309 research outputs found

    Poesia digital

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    A origem do poema pode ser associada à poesia concretista, embora uma parte significativa desse gênero tenha se desenvolvido a partir de experimentos combinatórios que seguiram vanguardas baseadas em códigos matemáticos e combinatórios. A aplicação do hipertexto a sua estrutura possibilita o desdobramento da obra em diagramas de múltiplos devires que permitem passagens entre matrizes lógicas e experiências sensório-comunicativas. O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar como, na poesia digital, há uma complexa reconfiguração entre linguagens e tecnologias, concentrando-se em alguns de seus primeiros movimentos de experimentação. Para tanto, amparadas  pelas reflexões de Antônio (2002), Domingues (1997), Risério (1998), Machado (1993), Ferreira (2008), Menezes (1996) e Plaza (1987), entre outros, privilegiaremos algumas das transformações pelas quais passou a poesia no século XX, mapeando propostas e iniciativas inovadoras que podem ser apontadas como precursoras da poesia digital e das relações intersígnicas que ela promove

    The impact of blended learning on the value perceived of higher education

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    In this paper, the impact of blended learning on the value perceived of higher education is studied. Focusing on Nova SBE Master’s programs, the methodology consists of measuring the dichotomy of benefits and sacrifices. A statistical hypothesis testing is used to attest the significance of the difference between blended learning and the face-to-face approach. The three main results of the study are: (i) student’s unfavourable overall perception of blended learning, (ii) the extremely adverse impact on conditional and epistemic value and (iii) the contribution of campus and the lack of social interaction with fellow students as major points of concern

    Social responsibility in purchase and consumption: A study of the Portuguese consumer behavior

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    In the last decades, academic literature has been putting a notorious emphasis on the concepts of socially responsible consumer. However, literature also shows the existence of differences in the behavioural attitudes of consumers, due to the influence of the socio-cultural context and of social interactions. In the case of Portugal, there is no thorough study that analyzes the propensity of individuals for socially responsible consumption. Thus, this paper aims to examine the determinants of Socially Responsible Purchase and Disposal (SRPD), building on the work of Weeb, Mohr and Harris (2008), by analyzing the socio-demographic consumer profile. Exploratory interviews were used and collected data were subject to qualitative analysis. Additionally, a convenience sample of 1027 Portuguese adults answered to an online questionnaire. The results show that the socially conscious behaviour appears to be well established among the consumers. Also, individuals with certain demographic characteristics differ in their levels of social consciousness in purchase and consumption.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The use of mobile devices in‐store and the effect on shopping experience: A systematic literature review and research agenda

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    The use of mobile devices continues to change the in‐store shopping experience and constantly increases curiosity among academics and retailers. However, in spite of the emergence of studies on this topic, the information about the effects of their use is still scattered. The aim of this research is to provide an overview on what is currently known about the effect of the use of mobile devices in‐store on the shopping experience, and describe the most important findings. Furthermore, future research directions are also provided in order to extend the existing knowledge. This systematic literature review has analysed a top‐quality poll of papers, published in the past decade. As a result, it contributes to a better understanding of this focal phenomenon by analysing the different types of use and the value added to the shopping experience. Our framework provides a systematization of these findings.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Corporate social responsibility: Is it a pillar in relationships with customers?

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    Although academic research around Corporate Social Responsibility has registered an improvement, there is still a need for empirical studies expanding the knowledge of customers’ perceptions about Corporate Social Responsibility and its impact on the relationships with companies. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the impact of costumers’ perceptions about Corporate Social Responsibility of their grocery retail in long-term relationships. In order to address the object of the present study, a convenience sample of Portuguese customers answered an online questionnaire and the collected responses were analysed using Structural Equations Modelling. The main results show that customers’ perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility is determinant for successful relationships between grocery retail and their customers mainly through more positive satisfaction and trust. Implications of the results and future research are also discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Mobile devices usage in retail setting: Gender and generation preferences

