656 research outputs found


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    The objective of the paper is to present the possibilities of FM as a contribution to value creation for user and as an entrepreneurial opportunity. To achieve value creation processes, it is necessary to have competent actors and good tools for decisions making support. The research contributes to extension of building total life, sustainability, management and entrepreneurship. The methodology and tools are a result of research project and are based on qualitative and quantitative research methods. The research findings are a result of in-depth analysis and present the possibility how to achieve more efficient business by collaboration of different stakeholders and ideas. The methods presented are mainly developed for public and private real estate sector, but the basic principles are general and relevant for other sectors. The paper will introduce better base for Asset Management, Facilities Management and added value from business and user perspectives

    Guest house with restaurant, Plumlov

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je stavba penzionu s restaurací v obci Plumlov u Prostějova. Jedná se o budovu s podlažím částečně zapuštěným do terénu a s dvěma nadzemními podlažími. Suterénní část je navržena jako restaurace. Nadzemní podlaží jsou navrženy pro potřeby penzionu. V penzionu se nachází celkem 6 ubytovacích pokojů s celkovou kapacitou 15 osob. V restauraci je prostor pro pohodlné stolování cca 25 osob. K restauraci patří také kuchyně, kde se budou připravovat teplé pokrmy. Obvodové konstrukce podzemního podlaží jsou ze ztraceného bednění a nadzemní podlaží jsou řešeny jako dřevostavba systémem „two by four“. Strop nad restaurací je řešen jako systémový, železobetonový, skládaný (systém TRAS). Strop nad 1NP je řešen pomocí dřevěných stropních trámů. Střecha je sedlová s nesymetrickými sklony. Objekt je založen na základových pasech.The subject of this master´s thesis is the construction of the guest house with restaurant in the village Plumlov near Prostejov. It is a building with a floor partially sunk into the ground and two floors. Basement is designed as part of the restaurant. Floors are designed for the guest house. In the pension there is a total of 6 accommodation rooms with a total capacity of 15 persons. The restaurant has a comfortable dining area for 25 people. The restaurant also includes a kitchen where they will prepare hot meals. Cladding basement of the shuttering and floors are designed as wood house by system "two by four". The ceiling above the restaurant is designed as a system, reinforced concrete, folded (TRAS system). The ceiling above the 1st floor is designed with wooden ceiling beams. The roof is gabled with unbalanced tendencies. The building is based on the foundation strips.

    The external expectations of potential real estate buyers in Slovenia and Japan

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    This article presents partial results of a survey being conducted in Slovenia and Japan. It seeks to determine the factors that have a decisive influence over potential real estate buyers when deciding to purchase. The article focuses on the role of potential buyers’ external expectations in relation to their various cultural identities. We follow the hypothesis that these differences in external expectations are statistically significant. The primary instrument for measuring participants’ expectations was a survey in which 1,270 people participated. We statistically analysed the results by conducting a one-way analysis of variance related to the participants’ various cultural identities. By analysing the results of the statistical analyses, we confirmed the hypothesis. It is evident from the results that Slovenian participants had lower expectations in terms of Slovenia’s legal, taxation and other regulatory measures in housing compared to Japanese participants. Considering that legislation represents the Slovenian government’s primary influence over the real estate market, the expectations of the participants in our survey show that Slovenian buyers’ confidence should be increased in this area

    Percepcija studenata s invaliditetom o njihovoj ulozi u provedbi obrazovne politike: Q istraživanje

