66 research outputs found

    Intensive Habitat Loss in South Spain: Arborescent Scrubs with <em>Ziziphus</em> (5220*)

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    The habitat arborescent matorral with Ziziphus (5220*) was included in the Habitats Directive of the European Commission. These plant formations represent the maximum potential vegetation in a very restrictive arid environment, since it encompasses endemic, tropical, or Maghrebian floristic elements, and from other areas of the ancient Thetis Sea. In fact, the version of this community with Gymnosporia senegalensis (Lam.) Loes. [=Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Exell] constitutes extraordinarily singular flora formations in the Iberian southeast. These are unique communities in Europe and ecologically extremely valuable and, however, have been included among the Europe’s most endangered habitats. The vast economic development experienced in South Spain based on the remarkable transformation of traditional farming patterns into a highly profitable agriculture that uses industrial production methods and the groundwater intensively (agriculture intensification and land-use change), in addition to urbanization without sustainable land planning, determines that European G. senegalensis populations are seriously threatened by severe habitat destruction and fragmentation

    Contribución al conocimiento de los edafismos de las comarcas interiores de Andalucía Oriental (España)

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    In this paper we present 21 new records for 16 taxa of peculiar substrates in Eastern Andalusia; these evidences provide several new records for regional and provincial flora.Se presentan 21 citas de 16 taxones propios de substratos peculiares de Andalucía Oriental, estas citas aportan varias novedades florísticas regionales, provinciales y comarcales

