219 research outputs found

    Working memory training mostly engages general-purpose large-scale networks for learning

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    The present meta-analytic study examined brain activation changes following working memory (WM) training, a form of cognitive training that has attracted considerable interest. Comparisons with perceptual-motor (PM) learning revealed that WM training engages domain-general large-scale networks for learning encompassing the dorsal attention and salience networks, sensory areas, and striatum. Also the dynamics of the training-induced brain activation changes within these networks showed a high overlap between WM and PM training. The distinguishing feature for WM training was the consistent modulation of the dorso- and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC/VLPFC) activity. The strongest candidate for mediating transfer to similar untrained WM tasks was the frontostriatal system, showing higher striatal and VLPFC activations, and lower DLPFC activations after training. Modulation of transfer-related areas occurred mostly with longer training periods. Overall, our findings place WM training effects into a general perception-action cycle, where some modulations may depend on the specific cognitive demands of a training task.Peer reviewe

    Läsnäoloa luonnossa : motivoivan ja henkisyyttä koskettavan toimintamuodon kehittäminen muistisairaille

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    Kehittämistyö on osa Turun ammattikorkeakoulun hallinnoimaa Neuroliikkuja paikallistasolla 2013–2015 –projektia, jonka keskeisimpänä tavoitteena oli luoda neurologisille liikkujille soveltuvia monipuolisia liikuntaryhmiä. Tämän kehittämistyön tavoitteena oli kehittää matalan kynnyksen liikuntamuoto muistisairaille yhdistämällä kävely, luonto ja mindfulness käytännössä toimivaksi kokonaisuudeksi. Työ toteutettiin muistisairaille suunnatun Läsnäoloa luonnossa ryhmän kautta, joka järjestettiin kolmena kertana erilaisissa luontoympäristöissä Luonnon ja mindfulnessin avulla pyrimme koskettamaan osallistujien henkisyyttä ja näin lisäämään motivaatiota liikkumiseen. Henkisyys voidaan lyhyesti määritellä olevan ihmisen tarvetta kokea merkityksen ja tarkoituksen tunnetta elämässä, sekä yhteyttä suurempaan voimaan. Osallistujille suunnattujen haastattelujen tulosten pohjalta muodostimme viisi teemaa, jotka olivat yhteneviä luontoa ja mindfulnessia käsitteleviin aikaisempiin tutkimustuloksiin sekä dementiaa sairastavien henkisiin tarpeisiin. Nämä teemat olivat rauhallisuus/hyvä olo, muistot ja historia, luonnon antamat opetukset ja luonnon ihmeellisyyden kokeminen, elämän voimavarat sekä itseilmaisun tärkeys. Tulosten perusteella onnistuimme saavuttamaan tavoitteemme, eli kehittämään motivoivan matalan kynnyksen liikkumismuodon muistisairaille. Motivaatio näkyi korkeana osallistumisprosenttina ryhmäkerroilla ja osallistujien halukkuutena ottaa osaa vastaavanlaiseen ryhmätoimintaan jatkossakin. Tulosten perusteella merkittävänä motivoivana tekijänä toimi luonnon ja mindfulnessin kautta tapahtunut henkisyyden voimistuminen. Kehittämistyössä saadun kokemuksen perusteella tärkeintä läsnäolevassa luontoryhmässä on ohjaajan rauhallisuus, riittävän ajan antaminen harjoitteisiin, tekemisen hidastaminen ja kaikkien tasapuolinen huomioiminen. Harjoitukset eivät saa olla liian meditaatiopohjaisia, vaan ennemminkin luonnon ihmettelyä ja aistimista. Kokemuksemme mukaan sekä toiminnalliset, että läsnäolevat harjoitteet toimivat hyvin. Läsnäoleva luontokävely on sovellettavissa jokaiselle niin toimintakykyiselle kuin toimintarajoitteiselle henkilölle. Erityisen hyvin luontomeditaatio voisi kirjallisuuden perusteella toimia mielenterveyskuntoutujilla ja lapsilla.This thesis is part of the “Neuroliikkuja paikallistasolla 2013-2015” project by Turku University of Applied Sciences, aiming to create diversified exercise groups suitable for neurological exercisers. The goal of the thesis was to develop a low-threshold form of exercise for people with memory disorders, by successfully combining walking, nature and mindfulness. With the help of nature and mindfulness, we aimed to touch the spirituality of the members of the group, thus increasing their motivation to exercise. Spirituality can briefly be defined as the person’s need to experience a sense of meaning and significance in their life, and a connection to a higher power. Based on our observations and on the feedback we received from the interviews of exercise group members, we raised five themes that were congruent with the results of earlier, related studies, and with the spiritual needs of people with dementia. These five themes were calmness/wellbeing, memories and history, learning from and wondering nature, resources of life, and importance of self-expression. The results show that we were able to reach our goal in creating a motivating, low-threshold form of exercise for people with memory disorders. The motivation was revealed in the high group participation rate and in the willingness expressed by all members to continue with similar group activities. The results show that the strengthening of spirituality, which happened through nature and mindfulness, was an important motivator. Based on our thesis, the most important factors in a mindful nature group are the calm manner of the instructor, enough time given for the exercises, slowing down, and paying equal amount of attention to all members. We discovered that the exercises shouldn’t be based too much on meditation, but on wondering nature in its different forms. Both the active exercises and mindfulness exercises work equally well. A mindful walk in the nature is adaptable for people with both full and limited functional abilities. Literature further suggests that nature meditation could be especially beneficial for mental health rehabilitation patients and young people

