235 research outputs found

    Effects of a Short-Duration Online Simulation on Global Empathy

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    In an investigation of whether a particular instructional method is associated with greater global empathy among students, undergraduates were exposed to information about Haiti through lecture, news video, or an online game that simulated life in Haiti. Our hypothesis was that students would exhibit greater global empathy after playing the interactive online simulation than they would after hearing the lecture or watching the videos. Average scores for survey questions varied according to the instructional method, as did students behavioral responses during the experiment, but the variations were not statistically significant. A larger sample, a longer duration experiment, or the exclusion of students from particular academic majors from the experiment might elucidate a more noticeable indication that instructional method affects global empathy

    Terrestrially Derived n-Alkane δD Evidence of Shifting Holocene Paleohydrology in Highland Costa Rica

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    A previous study of carbon isotopes in the sediments of a glacial lake in Costa Rica led to the hypothesis that changes in the migration of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) over the course of the Holocene significantly affected the hydrology of the surrounding high-elevation páramo ecosystem. This hypothesis was based on millennial-scale changes in terrestrial n-alkane carbon isotope (δ13C) values in a sediment core from Lago de las Morrenas 1, a tarn on the Chirripó massif of the Cordillera de Talamanca. Here we present terrestrial n-alkane hydrogen isotope (δD) data, a more direct proxy of ecosystem drought stress, from the same core. These new data support the previous hypothesis and confirm that the effects of millennial-scale ITCZ dynamics in the circum-Caribbean region were not restricted to tropical lowlands. In southern Central America, these dynamics may have played a fundamental role in millennial-scale fire dynamics in high-elevation páramo ecosystems

    Limnología inicial de Laguna Pozo Verde, Costa Rica: Batimetría, agua, sedimentos y diatomeas

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    Introducción : Costa Rica tiene cientos de lagos, muchos de los cuales nunca han sido estudiados científicamente.  Objetivo: Conocer limnológia  de la Laguna Pozo Verde en el Parque Nacional Juan Castro Blanco, Costa Rica (~1935 m de elevación), para proporcionar datos de referencia para estudiar cambios futuros. Métodos: Medimos la profundidad y temperatura del agua y la profundidad de Secchi; sedimentos superficiales analizados; y examinó mapas e imágenes de satélite. Resultados: Aunque algunos la describen como formada por procesos volcánicos, la Laguna Pozo Verde probablemente se formó en un deslizamiento de tierra, que ocurre con frecuencia en esta zona lluviosa en la empinada ladera sur del inactivo volcán Porvenir. Nuestros sondeos mostraron una profundidad máxima de 9,25 m cerca del centro del lago. El agua era moderadamente transparente (profundidad de Secchi 2,6 m), con pH circunneutro y temperaturas de 15,9 a 18,1 °C, con estratificación débil a 0,5 m. Los sedimentos superficiales contenían 27% de materia orgánica y tenían relaciones C/N y valores de isótopos de carbono estables consistentes con algas lacustres y plantas C 3 ; Surirella angusta compuso más del 90% de las diatomeas. Conclusión: La laguna es significativamente más omera de lo informado y los sedimentos superficiales albergar una combinación de diatomeas única entre los 88 lagos examinados en Costa Rica.Introducción: Costa Rica tiene cientos de lagos, muchos nunca estudiados científicamente. Objetivo: Conocer la limnología de Laguna Pozo Verde en el Parque Nacional Juan Castro Blanco, Costa Rica (~1935m de elevación), como referencia para estudiar futuros cambios. Métodos: Medimos la profundidad y temperatura del agua y la profundidad de Secchi; analizamos sedimentos superficiales; y examinamos mapas e imágenes satelitales. Resultados: Aunque algunos la describen como formada por procesos volcánicos, es probable que Laguna Pozo Verde se haya formado en un deslizamiento de tierra, algo común en esta zona lluviosa de la empinada ladera sur del Volcán Porvenir (inactivo). Hallamos una profundidad máxima de 9,25m cerca del centro. El agua era moderadamente transparente (profundidad de Secchi 2,6m), con un pH cercano a neutro y temperaturas de 15,9-18,1°C, y una débil estratificación a 0,5m. Los sedimentos superficiales contenían un 27% de materia orgánica y tenían cocientes C/N y valores de isótopos de carbono estables, coherentes con algas lacustres y plantas C 3 ; más del 90% de las diatomeas eran Surirella angusta . Conclusión: La laguna es significativamente más somera de lo informado y los sedimentos superficiales albergan una combinación de diatomeas única entre los 88 lagos examinados en Costa Rica

    Inverse Estimation of an Annual Cycle of California's Nitrous Oxide Emissions

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    Nitrous oxide (N_2O) is a potent long‐lived greenhouse gas (GHG) and the strongest current emissions of global anthropogenic stratospheric ozone depletion weighted by its ozone depletion potential. In California, N_2O is the third largest contributor to the state's anthropogenic GHG emission inventory, though no study has quantified its statewide annual emissions through top‐down inverse modeling. Here we present the first annual (2013–2014) statewide top‐down estimates of anthropogenic N_2O emissions. Utilizing continuous N_2O observations from six sites across California in a hierarchical Bayesian inversion, we estimate that annual anthropogenic emissions are 1.5–2.5 times (at 95% confidence) the state inventory (41 Gg N_2O in 2014). Without mitigation, this estimate represents 4–7% of total GHG emissions assuming that other reported GHG emissions are reasonably correct. This suggests that control of N_2O could be an important component in meeting California's emission reduction goals of 40% and 80% below 1990 levels of the total GHG emissions (in CO_2 equivalent) by 2030 and 2050, respectively. Our seasonality analysis suggests that emissions are similar across seasons within posterior uncertainties. Future work is needed to provide source attribution for subregions and further characterization of seasonal variability