    Local deformation in a hydrogel induced by an external magnetic field

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    The aim of this study is to prove the feasibility of a system able to apply local mechanical loading on cells seeded in a hydrogel for tissue engineering applications. This experimental study is based on a previously developed artificial cartilage model with different concentrations of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) that simulates the cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM). Poly(l-lactic acid) (PLLA) microspheres with dispersed magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) were produced with an emulsion method. These microspheres were embedded in aqueous PVA solutions with varying concentration to resemble increased viscosity of growing tissue during regeneration. The ability to induce a local deformation in the ECM was assessed by applying a steady or an oscillatory magnetic field gradient to different PVA solutions containing the magnetic microparticles, similarly as in ferrogels. PLLA microparticle motion was recorded, and the images were analyzed. Besides, PVA gels and PLLA microparticles were introduced into the pores of a polycaprolactone scaffold, and the microparticle distribution and the mechanical properties of the construct were evaluated. The results of this experimental model show that the dispersion of PLLA microparticles containing MNPs, together with cells in a supporting gel, will allow applying local mechanical stimuli to cells during tissue regeneration. This local stimulation can have a positive effect on the differentiation of seeded cells and improve tissue regeneration.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the MAT2013-46467-C4-1-R project, including the Feder funds. CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program. CIBER Actions are financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund. The authors thank "Servicio de Microscopia Electronica" of Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for their invaluable help. The translation of this paper was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain.Vikingsson, L.; Vinals Guitart, Á.; Valera Martínez, A.; Riera Guasp, J.; Vidaurre Garayo, AJ.; Gallego Ferrer, G.; Gómez Ribelles, JL. (2016). Local deformation in a hydrogel induced by an external magnetic field. Journal of Materials Science. 51(22):9979-9990. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-016-0226-8S997999905122Eyre D (2002) Collagen of articular cartilage. Arthritis Res 4:30–35Roughley PJ, Lee ER (1994) Cartilage proteoglycans: structure and potential functions. Microsc Res Tech 28:385–397Gillard GC, Reilly HC, Bell-Booth PG, Flint MH (1979) The influence of mechanical forces on the glycosaminoglycan content of the rabbit flexor digitorum profundus tendon. 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Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, PhiladelphiaBrady MA, Waldman SD, Ethier CR (2015) The application of multiple biophysical cues to engineer functional neocartilage for treatment of osteoarthritis. Part I: cellular response. Tissue Eng Part B Rev 21:1–19Valhmu WB, Stazzone EJ, Bachrach NM, Saed-Nejad F, Fischer SG, Mow VC, Ratcliffe A (1998) Load-controlled compression of articular cartilage induces a transient stimulation of aggrecan gene expression. Arch Biochem Biophys 353:29–36Ingber DE (1997) Tensegrity: the architectural basis of cellular mechanotransduction. Ann Rev Physiol 59:575–599Khan S, Sheetz MP (1997) Force effects on biochemical kinetics. Ann Rev Biochem 66:785–805Hutmacher DW (2000) Scaffolds in tissue engineering bone and cartilage. Biomaterials 21:2529–2543Crick FHC, Hughes AFW (1950) The physical properties of cytoplasm: a study by means of the magnetic particle method. 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Biophys J 80:2649–2657Li L, Yang G, Li J, Ding S, Zhou S (2014) Cell behaviors on magnetic electrospun poly-d, l-lactide nano fibers. Mater Sci Eng, C 34:252–261Fuhrer R, Hofmann S, Hild N, Vetsch JR, Herrmann IK, Grass RN, Stark WJ (2013) Pressureless mechanical induction of stem cell differentiation is dose and frequency dependent. PLoS One 8:e81362Cezar CA, Roche ET, Vandenburgh HH, Duda GN, Walsh CJ, Mooney DJ (2016) Biologic-free mechanically induced muscle regeneration. