72 research outputs found

    O Uso de Imagens TM-Landsat 5 na Identificação de Associações Vegetais na Borda Ocidental do Planalto Meridional do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Por meio de análise visual de dados TM-Landsat 5 foi possível avaliar a atual situação espacial das associações florísticas distribuídas na porção NE do Planalto Meridional do Rio Grande do Sul e suas encostas, mais precisamente nas regiões denominadas Serra do Umbu, Serra do Pinto, Josafaz e Tainhas-Aratinga. O estudo das bandas 3, 4 e 5 e sua composição colorida 453 (RGB) permitiu identificar fatores que influenciaram nas respostas espectrais e texturais dos alvos considerados. Como resultado foram definidas três unidades fitogeográficas, Mata Nativa, Banhados e Campos, e duas outras. Reflorestamento e Terrenos Arrasados e/ou Cultivados

    Identificação de Rochas Ultramáficas por Imagens Digitais TM - Landsat 5 no Escudo Sul-rio-grandense, RS

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    Principal Components of Landsat TM images were used aiming to identify occurrences of ultramafic rocks in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Principal Component involving the pairs of bands TM1-TM5, TM4-TM2 and TM5-TM7 showed to be the best for the purposes of the study. Field surveys confirmed the results obtained by digital processing of the images.Principal Components of Landsat TM images were used aiming to identify occurrences of ultramafic rocks in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Principal Component involving the pairs of bands TM1-TM5, TM4-TM2 and TM5-TM7 showed to be the best for the purposes of the study. Field surveys confirmed the results obtained by digital processing of the images

    Meat Analogues from Pea Protein: Effect of Different Oat Protein Concentrates and Post Treatment on Selected Technological Properties of High-Moisture Extrudates

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    The effect of using oat protein concentrates from different sources on the techno/functional properties of pea protein high-moisture extrudates (HME) have been investigated. The oat protein fractions were commercially produced by wet milling (OP) or produced by dry fractionation (OA) in our pilot plant facilities. The texture cutting force of HME was significantly increased by the inclusion of OP and had higher anisotropy, while addition of OA did not influence the texture. Addition of both oat sources to the pea mixture led to higher water and oil binding ability on both initial dry ingredients and extrudates. The color of the meat analogues was significantly affected by the type of oat added. CLSM image analysis of the extrudates showed that the type of oat used influenced fiber alignment and apparent porosity of the protein network. Post-extrusion treatment with water at 80 ◦C/20 min of the extrudates significantly reduced the cutting strength of the meat analogues and significantly caused a shift toward a lighter color. The reduction of texture strength of extrudates with OP rendered it similar to cooked chicken samples, while extrudates with OA showed a more resilient fiber strength to the hot water treatmentpublishedVersio

    Implicações Ambientais na Destinação dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos

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    Este trabalho trata do estudo de áreas para a implantação de um aterro sanitário no município de Porto Alegre, Brasil. Os locais considerados menos impactantes, foram selecionados por sensoriamento remoto e análise das normas vigentes na legislação municipal e nos órgãos de proteção ambiental. Os critérios iniciais, dimensão, grau de degradação e uso do solo no entorno, levaram à seleção de 5 locais que se constituem em antigas pedreiras e/ou saibreiras, desativadas e/ou em atividade, e aqueles sem uso específico do solo. A partir do estudo do condicionamento físico destas cinco áreas, ou seja, análise do clima (basicamente ventos), aspectos geomorfológicos (declividade, altitude e drenagem), características geológicas (litologia, solo, graus de faturamento e alteração) e vegetação, foi possível sugerir qual área se apresenta como a alternativa menos impactante ao ambiente, embora a mesma esteja bastante distanciada do maior centro produtor de lixo, o que eleva os custos de tratamento dos resíduos sólidos devido ao transporte. Considerando a situação geográfica e o condicionamento físico dos vazios urbanos do município de Porto Alegre, conclui-se que não existem espaços totalmente adequados para esse fim que atendam as necessidades do referido município. Cabe, pois, aos órgãos governamentais buscar novas alternativas para a destinação dos resíduos sólidos urbanos.

