65 research outputs found

    Genetic structure and gene flow of fragmented bat populations

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    Tese de doutoramento em Biologia (Biologia Evolutiva), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Ciências, 200

    Uma Longa Conversa com Carlos da Veiga Ferreira, editor da Teodolito

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    O presente relatório visa partilhar uma grande parte da informação que Carlos da Veiga Ferreira me transmitiu. O meu estágio na Teodolito acabou por se transformar numa sessão de conversas sobre os conhecimentos e experiências do editor. Para fazer jus a tudo o que aprendi durante as aulas e ao longo do estágio, decidi escrever sobre a vida do livro, desde o manuscrito ao produto finalThe present report aims to share a big part of the information that Carlos da Veiga Ferreira has shared with me. My internship in Teodolito ended up becoming a long conversation about the publisher’s knowledge and experiences. In order to be accurate with what I have learned during classes and the internship, I decided to write about the life of a book, since its manuscript until it becomes a finished product

    Vamos ganhar? Vamos perder? Acredito que vamos ganhar! : Relação entre discurso interno, eficácia colectiva e desempenho no voleibol

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto UniversitárioO presente estudo tem como principal objectivo estudar o efeito mediador que a Eficácia Colectiva possa ter na relação entre o Discurso Interno (Positivo e Negativo) e o Desempenho dos atletas, e ainda verificar se existem diferenças no que diz respeito ao Discurso Interno, à Eficácia Colectiva e Desempenho entre atletas federados e não federados na modalidade Voleibol. Com uma amostra de 240 participantes, este estudo utilizou a versão portuguesa do AESQS (Zourbanos et al., 2009), traduzida por três peritos independentes, com objectivo de avaliar o discurso interno dos atletas durante um jogo. Utilizou-se também a versão portuguesa do CEQS (Short, Sullivan & Feltz, 2001), traduzida por Francisco, 2005, com objectivo de avaliar a crença que cada atleta tem relativamente à sua equipa. Por fim, utilizou-se uma escala de avaliação de desempenho dos ateltas construída pelos autores do presente estudo. Dos resultados obtidos podemos destacar que, o efeito de mediação da Eficácia Colectiva na relação entre o Discurso Interno Positivo e o Desempenho, teve um efeito parcial. Relativamente ao efeito de mediação da Eficácia Colectiva na relação entre o Discurso Interno Negativo e o Desempenho, podendo-se, por isso, concluir que o efeito se verificou parcialmente. Confirma-se também que não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre atletas federados e não federados no que diz respeito às variáveis em estudo (Discurso Interno, Eficácia Colectiva e Desempenho.ABSTRACT: The present study has as main objective to study the mediating effect that collective efficacy may have on the relationship between the Self-talk (Positive and Negative) and the performance of athletes and also check if there are differences regarding to the Self-talk, Collective Efficacy and Performance between federated and non-federated athletes in Voleibol modality. With a sample of 240 participants, this study used a portuguese version of AESQS (Zourbanos et al., 2009) translated by three independent experts, with a goal of evaluating the athletes’s inner speech during a game. It was also used the portuguese version of CEQS (Shortm Sullivan & Feltz, 2001) translated by Francisco, 2005, with the objective of evaluating the belief which athlete has relatively to his team. Finally, was used a scale for evaluating the performance of athletes bilt by the authors of the this study. From the obtained results we can highlight that the mediating efect of Collective efficacy in the relation between the positive Self-talk and the performance had a parcial effect. In terms of the Collective Efficacy of mediation effect in the relation between the Negative Self-talk and the Performance it may be concluded that the effect was partially verified. It is also confirmed that significative differences between federated and non federated athletes, concerning the present variables (Self-talk, Collective Efficacy and Performance)

    Conexão política em espaços urbanos: estudos etnográficos sobre atuações de parlamentares na cidade do Rio de Janeiro

