26 research outputs found


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    This article discusses the role of Theology Teachers in Building a Classroom Climate for Students at Mts Nur Muhammad Pemana, Sikka Flores Regency, NTT. This article uses a qualitative research methodology with a focus on research (Field Research) in obtaining documents related to this issue and using multiple sites. Teachers have a very big role in creating a conducive classroom climate, so teacher competence is needed. A good classroom climate will describe demonstrations, where the teacher's behavior is more active in creating a conducive classroom climate. where a teacher provides opportunities for optimal learning achievement. Students who live in a pleasant classroom atmosphere are expected to be able to produce better performance when compared to children who live in an unpleasant classroom atmosphere. The author has come to the conclusion that the role of the moral theology teacher of class VIII MTs Nur Muhammad starting from the role of class management is both from students and the state of the classroom environment before the lesson begins, then after that hold a little dialogue or story with the aim of conditioning students to learn

    Pola Pemberdayaan Zakat Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) Terhadap Masyarakat Miskin Pesisir Pantai Ampenan Kota Mataram

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    This research aims at the mechanism for empowering the Mataram City BAZ zakat towards the poor coastal communities of Ampenan and to analyze the economic impact of the poor coastal communities of Ampenan on empowering the zakat provided by the Mataram City BAZ. The type of research used is qualitative with research procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observable behavior. The results of this research show that the first Empowerment Pattern of zakat funds carried out by BAZNAS Mataram City is distributed through 5 patterns to mustahik in the form of consumptive zakat and productive zakat such as (1) Mataram Peduli Program (2) Mataram Takwa Program (3) Smart Mataram Program. (4) Healthy Mataram Program. Productive zakat is distributed through (5) Mataram Sejahtera Programs. Conclusion, secondly, the economic impact of zakat can improve the welfare of mustahiq and some mustahiq who have not been able to improve their standard of living because the funds provided are too minimal. There are 345 poor people on the Ampenan coast who have been helped. With the help of these zakat funds, people are able to survive amidst their lower middle class economic conditions and become middle class. Of the total 345 mustahik who received zakat assistance, there was an increase in the change of 0.40% from mustahik to muzzaki. Keywords: Poverty, Empowerment, Zaka


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    Estrogen adalah hormon yang sangat penting untuk manifestasi fisiologi uterus, pertumbuhan endometrium, mengontrol hormon Follicle Stimulating Hormon (FSH) dan Luteinizing Hormone (LH). Proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan organ reproduksi tidak lepas dari peran hormon estrogen. Fitoestrogen merupakan golongan senyawa yang memiliki sifat estrogenik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak kedelai untuk meningkatan proliferasi lapisan endometrium dalam proses perkembangan organ uterus pada mencit (Mus musculus) betina. Kelompok kontrol (K) tidak diberi perlukaan. Kelompok P1 diberi ekstrak kedelai dengan dosis 12,5mg/kgBB. Kelompok P2 diberi ekstrak kedelai dengan dosis 25mg/kgBB. Kelompok P3 diberi ekstrak kedelai dengan dosis 37,5mg/kgBB. Kelompok P4 diberi ekstrak kedelai dengan dosis 50mg/kgBB. Perlakuan dilakukan setiap hari sekali selama empat belas hari. Hasil uji One Way Anova menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p<0,05) dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Ketebalan endometrium kelompok P2, P3, dan P4 berbeda secara nyata (p<0,05), dengan kelompok kontrol (K), dan kelompok kontrol (K) tidak berbeda nyata dengan kelompok P1 (p>0,05), serta kelompok P1 tidak berbeda nyata dengan kelompok P2 (p>0,05). Kandungan senyawa fitoestrogen yaitu isoflavon berupa daidzein dan genistein bekerjasama dalam mengoptimalkan proliferasi lapisan endometrium pada uterus mencit (Mus musculus) betina. Daidzein bekerja sebagai senyawa estrogenik untuk berikatan dengan reseptor estrogen pada uterus dan genistein bekerja sebagai penghambat pertumbuhan lapisan endometrium yang berlebih pada jumlah tertentu. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ekstrak kedelai (Glycine max) efektif untuk peningkatan proliferasi lapisan endometrium pada uterus mencit betina

    The Combustion Characteristics of Calophyllum inophyllum Fuel in the Presence of Magnetic Field

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    The study objective is to investigate the combustion characteristics of Callophyllum inophyllum fuel in presence of a magnetic fields. To conduct the experiment, a bunsen burner was utilized, with fuel and air being dispensed via a syringe pump and compressor, both regulated by a flowmeter. The fuel and air pipes were heated to 532.15 (K) to facilitate fuel evaporation. The equivalent ratio of 0.5, 1, and 1.5 was adjusted to control air discharge and fuel. An 11,000 gausses artificial magnet was used, with N-S, N-S, N-N, and S-S being the various magnetic pole configurations. The study found that the magnetic field can enhance combustion quality by affecting the molecules involved in the combustion process. The magnetic field's force also intensifies the movement of O2, making it more energetic. As O2 travels from the North Pole to the South Pole through the combustion reaction zone, it quickens the oxidation-reduction process and curtails diffusion combustion. The red color's intensity diminishes with the magnetic field's effect, indicating this phenomenon. When a magnetic field is applied, the polarity of C.inophyllum biodiesel fuel becomes highly favorable. The triglyceride carbon chain bonds become unstable, and the van der Walls dispersion forces are weakened, which facilitates easier O2 binding to the fuel, resulting in more efficient combustion. An increase in the laminar burning velocity value can be noticed when exposed to a magnetic field


