8,857 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Latar belakang. Probiotik diketahui memiliki efek yang menguntungkan dalam pengobatan diare akut pada anak. Probiotik mempengaruhi frekuensi dan durasi diare dengan meningkatkan respon imun, produksi substansi antimikroba dan menghambat pertumbuhan kuman patogen penyebab diare. Probiotik dengan strain spesifik efektif menurunkan frekuensi dan durasi diare. Tujuan. Mengetahui efektifitas suplementasi probiotik tunggal maupun kombinasi pada anak dengan diare akut. Metode. Uji klinis acak tersamar buta ganda terhadap pasien diare akut usia 6-24 bulan dengan diare akut di RS Dr. Kariadi Semarang periode Juli 2010 - Februari 2011. Subyek dibagi dalam 3 kelompok perlakuan (L.reuteri; L.acidophilus dan LGG; L.acidophilus, S.faecium and B.longum) dan kontrol. Probiotik diberikan selama 5 hari. Setiap kelompok mendapat terapi standar berupa rehidrasi dan dietetik. Hasil. Dari 84 anak yang masuk dalam penelitian, rerata durasi diare lebih pendek pada kelompok L.reuteri (37,4 ± 14,4 jam) dan L.acidophilus-LGG (38,6 ± 19,6 jam) dibanding kelompok 3 strain probiotik dan kontrol. Didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna pada penurunan durasi diare antar kelompok (p=0,002). Rerata frekuensi diare menurun pada kelompok L.reuteri (5,6 ± 2,9 kali) dan L.acidophilus-LGG (6,9 ± 8,4 kali) dibanding dengan kelompok 3 strain probiotik dan kontrol. Didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna pada penurunan frekuensi diare antar kelompok (p=0,02). Kesimpulan. Probiotik L. reuteri dan L.acidophilus-LGG efektif menurunkan durasi dan frekuensi diare dan dapat digunakan sebagai terapi tambahan pada anak dengan diare akut. Kata kunci: probiotik, diare akut, durasi, frekuensi

    Review of mycotoxin reduction in food and feed: from prevention in the field to detoxification by adsorption or transformation

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    Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites present worldwide in agricultural commodities and produced by filamentous fungi that cause a toxic response (mycotoxicosis) when ingested by animals. Prevention of mycotoxicoses includes pre- and post-harvest strategies. The best way to reduce the mycotoxin content in food and feed is the prevention of mycotoxin formation in the field, but this is often not sufficient, so other methods are needed. To decontaminate and/or detoxify mycotoxin-contaminated food and feed, the most prevalent approach in the feed industry is the inclusion of sorbent materials in the feed thus obtaining more or less selective removal of toxins by adsorption during passage through the gastrointestinal tract. Another reliable approach is to add enzymes or microorganisms capable of detoxifying some mycotoxins. Through a comprehensive review of published reports on the strategies for mycotoxin removal, this present work aims to update our understanding of mycotoxin removal. It provides an insight into the detoxification of mycotoxin present in food and feed. In the future, more emphasis needs to be placed on adsorption of mycotoxins in the gastrointestinal tract. Concerning the enzymatic transformation of mycotoxins, further efforts are required in understanding detoxification reactions, the toxicity of transformation products and in the characterization of enzymes responsible for transformations

    Effect of hydrolyzed milk on the adhesion of Lactobacilli to intestinal cells

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    Milk is an essential part of the human diet and is undoubtedly a major calcium source in human nutrition, accepted well by most individuals. Knowledge on how the components from dairy products support or reduce the adherence of probiotics to the intestinal epithelium is limited. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of acid-hydrolyzed milk on the adhesion ability of two potentially probiotic strains (Lactobacillus plantarum S2, Lactobacillus gasseri R) to in vitro human intestinal epithelial model consisting of Caco-2 and mucus-secreting HT29-MTX co-culture. The adhesion of our tested strains L. gasseri and L. plantarum was 4.74 and 7.16%, respectively, when using inoculum of 2 × 108 CFU ml–1. Addition of acid-hydrolyzed milk to co-culture decreased the adherence by 53.7% for L. gasseri R and by 62.2% for L. plantarum S2. The results of this study evidently indicate the potential importance of the food matrix as a factor influencing probiotic colonization of the gut

    Mechanism of action of probiotics

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    The modern diet doesn't provide the required amount of beneficial bacteria. Maintenance of a proper microbial ecology in the host is the main criteria to be met for a healthy growth. Probiotics are one such alternative that are supplemented to the host where by and large species of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Saccharomyces are considered as main probiotics. The field of probiotics has made stupendous strides though there is no major break through in the identification of their mechanism of action. They exert their activity primarily by strengthening the intestinal barrier and immunomodulation. The main objective of the study was to provide a deep insight into the effect of probiotics against the diseases, their applications and proposed mechanism of action

    Different methods to counteract mycotoxin production and its impact on animal health

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    Mycotoxins can cause serious adverse effects on animal health. This may lead to great economic losses in animal husbandry. In this review, the most common methods to counteract mycotoxins are presented, including several pre- and post-harvest strategies as well as an overview of the different mycotoxin detoxifying agents. The current legislation regarding maximum, guidance or action levels of mycotoxin contamination in various feedstuffs is also mentioned. It allows the agricultural industry to interpret feed analysis results and to decide whether to undertake actions or not

    Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG-supplemented formula expands butyrate-producing bacterial strains in food allergic infants.

