32 research outputs found

    DisProt in 2022: improved quality and accessibility of protein intrinsic disorder annotation

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    The Database of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (DisProt, URL: https://disprot.org) is the major repository of manually curated annotations of intrinsically disordered proteins and regions from the literature. We report here recent updates of DisProt version 9, including a restyled web interface, refactored Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Ontology (IDPO), improvements in the curation process and significant content growth of around 30%. Higher quality and consistency of annotations is provided by a newly implemented reviewing process and training of curators. The increased curation capacity is fostered by the integration of DisProt with APICURON, a dedicated resource for the proper attribution and recognition of biocuration efforts. Better interoperability is provided through the adoption of the Minimum Information About Disorder (MIADE) standard, an active collaboration with the Gene Ontology (GO) and Evidence and Conclusion Ontology (ECO) consortia and the support of the ELIXIR infrastructure. © The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research

    DisProt in 2022: improved quality and accessibility of protein intrinsic disorder annotation

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    The Database of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (DisProt, URL: https://disprot.org) is the major repository of manually curated annotations of intrinsically disordered proteins and regions from the literature. We report here recent updates of DisProt version 9, including a restyled web interface, refactored Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Ontology (IDPO), improvements in the curation process and significant content growth of around 30%. Higher quality and consistency of annotations is provided by a newly implemented reviewing process and training of curators. The increased curation capacity is fostered by the integration of DisProt with APICURON, a dedicated resource for the proper attribution and recognition of biocuration efforts. Better interoperability is provided through the adoption of the Minimum Information About Disorder (MIADE) standard, an active collaboration with the Gene Ontology (GO) and Evidence and Conclusion Ontology (ECO) consortia and the support of the ELIXIR infrastructure.Fil: Quaglia, Federica. Università di Padova; Italia. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; ItaliaFil: Mészáros, Bálint. European Molecular Biology Laboratory; AlemaniaFil: Salladini, Edoardo. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Hatos, András. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Pancsa, Rita. Research Centre for Natural Sciences; HungríaFil: Chemes, Lucia Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas; ArgentinaFil: Pajkos, Mátyás. Eötvös Loránd University; HungríaFil: Lazar, Tamas. Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnology; Hungría. Vrije Unviversiteit Brussel; BélgicaFil: Peña Díaz, Samuel. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Santos, Jaime. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Ács, Veronika. Research Centre for Natural Sciences; HungríaFil: Farahi, Nazanin. Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnology; Bélgica. Vrije Unviversiteit Brussel; BélgicaFil: Fichó, Erzsébet. Research Centre for Natural Sciences; HungríaFil: Aspromonte, Maria Cristina. Università di Padova; Italia. Città della Speranza Pediatric Research Institute; ItaliaFil: Bassot, Claudio. Stockholms Universitet; SueciaFil: Chasapi, Anastasia. Centre for Research & Technology Hellas; GreciaFil: Davey, Norman E.. Chester Beatty Laboratories; Reino UnidoFil: Davidović, Radoslav. University of Belgrade; SerbiaFil: Laszlo Holland, Alicia Verónica. European Molecular Biology Laboratory; Alemania. Research Centre for Natural Sciences; HungríaFil: Elofsson, Arne. Stockholms Universitet; SueciaFil: Erdős, Gábor. Eötvös Loránd University; HungríaFil: Gaudet, Pascale. Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics; SuizaFil: Giglio, Michelle. University of Maryland School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Glavina, Juliana. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas; ArgentinaFil: Iserte, Javier Alonso. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Iglesias, Valentín. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Kálmán, Zsófia. Pázmány Péter Catholic University; HungríaFil: Lambrughi, Matteo. Danish Cancer Society Research Center; DinamarcaFil: Leonardi, Emanuela. Università di Padova; Italia. Pediatric Research Institute Città della Speranza; ItaliaFil: Rodriguez Sawicki, Luciana. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    3D-Beacons: decreasing the gap between protein sequences and structures through a federated network of protein structure data resources

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    While scientists can often infer the biological function of proteins from their 3-dimensional quaternary structures, the gap between the number of known protein sequences and their experimentally determined structures keeps increasing. A potential solution to this problem is presented by ever more sophisticated computational protein modeling approaches. While often powerful on their own, most methods have strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it benefits researchers to examine models from various model providers and perform comparative analysis to identify what models can best address their specific use cases. To make data from a large array of model providers more easily accessible to the broader scientific community, we established 3D-Beacons, a collaborative initiative to create a federated network with unified data access mechanisms. The 3D-Beacons Network allows researchers to collate coordinate files and metadata for experimentally determined and theoretical protein models from state-of-the-art and specialist model providers and also from the Protein Data Bank

    Caractérisation des périodes de sécheresse sur le domaine de l'Afrique simulée par le Modèle Régional Canadien du Climat (MRCC5)

