2,879 research outputs found

    Mesura de la difusió intraocular estimant zones excèntriques de les imatges de doble-pas

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    L’avaluació de la qualitat òptica ocular és una eina útil que proporciona informació objectiva de la visió. Gràcies als nous avenços tecnològics, la tècnica de doble pas pot enregistrar en un entorn clínic la imatge retinal i fer-ne el seu anàlisi, proporcionant informació de les aberracions i la difusió intraocular. En aquest treball s’utilitza un sistema experimental basat en aquesta tècnica amb una càmera d’alta sensibilitat, per avaluar el grau de difusió d’ulls sans i amb diferent grau de cataracta. Per disminuir la influència de les aberracions sobre la difusió, s’estudia un nou paràmetre anomenat PSI (Peripheral Scatter Index) que utilitza regions més allunyades del centre de la imatge en comparació a les que s’usen actualment en el sistema comercial OQASTM (Optical Quality Analysis System) per al càlcul de l’OSI (Objective Scatter Index) (de 12’ a 20’). Els resultats assenyalen que l’OSI proporciona una bona informació de la difusió, tot i que el PSI permetria una millor quantificació de la mateixa, sobretot en ulls que en mostren amb elevada quantitat. Les dades mostren que les excentricitats on millor es valora la difusió es localitzen en zones diferents en cada individu, tot i que de forma genèrica la millor zona estaria entre 60’ i 124’.La evaluación de la calidad óptica ocular es una herramienta útil que proporciona información objetiva de la visión. Gracias a los nuevos avances tecnológicos, la técnica de doble paso permite registrar en un entorno clínico la imagen retiniana y hacer su análisis, proporcionando información de las aberraciones y la difusión intraocular. En éste trabajo se utiliza un sistema experimental basado en ésta técnica con una cámara de alta sensibilidad con el fin de evaluar el grado de difusión en ojos sanos y con diferente grado de catarata. Para disminuir la influencia de las aberraciones sobre la difusión, se estudia un nuevo parámetro denominado PSI (Pheripheral Scatter Index) que utiliza regiones más lejanas del centro de la imagen en comparación a las que se usan actualmente en el sistema comercial OQASTM (Optical Quality Analysis System) para el cálculo del OSI (Objective Scatter Index) (de 12’ a 20’). Los resultados señalan que el OSI proporciona una buena información de la difusión pero que el PSI permite una mejor cuantificación de la misma, sobretodo en ojos con alto grado de difusión. Los datos muestran que las excentricidades donde se valora mejor la difusión se localizan en zonas diferentes según el paciente, aunque de forma genérica la mejor zona se encuentra entre 60’ i 124’.The assessment of the optical quality is a useful tool that provides objective information of vision. By means of the double pass technique, it is now possible to record the double pass image and its posterior analysis in a clinical environment, which brings information about aberrations and intraocular scattering. In this work, we used an experimental double pass system which includes a high sensitivity refrigerated camera in order to evaluate the intraocular scattering from an assembly of patients with healthy eyes and with different grades of nuclear cataracts. A new index called PSI (Peripheral Scatter Index) was studied, which takes into account information about outer areas of the retinal image in comparison with those used by the OSI (Objective Scatter Index) given by the commercial instrument OQASTM (Optical Quality Analysis System) (from 12’ to 20’), in order to decrease the impact of aberrations. The results reveal that OSI gives good information about scattering, although outer regions of the retinal image could provide additional information for improving the assessment of intraocular scattered light, mainly in eyes with high level of diffusion. On the other hand, even though each patient exhibits a specific region for the optimal evaluation of the scattering, the zone comprised between 60 and 124 minutes of arc seems to be suitable for its assessment

