298 research outputs found


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    AbstractLocal culture content approach in education has long been discussed and there are still some arguments on its position in education. Regardless its issues, as a teacher I believed that local culture has significant position in education. Therefore, in my teaching, I always attach culture value in it as a shape of my awareness toward it. This study based on a personal experience in teaching writing for beginner students at English department of Muhammadiyah University of Parepare. The study explores the interference of local culture knowledge in affecting students’ idea forming in class of writing. The participant of the study was the 2nd semester students; class A and B in 2012/2013. The study design applied was case study. It revealed in the study that the use of local culture based material in writing can ease students in mapping their writing ideas as well as reinforcing their awareness toward their local culture. Students enjoyed writing as the material given is familiar to them while at the same time they can strengthen their local culture awareness. Also reinforcing local culture knowledge in teaching English can help widen student’s knowledge on writing.AbstrakPenguatan Budaya Lokal dalam Pengajaran Writing; Suatu Studi Kasus di Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare. Pendekatan konten budaya lokal dalam pendidikan lama telah dibahas dan masih ada beberapa argumen pada posisi dalam pendidikan. Terlepas dari isu-isu yang, sebagai guru, saya percaya bahwa budaya lokal memiliki posisi penting di bidang pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, dalam mengajar saya, saya selalu melampirkan nilai budaya di dalamnya sebagai bentuk kesadaran saya ke arah itu. Studi ini didasarkan pada pengalaman pribadi dalam mengajar menulis untuk pemula siswa di Departemen bahasa Inggris dari Universitas Muhammadiyah kota Pare. Studi mengeksplorasi gangguan pengetahuan budaya lokal dalam mempengaruhi siswa ide membentuk di kelas menulis. Peserta studi adalah mahasiswa semester 2; kelas A dan B di 2012/2013. Desain studi yang diterapkan pada studi kasus. Itu mengungkapkan dalam studi bahwa penggunaan bahan budaya lokal dalam menulis dapat memudahkan siswa dalam pemetaan ide-ide menulis mereka serta memperkuat kesadaran mereka terhadap budaya lokal mereka. Siswa menikmati menulis sebagai materi yang diberikan akrab bagi mereka sementara pada saat yang sama mereka dapat memperkuat kesadaran budaya lokal mereka. Juga memperkuat pengetahuan budaya lokal dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris dapat membantu memperluas pengetahuan siswa menulis.


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    Efikasi Beberapa Serbuk Nabati Sebagai Bioinsektisida Terhadap HamaSitophilus zeamais Pada Jagung di Penyimpanan Efficacy of Some Vegetable Powders As Bioinsecticides Against Pests Sitophiluszeamais On Corn in Storage Salasiah11, Muhammad Sayuthi1, SyamsuddinProgram Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas SyiahKuala Abstrak. Penelitian tentang keefektifan beberapa serbuk nabati sebagaibioinsektisida terhadap hama Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. Pada jagung dipenyimpanan, telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Hama Tumbuhan FakultasPertanian Universitas Syiah kuala Darussalam Banda aceh. Penelitian ini dimulaidari mulai Mei 2015 sampai Desember 2016. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmendapatkan jenis serbuk nabati yang lebih efektif dalam mengendalikankumbang bubuk pada jagung di penyimpan. Rancangan yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah rancangan acak lengkap pola Non faktorial dengan 4perlakuan dan diulang 6 kali ulangan yaitu Perlakuan serbuk lada hitam, ladaputih, cabai rawit dan serai wangi. Peubah yang diamati meliputi Mortalitasimago, Jumlah imago turunan pertama (F1), persentase kerusakan jagung, rataratawaktu imago muncul, daya repelensi. Hasil penelitian pada pengamatan 4HSA menunjukan bahwa Mortalitas imago tertinggi pada perlakuan lada hitamyaitu 18,33% dan jumlah imago turunan pertama pada pengamatan 34 HSAtertiggi dijumpai pada perlakuan cabai rawit yaitu 53,33% . Selanjutnya rata-ratapersentase kerusakan biji jagung pada pengamatan 68 HSA tertinggi dijumpaipada perlakuan serai wangi yaitu 18,00% dan lama imago S. zeamais muncul padapengamatan 34 HSA tertinggi dijumpai pada perlakuan lada hitam yaitu 34,17%.Daya repelensi pada pengamatan 2 JSA tertinggi dijumpai pada perlakuan ladahitam yaitu 58,33%. Kata kunci : Serbuk Nabati, Piper nigrum, Cymbopogon nardus L., Cafsicumfrutescans, Mortalitas, Persentase imago muncul, daya repelensi.Abstract. Research on the effectiveness of some vegetable powders asbioinsecticides to pests Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. In maize in storage, it hasbeen done in Plant Hama Laboratory of Agricultural Faculty of Shia University ofkuala Darussalam Banda aceh. This research starts from May 2015 to December2016. This research aims to get more effective type of vegetable powder incontrolling powder beetle on corn in storage. The design used in this study was acomplete randomized design of Non Factorial with 4 treatments and repeated 6times repetition of black pepper treatment, white pepper, cayenne pepper andcitronella. The observed variables include imago mortality, first-generation imagoamount (F1), percentage of maize damage, average imago time emerging,repelensi power. The result of the research on observation of 4 HSA showed thatthe highest imago mortality in black pepper treatment was 18.33% and thenumber of first derivative imago on observation of 34 HSA was found in thetreatment of cayenne pepper 53.33%. Furthermore, the average percentage ofmaize damage on observation of 68 highest HSA was found in the treatment ofcitronella that is 18.00% and the duration of imago S. zeamais appeared on the 2* highest 34 HSA observations found in black pepper treatment that was 34.17%.The highest reproduction capacity in JSA 2 observation was found in black peppertreatment which was 58.33%.Keywords: Vegetable Powder, Piper nigrum, Cymbopogon nardus L, Cafsiccumfrutescans, Mortality, Percentage of imago appears, repelensi power