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    Dietary intervention with extensively hydrolyzed casein formula supplemented with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (EHCF+LGG) accelerates tolerance acquisition in infants with cow's milk allergy (CMA). We examined whether this effect is attributable, at least in part, to an influence on the gut microbiota. Fecal samples from healthy controls (n=20) and from CMA infants (n=19) before and after treatment with EHCF with (n=12) and without (n=7) supplementation with LGG were compared by 16S rRNA-based operational taxonomic unit clustering and oligotyping. Differential feature selection and generalized linear model fitting revealed that the CMA infants have a diverse gut microbial community structure dominated by Lachnospiraceae (20.5±9.7%) and Ruminococcaceae (16.2±9.1%). Blautia, Roseburia and Coprococcus were significantly enriched following treatment with EHCF and LGG, but only one genus, Oscillospira, was significantly different between infants that became tolerant and those that remained allergic. However, most tolerant infants showed a significant increase in fecal butyrate levels, and those taxa that were significantly enriched in these samples, Blautia and Roseburia, exhibited specific strain-level demarcations between tolerant and allergic infants. Our data suggest that EHCF+LGG promotes tolerance in infants with CMA, in part, by influencing the strain-level bacterial community structure of the infant gut

    In vitro screening of probiotic lactic acid bacteria and prebiotic glucooligosaccharides to select effective synbiotics

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    Probiotics and prebiotics have been demonstrated to positively modulate the intestinal microflora and could promote host health. Although some studies have been performed on combinations of probiotics and prebiotics, constituting synbiotics, results on the synergistic effects tend to be discordant in the published works. The first aim of our study was to screen some lactic acid bacteria on the basis of probiotic characteristics (resistance to intestinal conditions, inhibition of pathogenic strains). Bifidobacterium was the most resistant genus whereas Lactobacillus farciminis was strongly inhibited. The inhibitory effect on pathogen growth was strain dependent but lactobacilli were the most effective, especially L. farciminis. The second aim of the work was to select glucooligosaccharides for their ability to support the growth of the probiotics tested. We demonstrated the selective fermentability of oligodextran and oligoalternan by probiotic bacteria, especially the bifidobacteria, for shorter degrees of polymerisation and absence of metabolism by pathogenic bacteria. Thus, the observed characteristics confer potential prebiotic properties on these glucooligosaccharides, to be further confirmed in vivo, and suggest some possible applications in synbiotic combinations with the selected probiotics. Furthermore, the distinctive patterns of the different genera suggest a combination of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria with complementary probiotic effects in addition to the prebiotic ones. These associations should be further evaluated for their synbiotic effects through in vitro and in vivo models

    Bovine colostral antibodies and selected lactobacilli as means to control gastrointestinal infections

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    The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of bovine colostrum and specific colostral antibodies, and some lactic acid bacteria on gastrointestinal infections, especially Helicobacter pylori induced gastritis and dental caries caused by Streptococcus mutans. The effect of colostrum on the activity of the complement system in neonatal calves was also studied. It was possible to increase substantially complement and opsonization activities of serum by feeding colostral whey concentrate to neonatal calves. A colostral immune preparation (IP) containing specific antibodies against Helicobacter felis prevented but did not eradicate an experimental Helicobacter felis infection in mice. However, the IP combined with amoxicillin lowered the level of inflammation and colonization more than amoxicillin alone. The specific anti-cariogenic antibodies of IP remained active and functional when added to UHT milk or fermented with LGG and stored for an extended time. Further, the combination of IP and LGG prevented the adherence of Streptococcus mutans effectively. Lactobacillus plantarum MLBPL1 isolated from sauerkraut showed anti-Helicobacter activity mainly associated with cell wall, from where it can be extracted into the culture supernatant. Colostral preparations, and acidifying microbes (L. plantarum MLBPL1 and LGG) reduced the adhesion of Helicobacter pylori on human gastric adenocarcinoma cells. They also reduced the IL-8 production of the infected cells. IL-8 secretion is a primary response to Helicobacter pylori infection. Supplementation of an antibiotic treatment with a food product containing probiotic lactobacilli and/or IP could offer a potential complementary means to suppress gastrointestinal infections

    Early probiotic supplementation for the prevention of atopic disease in newborns-probiotics and the hygiene hypothesis-.

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    Environmental factors during early infancy could theoretically affect immune system development and subsequent risk of allergic disease. One potentially helpful exposure is early infant supplementation with specific probiotic strains. Unlike other exposures, probiotic supplementation is feasible and has a good safety profile. A review of recent randomized, controlled trials suggests that the effect of supplementation with probiotics on preventing the development of allergic disease is mixed. Further studies are needed to define potential mechanisms of action, such as effects on infant microbiota, as well as potential subgroups of patients that may benefit from these interventions