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    Purpose: The tendency shows that more customers will bring and use their mobile devices in-store. This study proposes a further analysis of the complementary role of the mobile device in an in-store purchase providing a characterisation of those customers and analyses their usage preferences and behaviour intentions, presenting new insights concerning gender and generation preferences. Design/methodology/approach: Quantitative research with customers of electronic stores was conducted based on a questionnaire applied at the store’s exit. To assess the differences between genders and among generations were used the parametric T-Test and one-way ANOVA. Findings: The results demonstrate divergencies between generations when using mobile devices. In addition, they indicate that males have more intention to manage shopping tasks efficiently and consequently are less affected by in-store marketing stimuli and less predisposed to impulse purchases. Research limitations/implications: Although real customers participated, a convenience sample was used. The results should be compared with research on other retailer types. The customer shopping motivations and the types of mobile device usage should be further investigated since they can change the experience and the retailer’s outcomes. Practical implications: Contributing to related specific research areas such as shopping behaviour and technology in retail settings by showing the usage preferences, the study also provides information for retailers, especially those needing to approach the Gen Z customers, improving the development of strategies. Originality/value: This research explores further the complementary role of the mobile device in an in-store purchase. By conducting the study in a new setting, it brings new insight into a less explored, yet important sector.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Remembering Parotitis in SARS-CoV-2 era

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    New 2019-Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is presenting daily diagnostic challenges to emergency departments (ED) doctors, especially as an increasing number of atypical clinical presentations have been reported, including acute sialadenitis (most of parotid). We present a case of a 46-year-old obese caucasian woman, with no relevant medical history, that presented in ED with complaints suggesting parotitis, with normal laboratory tests, at first with no virus isolation, confirmed by computed tomography. One week later, anosmia and dysgeusia were notice, and SARS-CoV-2 was tested and confirmed. Authors want to alert that SARS-CoV-2 should be excluded as parotitis etiology, highly important, especially in this pandemic phase, as a way of transmission controinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Geoquímica e mineralogia de argilas do Cretácio de Taveiro e Aveiro, Portugal

