390 research outputs found

    Motivos evolutivos y conductas de riesgo de los adolescentes y los jóvenes

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    Esta investigación analiza la asunción de riesgos de los adolescentes y los jóvenes desde la perspectiva evolutiva, que considera el riesgo como un mecanismo psicosocial funcional y adaptativo. Se valoran las variables del proceso de toma de riesgos: los factores evolutivos (supervivencia, sociabilidad y reproducción) que activan la predisposición al riesgo en los adolescentes y los jóvenes. Los participantes responden a un cuestionario que valora los motivos evolutivos fundamentales de autoprotección, evitación de la enfermedad, afiliación grupal, preocupación por la exclusión social, independencia, búsqueda de estatus, atracción de pareja, conservación de pareja y cuidado familiar. Cumplimentan también un cuestionario sobre conductas de riesgo para valorar las prácticas sexuales no seguras, las conductas agresivas y/o violentas, la ruptura de reglas, las conductas peligrosas, destructivas e ilegales, las conductas autolesivas y el consumo de alcohol y drogas. Respondió un total de 1382 adolescentes y jóvenes de ambos sexos y con edades comprendidas entre los 14 y los 30 años. Para el análisis de las relaciones de las variables implicadas se utilizan los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. Se ha observado que son los varones más jóvenes los que tienden a estar más implicados en conductas de riesgo y que en su mayoría se relacionan con la competición y el estatus. Los motivos sociales fundamentales son buenos predictores de los comportamientos de riesgo, destacando la dimensión de estatus como el motivo que más influencia tiene sobre la asunción de riesgos; sería la necesidad de tener una buena posición entre los demás el elemento más relevante a la hora de llevar a cabo conductas de riesgo, sobre todo en los varones. La búsqueda de estatus no solo implica un aumento en la probabilidad de participar en conductas de riesgo, si no que tiende a disminuir la importancia de los posibles costes que se deriven de dicha participación.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Life History Theory: evolutionary mechanisms and gender role on risk-taking behaviors in young adults

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    Evolutionary psychology considers the human mind to be composed of multiple specific mechanisms with specific adaptive purposes. This evolutionary approach is in line with the domain-specific view of risk-taking behaviors. Based on the theoretical framework of Life History Theory, the present study analyzes the moder-ating effect of gender and the mediating effect of evolutionary domain-specific risks in young adult Spaniards (432 participants). K-factor, measured through the Mini-K, was used as an indicator of life history strategy (LHS). Evolutionary domain-specific risks were measured through the Evolutionary Domain-Specific Risk Scale and risk- taking behaviors through the Risky Behavior Questionnaire. Results showed an interaction effect between gender and LHS for rule breaking. Evolutionary domain-specific risks had a mediation effect between LHS and risk- taking behaviors, mainly through mate attraction. These results highlight the different effects of LHS on risk- taking behaviors based on gender and the impact of evolutionary mechanisms. It is, therefore, necessary to consider an evolutionary approach on intervention programs aimed at reducing risk-taking behaviors in young adults.Proyecto financiado por Andalucía FEDER 2014-20 PO [UMA18-FEDERJA-071] y las Ayudas para la Investigación del Centro Reina Sofía sobre Adolescencia y Juventu

    The complex case of Macaronichnus trace fossil affecting rock porosity

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    Bioturbation is an important factor for reservoir quality due to the modification of host rock petrophysical properties (i.e., porosity, permeability, and connectivity). However, there is no predictable relationship between bioturbation and its effect on rock properties, due to the variability of the involved ichnological features. A detailed ichnological analysis is necessary to determine how bioturbation affects petrophysical properties in a bioturbated reservoir. Traditionally, ichnological features such as density, tiering, size, orientation, architecture, and fill, have been considered. However, other properties have been undervalued as is the case of lining. Here, we present a detailed study on the effects of Macaronichnus burrows, an ichnotaxon usually related to hydrocarbon exploration due to its high concentration in rock notably affecting petrophysical properties. Macaronichnus, a subhorizontal cylindrical burrow, is characterized by a well-defined and developed outer rim surrounding the tube core. Our data indicates a clear zonation in porosity according to burrow structure, with the lowest porosity in the tube core and higher values associated with the surrounded rim. This duality is determined by the tracemaker grain selective feeding activity and the consequent concentrated cementation. The organism concentrates the lighter minerals in the tube core fill during feeding, favoring post-depositional cementation during diagenesis and this results in lower porosity than the host rock. However, heavy minerals, mainly glauconite, are located in the rim, showing higher porosity. Our results support the view that ichnological analyses are essential to determine reservoir quality in bioturbated reservoirs, evidencing that other ichnological properties in addition to those traditionally considered must be evaluated.EU's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skodowska-Curie Grant 792314Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, SpainSecretaria de Estado de I+D+I, Spain CGL2015-66835-P PID2019-104625RB-100Junta de Andalucía B-RNM-072-UGR18 P18-RT-4074Scientific Excellence Unit (UGR) UCE-2016-0

    Introducing Fiji and ICY image processing techniques in ichnological research as a tool for sedimentary basin analysis

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    Some features of trace fossils are not easy to determine due to limited vissibility of trace fossils. Here, we applied two image processing techniques (Fiji and ICY) to ichnological studies and we compare them with the previously used high-resolution image treatment method. , discussing their usefulness for ichnological studies. Then, these are compared with a high resolution image treatment. These techniques are revealed as rapid alternatives for estimation of some ichnological features, being so useful for the first stages of research, when a detailed analysis is not needed

    The puzzling influence of Ophiomorpha (trace fossil) on reservoir porosity: X-ray microtomography analysis