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    O presente trabalho é resultado de pesquisas realizadas nos períodos 2007/2 e 2008/1, com apoio de bolsas de iniciação científica (PIBIC/UFRJ e PIBIC/Faperj), como sub-projetos na linha de pesquisa Política e Cotidiano do Laboratório de Antropologia Urbana (LAU), coordenado pela professora Karina Kuschnir. O objetivo mais amplo desta linha é compreender práticas e representações acerca da política por parte de diferentes atores sociais em contextos urbanos. Como fim específico visa “investigar, mapear e analisar as formas de conexão entre políticos e população, especialmente na forma de Centros Sociais mantidos por parlamentares no Rio de Janeiro, focando suas relações com três redes sociais: políticos e suas equipes; moradores e usuários do sistema; bairros e contexto urbano onde se desenvolvem os Centros” (Kuschnir, 2007a). Deste modo, a pesquisa pretende contribuir para a compreensão das repercussões dos Centros Sociais para as representações e ações políticas na sociedade contemporânea. Estamos diante de novas formas de organizar as relações entre políticos, população, instituições e espaço urbano? Que formas são essas e qual a relação entre concepções sociais mais amplas e as categorias em jogo? (Kuschnir, 2007b)

    Presence of Gardnerella vaginalis in healthy portuguese women: a pilot study

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    Bacterial vaginosis (BV) has an important position worldwide, as the leading vaginal disorder in women, and affects 30-50% of African women and 10-20% of White women of reproductive age. This condition although not mortal causes great discomfort and may lead to other complications such as pre-term labour or increase susceptibility for HIV infection. During BV occur a decrease of Lactobacillus spp. present in the vaginal epithelium and an increase in the number of anaerobic microorganisms like Gardnerella vaginalis, Pretovella spp., Mobilincus spp.; Mycoplasma hominis and Atopobium vaginae. Gardnerella vaginalis is also responsible for the formation of a biofilm in the vaginal epithelium in sick women’s. However, the direct correlation between the pathology and the causing agent (or agents) has not been clearly established. Currently there is only one article in PubMed (Guerreiro et. al, 1998) referring to the prevalence of bacterial vaginosis in Portugal and we aim to extend the research in this field specifically to the portuguese population. As part of this effort one of our aims it to characterise the bacterial population of portuguese women both healthy and diagnosed with BV. As such we collected swab samples of vaginal fluids from protuguese women with the help of health professionals and using self collection. The swabs were collected and treated within 24 hours at the University of Minho for the characterization of the bacterial population present, by using conventional microbiological growth techniques, PNA-FISH microscopy and 16S PCR. It was found that about 20% of the samples tested possessed G. vaginalis and all possessed Lactobacillus spp. using all 3 identification techniques described. This result is consistent with previous reports of G. vaginalis prevalence althought slightly lower, and shows that traditional microbiological techniques, microscopy and molecular methods were consistent in terms of results

    Preliminary studies for the aplication of Thymbra capitata essential oil as potential antimicrobial agent in Bacterial Vaginosis

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    Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common gynecological clinical condition in women in reproductive age, and has been associated with an increased risk of development of preterm labor, spontaneous abortion, and several sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV [1]. BV is not only a condition that involves excessive growth of anaerobic microorganisms, but also involves the presence of an adherent biofilm [2]. Despite its high prevalence, the aetiology of BV remains unknown, but frequently Gardnerella vaginalis is the main microorganism associated with this disorder [3], that is often the main species in biofilms presented in BV [4]. These results led to the theory that the microorganisms that form biofilms may be relevant for the aetiology of BV [5]. Traditionally, the treatment of BV involves the antibiotics metronidazole, clindamicin or tinidazole [6]. However, the recurrence rate remains high and this can be related to the biofilm-forming ability of G. vaginalis [5]. In this context, recently it was reported that natural compounds, such as Thymbra capitata essential oil, can reduce the activity of biofilms [7]. To test if T. capitata could be used in the treatment of BV, we determined the biofilm-forming ability and the effect of essential oil in seven strains of G. vaginalis isolated from women with BV. Thus, the biofilm-forming ability was assessed under anaerobic conditions for 48 hours, allowing each strain to form biofilm. These assays revealed that in fact, G. vaginalis strains produced moderate to tenacious biofilm. We then determined the sensibility of the tested bacteria to the common antibiotics used to treat BV. Not surprisingly, most of strains were resistant of metronidazole and tinidazole which are more commonly administered. However half of strains were sensitive to clindamicin. We then evaluated the antibacterial activity of essential oil upon G. vaginalis strains, determining minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum lethal concentration (MLC). The T. capitata essential oil exhibited a potent anti-G. vaginalis effect, which was confirmed by the low values of MIC (0.16 µL.mL-1) and MLC (0.16 - 0.31 µL.mL-1). To conclude, these results showed that T. capitata essential oil presents a strong antibacterial activity upon antibiotic resistant and biofilm forming of G. vaginalis strains, reinforcing the potential interest of this essential oil as antimicrobial agent in the treatment of BV