    Atmospheric observation-based estimation of fossil fuel CO_2 emissions from regions of central and southern California

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    Combustion of fossil fuel is the dominant source of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere in California. Here, we describe radiocarbon (^(14)CO_2) measurements and atmospheric inverse modeling to estimate fossil fuel CO_2 (ffCO_2) emissions for 2009–2012 from a site in central California, and for June 2013–May 2014 from two sites in southern California. A priori predicted ffCO_2 mixing ratios are computed based on regional atmospheric transport model (WRF-STILT) footprints and an hourly ffCO_2 prior emission map (Vulcan 2.2). Regional inversions using observations from the central California site suggest that emissions from the San Francisco Bay Area (SFBA) are higher in winter and lower in summer. Taking all years together, the average of a total of fifteen 3-month inversions from 2009 to 2012 suggests ffCO_2 emissions from SFBA were within 6 ± 35% of the a priori estimate for that region, where posterior emission uncertainties are reported as 95% confidence intervals. Results for four 3-month inversions using measurements in Los Angeles South Coast Air Basin (SoCAB) during June 2013–May 2014 suggest that emissions in SoCAB are within 13 ± 28% of the a priori estimate for that region, with marginal detection of any seasonality. While emissions from the SFBA and SoCAB urban regions (containing ~50% of prior emissions from California) are constrained by the observations, emissions from the remaining regions are less constrained, suggesting that additional observations will be valuable to more accurately estimate total ffCO_2 emissions from California as a whole

    Ampullary cancers harbor ELF3 tumor suppressor gene mutations and exhibit frequent WNT dysregulation

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    The ampulla of Vater is a complex cellular environment from which adenocarcinomas arise to form a group of histopathologically heterogenous tumors. To evaluate the molecular features of these tumors, 98 ampullary adenocarcinomas were evaluated and compared to 44 distal bile duct and 18 duodenal adenocarcinomas. Genomic analyses revealed mutations in the WNT signaling pathway among half of the patients and in all three adenocarcinomas irrespective of their origin and histological morphology. These tumors were characterized by a high frequency of inactivating mutations of ELF3, a high rate of microsatellite instability, and common focal deletions and amplifications, suggesting common attributes in the molecular pathogenesis are at play in these tumors. The high frequency of WNT pathway activating mutation, coupled with small-molecule inhibitors of β-catenin in clinical trials, suggests future treatment decisions for these patients may be guided by genomic analysis

    Atmospheric observation-based estimation of fossil fuel CO_2 emissions from regions of central and southern California

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    Combustion of fossil fuel is the dominant source of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere in California. Here, we describe radiocarbon (^(14)CO_2) measurements and atmospheric inverse modeling to estimate fossil fuel CO_2 (ffCO_2) emissions for 2009–2012 from a site in central California, and for June 2013–May 2014 from two sites in southern California. A priori predicted ffCO_2 mixing ratios are computed based on regional atmospheric transport model (WRF-STILT) footprints and an hourly ffCO_2 prior emission map (Vulcan 2.2). Regional inversions using observations from the central California site suggest that emissions from the San Francisco Bay Area (SFBA) are higher in winter and lower in summer. Taking all years together, the average of a total of fifteen 3-month inversions from 2009 to 2012 suggests ffCO_2 emissions from SFBA were within 6 ± 35% of the a priori estimate for that region, where posterior emission uncertainties are reported as 95% confidence intervals. Results for four 3-month inversions using measurements in Los Angeles South Coast Air Basin (SoCAB) during June 2013–May 2014 suggest that emissions in SoCAB are within 13 ± 28% of the a priori estimate for that region, with marginal detection of any seasonality. While emissions from the SFBA and SoCAB urban regions (containing ~50% of prior emissions from California) are constrained by the observations, emissions from the remaining regions are less constrained, suggesting that additional observations will be valuable to more accurately estimate total ffCO_2 emissions from California as a whole

    Genomic, Pathway Network, and Immunologic Features Distinguishing Squamous Carcinomas

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    This integrated, multiplatform PanCancer Atlas study co-mapped and identified distinguishing molecular features of squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) from five sites associated with smokin

    Pan-Cancer Analysis of lncRNA Regulation Supports Their Targeting of Cancer Genes in Each Tumor Context

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    Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are commonly dys-regulated in tumors, but only a handful are known toplay pathophysiological roles in cancer. We inferredlncRNAs that dysregulate cancer pathways, onco-genes, and tumor suppressors (cancer genes) bymodeling their effects on the activity of transcriptionfactors, RNA-binding proteins, and microRNAs in5,185 TCGA tumors and 1,019 ENCODE assays.Our predictions included hundreds of candidateonco- and tumor-suppressor lncRNAs (cancerlncRNAs) whose somatic alterations account for thedysregulation of dozens of cancer genes and path-ways in each of 14 tumor contexts. To demonstrateproof of concept, we showed that perturbations tar-geting OIP5-AS1 (an inferred tumor suppressor) andTUG1 and WT1-AS (inferred onco-lncRNAs) dysre-gulated cancer genes and altered proliferation ofbreast and gynecologic cancer cells. Our analysis in-dicates that, although most lncRNAs are dysregu-lated in a tumor-specific manner, some, includingOIP5-AS1, TUG1, NEAT1, MEG3, and TSIX, synergis-tically dysregulate cancer pathways in multiple tumorcontexts