    Spatiotemporal dynamics of attention networks revealed by representational similarity analysis of EEG and fMRI

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    The fronto-parietal attention networks have been extensively studied with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), but spatiotemporal dynamics of these networks are not well understood. We measured event-related potentials (ERPs) with electroencephalography (EEG) and collected fMRI data from identical experiments where participants performed visual and auditory discrimination tasks separately or simultaneously and with or without distractors. To overcome the low temporal resolution of fMRI, we used a novel ERP-based application of multivariate representational similarity analysis (RSA) to parse time-averaged fMRI pattern activity into distinct spatial maps that each corresponded, in representational structure, to a short temporal ERP segment. Discriminant analysis of ERP-fMRI correlations revealed 8 cortical networks-2 sensory, 3 attention, and 3 other-segregated by 4 orthogonal, temporally multifaceted and spatially distributed functions. We interpret these functions as 4 spatiotemporal components of attention: modality-dependent and stimulus-driven orienting, top-down control, mode transition, and response preparation, selection and execution.Peer reviewe

    Grandiosity, vulnerability, and narcissistic fluctuation : Examining reliability, measurement invariance, and construct validity of four brief narcissism measures

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    Continued interest in the distinction between grandiose narcissism, vulnerable narcissism and the fluctuation between grandiose and vulnerable states has expanded the repertoire of self-report instruments. The present study examined the psychometric properties of four brief narcissism measures [the Narcissistic Personality Inventory-13 (NPI-13), Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale (HSNS), Super-Brief Pathological Narcissism Inventory (SB-PNI), and the g-FLUX] in a Finnish sample of university students. Confirmatory factor analyses supported the reliability of the NPI-13, g-FLUX, SB-PNI Vulnerability, and two HSNS subfactors (Oversensitivity and Egocentrism). Tests of measurement invariance indicated the NPI-13, SB-PNI Vulnerability, HSNS Oversensitivity, and the g-FLUX perform similarly between males and females and are generally similar between individuals in younger and older age groups. Construct and predictive validity were evaluated by examining relations between narcissism measures and relevant criteria including psychopathology symptoms, self-esteem, well-being, five factor traits, and empathy. Results supported the construct validity of all four measures, while correlational profiles highlighted the convergence between the g-FLUX and measures of both grandiosity and vulnerability. The NPI-13 was most predictive of NPD symptoms, whereas vulnerable narcissism measures were most predictive of psychopathology. Results further establish the psychometric properties of the NPI-13, SB-PNI Vulnerability, HSNS Oversensitivity, Egocentrism, and provide new validation of the g-FLUX.Peer reviewe

    Intuitive physics ability in systemizers relies on differential use of the internalizing system and long-term spatial representations