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    This study examined perceptions of students with disabilities (SWD) regarding their role in the implementation of education policy. We used Q methodology to understand students’ position and their impact on the implementation of education policy. This is the first Q study on this issue in Croatia; therefore, the purpose of this study is to promote and familiarise Croatian researchers with Q methodology. British physicist psychologist William Stephenson developed Q methodology in 1935. Q is an appropriate choice for the study of issues that are socially contested, and it can be effectively accomplished with small numbers of participants. Hence, the use of Q becomes relevant for this study. The study was carried out at the University of Zagreb in spring 2016. The study sample consisted of 15 SWD (8 females and 7 males); it included students with motor impairment, sight and hearing impairment, specific learning disability, and multiple disabilities. Participation was free and voluntary, and the selected participants were representative of the stakeholder groups. We provided SWD with Q-sort statements (called a Q-sample) as a research tool. The Q-sample consisted of 35 statements, each written on a separate card. During Q sorting, 15 SWD presented their perspectives about their role in the implementation of educational policy by ranking statements from strongly disagree (-4) to strongly agree (+4) into a normalised distribution single-centred around no opinion (0). This set of ranked statements, each done by a different participant, constitutes the Q-sort. The data were analysed using the software program PQMethod 2.35. The use of centroid factor analysis with varimax rotation produced three factors related to what is essential for strengthening the role of students in the implementation of education policy. In addition, the study concluded that Q could be a useful tool for productive stakeholder involvement to facilitate policy implementation decisions.Ovaj rad bavi se istraživanjem percepcije studenata s invaliditetom (SSI) o njihovoj ulozi u provedbi obrazovne politike. U radu je korištena Q metodologija kako bi se stekao bolji uvid o ulozi studenata u provedbi obrazovne politike te njihovog utjecaja na provedbu. Budući da je ovo prvo istraživanje u Hrvatskoj koje koristi Q metodologiju za istraživanje percepcije studenata, svrha je ovoga rada ujedno i promicanje Q metodologije te njeno približavanje hrvatskim istraživačima. Q metodologiju osmislio je britanski fizičar i psiholog William Stephenson 1935. godine. Ova se metodologija preporuča za istraživanje društvenih pitanja te se može učinkovito primijeniti i s manjim brojem sudionika. Stoga je ona odabrana za ovo istraživanje. Istraživanje je provedeno na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, u proljeće 2016. godine. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 15-ero SSI (8 djevojaka i 7 mladića). Prema vrsti oštećenja, u uzorku su bili zastupljeni studenti s motoričkim poremećajima, oštećenjem vida, oštećenjem sluha, specifičnim teškoćama učenja i višestrukim oštećenjima. Sudjelovanje je bilo dobrovoljno, a odabrani su sudionici predstavljali populaciju SSI kao jednih od dionika obrazovne politike. Mjerni instrument u Q istraživanju je Q set, a predstavlja skup izjava koje studenti razvrstavaju. Q set se sastojao od 35 izjava, a svaka je bila napisana na zasebnoj kartici. Za vrijeme procesa razvrstavanja (Q sortiranja), 15-ero SSI rangiralo je kartice s izjavama, prema vlastitom mišljenju u odnosu na izjave, na koontinumu od izrazito se ne slažem (-4) do izrazito se slažem (+4), pri čemu nulta kategorija (0) predstavlja točku neutralnog značenja. Kroz ovaj proces studenti su predstavili svoje subjektivno mišljenje o svojoj ulozi u provedbi obrazovne politike. Svaki sudionik na svoj je način razvrstao izjave te je na taj način stvorio Q vrstu. Podaci iz svih Q vrsta analizirani su pomoću softverskog programa PQMethod 2.35. Primijenjena je Q faktorska analiza (centroidna metoda) s varimax rotacijom te su dobivena tri faktora koji ukazuju na potrebne promjene s ciljem jačanja uloge studenata u provedbi obrazovne politike. Osim toga, istraživanje je pokazalo da Q metodologija može biti korisna u procesu donošenja odluka u provedbi javne politike s ciljem većeg uključivanja različitih dionika u taj proces

