508 research outputs found

    A quality of experience evaluation method for an UAV first person view system

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) communication systems are an increasingly widespread and emerging technology due to their flexibility, low cost and usability properties. Hence, the demand for Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) cases that require large data transmission and low latency in cellular networks are increasingly. In this work, the assembly, integration and networking of a UAV quadrotor for First Person View (FPV) system connected by LTE is presented. Different configurations of the link between the UAV and the Ground Control Station (GCS) are proposed, such as connection by LTE cloud-based server, direct LTE connection and direct WiFi connection. With these configurations, experiments are carried out to characterise the network metrics that model this service according to the telemetry, control and video traffic. The main contribution is the definition of a closed mathematical expression provided to define the Quality of Experience (QoE) for FPV use cases considering the video quality in terms of Video Multimethod Assessment Fusion (VMAF), network latency and video resolution as inputs. This expression will be applied to lab experiments taking into account link performance, in which network changes based in packet loss and latency alterations will be introduced to measure the QoE of the UAV system.Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Docencia y salud mental ¿es contaminante la tarea del profesor? Una propuesta

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    La tarea de enseñar es un trabajo tóxico para la salud mental de los profesores, y se debe, entre otros motivos, a las relaciones interpersonales y al uso que hacen de su propia libertad los alumnos. Se plantea la necesidad de ayudar a los profesores y conservar su calidad de vida

    Interaction effects of fermentation time and sourdough content on the size and acidity in bread

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    The use of sourdough to provide certain physical, organoleptic and nutritional properties to bread is one of the most used biotechnological processes in the production of cereal-based foods. Sourdough, yeast and fermentation time are elements that provide rising to the bread, in addition to aroma, flavour and nutritional properties. The time of fermentation of the dough before baking and the portion of sourdough added in the dough pieces are decisive on the acids formation by microbiological action, and thus, the properties of the bread. The physical aspect is also an important factor in the final product, and it can be widely affected according to the percentage of sourdough used and the fermentation time prior to baking. This is due to the variation in the rheological properties of the dough and possibly to the competition existing in the microbiota development. In this work, the interaction effects of fermentation time and sourdough content on the size and acidity in bread are assessed. For this purpose, bread samples were prepared with a fixed amount of yeast and 0, 20 and 50% sourdough portions. Afterwards, they were allowed to ferment periods of 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 and 360 minutes before being baked. The results obtained are reported in the present work.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Medida y análisis del tráfico para el control inmersivo de Drones.

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    Los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV) han experimentado un creciente desarrollo como factores clave de nuevas aplicaciones en la actualidad, como los servicios vigilancia, control y rescate, la agricultura, la gestión de catástrofes o incluso en actividades de ocio. Este artículo aborda la conexión del dron por LTE para las aplicaciones de visión en primera persona (FPV), para las que se necesita una comunicación de baja latencia para lograr una calidad de servicio (QoS) adecuada. En primer lugar, se ha detallado el sistema del dron y la plataforma de control considerada para realizar las pruebas. Tras ello, se muestra un estudio comparativo de las métricas de rendimiento de la red de tamaño de los paquetes, el tiempo entre ellos y la tasa binaria para el sistema con una configuración de conexión LTE por medio de un servidor en la nube, con respecto a un enlace punto a punto. Además, se presenta gráficamente los resultados de latencia de la red en los diferentes enlaces de comunicación, obteniendo mejores prestaciones con enlaces punto a punto.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Identification of stress associated microRNAs in Solanum lycopersicum by high-throughput Sequencing

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is one of the most important crops around the world and also a model plant to study response to stress. High-throughput sequencing was used to analyse the microRNA (miRNA) profile of tomato plants undergoing five biotic and abiotic stress conditions (drought, heat, P. syringae infection, B. cinerea infection, and herbivore insect attack with Leptinotarsa decemlineata larvae) and one chemical treatment with a plant defence inducer, hexanoic acid. We identified 104 conserved miRNAs belonging to 37 families and we predicted 61 novel tomato miRNAs. Among those 165 miRNAs, 41 were stress-responsive. Reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) was used to validate high-throughput expression analysis data, confirming the expression profiles of 10 out of 11 randomly selected miRNAs. Most of the differentially expressed miRNAs were stress-specific, except for sly-miR167c-3p upregulated in B. cinerea and P. syringae infection, sly-newmiR26-3p upregulated in drought and Hx treatment samples, and sly-newmiR33-3p, sly-newmiR6-3p and sly-newmiR8-3p differentially expressed both in biotic and abiotic stresses. From mature miRNAs sequences of the 41 stress-responsive miRNAs 279 targets were predicted. An inverse correlation between the expression profiles of 4 selected miRNAs (sly-miR171a, sly-miR172c, sly-newmiR22-3p and sly-miR167c-3p) and their target genes (Kinesin, PPR, GRAS40, ABC transporter, GDP and RLP1) was confirmed by RT-qPCR. Altogether, our analysis of miRNAs in different biotic and abiotic stress conditions highlight the interest to understand the functional role of miRNAs in tomato stress response as well as their putative targets which could help to elucidate plants molecular and physiological adaptation to stress

