23 research outputs found

    Velocity profiles assessment in natural channels during high floods

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    The accuracy of three different approaches for velocity profiles assessment during high floods, when the velocity points sampling is carried out only in the upper portion of the flow area, has been investigated. The first two methods assume the classical logarithmic law with additional terms, to take account of the dip-phenomenon in the velocity profile. The third one is based on the entropy theory and uses the maximum flow velocity occurring in the flow area. A sample of velocity measurements carried out at Pontelagoscuro gauged section (Po River, Italy), has been considered for the analysis. Six flood events have been selected and the accuracy of the investigated methods has been evaluated in terms of mean error in estimating both the mean velocity along each sampled vertical and the mean flow velocity. For high floods, the logarithmic law and the entropic approach were found quite accurate; however, the ability of the latter in reproducing the velocity profiles only by sampling the maximum flow velocity has been shown. Therefore, a procedure for velocity measurements based on the entropic approach has been proposed. The procedure allows one to both to shorten remarkably the time of the velocity sampling and to quickly estimate the discharge

    A laboratory experimental system for infiltration studies

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    The investigation of a few hydrological processes under natural conditions can be distorted by their interactions. In this context, a laboratory system that allows a few mechanisms of the infiltration process to be studied univocally is presented. The core component of the system is a physical model consisting of a soil tank with slope angle, γ, adjustable from 1 ° to 15 °. A generator of artificial rainfall can produce rainfall rates up to 50 mm h−1. Surface runoff and deep flow, Qd, are continuously monitored. An overall analysis of three previous investigations performed by the physical system and directed to clarify the infiltration process is also briefly reported. These investigations, that concerned the validation of a local conceptual model for erratic rainfalls, the role of run-on and the effects of sloping soil surfaces, were all carried out by using different configurations of the system. Great slope effects in bare soils were observed. For example, under steady conditions, a ratio Qd(γ = 1°) / Qd(γ = 10°) equal to about 4 was observed in a loam soil. Finally, on the basis of the acquired knowledge, further investigations to be realized with the same basic elements are proposed to derive a conceptual model that describes the soil surface gradient effects

    Characteristics of the Underestimation Error of Annual Maximum Rainfall Depth Due to Coarse Temporal Aggregation

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    This study analyzed all characteristics of the error committed in evaluating annual maximum rainfall depth, Hd, associated with a given duration, d, when data with coarse temporal aggregation, ta, were used. It is well known that when ta = 1 min, this error is practically negligible while coarser temporal aggregations can determine underestimation for a single Hd up to 50% and for the average value of sufficiently numerous series of Hd up to 16.67%. By using a mathematical relation between average underestimation error and the ratio ta/d, each Hd value belonging to a specific series could be corrected through deterministic or stochastic approaches. With a deterministic approach, an average correction was identically applied to all Hd values with the same ta and d while, for a stochastic correction, a thorough knowledge of the statistical characteristics of the underestimation error was required. Accordingly, in this work, rainfall data derived from many stations in central Italy were analyzed and it was assessed that single and average errors, which were both assumed as random variables, followed exponential and normal distributions, respectively. Furthermore, the single underestimation error was also found inversely correlated to the corresponding annual maximum rainfall depth

    Using Wastewater in Irrigation: The Effects on Infiltration Process in a Clayey Soil

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    Soil water infiltration is a critical process in the soil water cycle and agricultural practices, especially when wastewater is used for irrigation. Although research has been conducted to evaluate the changes in the physical and chemical characteristics of soils irrigated by treated wastewater, a quantitative analysis of the effects produced on the infiltration process is still lacking. The objective of this study is to address this issue. Field experiments previously conducted on three adjacent field plots characterized by the same clayey soil but subjected to three different irrigation treatments have been used. The three irrigation conditions were: non-irrigated (natural conditions) plot, irrigated plot with treated wastewater for two years, and irrigated plot with treated wastewater for five years. Infiltration measurements performed by the Hood infiltrometer have been used to estimate soil hydraulic properties useful to calibrate a simplified infiltration model widely used under ponding conditions, that were existing during the irrigation stage. Our simulations highlight the relevant effect of wastewater usage as an irrigation source in reducing cumulative infiltration and increasing overland flow as a result of modified hydraulic properties of soils characterized by a lower capacity of water drainage. These outcomes can provide important insights for the optimization of irrigation techniques in arid areas where the use of wastewater is often required due to the chronic shortage of freshwater

    The history of rainfall data time-resolution in a wide variety of geographical areas