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    Mestrado em Minerais e Rochas IndustriaisNeste trabalho realiza-se um estudo mineralógico e geoquímico detalhado de níveis argilosos do Cretácico Superior da região de Taveiro (Reveles e S. Pedro) e de Aveiro (Bustos). Realizaram-se análises granulométricas, e recorreu-se à DRX para a caracterização mineralógica, e aos métodos FRX e AAN para a caracterização química. O estudo realiza-se quer na rocha total, quer em diferentes fracções granulométricas (fracção≥ 125 μm, 63-125 μm, 20-63 μm, 2-20 μm e fracção <2 μm). Os objectivos gerais são: (i) aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre a mineralogia e a geoquímica de níveis argilosos da bacia Lusitaniana e (ii) um melhor conhecimento da geoquímica de elementos traço, em especial as terras raras, em depósitos sedimentares e a sua correlação com a mineralogia, em particular os minerais argilosos. Os níveis argilosos de Reveles são constituídos essencialmente por quartzo, feldspatos alcalinos e filossilicatos estando estes em maior quantidade na amostra com maior percentagem de finos. Ainda na região de Taveiro, São Pedro distingue-se por ter menor quantidade de feldspatos alcalinos e pela presença de hematite. Em Bustos, os níveis estudados apresentam granulometria muito mais fina que as amostras de Taveiro, sendo maioritariamente constituídos por filossilicatos, a que se associam quartzo, feldspatos alcalinos, e calcite numa das amostras. As variações na composição mineralógica são reflectidas na composição química da rocha total no que se refere aos elementos maiores e menores, sendo Bustos o depósito com os teores de SiO2 mais baixos e maiores teores de Al2O3, MgO e K2O. No que se refere aos minerais argilosos, o depósito de Reveles é constituído por esmectites, ilite e caulinite, enquanto o depósito de São Pedro se distingue por apresentar apenas caulinite e ilite. Em Bustos, a ilite aparece como mineral dominante, seguida da caulinite e do interestratificado ilite/esmectite. A concentração e distribuição das terras raras (TR) e de outros elementos traço na fracção argilosa dependem da natureza dos minerais argilosos presentes, sugerindo a sua incorporação, quer a substituir os elementos maiores, quer por absorção/adsorção. Quando a caulinite é dominante, acompanhada pela ilite (caso de São Pedro), as TR estão concentradas na fracção argilosa, sugerindo a sua incorporação essencialmente na caulinite. Quando a esmectite é dominante, observa-se um enriquecimento nos elementos da 1ª série de transição, em particular o Zn. Uma quantidade elevada de ilite aparece associada a uma concentração de Cs na fracção argilosa, pelo que este elemento deve estar essencialmente incorporado neste mineral argiloso. A geoquímica de elementos traço, juntamente com os elementos maiores e menores, permite uma melhor diferenciação dos níveis estudados, bem como uma correlação mais completa com a mineralogia da rocha total e das diferentes fracções granulométricas. Na rocha total, após a normalização ao Sc fica bem realçado um enriquecimento de Cs e W em Bustos. Na região de Taveiro, os níveis de Reveles estão enriquecidos em Ti, Zn, Zr, Hf, Ba, TR e Th, enquanto em São Pedro se regista um enriquecimento em Sb. ABSTRACT: Clay rich deposits occurring in Upper Cretaceous levels of the Lusitanian basin in Taveiro (Reveles and S. Pedro) and Aveiro (Bustos) regions, western Portugal, were selected for a detailed geochemical and mineralogical study, contributing for a more complete characterization of industrial exploited clay resources. Besides granulometric analysis, mineralogical (XRD) and chemical characterization (XRF and INAA) was applied to whole rock and different size fractions (Ф ≥ 125 μm, 63-125 μm, 20-63 μm, 2-20 μm and Ф <2 μm). The main goals of this study are: (i) better understanding the mineralogy and geochemistry of clayey levels, and (ii) a more detailed knolwledge of trace elements geochemistry, namely rare earth elements (REE), in sediments and their correlation with mineralogy, particularly the clay minerals. Reveles clayey levels present, besides quartz, alkali feldspars and phillosilicates, these more concentrated in the finer sample. São Pedro, also in Taveiro region, is differentiated by a lower content of alkali feldspars and the presence of hematite. In Bustos, the clay levels studied are finer compared to Taveiro, and mainly composed of phyllosilicates, and also quartz, alkali feldspars, and calcite in one sample. Chemical composition of whole rock, major and minor elements, reflect the different mineralogical associations. Bustos presents the lowest amount of SiO2 and the higher Al2O3, MgO and K2O contents. As far as the clay minerals are concerned, smectite, illite and kaolinite occur in Reveles, while only kaolinite and illite are found in São Pedro. Illite dominates in the Aveiro outcrop (Bustos), along with kaolinite and mixed layer illite/smectite. REE patterns and concentrations, as well as other trace elements, in the clay fraction depend on the clay minerals present, suggesting their incorporation by absorption/adsorption and/or substituting major elements. When kaolinite dominates, followed by illite (São Pedro), REE are concentrated in the clay fraction, pointing to their incorporation mainly in kaolinite, while in the presence of smectite as dominant mineral, an enrichment of 1st transition elements is observed, particularly Zn. A higher content of illite appears associated with a Cs enrichment in the clay fraction, indicating its incorporation in this clay mineral. Trace elements geochemistry, together with major and minor elements, alows a better differentiation of the studied Upper Cretaceous levels, as well as a more complete correlation with the mineralogical associations of the whole rock and different size fractions. In the whole rock, when normalized to Sc, different enrichments are observed: (a) Cs and W in Bustos; (b) Ti, Zn, Zr, Hf, Ba, TR and Th in Reveles; and (c) Sb in São Pedro

    Impacto da ?rea urbana de Diamantina na integridade ambiental e biota do C?rrego da Palha

