286 research outputs found


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    El presente estudio tiene como finalidad determinar la relación entre el autoconcepto y la agresividad en estudiantes de secundaria de la institución educativa Toribio de Luzuriaga y Mejía del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho en la ciudad de Lima durante el año 2016. Se utilizó un diseño de tipo correlacional de corte transversal. Participaron 250 estudiantes de primero a quinto grado de secundaria ,107 de sexo masculino y 143 de sexo femenino, entre 11 y 18 años de edad, a quienes se les administro el cuestionario de agresividad de Buss y Perry (1992) y el cuestionario de autoconcepto de Garley (2001). Los resultados muestran una correlación significativa e inversa entre el autoconcepto y la agresividad (p>0.05, r= -,286**). En cuanto a las dimensiones de autoconcepto se halló relación entre la agresividad y el autoconcepto físico, el autoconcepto de autoevaluación personal, el autoconcepto de sensación de control, el autoconcepto familiar y el autoconcepto intelectual. Sin embargo, no se encontró relación entre el autoconcepto de aceptación social y la agresividad. Se concluyó que sí existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre el autoconcepto y la variable de agresividad, lo que sugiere que a mejor autoconcepto habrá una menor manifestación de conductas agresivas

    Ultrasound potentialities on the determination of the pesticide carbaryl using diamond electrodes

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    The potentiality of the use of ultrasound radiation in association with a boron-doped diamond electrode was evaluated on the voltammetric determination of the pesticide carbaryl. Improvements in the sensitivity, limit of detection and reproducibility of the measurements were observed due to both, the enhancement of mass transport and the cleaning of the electrode surface provided by ultrasound. Satisfactory recovery levels for carbaryl in pure water (96-98%) and pineapple juice (89-92%) for quiescent and sonovoltammetric methodologies were obtained. These methodologies can be alternative tools for the analyses of pesticides in fruit samples, mainly the insonated condition that improve the analytical performance and dispense intermediary cleanings of the electrode surface.CNPqFapes

    The Yield Curve and its Relation with Economic Activity: The Mexican Case.

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    There are a significant number of papers that show that the slope of the yield curve has a certain ability to forecast real economic activity and inflation. However, in emerging economies this source of information has not been thoroughly used; Mexico is not an exception. The economic stability achieved in this country in recent years has allowed the government to issue, since 2001,long-term bonds. With more stable economic cycles, the information included in the long part of the yield curve could be a useful tool to estimate future economic activity. This document analyses the predictive power of the spread. Moreover, the spread is divided into two main components to analyse the origin of its predictive power. Next, the power of the spread to forecast economic cycles is tested. Last, out-of-sample tests of the spread are carried out. The findings show that the yield curve provides significant information about future economic activity.Budgetary Institutions, Fiscal Outcomes, Transparency.

    Determination of 5-aminosalicylic acid in pharmaceutical formulations by square wave voltammetry at pencil graphite electrodes

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    An analytical method for the determination of the anti-inflammatory drug 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) in pharmaceutical formulations using square wave voltammetry at pencil graphite electrodes was developed. After the optimization of the experimental conditions, calibration curves were obtained in the linear concentration range from 9.78 × 10-7 to 7.25 × 10-5 mol L-1 resulting in a limit of detection of 2.12 ± 0.05 x 10-8 mol L-1. Statistical tests showed that the concentrations of 5-ASA in commercial tablets and enemas obtained with the proposed voltammetric method agreed with HPLC values at a 95% confidence level.CNPqFAPES

    Biotecnología ambiental

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    The various industrial sectors, as well as livestock and agricultural activities, are increasing the production of inputs to meet the demand of the worldwide demographic explosion, making a challenge the clean maintenance of water, soil, and air. Therefore, the search for solutions for a pollutant-free environment without compromising economic development has become extremely important. Thereby, biotechnological studies in order to solve environmental issues have been gaining extensive attention through the coupling of technology procedures to biological systems as sustainable solutions to remediate contaminated areas. In this sense, this review covers topics such as the role of Omics era in microbial environmental biotechnology for pollution control as well as the microbial fuel cell use in energy production. Moreover, phytoremediation and the perspective of applying chemical methods are approached as environmentally friendly tools for the pollutant control to improve remediation processes.Los diversos sectores industriales, así como las actividades ganaderas y agrícolas, están aumentando la producción de insumos para satisfacer la demanda de la explosión demográfica mundial, lo cual dificulta el mantenimiento limpio del agua, el suelo y el aire. Por lo tanto, la búsqueda de soluciones para un medio ambiente libre de contaminantes sin comprometer el desarrollo económico se ha vuelto extremadamente importante. De este modo, los estudios biotecnológicos para resolver problemas ambientales han recibido una gran atención a través del acoplamiento de procedimientos tecnológicos a sistemas biológicos como soluciones sostenibles para remediar áreas contaminadas. En este sentido, esta revisión cubre temas como el papel de la era Ómica en la biotecnología ambiental microbiana para el control de la contaminación, así como el uso de celdas de combustible microbianas en la producción de energía. Además, la fitorremediación y la perspectiva de aplicar métodos químicos se abordan como herramientas ecológicas para el control de contaminantes y mejorar los procesos de remediación