    Some nonlinear mechanical problems solved with analytical solutions

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    In this paper the analytical solution of nonlinear ordinary differential systems is addressed. Some of the problems are classical in the related literature and exhibit chaotic behavior in certain ranges of the involved parameters despite being simple-looking deterministic systems. The solutions are approached by means of the old technique of power series to solve ordinary differential equations. The independent variable is time in all the illustrations and elementary recurrence algorithms are obtained. This is an alternative to the standard numerical techniques and ensures the theoretical exactness of the response. Several examples are included and trajectories diagrams, phase plots, etc. are shown. The desired numerical precision is attained using time steps several times larger than the usual ones. The availability of an analytical solution may be an additional tool within a standard qualitative analysis. The solution of higher order problems and governed by partial differential equations is under study.Fil: Filipich, Carlos Pedro. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional; ArgentinaFil: Rosales, Marta Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Unidad de Direccion; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería. Área Estabilidad; ArgentinaFil: Buezas, Fernando Salvador. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Unidad de Direccion; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Física; Argentin

    Use of the terms "Wellbeing" and "Quality of Life" in health sciences: A conceptual framework

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    Background and Objectives: The assessment of wellbeing is a top priority in health sciences. The aim of this paper is to review the history of the concept of wellbeing and “Quality of Life” (QoL), and to understand the theories and assumptions that guided this field in order to provide a conceptual framework that may eventually facilitate the development of a formal synset (grouping of synonyms and semantically similar terms) of health-related wellbeing Methods: The history of the concept of wellbeing and QoL was reviewed in order to provide a conceptual framework. Results: Huge differences exist on the definition of “Wellbeing” and its relationship with QoL, “Happiness” and “Functioning” in the health context. From a dimensional perspective, health related wellbeing could be regarded as an overarching construct characterised by asymmetrical polarity, where “wellbeing” embeds the concept of “ill-being” as “health” incorporates de concept of “disease”. Conclusions: A common conceptual framework of these terms may eventually facilitate the development of a formal synset of health-related wellbeing. This terminological clarification should be part of a new taxonomy of health-related wellbeing based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework that may facilitate knowledge transfer across different sectors and semantic interoperability for care management and planningThe research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement numbers 223071 (COURAGE in Europe) and 282586 (ROAMER), from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FIS research grant number PS09/00295, and from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation ACI-Promociona (ACI2009-1010 and ACI- 2011-1080). The study was supported by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental (CIBERSAM), Instituto de Salud Carlos II

    Institutional pressures, monopolistic conditions and the implementation of early cost management practices : the case of the Royal Tobacco factory of Seville (1820–1887)

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    In spite of our increasing understanding of the underpinnings of early cost management systems, little is still known about the reasons for the implementation of such systems in firms operating under monopolistic conditions. This article studies the enforcement by law of cost and budgeting systems in the Royal Tobacco Factory of Seville (Spain), a manufactory of the state-owned monopoly. By doing this, we seek both to enhance understanding of the state's motivation to enact institutional pressures aiming at the implementation of early cost management practices as well as to study different organizational responses to simultaneous pressures arising from a single institutional source. It is suggested that the state's motivation to legally enforce the implementation of early cost and budgeting systems may be attributed to (a) the seeking of legitimacy by the state regulatory body, (b) the active agency of senior employees of the state regulatory body to keep their jobs and compensation packages on the eve of the privatization of the industry, and (c) the interest of the regulatory agency to instil the basis of mimetic isomorphism within the monopoly. Different responses by the RTF to pressures for reporting cost and budgeting information were explained by (a) the expected diffusion of firm's non-conformity within the institutional area, (b) the expected impact of institutional rules and norms on organizational goals, and (c) the extent to which the institutional source is consistent in its demands.Publicad

    Hediste diversicolor como um modelo biológico para o estudo dos efeitos de nanoplásticos