    Red de coordinación de contenidos de la asignatura Proyecto de Ejecución de quinto curso de Grado en Arquitectura

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    El interés de la investigación se centra en coordinar los contenidos de la asignatura del último curso de grado en Arquitectura como continuidad de la Red 3020 realizada el curso pasado. Esta asignatura aglutina en un proyecto de ejecución todo el conocimiento adquirido. El estudio de la asignatura del primer semestre de 5º servirá para encontrar problemas y ubicar soluciones en los cursos anteriores para optimizar la docencia y analizar los contenidos de toda el área de Construcción. Se pretende el estudio crítico de la planificación de tareas y criterios que se han llevado a cabo para mejorar de cara al curso siguiente. Al ser la primera vez que se ha implantado 5º en Grado de Arquitectura se han presentado muchas novedades en los protocolos de docencia de esta asignatura. En algunas clases hemos llegado a tener a seis críticos invitados junto a los 4 docentes para un total de 90 alumnos. Cada equipo de 4 alumnos recibía tres correcciones en un mismo día. Cada semana se han pasado encuestas a los estudiantes y se ha hecho un seguimiento pormenorizado de todo. El estudio de la coordinación realizada permite hacer una valoración y proponer mejoras para el curso que viene


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    El fruto del chile (Capsicum spp) es uno de los productos agrícolas alimenticios más populares que existe en el mundo. Posee diversos usos y formas que han sido utilizados desde tiempos muy remotos. Por su nivel de consumo el fruto del chile figura como uno de las Solanáceas más importantes. Un interés creciente ha resurgido en estudiar sus propiedades químico-alimenticias, ya que contiene grandes cantidades de compuestos antioxidantes de gran importancia en la prevención de enfermedades crónicas y degenerativas. Entre estos compuestos se encuentran los carotenoides, el ácido ascórbico y los capsaicinoides. Sin embargo, la cantidad de estos compuestos, varía notablemente entre especies de Capsicum e incluso entre variedades. La edad del fruto a la cosecha, el ambiente de desarrollo de la planta, manejo agronómico y vida post-cosecha, son algunos de los factores que influyen en los contenidos y concentraciones de estos compuestos en el fruto del chile. La presente revisión se realizó con el objetivo de explorar aspectos importantes sobre la biosíntesis, acumulación y efecto del ambiente sobre los contenidos de compuestos antioxidantes en frutos del cultivo de chile. ABSTRACT The pepper fruit (Capsicum spp.) is one of the most popular nutritional agricultural products in the world. It has a diversity of uses and presentations since remote times. Due to its consumption level, the pepper fruit appears like one of the most important member of the Solanaceae family. The high amount of antioxidant compounds present resulted in a recent resurging interest in studying its nutritional and chemical properties for the prevention of chronic and degenerative diseases. These compounds include carotenoids, ascorbic acid and capsaicinoids. However, the amount of these compounds is remarkably variable among Capsicum species and even between varieties. The fruit age at harvest time, environmental conditions during the plant growth, agronomic management and post-harvest handling, are some of the factors that infl uence contents and concentrations of these compounds in pepper fruit. This review aims on exploring important aspects of the biosynthesis, accumulation and environment eff ect on contents of antioxidant compounds in pepper fruit

    Perfil sanguíneo y análisis de la seroprevalencia de Leptospira interrogans en zorra gris (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) y coyote (Canis latrans) en dos zonas suburbanas de la ciudad de Querétaro

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    En 2010 se publicó un estudio sobre la presencia de diversas serovariedades de Leptospira interrogans en individuos de coyote y zorra gris en una área natural protegida situada al sur de la ciudad de Querétaro en México, en donde se daba a conocer la alta prevalencia de distintas serovariedades de L. interrogans en cánidos silvestres en Querétaro, México. El presente estudio se llevó a cabo para actualizar los valores de infección de L. interrogans presente en las poblaciones de cánidos silvestres en Querétaro, incluyendo la localidad de muestreo original de 2010, el Parque Nacional El Cimatario. Se capturaron nueve cánidos silvestres en dos localidades que cuentan con un plan de manejo orientado hacia su conservación, el Parque Nacional El Cimatario y la Reserva Comunitaria Zibatá. Ninguna de las muestras de los cánidos presentó valores positivos a las diferentes serovariedades de L. interrogans. A su vez, los valores de hemograma y perfil bioquímico de todos los cánidos se mantuvieron dentro de los intervalos de referencia; sin embargo se encontraron diferencias en los valores VGM, CMGH, neutrófilos segmentados y no segmentados, monocitos, aspartato aminotransferasa y urea de algunos cánidos. Se descartó la posibilidad de que dichos hallazgos estuvieran relacionados con enfermedad causada por el agente de interés debido a las peculiaridades del proceso de captura y contención de fauna silvestre

