238 research outputs found


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    This paper presents an operational algorithm to produce Live Fuel Moisture Content (LFMC) at national scale from MODIS data. The algorithm is based on the inversion of Radiative Transfer Models (RTM) that estimate moisture content based on different simulation scenarios. In addition, logistic regression models were calibrated to convert the derived LFMC values into Ignition Probability (IP) maps. The areas under the curve obtained by the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) plot method provided by the models were close to 0.6. Several statistical analyses were performed in order to ascertain whether the variables proposed to be included in the fire danger model were significantly related to forest fires. A non parametric U-Mann-Withney test confirmed significant differences between fire and non-fire pixels (p<0.001). Fire pixels occurred at significantly lower LFMC values than the non-fire pixels

    Effects of different contextual interference programs in agility (Efectos producidos por diferentes programas de interferencia contextual en la agilidad)

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    En este estudio participaron 76 alumnos de 9-10 años de edad de un colegio público de educación primaria (44 chicos y 32 chicas). Los participantes fueron randomizados en función del resultado del pretest en cuatro grupos: interferencia contextual baja (ICB, n=19), interferencia contextual moderada (ICM, n=19) interferencia contextual alta (ICA, n=19) y Grupo Control (GC, n=19). El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer que método de entrenamiento de la agilidad en función de la interferencia contextual baja, moderada o alta (ICB, ICM e ICA) es más efectivo en escolares de cuarto curso de educación primaria, con el fin de dilucidar qué método de desarrollo de esta capacidad resultó el idóneo en esta etapa de escolarización. La agilidad fue evaluada mediante el test MAT2. Salvo en el grupo control (CG), se obtuvieron diferencias significativas en la agilidad (test MAT2), en todos los grupos después de un programa de intervención de 4 semanas de duración en alumnos del cuarto curso de primaria. Estas diferencias han sido superiores en el grupo de ICM (p<0,01, ES=1,12). Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p<0,05, ES=0,79) en el postest entre el grupo de ICM e ICB. This study involved 76 students from 9-10 years old in a public elementary school (44 boys and 32 girls). Participants were randomized to the outcome of the pretest into four groups: low contextual interference (ICB, n = 19), moderate contextual interference (ICM, n = 19) high contextual interference (ICA, n = 19) and Control Group (GC, n = 19). The aim of this study was to determine which method of agility training (ICB, ICM or ICA) is more effective in primary school children (9-10 years), in order to figure out what method of development of this capacity was the appropriate at this stage of schooling. The agility was evaluated by MAT2 test. Except in the control group (GC), there were significant differences in agility (MAT2 test) in all groups (ICB, ICM and ICA) after an intervention program of 4-week fourth-year students of elementary school. These differences have been higher in the ICM group (p<0.01, ES=1.12). We found significant differences (p<0.05, ES=0.79) in the posttest between the ICM and ICB group

    Secuestro de C en plantaciones de Eucalyptus spp establecidas en terrenos agrícolas en el norte de España

