984 research outputs found

    Diversity of large and medium mammals in Juchitan, Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico

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    El istmo de Tehuantepec en Oaxaca, México, es una de las regiones más importantes del país desde el punto de vista zoogeográfico, ya que alberga una gran cantidad de especies endémicas neotropicales. Entre septiembre de 2007 y agosto de 2008, se realizó un muestreo de mamíferos de talla mediana y grande en el municipio de Juchitán, y comparamos su diversidad en dos zonas con distintos niveles de impacto antropogénico definido de acuerdo con las estimaciones de las actividades humanas, la densidad de ganado y la degradación del hábitat. Se obtuvieron 167 registros de 18 especies, con una representatividad del 79% según el modelo de acumulación de especies en ambas zonas. La mayor riqueza de especies y la diversidad alfa se registraron en la zona conservada, mientras que la zona perturbada presenta la mitad de la diversidad encontrada en la zona conservada. Se observó un fuerte intercambio de especies entre ambas zonas. Dos especies, Urocyon cinereoargenteus (n = 52) y Didelphis virginiana (n = 42), tuvieron el mayor número de registros. En ambas zonas, la mayor abundancia relativa se observó durante la época de lluvias. La degradación del hábitat y las actividades humanas al parecer afectan a la diversidad de especies de mamíferos en la región.La diversidad de los mamíferos de talla grande y mediana en Juchitán, istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, México El istmo de Tehuantepec en Oaxaca, México, es una de las regiones más importantes del país desde el punto de vista zoogeográfico, ya que alberga una gran cantidad de especies endémicas neotropicales. Entre septiembre de 2007 y agosto de 2008, se realizó un muestreo de mamíferos de talla mediana y grande en el municipio de Juchitán, y comparamos su diversidad en dos zonas con distintos niveles de impacto antropogénico definido de acuerdo con las estimaciones de las actividades humanas, la densidad de ganado y la degradación del hábitat. Se obtuvieron 167 registros de 18 especies, con una representatividad del 79% según el modelo de acumulación de especies en ambas zonas. La mayor riqueza de especies y la diversidad alfa se registraron en la zona conservada, mientras que la zona perturbada presenta la mitad de la diversidad encontrada en la zona conservada. Se observó un fuerte intercambio de especies entre ambas zonas. Dos especies, Urocyon cinereoargenteus (n = 52) y Didelphis virginiana (n = 42), tuvieron el mayor número de registros. En ambas zonas, la mayor abundancia relativa se observó durante la época de lluvias. La degradación del hábitat y las actividades humanas al parecer afectan a la diversidad de especies de mamíferos en la región.The Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Oaxaca, Mexico, is one of the country’s most important regions from a zoogeographical perspective due to the large number of endemic Neotropical species found there. Between September 2007 and August 2008, we sampled medium–sized and large mammals in the Juchitan municipality and compared their diversity in two areas with distinct levels of anthropogenic impact, defined according to estimates of human activities, livestock density and habitat degradation, We obtained 167 records of 18 species, with a 79% representation according to species accumulation models in both areas. The highest species richness and alpha diversity were recorded in the preserved area, whereas the disturbed area exhibited half the diversity found in the preserved area. A high interchange of species was also observed between zones. The two species with the largest number of records were Urocyon cinereoargenteus (n = 52) and Didelphis virginiana (n = 42). In both areas, the highest relative abundance occurred during the rainy season. Habitat degradation and human activities seem to affect the diversity of mammal species in the region

    El modelo pedagógico de clase invertida para mejorar el aprendizaje del idioma inglés

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    The purpose of the research was to demonstrate how the application of the Inverted Class pedagogical model (Flipped Classroom) improves learning in English grammar proficiency in students of the Working Adult program, UPN, Lima-2018. The type of research was applied, scientific method and quasi-experimental method of explanatory level. The design was quasi-experimental with two equivalent groups and quantitative approach measurement. The sample consisted of 40 students of the program. The data collection technique was the evaluation for both groups a pretest and posttest test with their checklist instrument. A survey was applied to the students of the experimental group, observation sheet of learning sessions. The hypothesis was tested using the Student's T statistic for independent samples, using the SPSS version 24 program, with 5% margin of error, with P-value = 0 less than 0.05 significance. The arithmetic mean in the posttest for the control group was 62.5 and for the experimental group it reached 86.3, with a significant difference for both variables. Concluding on the improvement of learning in English grammar proficiency in the students of the program.El propósito de la investigación fue demostrar cómo la aplicación del modelo pedagógico Clase Invertida (Flipped Classroom) mejora el aprendizaje en la competencia gramatical del idioma inglés en los estudiantes del programa Working Adult, UPN, Lima-2018. El tipo de investigación fue aplicada, método científico y método cuasiexperimental de nivel explicativo. El diseño fue el cuasiexperimental con dos grupos equivalentes y medición de enfoque cuantitativo. La muestra estuvo conformada por 40 estudiantes del programa. La técnica de recolección de datos fue la evaluación para ambos grupos una Prueba pretest y Prueba postest con su instrumento de lista de cotejo. Se aplicó una encuesta a los estudiantes del grupo experimental, ficha de observación de sesiones de aprendizaje. La hipótesis fue probada utilizando el estadístico de la T de Student para muestras independientes, mediante el programa SPSS versión 24, con 5% de margen de error, con P-valor = 0 menor al 0,05 de significancia. La media aritmética en el postest para el grupo control fue de 62.5 y para el grupo experimental alcanzó 86,3, con una diferencia significativa para ambas variables. Concluyendo en la mejora del aprendizaje en la competencia gramatical del idioma inglés en los estudiantes del programa