    Genetic diversity and signatures of selection of drug resistance in Plasmodium populations from both human and mosquito hosts in continental Equatorial Guinea

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    BACKGROUND: In Plasmodium, the high level of genetic diversity and the interactions established by co-infecting parasite populations within the same host may be a source of selection on pathogen virulence and drug resistance. As different patterns have already been described in humans and mosquitoes, parasite diversity and population structure should be studied in both hosts to properly assess their effects on infection and transmission dynamics. This study aimed to characterize the circulating populations of Plasmodium spp and Plasmodium falciparum from a combined set of human blood and mosquito samples gathered in mainland Equatorial Guinea. Further, the origin and evolution of anti-malarial resistance in this area, where malaria remains a major public health problem were traced. METHODS: Plasmodium species infecting humans and mosquitoes were identified by nested-PCR of chelex-extracted DNA from dried blood spot samples and mosquitoes. Analysis of Pfmsp2 gene, anti-malarial-resistance associated genes, Pfdhps, Pfdhfr, Pfcrt and Pfmdr1, neutral microsatellites (STR) loci and Pfdhfr and Pfdhps flanking STR was undertaken to evaluate P. falciparum diversity. RESULTS: Prevalence of infection remains high in mainland Equatorial Guinea. No differences in parasite formula or significant genetic differentiation were seen in the parasite populations in both human and mosquito samples. Point mutations in all genes associated with anti-malarial resistance were highly prevalent. A high prevalence was observed for the Pfdhfr triple mutant in particular, associated with pyrimethamine resistance.Analysis of Pfdhps and Pfdhfr flanking STR revealed a decrease in the genetic diversity. This finding along with multiple independent introductions of Pfdhps mutant haplotypes suggest a soft selective sweep and an increased differentiation at Pfdhfr flanking microsatellites hints a model of positive directional selection for this gene. CONCLUSIONS: Chloroquine is no longer recommended for malaria treatment in Equatorial Guinea but sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) remains in use in combination with artesunate and is the only drug recommended in preventive chemotherapy in pregnancy. The high prevalence of point mutations in Pfdhfr and Pfdhps points to the danger of an eventual reduction in the efficacy of SP combined therapy in P. falciparum populations in Equatorial Guinea and to the essential continuous monitoring of these two genes.This study was supported by PEst-OE/SAU/LA0018/2011 - Proj. Estratégico LA0018 2011/2012 (http://cmdt.ihmt.unl.pt/index.php/pt/) and PTDC/SAU-EPI/113326/2009, “Fundacão para a Ciência e Tecnologia/Ministério da Educação e Ciência”, FCT/MEC (http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/index.phtml.pt), Portugal and by “Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación”, Madrid, Spain. C. Mendes and P. Salgueiro hold FCT grants (SRFH/BD/41473/2007 and SFRH/BPD/72532/2010, respectively).S

    Asymmetric introgression between sympatric molestus and pipiens forms of Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Comporta region, Portugal

