174 research outputs found

    A19/B6: A new Lanczos-type algorithm and its implementation

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    Lanczos-type algorithms are mostly derived using recurrence relationships between formal orthogonal polynomials. Various recurrence relations between these polynomials can be used for this purpose. In this paper, we discuss recurrence relations A 19 and B 6 for the choice Ui ( x ) = P(1)i(x), where Ui is an auxiliary family of polynomials of exact degree i. This leads to new Lanczos-type algorithm A19=B6 that shows superior stability when compared to existing algorithms of the same type. This new algorithm is derived and described here. Computational results obtained with it are compared to those of the most robust algorithms of this type namely A12, A new 12 A5=B10 and A8=B10 on the same test problems. These results are included

    A comparative study of maximum power point tracking techniques for a photovoltaic grid-connected system

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    Purpose. In recent years, the photovoltaic systems (PV) become popular due to several advantages among the renewable energy. Tracking maximum power point in PV systems is an important task and represents a challenging issue to increase their efficiency. Many different maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control methods have been proposed to adjust the peak power output and improve the generating efficiency of the PV system connected to the grid. Methods. This paper presents a Beta technique based MPPT controller to effectively track maximum power under all weather conditions. The effectiveness of this algorithm based MPPT is supplemented by a comparative study with incremental conductance (INC), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and fuzzy logic control (FLC). Results Faster MPPT, lower computational burden, and higher efficiency are the key contributions of the Beta based MPPT technique than the other three techniques.Мета. В останні роки фотоелектричні системи набули популярності завдяки низці переваг серед відновлюваних джерел енергії. Відстеження точки максимальної потужності у фотоелектричних системах є важливим завданням і складною проблемою для підвищення їх ефективності. Було запропоновано безліч різних методів керування відстеженням точки максимальної потужності (ВТМП) для регулювання пікової вихідної потужності та підвищення ефективності генерації фотоелектричної системи, підключеної до мережі. Методи. У цій статті представлений контролер ВТМП, заснований на бета-методі, для ефективного відстеження максимальної потужності за будь-яких погодних умов. Ефективність ВТМП на основі цього алгоритму доповнюється порівняльним дослідженням з інкрементною провідністю, оптимізацією рою частинок та нечітким логічним управлінням. Результати. Швидше ВТМП, менші витрати на обчислення та більша ефективність є ключовими перевагами методу ВТМП на основі бета-методу порівняно з трьома іншими методами

    Direct observation of cycloidal spin modulation and field-induced transition in N\'eel-type skyrmion-hosting VOSe2_2O5_5

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    We investigate the spin rotational structure of magnetic skyrmions in a tetragonal polar magnet VOSe2O5 via polarized small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). Spin polarization analysis of the scattered neutrons provides consistent evidence for the cycloidal spin modulation in all the incommensurate phases at zero and non-zero magnetic field along the c axis, including the triangular skyrmion-lattice phase. In the vicinity of the skyrmion phase, we performed extensive SANS measurements to unravel a field-induced incommensurate phase (IC-2 state). We discuss the possibility of anisotropic double-q state as an alternative spin structure to provisional square skyrmion-lattice state.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure

    Ethnobotany Study of Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Respiratory Diseases in the Middle Region of Oum Rbai

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    The ethnobotanical study carried out in the region of Oum Rbia (Morocco) made it possible to identify the medicinal plants used by the local population and to collect the maximum information on this use. A survey of 1360 people from the region's population noted that 170 people use medicinal plants against respiratory diseases. Women accounted for 55.3% of the workforce versus 44.7% for men; Married people 70% against 28% for singles. The illiteracy rate is high (34.1%). The leaves are the most widely used part of the plant. Infusion and decoction are the most commonly used methods for preparing traditional remedies. The most widely used species in the treatment of respiratory diseases are: Origanun glandulosum, Eucalyptus globulus, Nigella sativa, Mentha pulegium, Lavandula stoechas, Zingiber officinale, Ammodaucus leucotrichus, Ficus carica. In addition, some species have toxicity either because of the ignorance of the necessary dose or because the people treated are affected by other diseases. Thus, the survey made it possible to inventory 66 medicinal species which are divided into 36 plant families; Lamiaceae (21.2%), Myrtaceae (10.6%), Apiaceae (8.8%), Amaryllydaceae (7.7%) and Zingiberaceae (7.1%). These results resulted in a catalog of medicinal plants used in the study area to treat respiratory diseases. It is a local know-how that must be considered as a heritage to be preserved and developed

