156 research outputs found

    Jeżeli nie możesz ich pokonać, dołącz do nich zgodnie z prawem – konsorcjum przetargowe w świetle ustawy o ochronie konkurencji i konsumentów

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    Artykuł prezentuje wybrane, problematyczne kwestie związane z oceną konsorcjów przetargowych w świetle prawa ochrony konkurencji. Rozważania przedstawione w niniejszym artykule służą ustaleniu granic pomiędzy dozwolonym konsorcjum przetargowym, mogącym rodzić korzyści dla gospodarki a zakazaną współpracą konsorcjantów, prowadzącą do zniekształcenia konkurencji. Konsorcjum tworzone przez przedsiębiorców przystępujących do przetargu może bowiem zostać uznane na gruncie ustawy o ochronie konkurencji i konsumentów za zakazane porozumienie ograniczające konkurencję, jeśli jego celem lub skutkiem jest ograniczenie konkurencji

    Recent advances in understanding the capacitive storage in microporous carbons

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    This article presents a review of our recent work on capacitance of carbide-derived carbons. Specific capacitance as high as 14 &F/cm² or 160 F/g was achieved using carbide derived carbons with tailored subnanometer pore size, which is significantly higher than 6 &F/cm² or 100 F/g) for conventional activated carbons. Such high capacitance was obtained in several types of organic electrolytes with or without solvent. A maximum is obtained for the carbons with the mean pore size close to the bare ion size, ruling out the traditional point of view that mesoporosity is highly required for maximum capacitance. Surprisingly, carbons with subnanometer porosity exhibit high capacitance retention, since only a 10% loss is measured when 6 A/g discharge is drawn. These findings show the importance of fitting the ion size with the mean pore size. The double layer theory falls short to explain such charge storage mechanisms at the nanometer scale, thus atomistic modeling is required to find out an alternative charge storage model

    A Lock-and-Kill anticancer photoactivated chemotherapy agent: this article is part of a Special Issue celebrating the 50thAnniversary of the American Society for Photobiology

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    Photosubstitutionally active ruthenium complexes show high potential as prodrugs for the photoactivated chemotherapy (PACT) treatment of tumors. One of the problems in PACT is that the localization of the ruthenium compound is hard to trace. Here, a ruthenium PACT prodrug, [Ru(3)(biq)(STF-31)](PF6 )2 (where 3 = 3-(([2,2':6',2″-ter- pyridin]-4'-yloxy)propyl-4-(pyren-1-yl)butanoate) and biq = 2,2'-biquinoline), has been prepared, in which a pyrene tracker is attached via an ester bond. The proximity between the fluorophore and the ruthenium center leads to fluorescence quenching. Upon intracellular hydrolysis of the ester linkage, however, the fluorescence of the pyrene moiety is recovered, thus demonstrating prodrug cellular uptake. Further light irradiation of this molecule liberates by photosubstitution STF-31, a known cytotoxic nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) inhibitor, as well as singlet oxygen via excitation of the free pyrene chromophore. The dark and light cytotoxicity of the prodrug, embedded in liposomes, as well as the appearance of blue emission upon uptake, were evaluated in A375 human skin melanoma cells. The cytotoxicity of the liposome-embedded prodrug was indeed increased by light irradiation. This work realizes an in vitro proof-of-concept of the lock-and-kill principle, which may ultimately be used to design strategies aimed at knowing where and when light irradiation should be realized in vivo.Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)335879Metals in Catalysis, Biomimetics & Inorganic MaterialsSupramolecular & Biomaterials Chemistr

    Electrode surface treatment and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study on carbon/carbon supercapacitors

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    Power improvement in supercapacitors is mainly related to lowering the internal impedance. The real part of the impedance at a given frequency is called ESR (equivalent series resistance). Several contributions are included in the ESR: the electrolyte resistance (including the separator), the active material resistance (with both ionic and electronic parts) and the active material/current collector interface resistance. The first two contributions have been intensively described and studied by many authors. The first part of this paper is focused on the use of surface treatments as a way to decrease the active material/current collector impedance. Al current collector foils have been treated following a two-step procedure: electrochemical etching and sol-gel coating by a highly-covering, conducting carbonaceous material. It aims to increase the Al foil/active material surface contact leading to lower resistance. In a second part, carbon-carbon supercapacitor impedance is discussed in term of complex capacitance and complex power from electrochemical impedance spectroscopy data. This representation permits extraction of a relaxation time constant that provides important information on supercapacitor behaviour. The influence of carbon nanotubes addition on electrochemical performance of carbon/carbon supercapacitors has also been studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

    Synergistic relationship between the three-dimensional nanostructure and electrochemical performance in biocarbon supercapacitor electrode materials

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    A novel study presented herein correlates the multidimensional morphology with the electrochemical performance of activated bio-carbon materials, for supercapacitor devices over multiple length scales. The optimization of the potassium hydroxide (KOH)/cellulose ratio for supercapacitor electrode materials is related to morphological characteristics and corresponding electrochemical performance, as described in terms of porosity, specific surface area, specific capacitance and electrochemical impedance. KOH/cellulose samples with ratios 0.5 : 1 and 1 : 1 exhibited the best performance, characterized by a hierarchal porous network structure, high surface area and low cell resistance. Compared with the rest of the manufactured samples and commercial activated carbons, Ketjen Black (KB), Norit activated carbon (NAC) and bead-shaped activated carbon (BAC), the former two samples showed better results in three-electrode systems and coin cells, with specific gravimetric capacitances as high as 187 F g−1 at a current density of 1 A g−1. The high performance is attributed to the morphology of the samples that constituted a combination of micro-, meso- and macroporosity which consequently gave high specific surface area, high porosity, low cell resistance and high specific capacitance. This further corroborates the structure-performance relationship observed in the author's model KOH/cellulose system, highlighting that the work can be extended to other similar systems. It is clear that the three-dimensional nanostructure of a material must be understood in its entirety in order to optimize the electrochemical performance