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    O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio da Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior ? Brasil (CAPES) ? C?digo de Financiamento 001.?rea de concentra??o: Biodiversidade.O crescimento urbano das ?ltimas d?cadas tem reduzido a qualidade ambiental de rios urbanos, afetando negativamente a biodiversidade local. A principal causa desse desequil?brio ? o lan?amento de efluentes sem tratamentos. Em Diamantina-MG, cerca de 62% dos domic?lios despejam esgoto diretamente no C?rrego da Palha. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a integridade ambiental do C?rrego da Palha. Foram amostrados seis pontos ao longo do c?rrego e um ponto adicional adotado como refer?ncia no C?rrego Forma??o, local com m?nima influ?ncia antr?pica. Para caracterizar o ambiente foi aplicado o Protocolo de Avalia??o R?pida da Diversidade de Habitats (PARDH) e os par?metros f?sico-qu?micos mensurados. A presen?a de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, em quatro pontos amostrais, foi verificada pela t?cnica de N?mero Mais Prov?vel. Foi feito o levantamento e avalia??o da comunidade de macroinvertebrados bent?nicos. Peixes foram coletados e suas br?nquias analisadas pelas t?cnicas de Hematoxilina e Eosina (H.E.) e Imuno-histoqu?mica (IHQ), para verificar a presen?a de histopatologias e a express?o de HSP70, respectivamente. Enquanto os escores do PARDH e o oxig?nio dissolvido foram menores nos pontos urbanos, o pH foi maior, refletindo a urbaniza??o no entorno. O ponto ? montante da ?rea urbana apresentou carga baixa de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, diferentemente dos pontos urbanos e ? jusante que obtiveram valores m?ximos. Os macroinvertebrados apresentaram baixa diversidade nos pontos urbanos e ? jusante, com domin?ncia da fam?lia Chironomidae. T?xons mais sens?veis foram encontrados apenas nos pontos distantes da urbaniza??o. A ordena??o espacial indicou dois grupos de comunidade, sendo um composto pelo trecho referencial e o ponto ? montante da ?rea urbana e outro pelos pontos com maior influ?ncia urbana. Os ?ndices bi?ticos classificaram os pontos com pouca influ?ncia urbana como ?Bom? ou ?Muito bom? e os pontos urbanizados como ?Regular? ou ?Ruim?. Foram encontradas as esp?cies Astyanax bimaculatus (? montante do urbano e referencial) e Poecilia reticulata (?rea urbana e ? jusante). Apenas em P2 n?o foram encontrados peixes, ponto urbano com menor valor de oxig?nio obtido (<2%). A colora??o em H.E. revelou histopatologias apenas nas br?nquias de peixes presentes nos pontos urbanos e ? jusante, com maior severidade na esta??o chuvosa. A IHQ mostrou maior express?o imunohistoqu?mica de HSP70 em P. reticulata, presente nos pontos com maior influ?ncia urbana, com maior intensidade durante a ?poca chuvosa. As an?lises branquiais demonstraram o estresse em que os peixes localizados na ?rea urbana e ? jusante se encontram, evidenciando o impacto negativo da urbaniza??o sobre a ictiofauna local. Atrav?s de todas as an?lises realizadas ? poss?vel verificar a boa qualidade ambiental em que o C?rrego da Palha se encontra antes de alcan?ar a ?rea urbana de Diamantina e a baixa qualidade na regi?o urbana. Apesar do impacto negativo, os pontos mais ? jusante da mancha urbana apresentaram incremento na qualidade ambiental, indicando uma leve recupera??o de seu estado ambiental ? medida em que o c?rrego se distancia da urbaniza??o. Dessa forma, os resultados devem servir como subs?dio para elabora??o de pol?ticas p?blicas junto aos gestores municipais para mitigar impactos e melhor conserva??o do c?rrego.Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Biologia Animal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2020.Urban growth in recent decades has reduced the environmental quality of urban rivers, negatively affecting local biodiversity. The main cause of this imbalance is the discharge of untreated domestic effluent. In Diamantina-MG, about 62% of households discharge sewage directly into the Straw Stream. The objective of this study was to evaluate the environmental integrity of the C?rrego da Palha. Six sample points were collected along the stream and an additional sample point adopted as a reference in the C?rrego Forma??o, a place with minimal anthropic influence. To characterize the environment the Protocol for Rapid Assessment of Habitat Diversity (PRAHD) was applied and physical-chemical parameters were measured. The presence of total and thermotolerant coliforms, in four sample points, was verified by the Most Probable Number technique. The community of benthic macroinvertebrates was surveyed and evaluated. Fishes were collected and their gills analyzed by Hematoxylin and Eosin (H.E.) and Immunohistochemistry (IHQ) techniques to verify the presence of histopathologies and HSP70 expression, respectively. While the PRAHD scores and dissolved oxygen were lower in urban sample points, the pH was higher, reflecting the surrounding urbanization. The samples upstream of the urban area had a low load of total and thermotolerant coliforms, differently from the urban samples and downstream that obtained maximum values. Macroinvertebrates showed low diversity in urban samples and downstream, with dominance of the Chironomidae family. The most sensitive taxons were found only in the distant sample points of urbanization. The spatial ordering indicated two community groups: one composed by the referential stretch and the upstream samples and the other by the samples with greater urban influence. The biotic indexes classified the sample points with less urban influence as "Good" or "Very Good" and the other samples as "Regular" or "Bad". The species Astyanax bimaculatus (upstream urban and referential samples) and Poecilia reticulata (urban and downstream samples) were found. Only in P2 (oxygen <2%) no fishes were found. The H.E. staining revealed histopathologies only in the gills of fishes present in urban and downstream sample points, with more severity in the rainy season. IHQ showed high immunohistochemical expression of HSP70 in P. reticulata (sample points with greater urban influence) with greater intensity during the rainy season. The gill analyses demonstrated the stress in which fishes located in the urban and downstream areas are found, evidencing the negative impact of urbanization on the local fauna. Through all the analyses carried out it is possible to verify the good environmental quality in which the C?rrego da Palha is located before reaching the urban area of Diamantina and the low quality in the urban area. Despite the negative impact, the sample points further downstream from the urban spot showed an increase in environmental quality, indicating a slight recovery of its environmental status as the stream distances itself from urbanization. In this way, the results should serve as a subsidy for the elaboration of public policies with municipal managers to mitigate impacts and better conservation of the stream