    Polarization analysis for the thermal chopper spectrometer TOPAS

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    © 2015 Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences. We report on the progress of the construction of the thermal time-of-flight spectrometer with polarization analysis TOPAS at the Mayer-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ). The instrument components approach the status to be ready for installation. The special feature of the instrument is its capability for wide-angle polarization analysis in the thermal spectral range. Here we describe a novel approach to rotate the neutron spin adiabatically into the X, Y or Z direction of the laboratory frame by combination of permanent magnets aligned as Halbach rings and electrically generated fields. Despite the severe spatial restrictions the design exhibits a very high adiabaticity and interacts only weakly with the coil layout for the analyzing 3He spin filter cell (SFC)

    Hybrid Meta-heuristics with VNS and Exact Methods: Application to Large Unconditional and Conditional Vertex p-Centre Problems

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    Large-scale unconditional and conditional vertex p-centre problems are solved using two meta-heuristics. One is based on a three-stage approach whereas the other relies on a guided multi-start principle. Both methods incorporate Variable Neighbourhood Search, exact method, and aggregation techniques. The methods are assessed on the TSP dataset which consist of up to 71,009 demand points with p varying from 5 to 100. To the best of our knowledge, these are the largest instances solved for unconditional and conditional vertex p-centre problems. The two proposed meta-heuristics yield competitive results for both classes of problems

    Neighbourhood Reduction in Global and Combinatorial Optimization: The Case of the p-Centre Problem

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    Neighbourhood reductions for a class of location problems known as the vertex (or discrete) and planar (or continuous) p-centre problems are presented. A brief review of these two forms of the p-centre problem is first provided followed by those respective reduction schemes that have shown to be promising. These reduction schemes have the power of transforming optimal or near optimal methods such as metaheuristics or relaxation-based procedures, which were considered relatively slow, into efficient and exciting ones that are now able to find optimal solutions or tight lower/upper bounds for larger instances. Research highlights of neighbourhood reduction for global and combinatorial optimisation problems in general and for related location problems in particular are also given

    First result from the magic-PASTIS using large <sup>3</sup>He SEOP-polarized GE180 doughnut cell

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    We report on the first results of the newly proposed and prototyped PASTIS coil set, enabling for XYZ polarization analysis on the future thermal time-of flight spectrometers. Our setup uses a wide-angle banana shaped 3He Neutron Spin Filter cell (NSF) to cover a large range of scattering solid angle. The design assures relative magnetic field gradients < 10-3 cm-1 and large solid angle areas not interrupted by either coils or supports. In the vertical direction nearly 40° are open and the blind spots in the horizontal scattering plane comprise only 3° in 180° due to the square X and Y compensation coils. We present the first results of the field mapping and relaxations time measurements using a large 3He SEOP polarized GE180 doughnut cell

    Tailoring hyper-heuristics to specific instances of a scheduling problem using affinity and competence functions

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    Hyper-heuristics are high level heuristics which coordinate lower level ones to solve a given problem. Low level heuristics, however, are not all as competent/good as each other at solving the given problem and some do not work together as well as others. Hence the idea of measuring how good they are (competence) at solving the problem and how well they work together (their affinity). Models of the affinity and competence properties are suggested and evaluated using previous information on the performance of the simple low level heuristics. The resulting model values are used to improve the performance of the hyper-heuristic by tailoring it not only to the specific problem but the specific instance being solved. The test case is a hard combinatorial problem, namely the Hybrid Flow Shop scheduling problem. Numerical results on randomly generated as well as real-world instances are included