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    Plastics became ubiquitous in marine environments and have been considered emerging contaminants of concern. Oceans and coastal environments concentrate plastic debris, which ultimately can sediment due to factors like biofouling processes. Nonetheless, only a limited number of studies have focused on invertebrates and nanoplastics (defined as particles of sizes smaller than 100 nm). Polychaetas are important benthic species that influence the biogeochemical cycle of nutrients and the availability of contaminants. They are key species in estuarine ecosystems, usually living in the sediments and being exposed to the contaminants present in the sediments and in the pore water. Considering the need for more information on the potential environmental consequences of nanoplastics and sensitivity and ecological relevance of Hediste diversicolor, this dissertation aimed to study the effects of nanoplastics on this species. Thus, the first task of this dissertation included a review of the literature focusing on the effects of pharmaceutical drugs, nanoparticles and plastics in H. diversicolor. After the literature review, the behavior and distribution of polystyrene nanoplastics (100 nm) (PS NPs) in seawater were assessed, as well as the effects on behavior, biochemical endpoints and regenerative capacity of the polychaeta H. diversicolor. Overall, the results demonstrated that PS NPs tended to aggregate/agglomerate and sediment in seawater making them more available to benthic organisms. H. diversicolor, exposed to PS NPs for 28 days via water, presented altered burrowing activity and biochemical endpoints, like cholinesterase (ChE) activity, mainly at lowest concentrations tested (0.005-0.5 mg/L). The detected alterations in behavior may have ecological consequences affecting nutrient cycling as well as have an impact on intra-sediment fauna. Oxidative damage like protein carbonylation was observed, demonstrating a higher sensitivity to PS NPs contamination than lipid peroxidation (LPO). Exposure to PS NPs also demonstrated that these particles compromise the regenerative capacity of H. diversicolor, mainly at higher concentrations (0.05-5 mg/L), where organisms regenerated less than control (between 23.8 and 28.9%). This effect may have impacts on population maintenance, since Organisms may prioritize regeneration over reproduction. Overall, the data obtained in this dissertation demonstrates that NPs may have a considerable impact on benthic organisms, emphasizing the need of further studies aiming to assess the potential effects and mechanisms of action of these particles in organisms at the base of food webs. The consequences of the presence of NPs may be considerably higher considering that these particles have been demonstrated to play a “trojan horse” effect promoting the incorporation of other environmental pollutants.Os plásticos tornaram-se ubíquos em ambientes marinhos e são considerados um dos mais preocupantes contaminantes emergentes atualmente. Os oceanos e ecossistemas costeiros concentram detritos plásticos, que em última instância sedimentam devido a processos de biofouling. No entanto, apenas um número restrito de estudos se debruçaram sobre os efeitos de nanoplásticos (definidos como partículas com tamanho inferiores a 100 nm) em invertebrados marinhos. Os poliquetas são importantes espécies bentónicas que influenciam o ciclo biogeoquímico de nutrientes e a disponibilidade de contaminantes. Estes organismos são espécies-chave em ecossistemas estuarinos e normalmente habitam em sedimentos, estando desta forma expostos a contaminantes presentes na água e nos sedimentos. Tendo em conta a necessidade de haver mais estudos no que diz respeito às potenciais consequências ambientais dos nanoplásticos e a sensibilidade e relevância ambiental do poliqueta Hediste diversicolor, esta dissertação teve como objetivo estudar os efeitos de nanoplásticos nesta espécie. Por conseguinte, a primeira tarefa desta dissertação incluiu uma revisão da literatura cujo foco foram os efeitos de fármacos, nanopartículas e plásticos em H. diversicolor. Após a revisão da literatura, foram analisados o comportamento e distribuição de nanoplásticos de polistireno (PS NPs) (100 nm) em água salgada, bem como os efeitos destas partículas ao nível do comportamento, parâmetros bioquímicos e capacidade de regeneração em H. diversicolor. No geral, os resultados demonstraram que os PS NPs tenderam a agregar/aglomerar e sedimentar em água salgada, tornando-os mais disponíveis para organismos bentónicos. Após 28 dias de exposição de H. diversicolor a PS NPs, os organismos demonstraram alterações comportamentais e em parâmetros bioquímicos, como a atividade da enzima colinesterase (ChE), principalmente nas concentrações mais baixas (0.005-0.5 mg/L). As alterações nos padrões comportamentais podem ter consequências ecológicas que afetam o ciclo de nutrientes e a fauna bentónica. Foram ainda observados danos relacionados com o stress oxidativo, como a carbonilação proteica, que demonstrou uma maior sensibilidade à contaminação por PS NPs do que a peroxidação lipídica (LPO). A exposição a PS NPs demonstrou que estas partículas comprometem significativamente a capacidade de regeneração de H. diversicolor, especialmente nas concentrações mais altas (0.05-5 mg/L), onde os organismos regeneraram 23.8 a 28.9% menos que o controlo. Este efeito pode ter impactos na manutenção da população, uma vez que os organismos podem priorizar a regeneração à reprodução. Globalmente, os dados obtidos nesta dissertação demonstram que os NPs podem ter impactos consideráveis em organismos bentónicos, enfatizando a necessidade de se efetuar mais estudos com o objetivo de avaliar os potenciais efeitos e mecanismos de ação destas partículas em organismos na base de teias tróficas. As consequências da presença destas partículas poderão ser consideravelmente mais elevadas tendo em conta que estas partículas já demonstraram ter efeitos de “cavalo de Troia”, promovendo a incorporação de outros poluentes ambientais.Mestrado em Biologia Marinha Aplicad