    Foreign bodies in ENT practice

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    Strana tijela u otorinolaringološkoj nadležnosti su čest prizor na odjelu hitne službe diljem svijeta. Strana tijela dijelimo na živa i neživa te po sastavu na organska i neorganska. Uho, nos, grlo i donji putovi dišnog sustava su pogodna mjesta za zaglavljenje stranog tijela, koje pak u svakom od njih izaziva karakteristične simptome i, potencijalno, komplikacije. Djeca su se pokazala kao daleko najčešći pacijenti s problemom zaglavljenog ST-a u svim lokacijama ORL sustava, s iznimkom orofarinksa i jednjaka, u kojem je pokazana visoka incidencija i u ostalim dobnim skupinama. Ovisno o lokaciji različita je učestalost pojedinih vrsta stranih tijela pa je tako u uhu, nosu i donjim dišnim putovima pronađeno najviše sjemenki, kamenčića, orašastih plodova, perli i igračaka, dok su u orofarinksu i jednjaku najčešće zaglavile kosti i bolusi hrane. Klinička slika se također mijenja ovisno o mjestu ST-a. Simptomi variraju od blagih, kao što su nelagoda, osjećaj začepljenosti uha i kašalj, do ozbiljnih kao što su bol, krvarenje, disfagija i dispneja. Ponekad simptomi mogu i izostati. Osim kliničke slike, dijagnoza se postavlja pomoću kliničkog pregleda, radioloških pretraga te endoskopskih pregleda. Komplikacije koje ST izaziva u području zaglavljenja isto tako variraju od blagih upala i iscjedaka do peforacije bubnjića, aspiracijske pneumonije, perforacije jednjaka i pneumomedijastinuma. Učestalost komplikacija je proporcionalna vremenu zaglavljenja stranog tijela. Uklanjanje se stoga mora izvesti što ranije i pomoću odgovarajućih metoda ekstrakcije. Prilikom ekstrakcije može doći do jatrogenih komplikacija, rizik kojih smanjuje iskustvo liječnika te primjereni instrumenti prilagođeni stranom tijelu i njegovoj lokaciji. Društveno okruženje djeteta ima utjecaj na incidenciju ST-a, a kao najvažniji čimbenik izdvaja se stupanj obrazovanja roditelja i visina prihoda. Edukacija roditelja i proizvođača igračaka s potencijalom zaglavljenja mogu uspješno smanjiti incidenciju ovog problema.Foreign bodies in ear, nose and throat are a common occurence in emergency departments across the world. Foreign bodies are classified as animate or inanimate and according to their composition as organic and non-organic. Ear, nose, throat and lower respiratory tract are all suitable locations for the impaction of a foreign body which causes characteristic symptoms and, potentially, complications. Children have been shown as the most common patients by far with foreign body impaction in all ENT locations, with the exception of the oropharynx, and esophagus, which showed a high incidence in other age groups as well. The type of FB depends on its location; therefore, the most common FB found in the ear, nose, and lower respiratory tract are seeds, stones, nuts, beads and toys, while bones and food boluses were predominantly impacted in the oropharynx and esophagus. Clinical presentation also changes depending on FB location. Symptoms vary from mild, such as discomfort, blocked ear and cough, to more serious ones like pain, bleeding, dysphagia and dyspnea. Apart from the clinical presentation, the patient is diagnosed by careful clinical examination, radiologic imaging and specialized medical proceedures. Complications caused by the impacted FB also vary from mild inflammations and discharge to ruptured eardrum, aspiration pneumonia, esophageal perforation, and pneumomediastinum. The incidence of complications is proportionally related to the duration of impaction. Hence, FB removal must be performed as soon as possible and with an adequate method of extraction. During the FB extraction, iatrogenic complications may occur. The risk of said complications is lowered by the doctor's experience and appropriate medical instrumentation. The patient's social environment also has an effect on FB impaction incidence, with education and income level highlighted as the most important factors. Parent education, as well as educating the toy industry, has a potential for decreasing the incidence of FB impaction

    Sigetac Residents' Oral Testimonions of Their Memories of Youth

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    Cilj je ovoga rada bio prikupljanje usmenih iskaza o sjećanjima na mladost kazivača koji su mještani sela Sigetac te njihova interpretacija. Sjećanja ukazuju na proživljene mladosti i opisuju poteškoće, ali i radosti seoskoga života. Rad sadrži kratak pregled teorijskih radova vezanih za usmenu povijest, pričanja o životu, usmenost, povijesno i biografsko vrijeme te sjećanje i odnos stvarnosti i mašte, seljačku kulturu i identitet seoske zajednice. Prikazu terenskog rada prethode promišljanja o mjestu mladosti u osobnom iskustvu pojedinca i kratak prikaz povijesti sela Sigetac. Usmeni iskazi su prikupljeni terenskim istraživanjem u razdoblju od 21. svibnja do 3. lipnja 2017. godine. U sklopu terenskog rada metodom intervjua prikupljeni su usmeni iskazi koji su nakon toga transkribirani, a u nastavku je provedena analiza dobivenih materijala. Uzorak se sastojao od četvorice kazivača i triju kazivačica koji su stanovnici Sigeca. Važno je naglasiti kako su provedeni intervjui bili polustrukturirani, a to je pridonijelo opuštenosti samih kazivača pri razgovorima. Transkripti su podijeljeni u poglavlja, ovisno o tome na koja se pitanja odnose. Istraživanje je dovelo do zaključka kako su mladosti kazivača obilježene naporima i poteškoćama koje su se očitovale u poljoprivrednim poslovima, izrazitom povezanošću članova obitelji, provođenjem slobodnoga vremena na zabavama, kuglanju, kartanju i odbojci (uglavnom mladići). Istraživanje je pokazalo kako se kazivači i kazivačice prisjećaju mladosti sa sjetom na dane kada su bili mladi, zdravi i zadovoljniji unatoč svim fizičkim poslovima koje su morali obavljati kako bi se njihove obitelji mogle prehraniti.The aim of this paper was to collect oral testimonies of memories of youth as told by residents of the Sigetac village and their interpretation of these recollections. Memories indicate residents' youth and depict joys and troubles of living in such a village. The paper consists of a literature review related to theoretical underpinnings of oral history, narration of life, orality, historical and biographical time, memory and, finally, relationship between imagination and reality, peasant culture and the identity of the village community. Fieldwork review is preceded by reflections about the places of youth in individual personal experiences and by a short overview of Sigetac’s history. Oral testimonies were collected on the field from May 21st until June 3rd 2017. They were collected using the interview method and were later transcribed and analyzed. The sample consisted of four male and three female narrators, all beingSigetac residents. It is important to note that the conducted interviews were semi-structured, which contributed to narrators being more relaxed during interviews. Transcriptions were divided into chapters, depending on questions and topics. Research concluded that the narrators’ youth was marked with troubles and hardships related to agriculture, substantial interconnectedness of family members, spending free time on festivities, bowling, playing cards and volleyball (mostly young men). Research has shown that both female and male narrators had fond memories of their youth when they were younger, healthier and happier despite all physical labor they had to endure to be able to provide food for their families