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 113:1534–1539Vikingsson L, Gallego Ferrer G, Gómez-Tejedor JA, Gómez Ribelles JL (2014) An in vitro experimental model to predict the mechanical behaviour of macroporous scaffolds implanted in articular cartilage. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 32:125–131Vikingsson L, Gomez-Tejedor JA, Gallego Ferrer G, Gomez Ribelles JL (2015) An experimental fatigue study of a porous scaffold for the regeneration of articular cartilage. J Biomech 48:1310–1317Vikingsson L, Claessens B, Gómez-Tejedor JA, Gallego Ferrer G, Gómez Ribelles JL (2015) Relationship between micro-porosity, water permeability and mechanical behavior in scaffolds for cartilage engineering. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 48:60–69Li F, Su YL, Shi DF, Wang CT (2010) Comparison of human articular cartilage and polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel as artificial cartilage in microstructure analysis and unconfined compression. Adv Mater Res Trans Tech Publ 87:188–193Grant C, Twigg P, Egan A, Moody A, Eagland D, Crowther N, Britland S (2006) Poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel as a biocompatible viscoelastic mimetic for articular cartilage. Biotechnol Prog 22:1400–1406Weeber R, Kantorovich S, Holm C (2015) Ferrogels cross-linked by magnetic nanoparticles—Deformation mechanisms in two and three dimensions studied by means of computer simulations. J Magn Magn Mater 383:262–266Lebourg M, Suay Antón J, Gómez Ribelles JL (2008) Porous membranes of PLLA–PCL blend for tissue engineering applications. Eur Polym J 44:2207–2218Santamaría VA, Deplaine H, Mariggió D, Villanueva-Molines AR, García-Aznar JM, Gómez Ribelles JL, Doblaré M, Gallego Ferrer G, Ochoa I (2012) Influence of the macro and micro-porous structure on the mechanical behavior of poly (l-lactic acid) scaffolds. J Non Cryst Solids 358:3141–3149Panadero JA, Vikingsson L, Gomez Ribelles JL, Lanceros-Mendez S, Sencadas V (2015) In vitro mechanical fatigue behaviour of poly-ε-caprolactone macroporous scaffolds for cartilage tissue engineering. Influence of pore filling by a poly(vinyl alcohol) gel. J Biomed Mater Res Part B Appl Biomater 103:1037–1043Hassan CM, Peppas NA (2000) Structure and applications of poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels produced by conventional crosslinking or by freezing/thawing methods. Adv Polym Sci 153:37–65Labet M, Thielemans W (2009) Synthesis of polycaprolactone: a review. Chem Soc Rev 38:3484–3504Mano JF, Gómez Ribelles JL, Alves NM, Salmerón Sanchez M (2005) Glass transition dynamics and structural relaxation of PLLA studied by DSC: influence of crystallinity. Polymer 46:8258–8265Eckstein F, Lemberger B, Gratzke C, Hudelmaier M, Glaser C, Englmeier KH, Reiser M (2005) In vivo cartilage deformation after different types of activity and its dependence on physical training status. Ann Rheum Dis 64:291–295Garlotta D (2001) A literature review of poly(lactic acid). J Polym Eng 9:63–84Kovacs AJ, Aklonis JJ, Hutchinson JM, Ramos AR (1979) Isobaric volume and enthalpy recovery of glasses. II. A transparent multiparameter theory. J Polym Sci Polym Phys 17:1097–1162Hernández F, Molina Mateo J, Romero Colomer F, Salmerón Sánchez M, Gómez Ribelles JL, Mano J (2005) Influence of low-temperature nucleation on the crystallization process of poly(l-lactide). Biomacromolecules 6:3291–3299Wang Y, Gómez Ribelles JL, Salmerón Sánchez M, Mano JF (2005) Morphological contribution to glass transition in poly(l-lactic acid). Macromolecules 38:4712–4718Salmerón Sánchez M, Vincent BM, Vanden Poel G, Gómez-Ribelles JL (2007) Effect of the cooling rate on the nucleation kinetics of poly(l-lactic acid) and its influence on morphology. Macromolecules 40:7989–7997Nobuyuki O (1975) A threshold selection method from gray-level histograms. Automatica 11:23–2

