2,215 research outputs found

    The Stable Manifold Theorem for Stochastic Differential Equations

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    We formulate and prove a {\it Local Stable Manifold Theorem\/} for stochastic differential equations (sde's) that are driven by spatial Kunita-type semimartingales with stationary ergodic increments. Both Stratonovich and It\^o-type equations are treated. Starting with the existence of a stochastic flow for a sde, we introduce the notion of a hyperbolic stationary trajectory. We prove the existence of invariant random stable and unstable manifolds in the neighborhood of the hyperbolic stationary solution. For Stratonovich sde's, the stable and unstable manifolds are dynamically characterized using forward and backward solutions of the anticipating sde. The proof of the stable manifold theorem is based on Ruelle-Oseledec multiplicative ergodic theory


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    Polycrystal MnO2thin films have been deposited using spray pyrolysis deposition technique under a varied thickness. By analyzing the X-ray diffraction, the structure of deposited films was found to be polycrystalline. Different optical properties of these films have been investigated by observing the optical absorption and transmission spectra. Various optical constants such as optical energy gap, the width of band tails of localized states into the gap, and steepness parameter, were calculated and the variation of various optical parameters such as refractive index, extinction coefficient and dielectric constant, with phonon energy are estimated

    3D Seismic Velocity Structure Around Plate Boundaries and Active Fault Zones

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    Active continental margins, including most of those bordering continents facing the Pacific Ocean, have many earthquakes. These continental margins mark major plate boundaries and are usually flanked by high mountains and deep trenches, departing from the main elevations of continents and ocean basins, and they also contain active volcanoes and, sometimes, active fault zones. Thus, most earthquakes occur predominantly at deep‐sea trenches, mid‐ocean spreading ridges, and active mountain belts on continents. These earthquakes generate seismic waves; strong vibrations that propagate away from the earthquake focus at different speeds, due to the release of stored stress. Along their travel path from earthquake hypocenters to the recording stations, the seismic waves can image the internal Earth structure through the application of seismic tomography techniques. In the last few decades, there have been many advances in the theory and application of the seismic tomography methods to image the 3D structure of the Earth\u27s internal layers, especially along major plate boundaries. Applications of these new techniques to arrival time data enabled the detailed imaging of active fault zones, location of magma chambers beneath active volcanoes, and the forecasting of future major earthquakes in seismotectonically active regions all over the world

    Unification requirements of electric vehicle charging infrastructure

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    By increasingelectric vehicles in numbers and getting the public attention, availability, safety and accessibility of its charging infrastructure are key factorsto users’ satisfaction. Charging infrastructure in electric vehicle industry can have a role as an interface for exchanging information among other components as well. Currently, lack of universality in electric vehicle industry has caused anisolation in networks of electric vehicles. This isolationwill cause difficulty in having an aggregated set of information about electric vehicles and their consumption pattern. The paper reviews current charging infrastructure and the possibility of providing universality based on candidate protocols and technologies. © 2016 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

    Cross-Platform Comparison of Untargeted and Targeted Lipidomics Approaches on Aging Mouse Plasma.

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    Lipidomics - the global assessment of lipids - can be performed using a variety of mass spectrometry (MS)-based approaches. However, choosing the optimal approach in terms of lipid coverage, robustness and throughput can be a challenging task. Here, we compare a novel targeted quantitative lipidomics platform known as the Lipidyzer to a conventional untargeted liquid chromatography (LC)-MS approach. We find that both platforms are efficient in profiling more than 300 lipids across 11 lipid classes in mouse plasma with precision and accuracy below 20% for most lipids. While the untargeted and targeted platforms detect similar numbers of lipids, the former identifies a broader range of lipid classes and can unambiguously identify all three fatty acids in triacylglycerols (TAG). Quantitative measurements from both approaches exhibit a median correlation coefficient (r) of 0.99 using a dilution series of deuterated internal standards and 0.71 using endogenous plasma lipids in the context of aging. Application of both platforms to plasma from aging mouse reveals similar changes in total lipid levels across all major lipid classes and in specific lipid species. Interestingly, TAG is the lipid class that exhibits the most changes with age, suggesting that TAG metabolism is particularly sensitive to the aging process in mice. Collectively, our data show that the Lipidyzer platform provides comprehensive profiling of the most prevalent lipids in plasma in a simple and automated manner

    Model for Small neutrino masses at the TeV Scale

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    We propose a model for neutrino mass generation in wich no physics beyond a TeV is required. We extend the standard model by adding two charged singlet fields with lepton number two. Dirac neutrino masses mνDMeVm_{\nu_D} \leq MeV are generated at the one loop level. Small left handed majorana neutrino masses can be generated via the seesaw mechanism with right handed neutrino masses MRM_R are of order TeV scale.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Rapid generation of angular momentum in bounded magnetized plasma

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    Direct numerical simulations of two-dimensional decaying MHD turbulence in bounded domains show the rapid generation of angular momentum in nonaxisymmetric geometries. It is found that magnetic fluctuations enhance this mechanism. On a larger time scale, the generation of a magnetic angular momentum, or angular field, is observed. For axisymmetric geometries, the generation of angular momentum is absent; nevertheless, a weak magnetic field can be observed. The derived evolution equations for both the angular momentum and angular field yield possible explanations for the observed behavior

    Comparative Study of ICX Business with Prosperity and Significance in Bangladesh

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    The objective of this paper is to focus on the comparative discussion of ICX (Interconnection Exchange) business in with prosperity and significance in Bangladesh. ICX is a step towards creation of a modern and efficient telecommunications infrastructure. With the introduction of ICX, operators can combine their services in the most flexible way. Telecommunication sector is one of the most growing fields of business in Bangladesh. Government is earning a lot from this sector. Before introducing ICX government could not able to trace the exact number of calls and generated minutes, as well as they were in lack of exact revenue from those operators. After that, when Government introduced license to ICX operators, the scenario has been changed and single point of connectivity was established. As a result, interconnection capacity and the quality of voice call both have been developed. Government became capable of having accurate amount interconnections calls and minutes.Now days ICX operators are capable to handle voice calls using 2G and 3G technology. ICX operators are also connected to all the IGW (International gateway) operators to connect international calls with nationwide telecommunication operators. ICX operators share their revenue with Government according to rules and regulations imposed by the Government. As a result, Government is earning a significant amount of money from ICX operators. The KPI of Seven different ICX operators are also discussed in the study and all the values of those indicators were found in satisfactory level which means ICX operators can fulfill the required performance needed to cope up with the ANS and IGW operators. So, ICX business is proving as a very prospectus business in Bangladesh for the operators as well as for the Government as ICX operators are going to implement SMS interconnectivity throughout the nation. Keywords: ICX business, telecommunication, revenue, prosperity, connectivity

    Proučavanje luminescencije uzbudom naviše u nanokristalima BaTiO3: Ho3+

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    Visible up-conversion emissions at 435, 545, 580, 675 and 690 nm and 437, 547, 575 and 675 nm have been obtained from BaTiO3 doped with 4 % Ho3+ ions in two different forms of the prepared samples, powder and thin film, under 808 nm laser diode excitation emissions. Combined with the energy level structure of Ho3+ ions and the kinetics of the visible emissions, the up-conversion mechanism has been analyzed and explained. The blue, green and red emissions of both samples have been attributed to the ground state-directed transition from 5F1, 5S2 and 5F5 states, respectively, which are populated through excited state absorption on 808 nm excitation. Nano-structure pure barium titanate and doped with different concentrations of Ho3+ ions in the form of powder and thin films have been prepared by so-gel technique, using barium acetate (Ba(CH3CHOO)2) and titanium isopropoxide (Ti((CH3)2CHO)4) as precursors. The thin films were prepared by spin-coating sol-gel method. The as-grown thin film and powders were found to be amorphous, which crystallized to the tetragonal phase after synthesization at 750 °C in air for 30 minutes. The crystallite size of thin film and powder samples both doped with 4 % Ho3+ ions, were found to be equal to 11 and 16 nm, respectively.Uzbudom laserskom diodom na 808 nm postigli smo emisije u vidljivom području na 435, 545, 580, 675 i 690 nm, te na 437, 547, 575 and 675 nm, u BaTiO3 punjenom s 4 % Ho3+ iona u uzorcima dvaju oblika, prahu i tankom sloju. Uzimajući u obzir stanja iona Ho3+ i kinetiku emisije fotona, analizirali smo i objasnili mehanizam uzbude naviše. Emisije oba uzorka u plavom, zelenom i crvenom području pripisuju se prijelazima u osnovno stanje sa stanja 5F1, 5S2 odn. 5F5 koja se pune apsorpcijom fotona 808 nm u višim stanjima Ho3+ iona. Metodom sol-gel pripremili smo nanostrukturni čist barijum titanat i barijum titanat punjen s dvjema koncentracijama Ho3+ iona, kao prah i kao tanke slojeve. Rabili smo barijum acetat (Ba(CH3CHOO)2) i titanijev izopropoksid (Ti((CH3)2CHO)4) za njihovu pripremu. Tanke smo slojeve dobivali centrifugiranjem sol-gela. Svježe pripremljeni tanki slojevi i prah su amorfni, ali se kristaliziraju zagrijavanjem na 750 ◦C u zraku tijekom 30 minuta. Veličina kristalita u tankom sloju i prahu, svaki punjen s 4 % Ho3+ iona, iznosi 11 odn. 16 nm