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    Les conséquences des changements climatiques sur la fréquence ainsi que sur l'intensité des précipitations auront un impact direct sur les périodes de sécheresse et par conséquent sur différents secteurs économiques tels que le secteur de l'agriculture. Ainsi, dans cette étude, l'habilité du Modèle Régional Canadien du Climat (MRCC5) à simuler les différentes caractéristiques des périodes de sécheresse est évaluée pour 4 seuils de précipitation soit 0.5 mm, 1 mm, 2 mm et 3 mm. Ces caractéristiques incluent le nombre de jours secs, le nombre de périodes de sécheresse ainsi que le maximum de jours consécutifs sans précipitation associé à une récurrence de 5 ans. Les résultats sont présentés pour des moyennes annuelles et saisonnières. L'erreur de performance est évaluée en comparant le MRCC5 piloté par ERA-Interim aux données d'analyses du GPCP pour le climat présent (1997-2008). L'erreur due aux conditions aux frontières c'est-à-dire les erreurs de pilotage du MRCC5, soit par CanESM2 et par ERA-Interim ainsi que l'évaluation de la valeur ajoutée du MRCC5 face au CanESM2 sont également analysées. L'analyse de ces caractéristiques est également faite dans un contexte de climat changeant pour deux périodes futures, soit 2041-2070 et 2071-2100 à l'aide du MRCC5 piloté par le modèle de circulation générale CanESM2 de même que par le modèle CanESM2 sous le scénario RCP 4.5. Les résultats suggèrent que le MRCC5 piloté par ERA-Interim a tendance à surestimer la moyenne annuelle du nombre de jours secs ainsi que le maximum de jours consécutifs sans précipitation associé à une récurrence de 5 ans dans la plupart des régions de l'Afrique et une tendance à sous-estimer le nombre de périodes de sécheresse. En général, l'erreur de performance est plus importante que l'erreur due aux conditions aux frontières pour les différentes caractéristiques de périodes de sécheresse. Pour les régions équatoriales, les changements appréhendés par le MRCC5 piloté par CanESM2 pour les différentes caractéristiques de périodes de sécheresse et pour deux périodes futures (2041-2070 et 2071-2100), suggèrent une augmentation significatives du nombre de jours secs ainsi que du maximum de jours consécutifs sans précipitation associé à une récurrence de 5 ans. Une diminution significative du nombre de périodes de sécheresse est aussi prévue.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Modèle Régional du Climat, Changement climatique, Jours secs, Nombre de périodes de sécheresse, Événement de faible récurrence, Afriqu

    Intrinsic Disorder in Plant Transcription Factor Systems: Functional Implications

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    Eukaryotic cells are complex biological systems that depend on highly connected molecular interaction networks with intrinsically disordered proteins as essential components. Through specific examples, we relate the conformational ensemble nature of intrinsic disorder (ID) in transcription factors to functions in plants. Transcription factors contain large regulatory ID-regions with numerous orphan sequence motifs, representing potential important interaction sites. ID-regions may affect DNA-binding through electrostatic interactions or allosterically as for the bZIP transcription factors, in which the DNA-binding domains also populate ensembles of dynamic transient structures. The flexibility of ID is well-suited for interaction networks requiring efficient molecular adjustments. For example, Radical Induced Cell Death1 depends on ID in transcription factors for its numerous, structurally heterogeneous interactions, and the JAZ:MYC:MED15 regulatory unit depends on protein dynamics, including binding-associated unfolding, for regulation of jasmonate-signaling. Flexibility makes ID-regions excellent targets of posttranslational modifications. For example, the extent of phosphorylation of the NAC transcription factor SOG1 regulates target gene expression and the DNA-damage response, and phosphorylation of the AP2/ERF transcription factor DREB2A acts as a switch enabling heat-regulated degradation. ID-related phase separation is emerging as being important to transcriptional regulation with condensates functioning in storage and inactivation of transcription factors. The applicative potential of ID-regions is apparent, as removal of an ID-region of the AP2/ERF transcription factor WRI1 affects its stability and consequently oil biosynthesis. The highlighted examples show that ID plays essential functional roles in plant biology and has a promising potential in engineering

    Identification of a Region in the Common Amino-terminal Domain of Hendra Virus P, V, and W Proteins Responsible for Phase Transition and Amyloid Formation