    Pt–Sn/C catalysts prepared by sodium borohydride reduction for alcohol oxidation in fuel cells: Effect of the precursor addition order

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    A series of Pt–Sn/C catalysts used as anodes during ethanol oxidation are synthesized by a deposition process using NaBH4 as the reducing agent. The order in which the precursors are added affects the electrocatalytic activity and physical-chemical characteristics of the bimetallic catalysts, where the Pt–Sn catalyst prepared by co-precipitation of both metals functions best below a potential of 0.5 V and the catalyst prepared by sequential deposition of Sn and Pt (drying after Sn addition) is most active above a potential of 0.5 V. The electrochemical behavior of catalysts during ethanol oxidation in an acidic medium are characterized and monitored in a half-cell test at room temperature by cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry and anode potentiostatic polarization. Catalyst structure and chemical composition are investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). This behavior presented for best Pt–Sn catalyst can be attributed to the so-called bifunctional mechanism and to the electronic interaction between Pt and Sn.The authors thank the Brazilian National Council of Technological and Scientific Development-CNPq (grants: 303630/2012-4, 402243/2012-9 and 310282/2013-6) for the scholarships and financial support for this work

    Vicia faba Crop Residues for Sustainable Electricity Generation Using a Sludge-based Microbial Fuel Cell

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    Microbial fuel cells (MFC) simultaneously degrade organic substrates and generate electricity in a sustainable and eco-friendly way. Here, we built a 4-unit MFC and studied the efficiency of MFC at different conditions, including pH, substrate concentration of Vicia faba agricultural wastes with exoelectrogenic bacteria P. aeruginosa. The exoelectrogenic bacteria were obtained from industrial effluents and used to inoculate the MFCs. The optimized conditions in terms of yielding maximum potential of 802 mV, yielding maximum power density of 283 mW m–2 were reported at a substrate concentration of 6 g L–1 of V. faba waste and pH of 5.5, corresponding to a current density 1255.93 mA m–2. Using exoelectrogenic bacteria from industrial effluents and agricultural wastes resulted in efficient MFC. Thus, the developed MFCs using V. faba agricultural wastes can be used in rural areas that have limited access to electricity, by reusing agricultural wastes and concomitant electricity generation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Caracterización y manejo del nódulo tiroideo en niños, en el Servicio de Cirugía de Cabeza, Cuello y Máxilo Facial del Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño - Breña, 2000 - 2020