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    According to the Empathizing-Systemizing theory (E-S Theory), individual differences in how people understand the physical world (systemizing) and the social world (empathizing), are two continuums in the general population with several implications, from vocational interests to skills in the social and physical domains. The underlying mechanisms of intuitive physics performance among individuals with strong systemizing and weak empathizing (systemizers) are, however, unknown. Our results affirm higher intuitive physics skills in healthy adult systemizers (N=36), and further reveal the brain mechanisms that are characteristic for those individuals in carrying out such tasks. When the participants performed intuitive physics tasks during functional magnetic resonance imaging, combined higher systemizing and lower empathizing was associated with stronger activations in parts of the default mode network (DMN, cuneus and posterior cingulate gyrus), middle occipital gyrus, and parahippocampal region. The posterior cingulate gyrus and parahippocampal gyrus were specifically associated with systemizing "brain type" even after controlling for task performance, while especially in the parietal cortex, the activation changes were simply explained by higher task performance. We therefore suggest that utilization of DMN-parahippocampal complex, suggested to play a role in internalizing and activating long-term spatial memory representations, is the factor that distinguishes systemizers from empathizers with the opposite "brain type" in intuitive physics tasks.Peer reviewe

    Positiivinen näkökulma konfliktijohtamiseen – esimiesten onnistumiset ristiriitatilanteiden ratkaisussa

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    A positive view on conflict management – resolving conflict situations successfullyThis research aims to reveal managers’ conceptions about the successful ways of resolving conflict situations between employees. The research question is “What conceptions do managers associate with the successful ways of resolving conflict situations between employees? ” The research data was collected through a questionnaire posted to managers in the public health care sector. Out of 47 managers, 20 responded to the questionnaire. Eventually, 19 responses were included in the analysis, which we conducted using the phenomenographic approach. On the basis of the analysis, the following three description categories were formed: a manager’s own action; cooperation between a manager and both parties of a conflict; and a resolution by a third party. A manager’s interaction and attitude proved to be important factors in resolving conflicts. Using the accrued data, we formed four classes – diplomatic, assertive, empathic, and delegativ

    Merikarvianjoki – elämysten ja toimeentulon virta

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    Gone fishing: Doing and undergoing cultural ecosystem services on the river Merikarvianjoki Nature-based tourism is not a small deal. Rural municipalities have recognized the potential of tourism to rural livelihoods and economic opportunities. Our case is Merikarvia and the tourism potential of the river that runs through it and the archipelago and the coastal waters around it. Merikarvia, SW Finland, has a professional fishing history that runs centuries back. Before the Second World War the river was already a popular fishing tourism destination. The river regained its popularity in the 1980’s and the local entrepreneurs started a purposeful development of the reproductive potential of natural salmon populations. Simultaneously, the conditions of professional fishing declined dramatically. In 1990, three fishery collectives (waters owners) established a non-profit firm the Kalakierros, which sells fishing licenses to the river area (26 km) of which 12 km is suitable for fly fishing. The fly fishers have started to perceive it as a genuine river of trout and salmon. In this article, we apply a pragmatist sense ethnographic view to cultural ecosystem services and study the potential of the fishing tourism in the Merikarvia area. We develop a new approach to understand fishing experience as a bodily cultural commodity.Nature-based tourism is not a small deal. Rural municipalities have recognized the potential of tourism to rural livelihoods and economic opportunities. Our case is Merikarvia and the tourism potential of the river that runs through it and the archipelago and the coastal waters around it. Merikarvia, SW Finland, has a professional fishing history that runs centuries back. Before the Second World War the river was already a popular fishing tourism destination. The river regained its popularity in the 1980’s and the local entrepreneurs started a purposeful development of the reproductive potential of natural salmon populations. Simultaneously, the conditions of professional fishing declined dramatically. In 1990, three fishery collectives (waters owners) established a non-profit firm the Kalakierros, which sells fishing licenses to the river area (26 km) of which 12 km is suitable for fly fishing. The fly fishers have started to perceive it as a genuine river of trout and salmon. In this article, we apply a pragmatist sense ethnographic view to cultural ecosystem services and study the potential of the fishing tourism in the Merikarvia area. We develop a new approach to understand fishing experience as a bodily cultural commodity
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