    Is ultra-violet radiation the main force shaping molecular evolution of varicella-zoster virus?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Varicella (chickenpox) exhibits a characteristic epidemiological pattern which is associated with climate. In general, primary infections in tropical regions are comparatively less frequent among children than in temperate regions. This peculiarity regarding varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infection among certain age groups in tropical regions results in increased susceptibility during adulthood in these regions. Moreover, this disease shows a cyclic behavior in which the number of cases increases significantly during winter and spring. This observation further supports the participation of environmental factors in global epidemiology of chickenpox. However, the underlying mechanisms responsible for this distinctive disease behavior are not understood completely. In a recent publication, Philip S. Rice has put forward an interesting hypothesis suggesting that ultra-violet (UV) radiation is the major environmental factor driving the molecular evolution of VZV.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>While we welcomed the attempt to explain the mechanisms controlling VZV transmission and distribution, we argue that Rice's hypothesis takes lightly the circulation of the so called "temperate VZV genotypes" in tropical regions and, to certain degree, overlooks the predominance of such lineages in certain non-temperate areas. Here, we further discuss and present new information about the overwhelming dominance of temperate VZV genotypes in Mexico regardless of geographical location and climate.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>UV radiation does not satisfactorily explain the distribution of VZV genotypes in different tropical and temperate regions of Mexico. Additionally, the cyclic behavior of varicella does not shown significant differences between regions with different climates in the country. More studies should be conducted to identify the factors directly involved in viral spreading. A better understanding of the modes of transmissions exploited by VZV and their effect on viral fitness is likely to facilitate the implementation of preventive measures for disease control.</p

    High Resolution Esophageal Manometry in Patients with Chagas Disease : A Cross-Sectional Evaluation

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    Gastrointestinal involvement affects 30-40% of the patients with chronic Chagas disease. Esophageal symptoms appear once the structural damage is established. Little is known about the usefulness of high resolution manometry to early identification of esophageal involvement. We performed a cross-sectional study at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital (Barcelona, Spain) between May 2011 and April 2012. Consecutive patients diagnosed with Chagas disease in the chronic phase were offered to participate. All patients underwent a structured questionnaire about digestive symptoms, a barium esophagogram (Rezende classification) and an esophageal high resolution manometry (HRM). A control group of patients with heartburn who underwent an esophageal HRM in our hospital was selected. 62 out of 73 patients that were included in the study fulfilled the study protocol. The median age of the Chagas disease group (CG) was 37 (IQR 32-45) years, and 42 (67.7%) patients were female. Twenty-seven (43.5%) patients had esophageal symptoms, heartburn being the most frequent. Esophagogram was abnormal in 5 (8.77%). The esophageal HRM in the CG showed a pathological motility pattern in 14 patients (22.6%). All of them had minor disorders of the peristalsis (13 with ineffective esophageal motility and 1 with fragmented peristalsis). Hypotonic lower esophageal sphincter was found more frequently in the CG than in the control group (21% vs 3.3%; p<0.01). Upper esophageal sphincter was hypertonic in 22 (35.5%) and hypotonic in 1 patient. When comparing specific manometric parameters or patterns in the CG according to the presence of symptoms or esophagogram no statistically significant association were seen, except for distal latency. The esophageal involvement measured by HRM in patients with chronic Chagas disease in our cohort is 22.6%. All the patients with esophageal alterations had minor disorders of the peristalsis. Symptoms and esophagogram results did not correlate with the HRM results. Chagas disease is a parasitic disease mainly transmitted to humans by blood-sucking insects. The disease was endemic in Latin America, but it is now a global disease due to migratory movements. The disease can affect the heart and the digestive system (mainly esophagus and colon). Classically, esophageal assessment in Chagas disease is performed by X-ray and self-reported symptoms. However, they lack accuracy and detect only advanced stage of the disease. Recently, new tools, such as esophageal high resolution manometry, provide more detailed information about the motility disorders of the esophagus. We assessed the esophageal involvement in patients with Chagas disease by means of high resolution manometry and compared the findings with the X-ray and self-reported symptoms. We found a low rate of mild severity motility disorders. We did not find an association between X-ray assessment and symptoms with the high resolution manometry findings. The assessment of esophageal involvement in patients with Chagas disease may benefit from early diagnosis by high resolution manometry, although more research is needed