    Linear seesaw model with hidden SU(2)H×U(1)XSU(2)_H \times U(1)_X gauge symmetry

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    We propose a linear seesaw model with a hidden gauge symmetry SU(2)H×U(1)XSU(2)_H \times U(1)_X where two types of standard model singlet fermions in realizing a linear seesaw mechanism are unified into SU(2)HSU(2)_H doublet. Then we formulate scalar and gauge sector, neutrino mass matrix and lepton flavor violations. In our gauge sector, ZZ-ZZ' mixing appears after spontaneous symmetry breaking and we investigate constraint from ρ\rho-parameter. In addition we discuss ZZ' production at the large hadron collider via ZZ-ZZ' mixing, where ZZ' tends to dominantly decay into heavy neutrinos.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Organizing the sensory: ear-work, panauralism and sonic agency on a forensic psychiatric unit

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    How are relations of care and security between hospital staff and patients organized through sound? This article argues that a shifting distinction between meaningful sound and noise is fundamental to the lived experience of immersion in an organizational acoustic environment. Based around a qualitative study of listening practices and ‘ear work’ at a medium-secure forensic psychiatric hospital, using interview and photo-production methods, the article positions the organizing of the sensory as central to formal organization. Analysis of empirical material demonstrates how the refinement of key listening practices is critical to the ways in which staff and patients orient to the hospital setting. It also details how the design process for the unit has undermined the capacity to manage and control through sound, or ‘panauralism’, rendering it as a reversible and contested struggle to make sense of the acoustic environment, and describes the attempts by patients to create alternative acoustic spaces and exercise ‘sonic agency’. We contend that ‘acoustic organizational research’ offers an experience-near means of mapping organizational space and power relations and invites a renewed questioning of the role of the sensory as form of organizing in itself

    Extensão universitária “rios de plástico”: impacto de um projeto de educação ambiental para a formação de uma estudante de enfermagem

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    Objetivo: relatar a experiência de participação no Projeto de extensão "Rios de Plástico", vivenciada por uma estudante de enfermagem. Metodologia: trata-se um relato de experiência acerca do projeto de extensão “Rios de Plástico” desenvolvido no Instituto de Saúde e Biotecnologia (ISB) da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM). Resultados e discussão: O projeto desenvolvido no ISB, teve início no dia 20 de junho de 2019. Por meio de palestras e outras atividades voltadas para sustentabilidade, o projeto foi desenvolvido no Instituto de Saúde e Biotecnologia (ISB) da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), tendo como público alvo, alunos e a população em geral do município de Coari-AM determinados a conhecer e melhorar o meio ambiente em que vivem. Conclusão: Por meio do projeto “Rios de Plástico”, foi possível compreender com mais clareza a questão do meio ambiente e sua relação com o processo saúde-doença, levantando a reflexão curiosa de que apesar da enfermagem estar voltada para a promoção da saúde, pouco se vê o engajamento da mesma em temáticas ambientais, logo, faz-se necessária a realização de mais projetos como este nas instituições de ensino e inserção nos cursos de graduação em saúde a temática saúde e meio ambiente

    Tecidos vegetais.

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    Amostragem; Procedimento para coleta de amostras de folhas no campo; Coleta da amostra; Identificacao da amostra; Moagem; Armazenagem; Integridade da amostra; Problemas de contaminacao; Arquivo de amostra

    Promising self-emulsifying drug delivery system loaded with lycopene from red guava (Psidium guajava L.): in vivo toxicity, biodistribution and cytotoxicity on DU-145 prostate cancer cells

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    Background Self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDSs) have attracted attention because of their effects on solubility and bioavailability of lipophilic compounds. Herein, a SEDDS loaded with lycopene purified from red guava (nanoLPG) was produced. The nanoemulsion was characterized using dynamic light scattering (DLS), zeta potential measurement, nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), lycopene content quantification, radical scavenging activity and colloidal stability in cell culture medium. Then, in vivo toxicity and tissue distribution in orally treated mice and cytotoxicity on human prostate carcinoma cells (DU-145) and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were evaluated. Results NanoLPG exhibited physicochemical properties with a size around 200 nm, negative zeta-potential, and spherical morphology. The size, polydispersity index, and zeta potential parameters suffered insignificant alterations during the 12 month storage at 5 °C, which were associated with lycopene stability at 5 °C for 10 months. The nanoemulsion showed partial aggregation in cell culture medium at 37 °C after 24 h. NanoLPG at 0.10 mg/mL exhibited radical scavenging activity equivalent to 0.043 ± 0.002 mg Trolox/mL. The in vivo studies did not reveal any significant changes in clinical, behavioral, hematological, biochemical, and histopathological parameters in mice orally treated with nanoLPG at 10 mg/kg for 28 days. In addition, nanoLPG successfully delivered lycopene to the liver, kidney and prostate in mice, improved its cytotoxicity against DU-145 prostate cancer cells—probably by pathway independent on classical necrosis and apoptosis—and did not affect PBMC viability. Conclusions Thus, nanoLPG stands as a promising and biosafe lycopene delivery system for further development of nanotechnology-based health products