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    Collected rainfall records by gauges lead to key forcings in most hydrological studies. Depending on sensor type and recording systems, such data are characterized by different time-resolutions (or temporal aggregations), ta. We present an historical analysis of the time-evolution of ta based on a large database of rain gauge networks operative in many study areas. Globally, ta data were collected for 25,423 rain gauge stations across 32 geographic areas, with larger contributions from Australia, USA, Italy and Spain. For very old networks early recordings were manual with coarse time-resolution, typically daily or sometimes monthly. With a few exceptions, mechanical recordings on paper rolls began in the first half of the 20th century, typically with ta of 1 h or 30 min. Digital registrations started only during the last three decades of the 20th century. This short period limits investigations that require long time-series of sub-daily rainfall data, e.g, analyses of the effects of climate change on short-duration (sub-hourly) heavy rainfall. In addition, in the areas with rainfall data characterized for many years by coarse time-resolutions, annual maximum rainfall depths of short duration can be potentially underestimated and their use would produce errors in the results of successive applications. Currently, only 50% of the stations provide useful data at any time-resolution, that practically means ta = 1 min. However, a significant reduction of these issues can be obtained through the information content of the present database. Finally, we suggest an integration of the database by including additional rain gauge networks to enhance its usefulness particularly in a comparative analysis of the effects of climate change on extreme rainfalls of short duration available in different locations

    Development and analysis of the Soil Water Infiltration Global database

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    In this paper, we present and analyze a novel global database of soil infiltration measurements, the Soil Water Infiltration Global (SWIG) database. In total, 5023 infiltration curves were collected across all continents in the SWIG database. These data were either provided and quality checked by the scientists who performed the experiments or they were digitized from published articles. Data from 54 different countries were included in the database with major contributions from Iran, China, and the USA. In addition to its extensive geographical coverage, the collected infiltration curves cover research from 1976 to late 2017. Basic information on measurement location and method, soil properties, and land use was gathered along with the infiltration data, making the database valuable for the development of pedotransfer functions (PTFs) for estimating soil hydraulic properties, for the evaluation of infiltration measurement methods, and for developing and validating infiltration models. Soil textural information (clay, silt, and sand content) is available for 3842 out of 5023 infiltration measurements ( ∌ 76%) covering nearly all soil USDA textural classes except for the sandy clay and silt classes. Information on land use is available for 76% of the experimental sites with agricultural land use as the dominant type ( ∌ 40%). We are convinced that the SWIG database will allow for a better parameterization of the infiltration process in land surface models and for testing infiltration models. All collected data and related soil characteristics are provided online in *.xlsx and *.csv formats for reference, and we add a disclaimer that the database is for public domain use only and can be copied freely by referencing it. Supplementary data are available at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.885492 (Rahmati et al., 2018). Data quality assessment is strongly advised prior to any use of this database. Finally, we would like to encourage scientists to extend and update the SWIG database by uploading new data to it

    A Review on Rainfall Data Resolution and Its Role in the Hydrological Practice

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    Data collected by gauges represent a fundamental force in most hydrological studies. On the basis of sensor type and recording system, such records are characterized by different aggregation time, ta. In this review paper, a comprehensive rainfall database of rain gauge networks operative worldwide is used to determine the temporal evolution of ta. As a second step, issues related to the limited and heterogeneous temporal resolution of rainfall data are discussed with regard to avoiding possible errors in the analysis of historical series. Particular attention is focused on quantifying the effects on the estimation of extreme rainfalls that play a crucial role in designing hydraulic structures. To this aim, algebraic relations for improving a correct determination of extreme rainfall are also provided

    Effect of Time-Resolution of Rainfall Data on Trend Estimation for Annual Maximum Depths with a Duration of 24 Hours

