, Freedom rootstock grafted with Superior gained the highest survival (100%) after acclimatization

    Capacity Value of Wind Power

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    Power systems are planned such that they have adequate generation capacity to meet the load, according to a defined reliability target. The increase in the penetration of wind generation in recent years has led to a number of challenges for the planning and operation of power systems. A key metric for generation system adequacy is the capacity value of generation. The capacity value of a generator is the contribution that a given generator makes to generation system adequacy. The variable and stochastic nature of wind sets it apart from conventional energy sources. As a result, the modeling of wind generation in the same manner as conventional generation for capacity value calculations is inappropriate. In this paper a preferred method for calculation of the capacity value of wind is described and a discussion of the pertinent issues surrounding it is given. Approximate methods for the calculation are also described with their limitations highlighted. The outcome of recent wind capacity value analyses in Europe and North America, along with some new analysis, are highlighted with a discussion of relevant issues also given

    High intensity interval training improves liver and adipose tissue insulin sensitivity

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    Objective: Endurance exercise training reduces insulin resistance, adipose tissue inflammation and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), an effect often associated with modest weight loss. Recent studies have indicated that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) lowers blood glucose in individuals with type 2 diabetes independently of weight loss; however, the organs affected and mechanisms mediating the glucose lowering effects are not known. Intense exercise increases phosphorylation and inhibition of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) by AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in muscle, adipose tissue and liver. AMPK and ACC are key enzymes regulating fatty acid metabolism, liver fat content, adipose tissue inflammation and insulin sensitivity but the importance of this pathway in regulating insulin sensitivity with HIIT is unknown. Methods: In the current study, the effects of 6 weeks of HIIT were examined using obese mice with serine–alanine knock-in mutations on the AMPK phosphorylation sites of ACC1 and ACC2 (AccDKI) or wild-type (WT) controls. Results: HIIT lowered blood glucose and increased exercise capacity, food intake, basal activity levels, carbohydrate oxidation and liver and adipose tissue insulin sensitivity in HFD-fed WT and AccDKI mice. These changes occurred independently of weight loss or reductions in adiposity, inflammation and liver lipid content. Conclusions: These data indicate that HIIT lowers blood glucose levels by improving adipose and liver insulin sensitivity independently of changes in adiposity, adipose tissue inflammation, liver lipid content or AMPK phosphorylation of ACC


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    Two famous Citrus rootstocks sour orange (C. aurantium.) and volkamer lemon (C. volkamariana.) were tested as interstocks at the stage of transplant production to investigate their mutual effects on the scion growth characteristics, mineral content, carbohydrates, total indols and phenols from side; and rootstock growth traits. nitrogen content, carbohydrates, indols and phenols from the other side. Also the results indicated that Navel orange budded on C. volkamariana grafted on C. volkamariana achieved significantly the highest scion height, root length, leaf number. The highest content of N, P, K, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn and total phenols in scion stem. Moreover, the mentioned treatment gained the highest significant carbohydrates in roots