    Co-Gelation of Pumpkin-Seed Protein with Egg-White Protein

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the gelation process of binary mixes of pumpkinseed and egg-white proteins. The substitution of pumpkin-seed proteins with egg-white proteins improved the rheological properties of the obtained gels, i.e., a higher storage modulus, lower tangent delta, and larger ultrasound viscosity and hardness. Gels with a larger egg-white protein content were more elastic and more resistant to breaking structure. A higher concentration of pumpkin-seed protein changed the gel microstructure to a rougher and more particulate one. The microstructure was less homogenous, with a tendency to break at the pumpkin/egg-white protein gel interface. The decrease in the intensity of the amide II band with an increase in the pumpkin-seed protein concentration showed that the secondary structure of this protein evolved more toward a linear amino acid chain compared with the egg-white protein, which could have an impact on the microstructure. The supplementation of pumpkin-seed proteins with egg-white proteins caused a decrease in water activity from 0.985 to 0.928, which had important implications for the microbiological stability of the obtained gels. Strong correlations were found between the water activity and rheological properties of the gels; an improvement of their rheological properties resulted in a decrease in water activity. The supplementation of pumpkin-seed proteins with egg-white proteins resulted in more homogenous gels with a stronger microstructure and better water bindin

    The use of cyclohexane as a new adhesive for airborne pollen sampling

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    Se estudia la adherencia del fluido de silicona, utilizando como disolvente el ciclohexano en lugar del tetracloruro de carbono, como se venía haciendo anteriormente. Se comparan los resultados entre ambos disolventes en un captador aerobiológico de tipo Hirst.Carbon Tetrachloride, used as a solvent for the silicone adhesive in airborne pollen sampling, has been recently interdicted by the Registration Evaluation Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) protocol due to its dangerous effects on environment and human health (Manibusan et al. 2007) and it will no longer be produced. Therefore, the need to find a new solvent for the silicon-coating solution is mandatory in order to continue aerobiological research. In a previous study, Thibaudon et al. (2014) concluded that there were no-significant differences between Diethyl Ether and Carbon Tetrachloride and the first can be used as solvent for capturing airborne pollen. The importance of this topic led us to investigate the efficiency of other solvents to use alternatively for the adhesive coating solution. The aim of this preliminary study is to compare the efficiency of airborne pollen grain capture on silicone fluid by using Cyclohexane solvent as an alternative to Carbon Tetrachloride, the solvent used by the Spanish Aerobiology Network (REA). The study was carried out in Malaga (southern Spain), from 16 February to 26 April, 2015 (10 weeks), with the aid of a 7-day Hirst type volumetric trap, located on the roof of the Faculty of Science, 15 m above ground level. For this, the drum was covered by a Melinex tape, coated with silicone adhesive containing two different solvents: one half of the tape with Carbon Tetrachloride and the other half with Cyclohexane, following the methodology previously described by Thibaudon et al. (2015). The position of the two sampling adhesives was reversed from right to left every week. The counting method consisted of 2 continuous horizontal sweeps per each half of the tape (Galán et al., 2007). The results obtained, expressed as number of pollen grains/m3, will be statistically analyzed in order to detect possible differences, if any. Finally, the results, regarding total pollen as well as the different pollen types, separately, will be presented in order to propose or not Cyclohexane as an alternative solvent to Diethyl Ether and Carbon Tetraclorhidre, more dangerous substances from a toxic point of view (Toxicology Data Network, TOXNET, http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Un sistema de respuestas a consultas formuladas por alumnos en un contexto de aprendizaje virtual