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    Ovaj rad se temelji na primjeni metoda strateške analize. Strateška analiza je prva etapa u procesu strateškog menadžmenta, to je skup analiza i metoda koje proučavaju okolinu poduzeća, a prethode formuliranju strategije. Strateški menadžment je kontinuirani, iterativni proces usmjeren na stvaranje spremnosti poduzeća na prilagodbu u promjenjivoj okolini16. Okolina poduzeća se može promatrati u dvije odnosno tri dimenzije, kao interna i eksterna okolina, odnosno kao interna okolina, okolina zadatka i opća okolina. Poduzeće može utjecati na internu okolinu i ona obuhvaća strukturu, kulturu i resurse poduzeća. Na eksternu okolinu poduzeće ne može utjecati već joj se mora prilagoditi. Pri analizi okoline se mogu koristiti razne metode, neke od njih su korištene u ovom radu i to su: skeniranje opće okoline, izrada ETOP profila, analiza i procjena ranjivosti, analiza i procjena tehnologije, skeniranje poslovne okoline, analiza konkurencije, stakeholder analiza i analiza resursa. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata provedenih analiza i metoda poduzeću su preporučene određene strategije kako bi bolje poslovalo odnosno opstalo na vrlo konkurentnom tržištu.This work is based on the application of strategic analysis methods. Strategic analysis is a set of analyses and methods that study the company's environment and precede the formulation of the strategy. Strategic management is a continuous, iterative process aimed at creating a company's readiness to adapt to a changing environment. The environment of a company can be observed in two or three dimensions, as an internal and external environment, or as an internal environment, a task environment and a general business environment. The company can affect the internal environment and it encompasses the structure, culture and resources of the company. An external environment cannot be affected by the company and the company must adapt to it if the company wants to survive in this highly competitive environment. In the analysis of the environment can be used various methods, some of them are used in this work and these are: scanning of general environment, ETOP analysis, vulnerability assessment analysis, technology assessment analysis, scanning of business environment, competitive analysis, Stakeholder analysis and resource analysis. Based on the results of the analyses and methods the company is recommended certain strategies for better business results and for easier survival in a highly competitive market

    Cryopreservation of Abies alba embryogenic tissues by slow-freezing method

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    Embryogenic tissues of Abies alba Mill. were cryopreserved using the slow-freezing approach. Four cell lines were incubated for 24 h on a medium with 0.5 M sorbitol and pre-treated with 5% DMSO. Subsequently, the tissues were frozen at a cooling rate of 1 °C min-1 to -40 °C and transferred to liquid nitrogen for 72 hours. After thawing in a water bath at 40 °C, the tissues were cultivated on a proliferation medium. All tested lines recovered, but variations in regrowth frequencies across cell lines were noticed (91.66 to 100%). The recovered tissues showed similar features to the control 2 (non-pre-treated and non-cryopreserved tissues). In the accumulation of fresh and dry mass, no statistically significant differences were observed between cryopreserved cultures and control 2. The cryopreserved tissues produced cotyledonary somatic embryos capable of germination. Microscopic observations revealed considerable structural changes as a consequence of the cryopreservation procedure. The long vacuolated suspensor cells were disrupted, and mostly the meristematic cells of the embryonal region survived. The typical bipolar structure of early somatic embryos has been regained during the post-thaw period. Differences in cryotolerance across cell lines were also observed