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    Islamic bank has different characteristics from other companies in its performance orientation, including PT. Bank NTB Syariah which has converted on September 24, 2018. Islamic banking is required to work in accordance with Islamic business principles and ethics, one of which is through the implementation of governance (Islamic Corporate Governance/ICG) and the use of capital (Intellectual Capital/IC) so that can achieve the goal of establishing a sharia bank that is in accordance with Maqashid Sharia (measured through the Islamicity Performance Index). This study aims to (1) analyze the effect of Islamic Corporate Governance (ICG) disclosure on the Islamicity Performance Index and (2) analyze the influence of Intellectual Capital (IC) on the Islamicity Performance Index and (3) analyze the influence of Islamic Corporate Governance (ICG) and Intellectual Capital. (IC) on the Islamicity Performance Index at PT. Bank NTB Syariah for the 2019-2021 period. The data was secondary data obtained from the financial report. The results showed that Islamic Corporate Governance has a significant effect with a t-statistic value of 21.877 &gt; t-table 1.960, Intellectual Capital has a significant effect with a t-statistic value of 5.642 &gt; t-table 1.960 and Islamic Corporate Governance together with Intellectual Capital has a significant effect on Islamicity Performance Index PT. Bank NTB Syariah from 2019 to 2021 with a t-statistic value of 20.063 &gt; t-table 1.960

    Pengelolaan Zakat di Baznas Kabupaten Lombok Timur dalam Perspektif Total Quality Management

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    Zakat is an important instrument in alleviating poverty, considering the large potential of zakat both locally and nationally. This law stipulates that zakat management aims to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of services in zakat management and increase the benefits of zakat to realize community welfare and reduce poverty. This research aims to find out how to apply the principles of customer focus, process improvement, and total involvement for the components of leadership, employee loyalty, and partner involvement. The research method uses descriptive qualitative methods with a case study approach data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. Primary data comes from Baznas leaders and implementers, while secondary data is collected from East Lombok Regency Baznas zakat management documents and related research or scientific work. Data analysis was carried out in three stages, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The findings from this research show that: 1. Baznas East Lombok Regency has provided good services to Muzakki and Mustahiq. 2. In terms of improving the Baznas process, East Lombok Regency has carried out improvement steps every year which cover four existing areas, namely process improvement in the field of collection, process improvement in the distribution and utilization field, process improvement in the field of planning and reporting and process improvement in the field of administration, HR and general fields. 3. Regarding total involvement, Baznas East Lombok Regency has involved leaders, amilin, and partners in managing zakat


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modulbiologi pokok bahasan evolusi bermuatan ayat-ayat al-Qur’an dan hadis-hadis akidah yang memiliki kualitas validdan praktis.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development) yang mengacu pada model pengembangan 4-D atau model Thiagarajan yang dimodifikasi menjadi model 3-P, yaknitahap Pendefinisian (Define), tahap Perancangan (Design), dan tahap Pengembangan (Develop). Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi semester IX angkatan 2013 Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Alauddin Makassar yang berjumlah 6 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data penelitian terbagi atas dua, yaitu format validasi instrumen penilaian modul untuk mendapatkan data kevalidan dan format kepraktisan modul berupa angket respon peserta didik untuk mendapatkan data kepraktisan. Data yang telah diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis data deskriptif.Berdasarkan data uji coba kevalidan modul yang direvisi sebanyak 2 kali, modul memenuhi kategori sangat valid dengan skor rata-rata 3,76, untuk uji coba kepraktisan modul diperoleh skor rata-rata 3,39 yang termasuk kategoripraktis. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa modul yang dikembangkan masih belum sempurna namun layak untuk digunakan

    Islamic Microfinance Institutions, Indonesian Economic Democracy, and Development (A Maqashid Approach System Perspective)

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    This study aims to expand on the theoretical notions of sharia economics, economic democracy, and Indonesian development. Economic identity is influenced by religion, culture, and other valuable components of life, including the state's ideology. Religious ideals, cultural constructions, governmental ideology, and/or a synthesis of these values should all be protected from development. This is Auda's considerable offer, which connects maqasid al-shariah with systems theory to bolster Islamic studies' intellectual integrity. The Shariah economy, social system, and state ideology should be united to attain economic welfare. As a result, the maqashid shariah system approach provides a methodological framework for examining the existence of shariah microfinance institutions, economic democracy, and development in their entiret

