43 research outputs found

    Demonstrating the Merits of Integrating Multipath Signals into 5G LoS-Based Positioning Systems for Navigation in Challenging Environments

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    Constrained environments, such as indoor and urban settings, present a significant challenge for accurate moving object positioning due to the diminished line-of-sight (LoS)communication with the wireless anchor used for positioning. The 5th generation new radio (5G NR) millimeter wave (mmWave) spectrum promises high multipath resolvability in the time and angle domain, enabling the utilization of multipath signals for such problems rather than mitigating their effects. This paper investigates the benefits of integrating multipath signals into 5G LoS-based positioning systems with onboard motion sensors (OBMS). We provide a comprehensive analysis of the positioning system's performance in various conditions of erroneous 5G measurements and outage scenarios, which offers insights into the system's behavior in challenging environments. To validate our approach, we conducted a road test in downtown Toronto, utilizing actual OBMS measurements gathered from sensors installed in the test vehicle. The results indicate that utilization of multipath signals for wireless positioning operating in multipath-rich environments (e.g. urban and indoor) can bridge 5G LoS signal outages, thus enhancing the reliability and accuracy of the positioning solution. The redundant measurements obtained from the multipath signals can enhance the system's robustness, particularly when low-cost 5G receivers with a limited resolution for angle or range measurements are present. This holds true even when only considering the utilization of single-bounce reflections (SBRs)

    A hidden cause of infertility in hypothyroid patients

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    Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene mutations could be the cause of infertility in hypothyroid patients. Hence, it is worthy to screen for MTHFR gene mutations in infertile hypothyroid females and their partners if infertility persists after optimizing thyroid function

    Binding, thermodynamics, and selectivity of a non-peptide antagonist to the melanocortin-4 receptor

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    The melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) is a potential drug target for treatment of obesity, anxiety, depression, and sexual dysfunction. Crystal structures for MC4R are not yet available, which has hindered successful structure-based drug design. Using microsecond-scale molecular-dynamics simulations, we have investigated selective binding of the non-peptide antagonist MCL0129 to a homology model of human MC4R (hMC4R). This approach revealed that, at the end of a multi-step binding process, MCL0129 spontaneously adopts a binding mode in which it blocks the agonistic-binding site. This binding mode was confirmed in subsequent metadynamics simulations, which gave an affinity for human hMC4R that matches the experimentally determined value. Extending our simulations of MCL0129 binding to hMC1R and hMC3R, we find that receptor subtype selectivity for hMC4R depends on few amino acids located in various structural elements of the receptor. These insights may support rational drug design targeting the melanocortin systems

    Exploring the free-energy landscape of carbohydrate-protein complexes: development and validation of scoring functions considering the binding-site topology

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    Carbohydrates play a key role in a variety of physiological and pathological processes and, hence, represent a rich source for the development of novel therapeutic agents. Being able to predict binding mode and binding affinity is an essential, yet lacking, aspect of the structure-based design of carbohydrate-based ligands. We assembled a diverse data set comprising 273 carbohydrate-protein crystal structures with known binding affinity and evaluated the prediction accuracy of a large collection of well-established scoring and free-energy functions, as well as combinations thereof. Unfortunately, the tested functions were not capable of reproducing binding affinities in the studied complexes. To simplify the complex free-energy surface of carbohydrate-protein systems, we classified the studied proteins according to the topology and solvent exposure of the carbohydrate-binding site into five distinct categories. A free-energy model based on the proposed classification scheme reproduced binding affinities in the carbohydrate data set with an r 2 of 0.71 and root-mean-squared-error of 1.25kcal/mol (N=236). The improvement in model performance underlines the significance of the differences in the local micro-environments of carbohydrate-binding sites and demonstrates the usefulness of calibrating free-energy functions individually according to binding-site topology and solvent exposure. Graphical Abstract

    HIRA directly targets the enhancers of selected cardiac transcription factors during in vitro differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells

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    HIRA is a histone chaperone known to modulate gene expression through the deposition of H3.3. Conditional knockout of Hira in embryonic mouse hearts leads to cardiac septal defects. Loss of function mutation in HIRA, together with other chromatin modifiers, was found in patients with congenital heart diseases. However, the effects of HIRA on gene expression at earlier stages of cardiogenic mesoderm differentiation have not yet been studied. Differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) towards cardiomyocytes mimics some of these early events and is an accepted model of these early stages. We performed RNA-Seq and H3.3-HA ChIP-seq on both WT and Hira-null mESCs and early cardiomyocyte progenitors of both genotypes. Analysis of RNA-seq data showed differential down regulation of cardiovascular development-related genes in Hira-null cardiomyocytes compared to WT cardiomyocytes. We found HIRA-dependent H3.3 deposition at these genes. In particular, we observed that HIRA influenced directly the expression of the transcription factors Gata6, Meis1 and Tbx2, essential for cardiac septation, through H3.3 deposition. We therefore identified new direct targets of HIRA during cardiac differentiation

    Cyanine Dye Coupling Mediates Self-assembly of a pH Sensitive Peptide into Novel 3D Architectures