    Is salinity the main ecologic factor that shapes the distribution of two endemic Mediterranean plant species of the genus Gypsophila?

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11104-014-2218-2Aims Responses to salt stress of two Gypsophila species that share territory, but with different ecological optima and distribution ranges, were analysed. G. struthium is a regionally dominant Iberian endemic gypsophyte, whereas G. tomentosa is a narrow endemic reported as halophyte. Theworking hypothesis is that salt tolerance shapes the presence of these species in their specific habitats. Methods Taking a multidisciplinary approach, we assessed the soil characteristics and vegetation structure at the sampling site, seed germination and seedling development, growth and flowering, synthesis of proline and cation accumulation under artificial conditions of increasing salt stress and effect of PEG on germination and seedling development. Results Soil salinity was low at the all sampling points where the two species grow, but moisture was higher in the area of G. tomentosa. Differences were found in the species salt and drought tolerance. The different parameters tested did not show a clear pattern indicating the main role of salt tolerance in plant distribution. Conclusions G. tomentosa cannot be considered a true halophyte as previously reported because it is unable to complete its life cycle under salinity. The presence of G. tomentosa in habitats bordering salt marshes is a strategy to avoid plant competition and extreme water stressSoriano, P.; Moruno Manchón, JF.; Boscaiu Neagu, MT.; Vicente Meana, Ó.; Hurtado, A.; Llinares Palacios, JV.; Estrelles, E. (2014). Is salinity the main ecologic factor that shapes the distribution of two endemic Mediterranean plant species of the genus Gypsophila?. Plant and Soil. 384(1-2):363-379. doi:10.1007/s11104-014-2218-2S3633793841-2Alonso MA (1996) Flora y vegetación del Valle de Villena (Alicante). Instituto de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert, AlicanteAlvarado JJ, Ruiz JM, López-Cantarero I, Molero J, Romero L (2000) Nitrogen metabolism in five plant species characteristic of gypsiferous soils. Plant Physiol 156:612–616Ashraf M, Foolad MR (2007) Roles of glycine betaine and proline in improving plant abiotic stress resistance. Environ Exp Bot 59:206–216Ashraf MY (2009) Salt tolerance mechanisms in some halophytes from Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Res J Agric Biol Sci 5:191–206Bates LS, Waldren RP, Tear LD (1973) Rapid determination of free proline for water-stress studies. Plant Soil 39:205–207Ben-Gal A, Neori-Borochov H, Yermiyahu U, Shani U (2009) Is osmotic potential a more appropriate property than electrical conductivity for evaluating whole plant response to salinity? Environ Exp Bot 65:232–237Biondi E (2011) Phytosociology today: Methodological and conceptual evolution. Plant Biosyst 145:19–29Boscaiu M, Bautista I, Lidón A, Llinares J, Lull C, Donat P, Mayoral O, Vicente O (2013a) Environmental-dependent proline accumulation in plants living on gypsum soils. Acta Physiol Plant 35:2193–2204Boscaiu M, Llul C, Llinares J, Vicente O, Boira H (2013b) Proline as a biochemical marker in relation to the ecology of two halophytic Juncus species. J Plant Ecol 6:177–186Bradford KJ (1990) A water relations analysis of seed germination rates. Plant Physiol 94:840–849Breckle SW (1999) Halophytic and gypsophytic vegetation of the Ebro-Basin at Los Monegros. In: Melic A, Blasco-Zumeta J (eds) Manifiesto científico por Los Monegros, vol 24, Bol. SEA., pp 101–104Brenchley JL, Probert RJ (1998) Seed germination responses to some environmental factors in the sea grass Zoostera capricorni from eastern Australia. Aquat Bot 62:177–188Cañadas EM, Ballesteros M, Valle F, Lorite J (2013) Does gypsum influence seed germination? 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Plant Biosyst 145(suppl):4–8Ghassemi F, Jakeman AJ, Nix HA (1995) Salinisation of land and water resources: human causes, extent, management and case studies. Canberra, Australia. CAB International, The Australian National University, WallingfordGrigore MN, Boscaiu M, Vicente O (2011) Assessment of the relevance of osmolyte biosynthesis for salt tolerance of halophytes under natural conditions. Eur J Plant Sci Biotech 5:12–19Grigore MN, Villanueva M, Boscaiu M, Vicente O (2012a) Do halophytes really require salts for their growth and development? An experimental approach mitigation of salt stress-induced inhibition of Plantago crassifolia reproductive development by supplemental calcium or magnesium. Not Sci Biol 4:23–29Grigore MN, Boscaiu M, Llinares J, Vicente O (2012b) Mitigation of salt stressed-induced Inhibition of Plantago crassifolia reproductive development by supplemental calcium or magnesium. Not Bot Horti Agrobo 40:58–66Hare PD, Cress WA (1997) Metabolic implications of stress-induced proline accumulation in plants. Plant Growth Regul 21:79–102Ishikawa SI, Kachi N (2000) Differential salt tolerance of two Artemisia species growing in contrasting coastal habitats. Ecol Res 15:241–247Kebreab E, Murdoch AJ (1999) Modelling the effects of water stress and temperature on germination rate of Orobanche aegyptiaca seeds. J Exp Bot 50:655–664Khan MA (2002) Halophyte seed germination: Success and Pitfalls. In: Hegazi AM, El-Shaer HM, El-Demerdashe S et al (eds) International symposium on optimum resource utilization in salt affected ecosystems in arid and semi arid regions. Desert Research Centre, Cairo, pp 346–358Khan MA, Gul B, Weber DJ (2000) Germination responses of Salicornia rubra to temperature and salinity. J Arid Environ 45:207–214Khan A, Rayner GD (2003) Robustness to non-normality of common tests for the many-sample location problem. 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US Department of Agriculture Handbook no. 60, 160 ppVicente O, Boscaiu M, Naranjo M, Estrelles E, Bellés JM, Soriano P (2004) Responses to salt stress in the halophyte Plantago crassifolia (Plantaginaceae). J Arid Environ 58:463–48

    Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 3

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    In this contribution, the conservation status assessment of four vascular plants are presented according to IUCN categories and criteria. It includes the assessment at global level of Crepis lacera Ten subsp. titani (Pamp.) Roma-Marzio, G.Astuti &amp;amp; Peruzzi and Anthyllis hermanniae L. subsp. sicula Brullo &amp;amp; Giusso and the regional assessment of Commicarpus plumbagineus (Cav.) Standl. (Spain and Europe) and Ambrosia maritima L. (Italy)