    From circular paths to elliptic orbits: A geometric approach to Kepler's motion

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    The hodograph, i.e. the path traced by a body in velocity space, was introduced by Hamilton in 1846 as an alternative for studying certain dynamical problems. The hodograph of the Kepler problem was then investigated and shown to be a circle, it was next used to investigate some other properties of the motion. We here propose a new method for tracing the hodograph and the corresponding configuration space orbit in Kepler's problem starting from the initial conditions given and trying to use no more than the methods of synthetic geometry in a sort of Newtonian approach. All of our geometric constructions require straight edge and compass only.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    New non-unitary representations in a Dirac hydrogen atom

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    New non-unitary representations of the SU(2) algebra are introduced for the case of the Dirac equation with a Coulomb potential; an extra phase, needed to close the algebra, is also introduced. The new representations does not require integer or half integer labels. The set of operators defined are used to span the complete space of bound state eigenstates of the problem thus solving it in an essentially algebraic way

    Effect of Melengestrol Acetate (Mga) on the Metabolic Profile in Heifers

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    AbstractFrom the analysis of 21 Cebu-Swiss heifers healthy, developing, with 235.55 ± 17.81kg of body weight (BW), 118.62 ± 3.97cm and 2.58 ± 0.35 of body condition (BC) scale of 1-5. They were divided into two groups: MGA (n = 10) and control (n = 11). For 55 days were given a constant diet (including 15 days of adaptation), based on concentrate and sorghum straw. The contribution of daily intake was 599.08g of crude protein and 12.18 Mcal. Blood samples were obtained every 5 days. The concentrations of cholesterol, triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, urea, total protein and glucose were measured for spectrophotometric using the enzyme-colorimetric technique in plasma. The daily gain was balanced PV of 603.5 to 232.5 grams and height stopped from day 25. The CC did not show significant changes (P> 0.01). The mean concentration of plasma cholesterol was 107.59 ± 13.38 vs. 109.61 ± 11.72mg/dl (MGA and control, respectively) with a downward trend more pronounced from day 25. The concentration of triglycerides was 12.61 ± 6.91 vs. 16.19 ± 8.86mg/dl (MGA and control), no trend in the first 20 days and from day 25 there was an increase compared to the average of the previous days. The concentrations of HDL 63.73 ± 3.26 vs. 63.79 ± 10.27mg/dl (MGA and control) and 43.56 ± 6.24 vs. LDLc. 46.54 ± 14.89mg/dl (MGA and control) were irregular, but within normal ranges. The values of total protein were 5.70 ± 0.40 vs. 5.22 ± 0.31mg/dl (MGA and control), no trend the first 15 days and from day 20 increased in concentration compared to previous surveys. Urea levels were 14.79 ± 5.22 vs. 14.13 ± 4.8mg/dl (MGA and control) with a tendency to discharge. Glucose levels were 60.06 ± 7.62 vs. 58.24 ± 5.43mg/dl (MGA and control), with an irregular behavior in the normal range. The consumption of 0.5mg/dl of MGA for 40 days increased plasma concentrations of triglycerides and total protein, but did not affect cholesterol levels, HDL and LDL cholesterol, urea and glucose

    A useful form of the recurrence relation between relativistic atomic matrix elements of radial powers

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    Recently obtained recurrence formulae for relativistic hydrogenic radial matrix elements are cast in a simpler and perhaps more useful form. This is achieved with the help of a new relation between the rar^a and the βrb\beta r^b terms (β\beta is a 4×44\times 4 Dirac matrix and a,ba, b are constants) in the atomic matrix elements.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    Acute Colchicine-induced Neuromyopathy in a Patient Treated With Atorvastatin and Clarithromycin

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    Neuromyopathy is a rare side effect of chronic colchicine therapy, especially without renal impairment. Drugs interacting with colchicine metabolism through CYP3A4 can accelerate accumulation and toxicity. We describe a case of an interaction between atorvastatin, clarithromycin and colchicine resulting in acute neuromyopathy. Learning points: Colchicine has a narrow therapeutic window, and therefore, often produces side effects.Special caution should be adopted if patients with renal disease and concomitant medications are given colchicine.Before prescribing colchicine, the clinical history, including previous medications and conditions, should be carefully considered

    Foster Carers’ Perspectives about Contact in Portugal and Spain

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    This study aims at comparing the nature and processes of contact between children in foster care and their birth families; the relationship between the existence and quality of contact and foster carers’ burden; and the relationship between the existence or not of contact and the existence of reunification plans. Following a quantitative approach, data have been collected in Portugal and Spain from foster carers and professionals using questionnaires and Zarit's Carer scale. The results show that the existence of contact is not related to carers’ burden or stress, but there is an association between contact and reunification plans. As a consequence, several implications to practice are presented