    Perbandingan Efektivitas Anestesi Spinal Menggunakan Bupivakain 0,5% Hiperbarik Dosis 7,5 Mg dengan 5 Mg pada Seksio Sesarea

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    Latar Belakang: Teknik anestesi yang efektif adalah tujuan utama dari teknik anestesi spinal, yang bertujuan meminimalkan efek samping pada ibu dan bayi baru lahir. Tujuan: Membandingkan ketinggian blok, onset dan durasi, efek samping antara Bupivakain 0,5% Hiperbarik dosis 7,5 Mg + Fentanyl 25 Mcg dan dosis 5 Mg + Fentanyl 25 Mcg pada seksio sesarea. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan uji klinis acak tersamar ganda (Randomized double blind clinical trial). Sampel terdiri atas 2 kelompok yakni LD (Kelompok yang mendapatkan anestesi spinal bupivakain 0,5% hiperbarik 5 mg + fentanil 25 μg ) dan CD (Kelompok yang mendapatkan anestesi spinal bupivakain 0,5% hiperbarik 7,5 mg + fentanil 25 μg) dengan jumlah sampel masing-masing 20 orang. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik Independen Sample T Test dengan tingkat kemaknaan α=0.05. Hasil: Ada perbedaan onset blok motorik (p=0,004), durasi motorik (p=0,000), durasi blok sensoris (p=0,000) antara kelompok LD dan kelompok CD. Sedangkan durasi operasi (p= 0,769), selisih perubahan TD Sistole (p> 0,05), selisih perubahan TD Diatole (p> 0,05), selisih perubahan nadi (p> 0,05), selisih perubahan MAP (p> 0,05), efek samping mual/muntah (p> 0,05) dan rescue (p> 0,05) menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan. Simpulan: Onset blok sensorik lebih lama, dan durasi blok sensoris dan motorik lebih singkat pada kelompok LD dibanding CD sehingga ada perbedaan efektifitas bupivakain antara kedua kelompok. Tidak perbedaan yang bermakna untuk efek samping dan perubahan hemodinamik pada kedua kelompok. The Effectiveness of Spinal Anesthesia Using Bupivacaine 0.5% Hyperbaric Dosage 7.5 Mg with 5 Mg in Caesarean Section Surgery Abstract Latar Belakang: Teknik anestesi yang efektif adalah tujuan utama dari teknik anestesi spinal, yang bertujuan meminimalkan efek samping pada ibu dan bayi baru lahir. Tujuan: Membandingkan ketinggian blok, onset dan durasi, efek samping antara Bupivakain 0,5% Hiperbarik dosis 7,5 Mg + Fentanyl 25 Mcg dan dosis 5 Mg + Fentanyl 25 Mcg pada seksio sesarea. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan uji klinis acak tersamar ganda (Randomized double blind clinical trial). Sampel terdiri atas 2 kelompok yakni LD (Kelompok yang mendapatkan anestesi spinal bupivakain 0,5% hiperbarik 5 mg + fentanil 25 μg ) dan CD (Kelompok yang mendapatkan anestesi spinal bupivakain 0,5% hiperbarik 7,5 mg + fentanil 25 μg) dengan jumlah sampel masing-masing 20 orang. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik Independen Sample T Test dengan tingkat kemaknaan α=0.05. Hasil: Ada perbedaan onset blok motorik (p=0,004), durasi motorik (p=0,000), durasi blok sensoris (p=0,000) antara kelompok LD dan kelompok CD. Sedangkan durasi operasi (p= 0,769), selisih perubahan TD Sistole (p> 0,05), selisih perubahan TD Diatole (p> 0,05), selisih perubahan nadi (p> 0,05), selisih perubahan MAP (p> 0,05), efek samping mual/muntah (p> 0,05) dan rescue (p> 0,05) menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan. Simpulan: Onset blok sensorik lebih lama, dan durasi blok sensoris dan motorik lebih singkat pada kelompok LD dibanding CD sehingga ada perbedaan efektifitas bupivakain antara kedua kelompok. Tidak perbedaan yang bermakna untuk efek samping dan perubahan hemodinamik pada kedua kelompok

    Visibility, Attraction, and Typical Person Instagram Endoreser dan Minat Beli Produk Kosmetik Halal Pada Generasi Z di Lombok Timur (Shariah Marketing Analysis)

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    This study aims to determine whether Visibility and Attraction in Typical Person Endorsers affect the purchase intention of halal cosmetic products in Z-generation in East Lombok, and examine the suitability of sharia in the marketing in question. This research was a survey research with a total sampling of 100 people from Z-generation. Data were collected through questionnaires, and analyzed using multiple linear regression methode. The study found that simultaneously Visibility and Attraction have a significant effect on Purchase Intention. Partially, Visibility has no significant effect on consumer buying interest, while Attraction has a (very) significant effect on consumer buying interest. The majority of respondents in buying halal cosmetic products get products that sometimes match and sometimes do not match what is promoted by the Typical Person Endorser, namely 63 respondents or 63.0% of the total