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    Introduction. The thyroid nodule in children is usually asymptomatic, multiple and isolated presentation, with difficulty in establishing the risk of malignancy, especially if it is not palpable. Objective. To determine the epidemiological, clinical and ultrasound characteristics and surgical management of thyroid nodules in patients of the Head, Neck and Maxillofacial Surgery Service of the Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño (INSN) – Breña, 2000-2020. Methods. Observational, descriptive and retrospective study. The Bethesda classification was used for cytological studies. Qualitative variables were expressed in absolute and relative frequencies; and quantitative variables in measures of central tendency and dispersion. Results. There were 66 cases, the average age was 10.94 ± 0.88 years, 48.5% between 11 and 15 years, 78.8% were female, 89.4% had no family history of cancer. The asymptomatic form predominated (74.2%). Ultrasonographically, 43.9% of nodules were located in the right lobe, single presentation (68.2%) and smaller than two centimeters (43.9%). 82.6% of the 23 Bethesda II cases were hemithyroidectomized and 86.4% of 22 Bethesda VI cases were thyroidectomized. Conclusions. In pediatric patients, thyroid nodules occurred mostly in women aged 11 to 15 years, with no family history of cancer, asymptomatic, located in the right lobe, single and less than two centimeters. Grade II of the Bethesda classification was the most frequent. Hemithyroidectomy was the most used surgical intervention.Introducción. El nódulo tiroideo en niños generalmente es asintomático, de presentación múltiple y aislada, con dificultad para instaurar el riesgo de malignidad, sobre todo si no es palpable. Objetivo. Determinar las características epidemiológicas, clínicas, ecográficas y manejo quirúrgico del nódulo tiroideo en pacientes del Servicio de Cirugía de Cabeza, Cuello y Máxilo Facial del Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño (INSN) – Breña, 2000 -2020. Métodos. Estudio observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo. Se usó la clasificación Bethesda para los estudios citológicos. Los datos fueron analizados en el programa SPSS versión 22. Las variables cualitativas fueron expresadas en frecuencias absolutas y relativas; y las cuantitativas en medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. Resultados. Fueron 66 casos, el promedio de edad fue 10,94 ± 0,88 años, el 48,5% entre 11 a 15 años, el 78,8% fueron del sexo femenino, un 89,4% no referían antecedente familiar de cáncer. Predominó la forma asintomática (74,2%). Ecográficamente el 43,9% de nódulos se localizaron en lóbulo derecho, presentación única (68,2%) y menor a dos centímetros (43,9%). El 82,6% de los 23 casos Bethesda II fueron hemitiroidectomizados y el 86,4% de 22 casos Bethesda VI fueron tiroidectomizados. Conclusiones. En pacientes pediátricos, los nódulos tiroideos se presentaron mayormente en mujeres de 11 a 15 años, sin antecedente familiar de cáncer, asintomáticos, localizados en lóbulo derecho, únicos y menor a dos centímetros. El grado II de la clasificación Bethesda fue la más frecuente. La hemitiroidectomía fue la intervención quirúrgica más utilizada

    New insights on the seismogenic potential of the Eastern Betic Shear Zone (SE Iberia): Quaternary activity and paleoseismicity of the SW segment of the Carrascoy Fault Zone

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    The Carrascoy Fault (CAF) is one of the main active faults that form part of the Eastern Betic Shear Zone, a 450 km fault system that accommodates most of the convergence between the Eurasian (Iberia) and Nubian plates in the Betic Cordillera, south Spain. Although the CAF represents a major earthquake threat to the nearby City of Murcia, studies on its Quaternary tectonics and seismogenic potential are scarce to date. We present evidence that supports the division of the CAF into two overlapping segments with contrasting tectonic structure, Quaternary activity, and landform control: a SW segment, characterized by a broad fold-and-thrust zone similar to the forebergs defined in the Gobi-Altai region, and a NE segment, characterized by a sharp mountain front controlled by strike-slip tectonics. We attribute the differentiation into these two segments to the stresses associated with topography, which in turn is a consequence of the shortening component, at the middle Pleistocene, after circa 217.4 ka. For the SW segment we infer the occurrence of 9 to 11, Mw 6.7 paleoearthquakes in the last 30.2 kyr, and a slip rate of 0.37 ± 0.08 m/kyr. We date the occurrence of the last surface rupture event after 2750 B.P., and we estimate an average recurrence period of major events of 3.3 ± 0.7 kyrThis work was supported by SISMOGEN (IGME, 2279) and FASEGEO (CGL2009-09726) research projects and a technical assistance of the Civil Protection Service of Murci

    Desenvolvimento de catalisadores para oxidação de glicerol

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    As células a combustível a etanol direto são amplamente estudadas e consideradas fontes de energia possíveis para aplicações em aparelhos portáteis e veículos em futuros próximos. Além de ser considerado um combustível verde, o etanol é mais seguro e tem maior densidade de energia quando comparado ao metanol e até mesmo outros tipos de combustíveis, sendo considerado um combustível potencial para células a combustível que operam a baixas temperaturas, este apresenta uma oxidação que envolve 12 elétrons por molécula oxidada, onde muitos intermediários adsorvidos e subprodutos são produzidos durante todo processo. Não esquecendo de destacar a difícil clivagem da ligação C-C à baixas temperaturas (< 100° C). Portanto, a urgência em desenvolver catalisadores com alta atividade eletrolítica para oxidação de etanol e glicerol, torne-se o ponto de partida para as pesquisas atualmente.