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    Synthetic multichromophore systems are of great importance in artificial light harvesting devices, organic optoelectronics, tumor imaging and therapy. Here, we introduce a promising strategy for the construction of self-assembled peptide templated dye stacks based on coupling of a de novo designed pH sensitive peptide with a cyanine dye Cy5 at its N-terminus. Microscopic techniques, in particular cryogenic TEM (cryo-TEM) and cryo-electron tomography technique (cryo-ET), reveal two types of highly ordered three-dimensional assembly structures on the micrometer scale. Unbranched compact layered rods are observed at pH 7.4 and two-dimensional membrane-like assemblies at pH 3.4, both species displaying spectral features of H-aggregates. Molecular dynamics simulations reveal that the coupling of Cy5 moieties promotes the formation of both ultrastructures, whereas the protonation states of acidic and basic amino acid side chains dictates their ultimate three-dimensional organization

    Future prospects for dissecting inter-individual variability in the absorption, distribution and elimination of plant bioactives of relevance for cardiometabolic endpoints

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    PURPOSE: The health-promoting potential of food-derived plant bioactive compounds is evident but not always consistent across studies. Large inter-individual variability may originate from differences in digestion, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME). ADME can be modulated by age, sex, dietary habits, microbiome composition, genetic variation, drug exposure and many other factors. Within the recent COST Action POSITIVe, large-scale literature surveys were undertaken to identify the reasons and extent of inter-individual variability in ADME of selected plant bioactive compounds of importance to cardiometabolic health. The aim of the present review is to summarize the findings and suggest a framework for future studies designed to investigate the etiology of inter-individual variability in plant bioactive ADME and bioefficacy. RESULTS: Few studies have reported individual data on the ADME of bioactive compounds and on determinants such as age, diet, lifestyle, health status and medication, thereby limiting a mechanistic understanding of the main drivers of variation in ADME processes observed across individuals. Metabolomics represent crucial techniques to decipher inter-individual variability and to stratify individuals according to metabotypes reflecting the intrinsic capacity to absorb and metabolize bioactive compounds. CONCLUSION: A methodological framework was developed to decipher how the contribution from genetic variants or microbiome variants to ADME of bioactive compounds can be predicted. Future study design should include (1) a larger number of study participants, (2) individual and full profiling of all possible determinants of internal exposure, (3) the presentation of individual ADME data and (4) incorporation of omics platforms, such as genomics, microbiomics and metabolomics in ADME and efficacy studies

    APOE4 genotype exacerbates the impact of menopause on cognition and synaptic plasticity in APOE‐TR mice

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    The impact of sex and menopausal status in Alzheimer’s disease remains understudied despite increasing evidence of greater female risk, particularly in APOE4 carriers. Utilizing female APOE‐TR mice maintained on a high‐fat diet background we induced ovarian failure through repeated VCD injections, to mimic human menopause. At 12 months of age, recognition memory and spatial memory were assessed using object recognition, Y‐maze spontaneous alternation, and Barnes maze. A VCD*genotype interaction reduced the recognition memory (P < .05), with APOE4 VCD‐treated animals unable to distinguish between novel and familiar objects. APOE4 mice displayed an additional 37% and 12% reduction in Barnes (P < .01) and Y‐maze (P < .01) performance, indicative of genotype‐specific spatial memory impairment. Molecular analysis indicated both VCD and genotype‐related deficits in synaptic plasticity with BDNF, Akt, mTOR, and ERK signaling compromised. Subsequent reductions in the transcription factors Creb1 and Atf4 were also evident. Furthermore, the VCD*genotype interaction specifically diminished Ephb2 expression, while Fos, and Cnr1 expression reduced as a consequence of APOE4 genotype. Brain DHA levels were 13% lower in VCD‐treated animals independent of genotype. Consistent with this, we detected alterations in the expression of the DHA transporters Acsl6 and Fatp4. Our results indicate that the combination of ovarian failure and APOE4 leads to an exacerbation of cognitive and neurological deficits

    HIRA Is Required for Heart Development and Directly Regulates Tnni2 and Tnnt3

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    Chromatin remodelling is essential for cardiac development. Interestingly, the role of histone chaperones has not been investigated in this regard. HIRA is a member of the HUCA (HIRA/UBN1/CABIN1/ASF1a) complex that deposits the variant histone H3.3 on chromatin independently of replication. Lack of HIRA has general effects on chromatin and gene expression dynamics in embryonic stem cells and mouse oocytes. Here we describe the conditional ablation of Hira in the cardiogenic mesoderm of mice. We observed surface oedema, ventricular and atrial septal defects and embryonic lethality. We identified dysregulation of a subset of cardiac genes, notably upregulation of troponins Tnni2 and Tnnt3, involved in cardiac contractility and decreased expression of Epha3, a gene necessary for the fusion of the muscular ventricular septum and the atrioventricular cushions. We found that HIRA binds GAGA rich DNA loci in the embryonic heart, and in particular a previously described enhancer of Tnni2/Tnnt3 (TTe) bound by the transcription factor NKX2.5. HIRA-dependent H3.3 enrichment was observed at the TTe in embryonic stem cells (ESC) differentiated toward cardiomyocytes in vitro. Thus, we show here that HIRA has locus-specific effects on gene expression and that histone chaperone activity is vital for normal heart development, impinging on pathways regulated by an established cardiac transcription factor