    Pengembangan modul pembelajaran terintegrasi keislaman mata kuliah botani tumbuhan tinggi materi angiospermae kelas magnoliopsida

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    Penelitian ini bertolak dari analisis kebutuhan yang menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran botani tumbuhan tinggi tadris biologi di IAIN Palangkaraya belum menggunakan modul terintegrasi keislaman, hal ini berdampak pada hasil belajar mahasiswa yakni sekitar 52,38 % mahasiswa belum mencapai nilai KKM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan modul pembelajaran terintegrasi keislaman mata kuliah botani tumbuhan tinggi materi angiospermae kelas magnoliopsida yang valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran sehingga dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research & Development dan dikembangkan menggunakan model ADDIE dengan tahapan : Analyze yaitu analisis kebutuhan, Design yaitu perancangan/draft modul, Development yaitu pengembangan produk/prototipe berdasarkan validasi desain, revisi desain, uji coba skala kecil, revisi I modul, Implementasi yaitu penerapan modul pada uji coba skala besar kelas kontrol / tanpa modul, dan kelas eksperimen/menggunakan modul, Evaluation yaitu revisi II modul, modul final. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa modul yang dikembangkan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran perkuliahan botani tumbuhan tinggi diperoleh dari nilai kevalidan ahli materi 98,10% sangat baik/valid, ahli desain 95,71% baik/valid, ahli agama 91,43% baik/valid. Kepraktisan penggunaan modul diperoleh dari observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran sebesar 98,36% sangat berhasil dan angket respons mahasiswa menunjukkan 95% modul praktis digunakan. Keefektifan penerapan modul diperoleh dari peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa dengan N-Gain sebesar 0,7 kategori tinggi dibandingkan kelas kontrol nilai N-Gain sebesar 0,1 kategori rendah. Dengan demikian, modul pembelajaran yang dikembangkan sudah valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran. ABSTRACT This study departs from the needs analysis which shows that biology-high plant botanical learning in IAIN Palangkaraya has not yet used integrated Islamic modules, this has an impact on student learning outcomes, which is about 52.38% of students have not yet achieved KKM scores. This study aims to produce an integrated Islamic learning module for botanical courses with high material Angiospermae class Magnoliopsida that is valid, practical, and effective for use in learning so that it can improve student learning outcomes. This study uses the research & Development method and was developed using the ADDIE model with stages: Analyze namely needs analysis, Design, which is the design / draft module, Development that is product development / prototype based on design validation, design revision, small-scale trial, module revision, Implementation id est the application of modules in large-scale control / no module testing, and experimental class / using module, Evaluation, namely revision II module, final module. The results of this study indicate that the modules developed are suitable for use in high plant botanical lecture learning obtained from the validity of the material experts 98.10% very good/valid, design experts 95.71% good/valid, religious experts 91.43% good/valid. The practicality of using the module was obtained from the observation of learning implementation by 98.36% which was very successful and the student response questionnaire showed that 95% of the practical modules were used. The effectiveness of applying the module is obtained from the increase in student learning outcomes with N-Gain of 0.7 high categories compared to the control class of the N-Gain value of 0.1 low categories. Thus, the developed learning module is valid, practical, and effective for use in learning