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    Bioturbation can influence petrophysical properties (e.g., porosity, permeability) of sedimentary rocks and, in consequence, reservoir quality. The impact can be positive, negative, or neutral, requiring detailed ichnological analysis. Ophiomorpha, a branched cylindrical burrow with diagnostic peloidal wall, may be present in bioturbated reservoirs that exhibit properties of both superpermeability and reduced porosity/permeability. However, no mechanistic understanding of how Ophiomorpha positively or negatively impacts petrophysical properties has yet been established. This study presents highresolution X-ray microtomographic analysis of how the features of Ophiomorpha (i.e., peloidal wall vs. burrow fill) influence porosity distribution in deep-water deposits (Neogene Tabernas Basin, SE Spain). The results show that the peloidal burrow wall exhibits the lowest porosity (up to six orders of magnitude lower than burrow fill or host sediment), while surrounding sediment shows variable values. Abrupt porosity changes within the fill material likely relate to burrow-associated diagenesis. A refined understanding of the features of Ophiomorpha and their associated porosity distribution help to constrain understanding of their diverse impacts on reservoir properties.MCIN/AEI PID 2019-104625RB100FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Economia y Conocimiento/Projects P18RT-4074 B-RNM-072-UGR18 A-RNM-368-UGR20 PPJIA2021-07Junta de Andalucia RNM-178Universidad de Granada UCE-2016-05 University of GranadaHumboldt Postdoctoral FellowshipMinistry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) IJC 2019038866-

    Computed Laminography for the study of biogenic structures in sediment cores: A step between two- and three-dimensional imaging

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    This study is supported by Grants TED2021-131697B-C22, and PID2019-104625RB-100 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, Grant C-EXP-254-UGR23 funded by Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación and by ERDF Andalusia Program 2021-2027, and by Research Group RNM-178 funded by Junta de Andalucía. The research by JD was funded through the Ramón y Cajal Fellowship (RYC2021-032385-I) by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. O M-S is funded by a Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Humboldt Foundation, and a Margarita Salas Fellowship from the Ministry of Spain and EU Next Generations projects. We thank the crew and science party of RRS James Cook cruise 231. This work was further supported by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), through the Climate Linked Atlantic Sector Science project (NE/R015953/1), and it contributes to the Climate Linked Atlantic Sector Science (CLASS) Early Career Researchers project “Bioturbation core analysis of PAP abyssal hill and plains” of O M-S. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUA.The study of trace fossils —ecological indicators of environmental parameters such as organic-matter content, oxygenation or sedimentation rate, among others— is a powerful tool for analysing cores from deep-sea sediment. However, the visualization of biogenic structures in soft sediment cores is commonly poor. This problem has usually been solved by using X-ray radiographs from core slabs, and later by non-destructive Computed Tomography (CT). Yet the latter requires complex processing and computer resources to deal with a vast dataset. Computed Laminography (CL) stands as an alternative, non-destructive technique able to manage a small amount of data, providing results similar to X-ray radiographs. This technique is frequently used in other disciplines (e.g. material sciences), but rarely applied in geosciences. In the present study, we explore the usefulness of CL for studying the ichnological content of modern deep-sea deposits from boxcores collected from the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (NE Atlantic). Additionally, we compare results from Linear CL (LCL) and Circumferential CL (CCL) to discuss which is recommended depending on the goal involved. The obtained results confirm the usefulness of CL for the ichnological analysis of sediment cores, with similar results from LCL and CCL. However, recommendations are made to resolve doubtful scenarios and to save time. In light of our findings, the use of CL as a non-destructive technique, calling for a much smaller dataset than CT, can be highly recommended for the study of ichnological content or other internal structures.MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 TED2021-131697B-C22, PID2019-104625RB-100Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación C-EXP-254-UGR23ERDF Andalusia Program 2021-2027Junta de Andalucía Research Group RNM-178Ramón y Cajal Fellowship (RYC2021-032385-I)Ministry of Spain: Margarita Salas FellowshipHumboldt FoundationEU Next GenerationsUK Natural Environment Research Council (NE/R015953/1)Universidad de Granada / CBU

    Migración y crisis como factor de riesgo en el retroceso del imaginario romántico de una sociedad mestiza y multicultural

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    22 p.Se analiza cómo está afectando el contexto actual de crisis económica los discursos y las propuestas sociales, políticas y educativas sobre la interculturalidad en el ámbito español y europeo. Se indaga si el proyecto de interculturalidad que se proclama en los discur- sos educativos es posible en el actual modelo de ciudadanía europea que se está construyendo y se plantea si es posible construir real y efectivamente una sociedad mestiza como se proclama en los discursos públicos en una sociedad que está consolidando un muro defensivo estruc- tural de carácter mental, social, laboral, económico, político y legal frente a la diversidad y la diferenciaS

    La evolución de la educación. Desde el sistema educativo prusiano a las escuelas más innovadoras de España

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    Este trabajo expone la evolución que ha tenido la educación hasta nuestros tiempos, señalando la diferenciación que ha existido entre la educación impartida para las clases dominantes y otra dedicada al resto de la población. Aunque si puede ser cierto que en la actualidad la educación esté más extendida y existan cada vez menos personas analfabetas, la población ha perdido su capacidad de razonar de manera crítica. Hemos realizado un recorrido desde el comienzo del sistema prusiano hasta la innovadora y minoritaria escuela libre. De manera breve nos introducimos en algunas escuelas innovadoras existentes en España, con el fin de conocer las metodologías que usan y la finalidad de las mismas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech