101 research outputs found

    Los expedientes de jubilación de tenientes de Corregidor en el Madrid del siglo XVIII: el caso de Francisco Antonio Izquierdo (1754)

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    El tema de los expedientes de jubilación, en nuestro caso circunscritos a la figura del teniente de corregidor, es un aspecto poco tratado desde el punto de vista archivístico y diplomático. Aunque la existencia de este oficio se remonte mucho más atrás en el tiempo de la fecha del ejemplo que aquí presentamos (1754), es cierto que al situarse éste en pleno siglo XVIII y próximo a la época contemporánea, nos ha permitido analizar su procedimiento con ciertas garantías, gracias a la conservación de las distintas fases del mismo.The topic of the jubilation files, in our case bounded to corregidor’s lieutenant’s figure, is an aspect not very treaty from the point of view archival and diplomatic. Although the existence of this position goes back much more behind in the time of the date of the example that here present (1754), it is certain that when being located this in the middle of XVIII and next century to the contemporary time, it has allowed us to analyze its procedure with certain guarantees, thanks to the conservation of the different phases of the same one

    Proceso selectivo de procuradores generales en la Villa de Madrid (1700-1759): análisis documental

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    El oficio de procurador general era en esta época uno de los que más interés despertaba entre los miembros del concejo madrileño, en parte porque su desempeño significaba una garantía para todos aquellos con aspiraciones dentro de la administración. El objetivo de este trabajo no radica en dar a conocer las distintas funciones del cargo, entre otras muchas cuestiones, sino en presentar el método empleado en la selección de los candidatos idóneos que debían ejercerlo y los diplomas generados en dicho proceso. Un procedimiento que en la práctica se tradujo en la expedición ordenada de una serie de documentos, que, agrupados en atención a su secuencia lógica, han llegado hasta nosotros en forma de expediente.Attorney general's occupation was in this time one of those that more interest woke up among the members of the town council from Madrid, partly because its acting meant a guarantee for all those with aspirations inside the administration. The objective of this work doesn't reside in giving to know the different functions of the position, among other many questions, but in presenting the method used in the selection of the suitable candidates that should exercise him and the documents generated in this process. A procedure that was translated in the orderly expedition of a series of documents in the practice, which, contained in attention to their logical sequence, have arrived until us in file form

    Análisis Documental y Aprendizaje Virtual: Diseños Formativos.

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    El presente trabajo nos acerca al diseño de una acción formativa en el campo de la Diplomática, adaptada a especialistas de carácter archivístico. En esa línea, se deconstruye un caso real, informando del método preparatorio de los contenidos y su adaptación a la casuística de la enseñanza virtual, además de tener en cuenta la plataforma a través de la cual serán difundidos. Para ello, se tendrán en cuenta la duración, destinatarios y objetivos del curso, además de las posibles contingencias que puedan surgir durante su celebración

    Las TIC en la Enseñanza: Experiencias en la UCM

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    Actas de la Jornada "Las TIC en la UCM" realizada el 29 de marzo de 2017 en la Facultad de Geografía e Historia de la UC

    AORESCU: Opinion Analysis in Social Networks and User-Generated Contents

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    El proyecto AORESCU tiene como objetivos la recopilación y el procesamiento de la información generada por los usuarios sobre una entidad con idea de obtener a partir de ella una serie de indicadores que permitan evaluar la imagen que los usuarios tienen de la misma. La información recuperada puede ser estructurada (p.e. valoraciones numéricas) y no estructurada (fundamentalmente en forma de textos en lenguaje natural). Las técnicas y herramientas utilizadas en el proyecto son adaptables a cualquier dominio. No obstante, se ha elegido el ámbito turístico como dominio de aplicación al tratarse de un sector con una importante actividad económica y para el que es fácil encontrar contenidos para analizar. El proyecto tiene cuatro partes fundamentales: la recuperación de información de distintas fuentes sobre las entidades que pertenecen al dominio de aplicación (hoteles, restaurantes, espacios naturales, monumentos,…), la definición de un modelo de datos para representar esta información, el desarrollo de herramientas de análisis de textos para procesar los comentarios de los usuarios y el desarrollo de una aplicación web que permita analizar los datos procesados.AORESCU project main goals are focused on the retrieval and processing of information generated by users about an entity. The idea is to get insights from this information that help us to understand the perception of users about an entity. We can retrieve two types of information from web 2.0 sources: structured information (e.g. numerical rating) and unstructured (mainly in the form of texts in natural language). The techniques and tools used in the project are adaptable to any domain. We chose the tourism sector as application domain since it is a sector with an important economic activity and because it is easy to find user generated content about touristic resources. The project has four main phases: the retrieval of information from different sources about the entities (for the tourism sector, these entities are hotels, restaurants, natural spaces, monuments,...), the definition of a data model to represent this information, the development of text analysis tools to process user comments and the development of a web application to query and analyze the processed data.El proyecto AORESCU (P11-TIC-7684 MO) está financiado por la Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas de la Junta de Andalucía