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    AbstractAlong with the implementation AEC 2015, required the officer is capable of controlling the situation. The research location chosen were the cities of Samarinda, Balikpapan, Bontang, and Berau. This research sampling method using purposive sampling and using qualitative descriptive analysis from Spradley approach. The results showed that the technical personnel in the area have the ability of public services are quite good, because it has been programmed to follow the training in stages, but there are no areas that have caused doubt MEA-related regulations in the area of personnel in the act.Key Words: AFTA, Government Agencies, ME

    Improvement Of Free Space Optical Communications Using Double Carrier Modulation/Differential Detection

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    Free Space Optical (FSO) communications receive growing attention for use in high data rates wireless link with recent commercialization successes. It is an interesting solution to achieve high bandwidth in the ‘last-mile’ problem with economical and fast deployment. However, in the poor weather such as the heavy rainfall and low visibility lead to degradation of the links performance, particularly over ranges of several hundred meters or longer. Rare usage of FSO communications might be related to factors which are classified as scintillation, absorption, and scattering. In this purpose of studies, the heavy rainfall and low visibility data in Subang Airport, Malaysia were used for the analysis on conventional technique that is Intensity Modulation/Direct Detection (IM/DD) and a new technique namely Double Carrier Modulation/Differential Detection (DCM/Diff.D) as the worst case scenario.Currently, most FSO communication systems are using the IM/DD which are still subjected to many problems. The main problems associated with FSO transmission systems are; atmospheric loss, geometric loss, mispointing loss, and the inability of the receiver circuit to regenerate the transmitted bits because of low signal power. Another prevalent problem is that of its masking noises. The recovery technique in the IM/DD technique uses an injected voltage level as a threshold into a decision circuit, which decides whether the incoming bit is a ‘0’ or a ‘1’. This technique has two inherent problems; the instability of the injected threshold voltage, and the complexity of a dynamic threshold processing. Due to these problems, a new technique based on the automatic decision making known as DCM/Diff.D is provided to improve the transmissions. The performance of IM/DD and DCM/Diff.D was simulated by using commercial simulation software, OptiSystem Version 3.1 and 4. From the simulation results, it appears clearly that the DCM/Diff.D technique improves for more than twice the distance supported by the IM/DD technique under the conditions of heavy rainfall and hazy days. The theoretical development on probability of error and digital signal-to-noise ratio for the worst case scenario also support these results. Another outcome in this thesis is the theoretical derivation on positioning a passive reflector with a time delay produced can be acceptable until 2.5 Gbps

    Analysing Language Use In Malay Performances Of Main Puteri And Menora

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    Every society is characterised by a particular culture which is distinguished by different rituals. Language plays an important role in performing traditional rituals. In performance of rituals, language is the least researched area whereby many theories of rituals did not account for the functions of language. Language use does matter in a ritual where it is a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage that transmits a rich oral traditions and expressions. Language is also a tool that is used by the performers and practitioners to transfer their knowledge and expertise to the community. This paper will explore the language use in Malay ritual performances of healing where the poetic interweaving speech, song and music will be analysed. A linguistic analysis will be carried out in order to understand\ud the rich semantic and meaningful dimension of the verbal performances and narratives in the Malay performances. Two performances namely Main Puteri and Menora were chosen as these two performances place the emphasis on speech and sound. Preliminary findings reveal that the performances involve a range of poetic devices, operating a linguistic but also a non-linguistic level. With poetic language, a special vocabulary rarely used in other context is utilised. However, it is not speech alone but also the poetic of the music that is involved here. In particular, it is the musical instruments such as rebab that contributes to the performative construction of the sacredness of the event and leads to the social healing of the afflicted person. It is hoped that the findings have contributed to a better understanding of the Malay performances and rituals that demonstrate the creativity of local culture through the preservation of the local language use

    Studi Tentang Citra Merek, Sikap Terhadap Iklan Rokok dan Dukungan Sosial Teman Sebaya Terhadap Perilaku Merokok

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh citra merek, sikap terhadap iklan rokok, dan dukungan sosial teman sebaya terhadap perilaku merokok. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 105 responden yang merupakan mahasiswa Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Mulawarman. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan skala model linkert. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan bantuan program Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 21.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara citra merek, sikap terhadap iklan rokok dan dukungan sosial teman sebaya terhadap perilaku merokok dengan nilai F sebesar 45.188 dan p sebesar 0.000 yang memiliki nilai kontribusi pengaruh (R2) sebesar 57.3 persen