    Characteristics of hepatitis C virus resistance in an international cohort after a decade of direct-acting antivirals

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    Background & Aims: Direct-acting antiviral (DAA) regimens provide a cure in >95% of patients with chronic HCV infection. However, in some patients in whom therapy fails, resistance-associated substitutions (RASs) can develop, limiting retreatment options and risking onward resistant virus transmission. In this study, we evaluated RAS prevalence and distribution, including novel NS5A RASs and clinical factors associated with RAS selection, among patients who experienced DAA treatment failure. Methods: SHARED is an international consortium of clinicians and scientists studying HCV drug resistance. HCV sequence linked metadata from 3,355 patients were collected from 22 countries. NS3, NS5A, and NS5B RASs in virologic failures, including novel NS5A substitutions, were examined. Associations of clinical and demographic characteristics with RAS selection were investigated. Results: The frequency of RASs increased from its natural prevalence following DAA exposure: 37% to 60% in NS3, 29% to 80% in NS5A, 15% to 22% in NS5B for sofosbuvir, and 24% to 37% in NS5B for dasabuvir. Among 730 virologic failures, most were treated with first-generation DAAs, 94% had drug resistance in ≥1 DAA class: 31% single-class resistance, 42% dual-class resistance (predominantly against protease and NS5A inhibitors), and 21% triple-class resistance. Distinct patterns containing ≥2 highly resistant RASs were common. New potential NS5A RASs and adaptive changes were identified in genotypes 1a, 3, and 4. Following DAA failure, RAS selection was more frequent in older people with cirrhosis and those infected with genotypes 1b and 4. Conclusions: Drug resistance in HCV is frequent after DAA treatment failure. Previously unrecognized substitutions continue to emerge and remain uncharacterized. Lay summary: Although direct-acting antiviral medications effectively cure hepatitis C in most patients, sometimes treatment selects for resistant viruses, causing antiviral drugs to be either ineffective or only partially effective. Multidrug resistance is common in patients for whom DAA treatment fails. Older patients and patients with advanced liver diseases are more likely to select drug-resistant viruses. Collective efforts from international communities and governments are needed to develop an optimal approach to managing drug resistance and preventing the transmission of resistant viruses

    Physical activity and risk of Metabolic Syndrome in an urban Mexican cohort

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    Abstract Background In the Mexican population metabolic syndrome (MS) is highly prevalent. It is well documented that regular physical activity (PA) prevents coronary diseases, type 2 diabetes and MS. Most studies of PA have focused on moderate-vigorous leisure-time activity, because it involves higher energy expenditures, increase physical fitness, and decrease the risk of MS. However, for most people it is difficult to get a significant amount of PA from only moderately-vigorous leisure activity, so workplace activity may be an option for working populations, because, although may not be as vigorous in terms of cardio-respiratory efforts, it comprises a considerable proportion of the total daily activity with important energy expenditure. Since studies have also documented that different types and intensity of daily PA, including low-intensity, seem to confer important health benefits such as prevent MS, we sought to assess the impact of different amounts of leisure-time and workplace activities, including low-intensity level on MS prevention, in a sample of urban Mexican adults. Methods The study population consisted of 5118 employees and their relatives, aged 20 to 70 years, who were enrolled in the baseline evaluation of a cohort study. MS was assessed according to the criteria of the National Cholesterol Education Program, ATP III and physical activity with a validated self-administered questionnaire. Associations between physical activity and MS risk were assessed with multivariate logistic regression models. Results The prevalence of the components of MS in the study population were: high glucose levels 14.2%, high triglycerides 40.9%, high blood pressure 20.4%, greater than healthful waist circumference 43.2% and low-high density lipoprotein 76.9%. The prevalence of MS was 24.4%; 25.3% in men and 21.8% in women. MS risk was reduced among men (OR 0.72; 95%CI 0.57–0.95) and women (OR 0.78; 95%CI 0.64–0.94) who reported an amount of ≥30 minutes/day of leisure-time activity, and among women who reported an amount of ≥3 hours/day of workplace activity (OR 0.75; 95%CI 0.59–0.96). Conclusion Our results indicate that both leisure-time and workplace activity at different intensity levels, including low-intensity significantly reduce the risk of MS. This finding highlights the need for more recommendations regarding the specific amount and intensity of leisure-time and workplace activity needed to prevent MS