    Scenes of dissensus in diaspora’s musics: rap and traditional rhythms of the pacific coast of Colombia

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    En este artículo se intenta mostrar cómo la idea de tensión entre estética y política puede dar cabida a otros modos y manifestaciones que no se agencian siempre desde instancias o discursos racionales (instituciones burocráticas estatales, académicas, partidos, etc). De ahí, la importancia de acudir a grupos musicales como Chocquibtown como expresiones de la diáspora que no configuran una comunidad consensual, sino una comunidad política que se constituí a través de escenas del disenso. Las mezclas de las músicas tradicionales del pacífico con el rap hechas por esos grupos evidencian una expresión estética singular que aparece como tematización de un “daño” ante un cuadro de consenso, de marginalización y exclusión, de negación de aquellos que representaron obstáculos para la consolidación del proyecto racional ilustrado y su forma moderna de organización política.The aim of this article is to show how the idea of tension between aesthetics and politics may allow new ways and manifestations that do not come to the fore from rational discourses. Musical colombian groups like Chocquibtown represent and perform that tension through a Diaspora music that mixtures the folk music of the Pacific with rap. They do not form a consensual community, but a political community that is constituted through scenes of dissensus. The musical fusion made by those groups demonstrates a singular aesthetic expression that turns “a damage” into the main focus of their discourse. They propose a context of consensus despite historical marginalization, exclusion and negation of those that have been seen as obstacles for the consolidation of the illustrated rational project and their modern form of political organization