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    The main challenge of this paper is to demonstrate that one of the most frequently conducted analyses in the climate change field could be affected by significant errors, due to the use of rainfall data characterized by coarse time-resolution. In fact, in the scientific literature, there are many studies to verify the possible impacts of climate change on extreme rainfall, and particularly on annual maximum rainfall depths, Hd, characterized by duration d equal to 24 h, due to the significant length of the corresponding series. Typically, these studies do not specify the temporal aggregation, ta, of the rainfall data on which maxima rely, although it is well known that the use of rainfall data with coarse ta can lead to significant underestimates of Hd. The effect of ta on the estimation of trends in annual maximum depths with d = 24 h, Hd=24 h, over the last 100 years is examined. We have used a published series of Hd=24 h derived by long-term historical rainfall observations with various temporal aggregations, due to the progress of recording systems through time, at 39 representative meteorological stations located in an inland region of Central Italy. Then, by using a recently developed mathematical relation between average underestimation error and the ratio ta/d, each Hd=24 h value has been corrected. Successively, commonly used climatic trend tests based on different approaches, including least-squares linear trend analysis, Mann–Kendall, and Sen’s method, have been applied to the “uncorrected” and “corrected” series. The results show that the underestimation of Hd=24 h values with coarse ta plays a significant role in the analysis of the effects of climatic change on extreme rainfalls. Specifically, the correction of the Hd=24 h values can change the sign of the trend from positive to negative. Furthermore, it has been observed that the innovative Sen’s method (based on a graphical approach) is less sensitive to corrections of the Hd values than the least-squares linear trend and the Mann–Kendall method. In any case, the analysis of Hd series containing potentially underestimated values, especially when d = 24 h, can lead to misleading results. Therefore, before conducting any trend analysis, Hd values determined from rainfall data characterized by coarse temporal resolution should always be corrected

    Effect of temporal aggregation on the estimate of annual maximum rainfall depths for the design of hydraulic infrastructure systems

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    For a few decades the local rainfall measurements are generally obtained by tipping bucket sensors, that allow to record each tipping time corresponding to a well-known rain depth. However, a considerable part of rainfall data to be used in the hydrological practice is available in aggregated form within constant time intervals. This can produce undesirable effects, like the underestimation of the annual maximum rainfall depth, Hd, associated with a given duration, d, that is the basic quantity in the development of rainfall depth-duration-frequency relationships. The errors in the evaluation of Hd from data characterized by a coarse temporal aggregation, ta, and a procedure to reduce the non-homogeneity of the Hd series are here investigated. Our results show that for ta = 1 min the underestimation is practically negligible, whereas for larger temporal aggregations with d = ta the error in a single Hd can reach values up to 50% and in a series of Hd in the average up to 17%. Relationships between the non-dimensional ratio ta/d and the average underestimation of Hd, derived through continuous rainfall data observed in many stations of Central Italy, are presented to overcome this issue. These equations allow to improve the Hd estimates and the associated depth-duration-frequency curves at least in areas with similar climatic conditions. The effect of the correction of the Hd series on the rainfall depth-duration-frequency curves is quantified. Our results indicate that the improvements obtained by the proposed procedure are of the order of 10%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Toward a self-calibrated and independent SM2RAIN rainfall product

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    This is the accepted manuscript version of this paper before copy-editing, formatting, technical enhancements and pagination. The finally published version (version of record) is available via https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126837 © 2021. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Rainfall monitoring is fundamental in many hydrological applications such as flood and landslide forecasting and water resources management. In-situ measurements are the traditional data source of rainfall, but the worldwide declining number of stations, their low spatial representativeness and the data access problem limit their use. Satellite products are being widely used as an alternative data source. Among them, SM2RAIN-based products, which exploit the inversion of the water balance equation to derive rainfall from soil moisture observations, have shown relatively good skills for hydrological applications. However, the need of calibrating the SM2RAIN parameter values against a reference represents one important limitation, particularly over data scarce regions. In this study, we explore the possibility to self-calibrate SM2RAIN and thus to obtain rainfall estimates from the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) soil moisture independently from any reference rainfall dataset. Four parametric relationships relating SM2RAIN parameter values to static descriptors (average rainfall, topography, soil moisture noise) are developed. To develop such relationships, a sample of 1009 points uniformly distributed over the areas covered by rain gauges in Australia, India, Italy and the United States is selected. A global validation of the methodology is conducted by comparing the performances of the parameterized product with the classical product in which the parameter values are estimated by calibration against a reference rainfall dataset. The Final Run of the Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement (IMERG) precipitation dataset is used for performance assessment, together with the triple collocation techniques by using the Gauge-based Global Precipitation Climatology Center (GPCC) product and the Late Run of IMERG. The aim of the analysis is to obtain an uncalibrated SM2RAIN methodology to retrieve rainfall whose performance are similar to those obtained with calibration. The results at 1009 points show that the performances of the parameterized SM2RAIN product are in line with those of the calibrated one, with an increased capability in the detection of intense rainfall events and an acceptable reduction of the performance according to both Pearson Correlation and Root Mean Square Error indexes. The application of triple collocation confirms these findings on a global scale, showing that the SM2RAIN product outperforms both GPCC and IMERG –– Late run estimations in areas characterized by low density of rain gauges and good quality of ASCAT soil moisture retrievals (i.e., Africa and South America).1131