    Deep-sequencing reveals broad subtype-specific HCV resistance mutations associated with treatment failure

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    A percentage of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients fail direct acting antiviral (DAA)-based treatment regimens, often because of drug resistance-associated substitutions (RAS). The aim of this study was to characterize the resistance profile of a large cohort of patients failing DAA-based treatments, and investigate the relationship between HCV subtype and failure, as an aid to optimizing management of these patients. A new, standardized HCV-RAS testing protocol based on deep sequencing was designed and applied to 220 previously subtyped samples from patients failing DAA treatment, collected in 39 Spanish hospitals. The majority had received DAA-based interferon (IFN) a-free regimens; 79% had failed sofosbuvir-containing therapy. Genomic regions encoding the nonstructural protein (NS) 3, NS5A, and NS5B (DAA target regions) were analyzed using subtype-specific primers. Viral subtype distribution was as follows: genotype (G) 1, 62.7%; G3a, 21.4%; G4d, 12.3%; G2, 1.8%; and mixed infections 1.8%. Overall, 88.6% of patients carried at least 1 RAS, and 19% carried RAS at frequencies below 20% in the mutant spectrum. There were no differences in RAS selection between treatments with and without ribavirin. Regardless of the treatment received, each HCV subtype showed specific types of RAS. Of note, no RAS were detected in the target proteins of 18.6% of patients failing treatment, and 30.4% of patients had RAS in proteins that were not targets of the inhibitors they received. HCV patients failing DAA therapy showed a high diversity of RAS. Ribavirin use did not influence the type or number of RAS at failure. The subtype-specific pattern of RAS emergence underscores the importance of accurate HCV subtyping. The frequency of “extra-target” RAS suggests the need for RAS screening in all three DAA target regions

    Repositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol

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    High blood cholesterol is typically considered a feature of wealthy western countries1,2. However, dietary and behavioural determinants of blood cholesterol are changing rapidly throughout the world3 and countries are using lipid-lowering medications at varying rates. These changes can have distinct effects on the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol, which have different effects on human health4,5. However, the trends of HDL and non-HDL cholesterol levels over time have not been previously reported in a global analysis. Here we pooled 1,127 population-based studies that measured blood lipids in 102.6 million individuals aged 18 years and older to estimate trends from 1980 to 2018 in mean total, non-HDL and HDL cholesterol levels for 200 countries. Globally, there was little change in total or non-HDL cholesterol from 1980 to 2018. This was a net effect of increases in low- and middle-income countries, especially in east and southeast Asia, and decreases in high-income western countries, especially those in northwestern Europe, and in central and eastern Europe. As a result, countries with the highest level of non-HDL cholesterol—which is a marker of cardiovascular risk—changed from those in western Europe such as Belgium, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Malta in 1980 to those in Asia and the Pacific, such as Tokelau, Malaysia, The Philippines and Thailand. In 2017, high non-HDL cholesterol was responsible for an estimated 3.9 million (95% credible interval 3.7 million–4.2 million) worldwide deaths, half of which occurred in east, southeast and south Asia. The global repositioning of lipid-related risk, with non-optimal cholesterol shifting from a distinct feature of high-income countries in northwestern Europe, north America and Australasia to one that affects countries in east and southeast Asia and Oceania should motivate the use of population-based policies and personal interventions to improve nutrition and enhance access to treatment throughout the world