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    En aquest article presentem un sistema que ajuda els docents a respondre les preguntes dels seus alumnes en una universitat virtual, concretament la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). La comunicació entre alumne i docent es fa d'una manera totalment virtual: les preguntes i les respostes es formulen i contesten per correu electrònic. El sistema, que es va desenvolupant a l'Àrea de Tecnologia Educativa de la UOC, té com a principal objectiu trobar contextos multilingües amb informació útil per a respondre a l'estudiant d'una manera ràpida i adequada. Els contextos s'extreuen dels materials del curs, els fòrums de participació de l'assignatura, articles i altres fonts d'informació disponibles a internet. A més d'ajudar els docents a trobar millors respostes, el sistema és útil per a actualitzar els seus coneixements i desenvolupar el seu aprenentatge permanent.In this article, we present a system that helps tutors to answer questions asked by their students at an online university: the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). Communication between UOC students and their tutors is fully online; students ask questions and tutors answer them by e-mail. The system, which is currently being developed at the UOC’s Office of Learning Technologies (OLT), aims to find multilingual contexts with useful information to enable tutors to give fast, appropriate answers to students. These contexts are extracted from course learning materials, from previous messages posted on subject discussion boards, and also from articles and other sources of information available on the Internet. Apart from helping tutors to find better answers, the system is also useful for updating their knowledge and contributing to their lifelong learning.En este artículo presentamos un sistema que ayuda a los docentes a responder las preguntas de sus alumnos en una universidad virtual, concretamente la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). La comunicación entre alumno y docente se realiza de forma totalmente virtual: las preguntas y las respuestas se formulan y contestan mediante correo electrónico. El sistema, que se está desarrollando en el Área de Tecnología Educativa de la UOC, tiene como principal objetivo encontrar contextos multilingües con información útil para responder al estudiante de forma rápida y adecuada. Los contextos se extraen de los materiales del curso, los foros de participación de la asignatura, artículos y otras fuentes de información disponibles en internet. Además de ayudar a los docentes a encontrar mejores respuestas, el sistema también es útil para actualizar sus conocimientos y desarrollar su aprendizaje permanente

    Gamification as a Pedagogical Model to Increase Motivation and Decrease Disruptive Behaviour in Physical Education

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    The application of gamified learning in physical education is becoming increasingly popular. The aim of this work was to compare the effects of gamification versus traditional methodology to check whether there were differences in the attitudes of the students. A quasi-experimental design study was carried out. The sample consisted of 66 students in Secondary Education. Three questionnaires, POSQ (Perception of Success), BPN (Basic Psychological Needs) and CCDEF (Disruptive Behaviour in Physical Education), were used in both groups before and after carrying out each proposal. Firstly, an independent samples Student’s t-test was performed. The results showed significant final differences in all variables except two: competence (p = 0.068) and aggressiveness (p = 0.136). Secondly, a paired samples t-test was performed. In this case, the control group showed a significant decrease in the variables task orientation (p = 0.004) and autonomy (p < 0.001). According to the experimental group, all variables showed significant differences (p < 0.05), except for two, competence (p = 0.223) and aggressiveness (p = 0.056). Therefore, it was concluded that, with the gamified learning, the students expressed higher levels of task orientation, all BPNs and lower levels of disruptive behaviours than the students who were subjected to the traditional methodology. This kind of intervention can help to improve the quality of education as set out in the SDGs through Quality Education