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    Henipaviruses are BSL-4 zoonotic pathogens responsible in humans for severe encephalitis. Their V protein is a key player in the evasion of the host innate immune response. We previously showed that the Henipavirus V proteins consist of a long intrinsically disordered N-terminal domain (NTD) and a β-enriched C-terminal domain (CTD). The CTD is critical for V binding to DDB1, which is a cellular protein that is a component of the ubiquitin ligase E3 complex, as well as binding to MDA5 and LGP2, which are two host sensors of viral RNA. Here, we serendipitously discovered that the Hendra virus V protein undergoes a liquid-to-hydrogel phase transition and identified the V region responsible for this phenomenon. This region, referred to as PNT3 and encompassing residues 200–310, was further investigated using a combination of biophysical and structural approaches. Congo red binding assays, together with negative-staining transmisison electron microscopy (TEM) studies, show that PNT3 forms amyloid-like fibrils. Fibrillation abilities are dramatically reduced in a rationally designed PNT3 variant in which a stretch of three contiguous tyrosines, falling within an amyloidogenic motif, were replaced by three alanines. Worthy to note, Congo red staining experiments provided hints that these amyloid-like fibrils form not only in vitro but also in cellula after transfection or infection. The present results set the stage for further investigations aimed at assessing the functional role of phase separation and fibrillation by the Henipavirus V proteins

    Henipavirus V proteins : characterization, interaction with DDB1 and phase transitions

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    Pour contrecarrer la réponse humaine médiée par l'interféron les virus ont développé diverses stratégies. Chez les paramyxovirus, l’une de ces stratégies consiste à détourner le complexe cellulaire de l’ubiquitine ligase E3 pour favoriser la dégradation rapide des protéines STAT. Cette activité repose sur la capacité de la protéine virale V à lier DDB1, un composant du complexe ubiquitine ligase E. L'interaction entre V et DDB1 est donc une cible prometteuse pour des stratégies antivirales visant à neutraliser la capacité de ces virus à échapper à la réponse immunitaire innée de l'hôte. Les virus Nipah (NiV) et Hendra (HeV) sont des pathogènes humains de classe 4 appartenant au genre Henipavirus dans la famille des Paramyxoviridae. L'objectif de ma thèse était d'évaluer et de caractériser la capacité des protéines V des henipavirus à interagir avec DDB1 en tant que première étape vers le développement d'inhibiteurs qui pourraient être utilisés comme antiviraux. La protéine V comporte un domaine N-terminal désordonné (PNT), et un domaine C-terminal à doigts de zinc (ZnFD).In order to counteract the human interferon-mediated response, viruses have developed various strategies. One such a strategy, which is shared by several paramyxoviruses, consists in hijacking the cellular ubiquitin ligase E3 complex to promote the rapid degradation of STAT proteins. This activity relies on the ability of the viral V protein to bind DDB1, a component of the ubiquitin ligase E3 complex, thereby putting the latter in contact with STAT proteins. The interaction between V and DDB1 is therefore a promising target for antiviral strategies aimed at counteracting the ability of these viruses to escape the host innate immune response. The Nipah (NiV) and Hendra (HeV) viruses are biosafety level 4 human pathogens belonging to the Henipavirus genus within the Paramyxoviridae family. The objective of my thesis was to assess and characterize the ability of Henipavirus V proteins to interact with DDB1 as a first step towards the development of inhibitors that could be used in antiviral approaches. The V protein, whose sequence is conserved in NiV and HeV, is composed of two domains: an N-terminal disordered domain, called PNT, and a C-terminal zinc-finger domain (ZnFD)

    The Henipavirus V protein is a prevalently unfolded protein with a zinc-finger domain involved in binding to DDB1

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    International audienceHenipaviruses are severe human pathogens within the Paramyxoviridae family. Beyond the P protein, the Henipavirus P gene also encodes the V protein which shares with P its N-terminal, intrinsically disordered region (PNT) and possesses a unique C-terminal domain predicted to be folded and to bind zinc (ZnFD). Henipavirus V proteins antagonize IFN signaling through PNT-mediated binding to STAT1, and several paramyxoviral V proteins promote STAT1 degradation through binding to DDB1. Structural and molecular information on Henipavirus V proteins is lacking, and their ability to interact with DDB1 has not been documented yet. We cloned the V genes from Nipah and Hendra viruses and purified the V proteins from E. coli and DDB1 from insect cells. Using analytical size-exclusion chromatography, CD and SAXS we characterized the V proteins and their domains. Using pull-down and MST we assessed their binding abilities towards DDB1. We show that PNT remains disordered also in the context of the V protein, while the ZnFD adopts a predominant β conformation. We also show that the V proteins interact with DDB1 predominantly via their ZnFD. This is the first experimental characterization of the Henipavirus V proteins and the first experimental evidence of their interaction with DDB1. The DDB1-ZnFD interaction constitutes a promising target for antiviral strategies. These studies provide a conceptual asset to design new antiviral strategies expected to reduce or abrogate the ability of these viruses to escape the innate immune response. They also contribute to illuminating the conformational behaviour of proteins encompassing large intrinsically disordered domains