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Culex pipiens </it>L. is the most widespread mosquito vector in temperate regions. This species consists of two forms, denoted molestus and pipiens, that exhibit important behavioural and physiological differences. The evolutionary relationships and taxonomic status of these forms remain unclear. In northern European latitudes molestus and pipiens populations occupy different habitats (underground <it>vs</it>. aboveground), a separation that most likely promotes genetic isolation between forms. However, the same does not hold in southern Europe where both forms occur aboveground in sympatry. In these southern habitats, the extent of hybridisation and its impact on the extent of genetic divergence between forms under sympatric conditions has not been clarified. For this purpose, we have used phenotypic and genetic data to characterise <it>Cx. pipiens </it>collected aboveground in Portugal. Our aims were to determine levels of genetic differentiation and the degree of hybridisation between forms occurring in sympatry, and to relate these with both evolutionary and epidemiological tenets of this biological group.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Autogeny and stenogamy was evaluated in the F1 progeny of 145 individual <it>Cx. pipiens </it>females. Bayesian clustering analysis based on the genotypes of 13 microsatellites revealed two distinct genetic clusters that were highly correlated with the alternative traits that define pipiens and molestus. Admixture analysis yielded hybrid rate estimates of 8-10%. Higher proportions of admixture were observed in pipiens individuals suggesting that more molestus genes are being introgressed into the pipiens form than the opposite.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Both physiological/behavioural and genetic data provide evidence for the sympatric occurrence of molestus and pipiens forms of <it>Cx. pipiens </it>in the study area. In spite of the significant genetic differentiation between forms, hybridisation occurs at considerable levels. The observed pattern of asymmetric introgression probably relates to the different mating strategies adopted by each form. Furthermore, the differential introgression of molestus genes into the pipiens form may induce a more opportunistic biting behaviour in the latter thus potentiating its capacity to act as a bridge-vector for the transmission of arboviral infections.</p

    Marcas versus as denominações de cultivares presentes, em duas indicações geográficas brasileiras para café

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    The coffees consumer interest based on quality and origin labeling increasing is creating a market which seeks for more than can be perceived through the five physical senses. These extra attributes can be signaled by the producers through the use of brands and geographical indications. Insert in a coffee package the cultivars denomination as a brand could be a way of carrying the prestige of it to the product. However, registers a cultivar denomination as trademark is prohibited under the Brazilian Plant Cultivar Protection Act. This study sought to identify the existence of brands with varieties denominations used by “Região do Cerrado Mineiro” and “Alta Mogiana”, coffee Brazilian Geographic Indications.As well discuss conflicts legislative possible solutions. It has confronted information provided by Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply´s and National Institute of Industrial Property´ databases. 7 of the 10 cultivars discriminated on Geographical Indications are present in brands deposited at the National Institute of Industrial Property. But none of the registers belongs to the National Listrecord designation´s owner. It´s suggested that varieties denominations should use VI, X and XVII Industrial Property Law ´s sections of prohibitions, as applicable.O crescente interesse dos consumidores nos cafés que destacam a qualidade e origem está criando um nicho mercadológico que busca mais do que se pode perceber através dos cinco sentidos físicos. Estes atributos extras podem ser sinalizados pelos produtores através do uso de Marcas e Indicações Geográficas. Indicar a cultivar fornecedora do café no pacote, inserindo-a na marca poderia ser uma forma de carrear o prestígio da cultivar ao produto. Porém, o registro de marcas como denominações de cultivares é proibido, segundo a Lei de Cultivares brasileira. Procurou-se, no presente trabalho, identificar a existência de marcas, contendo as denominações das cultivares utilizadas pelas Indicações Geográficas “Região do Cerrado Mineiro” e “Alta Mogiana”. Visou-se, ainda, propor possíveis soluções para o conflito legislativo. Para tanto, confrontaram-se as informações disponibilizadas pelos bancos de dados do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) e do Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI). Como resultado, concluiu-se que, 7 das 10 cultivares discriminadas nas Indicações Geográficas estão presentes em marcas depositadas no INPI. Porém, nenhuma marca foi solicitada por titulares de denominação de cultivar no Registro Nacional de Cultivares. Devido à ausência de proibição na lei de Marcas sobre o registro de denominações de cultivares, sugere-se o uso dos incisos VI, X e XVII da Lei da Propriedade Industrial