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    Una de las estrategias que se ha planteado para fijar gases con efecto invernadero (CO2, CH4 y N2O) es el aumento de la superficie forestal. España es uno de los países que más han contribuido a incrementar la superficie forestal en Europa, lo que se debe en buena parte al establecimiento de parcelas en tierras agrarias en situación de marginalidad. Durante el período de 11 años, transcurridos entre el segundo y el tercer inventarios forestales (1987 y 1998), el almacenamiento de C en biomasa arbórea en el norte de España ha aumentado en un 50 %. En este trabajo se realiza una primera estimación de las ganancias de C en biomasa y suelo en plantaciones de eucalipto establecidas en terrenos agrícolas. Para ello se seleccionaron un total de 25 pares de parcelas. Se trata de parcelas agrarias en las cuales parte de la superficie se transformó a plantación de Eucalyptus sp. En estas parcelas se determinó la acumulación de C en biomasa arbórea, mantillo y suelo en tres profundidades 0-5, 5-15 y 15-30 cm. Dado las mejores condiciones de fertilidad y mayor profundidad, que promueven el crecimiento arbóreo, la tasa de acumulación de C en biomasa es considerablemente superior a las plantaciones establecidas en suelos forestales. Los datos de este trabajo muestran acumulaciones superiores a 17 Mg ha-1 año-1. La acumulación de C en el mantillo también es superior a 1 Mg ha-1 año-1. En cuanto al suelo mineral, las pérdidas de C se reducen con los años desde el cambio de uso, fundamentalmente a partir de los 15 años del establecimiento y en plantaciones sobre esquistos y pizarras. Hasta ese momento se produjeron ligeras pérdidas.____________________________________One of the strategies proposed for fixing gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect (CO2, CH4 and N2O) is to increase the extension of land covered by forest. Spain is one of the countries that has contributed most to the increase in the forest area in Europe, largely due to the establishment of forest plots on marginal agricultural land. During the 11- year period between the second and third forest inventories (1987 and 1998), there has been a 50% increase in the storage of C in tree biomass in northern Spain. In the present study, a first estimate was made of the increase in C in biomass and soil in eucalyptus plantations established on agricultural land. A total of 25 pairs of plots were selected for the study. The plots are on agricultural land, part of which has been transformed by plantation of Eucalyptus sp. The amount of C accumulated in the tree biomass, humus and three different depths of soil (0-5, 5-15 and 15-30 cm) was determined. Given the more fertile conditions and the greater depth of the soil, which favour tree growth, the rate of accumulation of C in the biomass was considerably higher than in plantations established on forest soils. The data obtained in the present study revealed accumulations of C of more than 17 Mg ha-1 year-1. Accumulation of C in the humus was also higher than 1 Mg ha-1 year-1. The losses of C in the mineral soil decreased since the change in land use, generally from 15 years after establishment onwards, and in plantations on schists and slates. Slight losses of C were observed up until this time

    Design and validation of the 1-week memory battery for assessing episodic memory and accelerated long-term forgetting in cognitively unimpaired subjects

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    Subtle decline in memory is thought to arise in the preclinical phase of Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, detecting these initial cognitive difficulties cross-sectionally has been challenging, and the exact nature of the decline is still debated. Accelerated long-term forgetting (ALF) has been recently suggested as one of the earliest and most sensitive indicators of memory dysfunction in subjects at risk of developing AD. The objective of this study was to design and validate the 1-week memory battery (1WMB) for assessing episodic memory and ALF in cognitively unimpaired individuals.The 1WMB is unique in that it assesses multimodal memory and measures recall at both short delay (20 min) and at long term (1 week). Forty-five cognitively unimpaired subjects were assessed with 1WMB and standardized neuropsychological tests. Subjective cognitive decline (SCD), levels of anxiety and depression, and cognitive reserve were also measured.The tests of 1WMB showed a high internal consistency, and concurrent validity was observed with standard tests of episodic memory and executive functions. The analysis revealed a greater loss of information at 1 week compared to short-term forgetting (20 min). Performance in the 1WMB was affected by age and educational level, but was not associated with levels of anxiety and depression. Unlike standard tests, performance in the 1WMB correlated with measures of SCD.Our findings indicate that the 1WMB has good psychometric properties, and future studies are needed to explore its potential usefulness to assess cognitively unimpaired subjects at increased risk of developing AD. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)

    Fear of non-employability and of economic crisis increaseworkplace harassment through lower organizational welfare orientation

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    There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that economic crisis is a preeminent stressor (i.e., economic stress) that may worsen working conditions and expose individuals to negative acts at work (i.e., workplace bullying). Following an occupational health perspective that considers contextual factors as risk factors for workplace bullying, this study aims to examine the mediation effects of organizational orientation to employee welfare in the economic stress-workplace bullying relationship. A cross-sectional study with the participation of 1004 Italian workers from several organizations was conducted. Our results indicate that economic stress (composed of two dimensions: fear of the economic crisis and perceived non-employability) is associated with workplace bullying through the total mediation of organizational orientation to employee welfare. These results have relevant implications for psychosocial risk assessment in turbulent times