    Natural abundance of stable nitrogen isotopes reflect changes in pelagic food webs and mobility of size classes of the north Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus)

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    The natural abundance of stable nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) in sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and plankton was determined from samples collected between 1998 and 2003 in the northwestern shelf of the Iberian Peninsula with the purpose of studying the variability in the trophic position of sardine. Sardines were grouped in three size-length classes (small: 20 cm). Plankton samples were size-fractionated between ca. 0.7 and 2000 μm of individual length. The plankton at the base of the pelagic food web in the western shelf region (Galicia) was more enriched in δ15N than plankton in the northern and eastern region (Mar Cantábrico), likely because of upwelling. Variability in δ15N in sardine was related both to changes in feeding strategies during growth and to the mobility of size classes between adjacent shelf regions. Large sardines showed regional differences in δ15N similar to those of small plankton, suggesting that old specimens remained for long periods in the same region. In contrast, small and medium-sized sardines have similar δ15N values in all regions. We hypothesize that interannual differences in δ15N of sardine are caused mainly by variations in the mobility of large size classes, as the isotopic signature of the small sardines was relatively less variable and suggests low variability in the plankton food web. In turn, such variations would be related to changes in the size of the sardine population in the north Iberian shelf

    Effect of environmental conditions on the concentration of tear inflammatory mediators during contact lens wear

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    Purpose: To analyze the influence of environmental conditions on the concentrations of tear inflammatory mediators during contact lens (CL) wear. Methods: Fifty-four CL wearers completed 4 visits combining the bilateral use of omafilcon A or comfilcon A CL and a 90-minute exposure to 2 environmental conditions: standard [50% relative humidity (RH), 23°C, 930 mb] or adverse (5% RH, localized air flow, 23°C, 750 mb). Four microliters of tears was collected by capillarity from each subject. Changes in concentration of epidermal growth factor (EGF); interleukin (IL)-1 receptor antagonist, IL-1b, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-8; tumor necrosis factor (TNF) a; monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 were analyzed. The effects of the environment, CL type, and symptoms were evaluated using a 3-way mixed analysis of variance with repeated measures. Results: Under the standard condition, EGF significantly increased [0.36; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.08 to 0.64], and IL-1b (20.48; 95% CI, 20.84 to 20.12) and IL-2 (20.48; 95% CI, 20.87 to 20.09) significantly decreased. Under the adverse condition, IL-6 significantly increased (0.35; 95% CI, 0.09 to 0.62). Comparing conditions, EGF change was significantly lower (P = 0.02) and IL-1b, IL-2, IL-6, and TNF-a changes were significantly higher (P # 0.04) under the adverse condition. Additionally, IL-1b significantly decreased with comfilcon A (20.51; 95% CI, 20.88 to 20.15), being significantly lower (P = 0.01) than the change with omafilcon A (0.06; 95% CI, 20.23 to 0.35). Conclusions: The secretion of several tear inflammatory mediators during CL wear differs depending on the environmental conditions and the CL type used. These outcomes might help to understand the effect of the environment and CL materials on the ocular surface of CL wearersPartially supported by the Junta de Castilla y Leon and the European Social Fund through Project VA317-11 (scholarship)

    HPV knowledge and vaccine acceptance among European adolescents and their parents: a systematic literature review

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    Since the introduction of HPV vaccines, several studies have been conducted in different countries to assess HPV knowledge and vaccine acceptance. The aim of this study was to perform a systematic literature review to summarize results and identify factors associated with HPV knowledge and vaccine acceptance in adolescents and their parents and to compile the measurement tools used in the published research studies performed in European countries where HPV is licensed.This study was funded by Merck Sharp & Dohme Spain.Medicin