    If you can’t beat them, join them lawfully – consortium bidding in the view of the Polish Competition Act

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    Artykuł prezentuje wybrane, problematyczne kwestie związane z oceną konsorcjów przetargowych w świetle prawa ochrony konkurencji. Rozważania przedstawione w niniejszym artykule służą ustaleniu granic pomiędzy dozwolonym konsorcjum przetargowym, mogącym rodzić korzyści dla gospodarki a zakazaną współpracą konsorcjantów, prowadzącą do zniekształcenia konkurencji. Konsorcjum tworzone przez przedsiębiorców przystępujących do przetargu może bowiem zostać uznane na gruncie ustawy o ochronie konkurencji i konsumentów za zakazane porozumienie ograniczające konkurencję, jeśli jego celem lub skutkiem jest ograniczenie konkurencji.The article presents some problematic issues due to the assessment of consortium bidding in the view of the Polish Competition Act. Competition law does not forbid consortium bids. Consortium bids can often be organised in a way that complies with competition law. The paper show that consortium bidding may give rise to competition concerns when one consortium member or a subset of the consortium members could fulfil the requirements of the tender competition or the contract on its own. The next part focus to identify the pro-competitive benefits that result from joint bidding and assess whether those pro-competitive benefits outweigh any anti-competitive effects

    Przeciwdziałanie nadużywaniu znaczącej pozycji rynkowej w sprzedaży produktów rolnych i spożywczych w Czechach – zagadnienia wybrane

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    W artykule zaprezentowano zarys regulacji dotyczącej zwalczania nieuczciwych praktyk handlowych w ramach łańcucha dostaw produktów rolno-spożywczych obowiązującej w Czechach. Artykuł prezentuje wybrane, najbardziej doniosłe – w ocenie autorki – zmiany, jakie wprowadzono w wyniku nowelizacji czeskiej ustawy o znaczącej pozycji rynkowej w sprzedaży produktów rolno-spożywczych i jej nadużywaniu. Publikacja koncentruje się zasadniczo na regułach materialno-prawnych, a zwłaszcza: zakresie podmiotowym i przedmiotowym zastosowania ustawy, definicji znaczącej pozycji rynkowej, katalogu praktyk nadużywających znaczącą pozycję rynkową, jak również ocenie, kiedy nabywca dysponujący znaczącą pozycją rynkową jej nadużywa. Opracowanie zawiera także omówienie decyzji czeskiego organu ochrony konkurencji w sprawie Kaufl and oraz rozstrzygnięcie czeskiego sądu ochrony konkurencji w tej sprawie, które niewątpliwie wpłynęło na kształt nowelizacji ustawy

    Analysis of essential issues related to the act on counteracting the unfair use of superior bargaining power in the trade in agricultural and food products – what changes in Polish law?

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    The article presents selected provisions contained in the Act of 15 December 2016 on counteracting the unfair use of superior bargaining power in the trade in agricultural and food products, which has been prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The Act provides for an administrative fine for the unfair use of superior bargaining power. A proceeding of this nature shall be initiated by the President of UOKiK ex officio, rather than by request of any party to such proceeding. However, any entrepreneur with a reasonable suspicion of being the subject to a practices involving the unfair use of superior bargaining power may submit a complaint to UOKiK. It is the intention of the author to present a brief description of what are believed to be the key provisions contained in the new Act and show some difficulties that entrepreneurs may face when evaluating their activities for compliance with the provisions of this Act.Artykuł prezentuje wybrane regulacje zawarte w ustawie z 15 grudnia 2016 r. o przeciwdziałaniu nieuczciwemu wykorzystywaniu przewagi kontraktowej w obrocie produktami rolnymi i spożywczymi przygotowanej przez Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi. Ustawa dotyczy wprowadzenia pieniężnych kar administracyjnych za nieuczciwe wykorzystywanie przewagi kontraktowej. Postępowanie będzie wszczynał z urzędu Prezes UOKiK, a zawiadomienie dotyczące podejrzenia stosowania tych praktyk będzie mógł zgłosić przedsiębiorca, jeżeli podejrzewa stosowanie takich praktyk wobec siebie. Autorka podejmuje próbę przedstawienia zwięzłego opisu najistotniejszych – w jej ocenie – postanowień zawartych w ww. ustawie. Jednocześnie wskazuje na pewne trudności, z jakimi mogą spotkać się przedsiębiorcy przy ocenie swoich działań pod kątem zgodności z przepisami omawianej ustawy

    Characterizing Route Strategy in Professional Speed Climbing With Respect to Athlete Height

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    Speed climbing is a relatively new sport gaining international attention due to the rapid expansion of the sport of climbing, and speed climbing’s inclusion in the upcoming Summer Olympic games. Therefore, it is important that resources are made available to new climbers that would like advice on how to train for the sport. Our project deals with the identification of techniques in speed climbing that are used more often by certain heights of climbers than others. This study was accomplished through observation and analysis of the routes chosen by professional climbers competing in IFSC-regulated competitions over the last three years. The studied climbers were grouped by height, then consistent route variations and climbing techniques within each height group were identified. Tall climbers were observed to utilize variations that minimize the number of contacted holds, even at the expense of energy intensive movements like hold skips. Conversely, Short climbers were found to opt for route strategies that contacted more holds and travel a greater total distance. This is a potential consequence of the previously established idea that fluency of one’s centre of mass is crucial for successful speed-climbing. These principles lay the groundwork for more intelligent training of potential speed-climbing athletes.Science, Faculty ofUnreviewedUndergraduat