    Physical activity and leisure habits and relation with Ruffier index in adolescents

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    El objetivo del estudio fue medir y correlacionar la práctica de actividad física y con el Índice de Ruffier (IR) en adolescentes. A un total de 884 alumnos (edad=16,4±0,8 años) se les midió la actividad física con la Versión modificada del Assessment of Physical Activity Level Questionnaire (APALQ) y se evaluó la capacidad de adaptación al esfuerzo mediante el Test Ruffier. La media del Índice de Ruffier fue 11,1±4,6 y el Índice de actividad física (IAF) 13,8±4,4. Las relaciones entre IAF y el IR, y entre horas de ocio sedentario e IR resultaron ser significativas aunque débiles (r=-0,31; p=0,000). En el IR los chicos presentaron valores superiores (t= -8,78; p= 0,000) a las chicas. También destinan más tiempo a la práctica de AF y estas diferencias fueron significativas en AF reglada y no reglada y en participación en competición (p=0,000), mientras que las chicas destinan más tiempo a actividades sedentarias como leer y estudiar (p=0,000). Es necesario promover la práctica de actividades físico-deportivas, especialmente entre las chicasThe aim of the study was to assess and correlate physical activity practice and fitness level in adolescents. A total of 884 students (age=16,4±0,8 years) answered the modified version of the “Assessment of Physical Activity Level Questionnaire (APALQ)” and aerobic capacity was assessed through the Ruffier Test. The mean Ruffier Index (IR) was 11,1±4,6 and the mean Physical Activity Index (IAF) was 13,8±4,4. The relationship between IAF and IR, and between sedentary activities in leisure time and IR, was significant (r=-0,31; p=0,000). although weak. Boys showed higher physical fitness values (t= -8,78; p= 0,000) and spent more time practicing physical activity. These differences were significant for both regulated and not regulated physical activity and for participation in competition (p=0.000). Girls spent more time in sedentary activities like reading and studying (p=0.000). It is necessary to promote physical activity and sport practice, especially among girls

    Real world data in primary care: validation of diagnosis of atrial fibrillation in primary care electronic medical records and estimated prevalence among consulting patients

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    Primary care electronic medical records contain clinical-administrative information on a high percentage of the population. Before this information can be used for epidemiological purposes, its quality must be verified. This study aims to validate diagnoses of atrial fibrillation (AF) recorded in primary care electronic medical records and to estimate the prevalence of AF in the population attending primary care consultations. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional validation study of all diagnoses of AF recorded in primary care electronic medical records in Madrid (Spain). We also performed simple random sampling of diagnoses of AF (ICPC-2 code K78) registered by 55 physicians and random age- and sex-matched sampling of the records that included a diagnosis of AF. Electrocardiograms, echocardiograms, and hospital discharge or cardiology clinic reports were matched. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV), and overall agreement were calculated using the kappa statistic (κ). The prevalence of AF in the community of Madrid was estimated considering the sensitivity and specificity obtained in the validation. All calculations were performed overall and by sex and age groups. Results: The degree of agreement was very high (κ = 0.952), with a sensitivity of 97.84%, specificity of 97.39%, PPV of 97.37%, and NPV of 97.85%. The prevalence of AF in the population aged over 18 years was 2.41% (95%CI 2.39–2.42% [2.25% in women and 2.58% in men]). This increased progressively with age, reaching 16.95% in those over 80 years of age (15.5% in women and 19.44% in men). Conclusions: The validation results obtained enable diagnosis of AF recorded in primary care to be used as a tool for epidemiological studies. A high prevalence of AF was found, especially in older patientsThis study forms part of research funded by the FIS (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias—Health Research Fund, Instituto de Salud Carlos III) grants no. PI13/00632, and co-funded by the European Union through the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, “A way of shaping Europe”. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

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