11 research outputs found

    Augmentation de la rĂ©sistance aux antibiotiques des EntĂ©robactĂ©ries isolĂ©es Ă  l’Institut National d’HygiĂšne de LomĂ© de 2010 Ă  2017: Increase in antibiotic resistance of Enterobacteriaceae isolated at the National Institute of Hygiene of LomĂ© from 2010 to 2017

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    Introduction: La rĂ©sistance des EntĂ©robactĂ©ries aux antibiotiques est un problĂšme d’importance croissante en pratique mĂ©dicale. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer le profil de rĂ©sistance aux antibiotiques des EntĂ©robactĂ©ries isolĂ©es Ă  l’institut national d’hygiĂšne (INH) de LomĂ© et d’analyser son Ă©volution dans le temps. MĂ©thodes: Il s’agissait d’une analyse rĂ©trospective, sur une pĂ©riode de huit ans (2010-2017), portant sur l’ensemble des souches d’EntĂ©robactĂ©ries isolĂ©es des prĂ©lĂšvements pathologiques analysĂ©s au laboratoire de bactĂ©riologie de l’INH. RĂ©sultats: Au total, 5910 EntĂ©robactĂ©ries ont Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©es majoritairement des urines (59,59%), avec une prĂ©dominance d’Escherichia coli (63,93%) suivie de Klebsiella spp (22,86%). Entre 2010 et 2017, le taux de rĂ©sistance des souches d’Escherichia coli a augmentĂ© significativement de 18,69% Ă  39,26% (p< 0,0001) Ă  la Ceftazidime ; de 1,68% Ă  40,22% Ă  la Ceftriaxone (p< 0,0001) et de 42,37% Ă  63,23% (p< 0,0001) Ă  la Ciprofloxacine. La rĂ©sistance des souches de Klebsiella spp Ă  la Ceftazidime a augmentĂ© significativement de 25,26% Ă  42,54% (p< 0,0001) et celle Ă  la Ceftriaxone de 2,17% Ă  41,79% (p< 0,0001) respectivement de 2010 Ă  2017. Conclusion: L’augmentation de la rĂ©sistance des EntĂ©robactĂ©ries aux antibiotiques et surtout l’évolution des rĂ©sistances aux CĂ©phalosporines de 3e GĂ©nĂ©ration et aux Fluoroquinolones est un phĂ©nomĂšne rĂ©el. Ceci exposera Ă  des difficultĂ©s de prise en charge thĂ©rapeutique et nĂ©cessite la mise en place des dispositions idoines. Background: Antibiotic resistance in Enterobacteriaceae is a growing problem in medical practice. The objective of this study was to determine the antibiotic resistance profile of Enterobacteriaceae isolated at the National Institute of Hygiene (INH) of LomĂ© and to analyse its evolution over time. Method: This was a retrospective analysis, over a period of eight years (2010-2017), of all strains of Enterobacteriaceae isolated from pathological samples analysed in the bacteriology laboratory of the INH. Results: A total of 5910 Enterobacteriaceae were isolated mainly from urine (59.59%), with a predominance of Escherichia coli (63.93%) followed by Klebsiella spp (22.86%). Between 2010 and 2017, the resistance rate of Escherichia coli strains increased significantly from 18.69% to 39.26% (p<0.0001) to Ceftazidime; from 1.68% to 40.22% to Ceftriaxone (p<0.0001) and from 42.37% to 63.23% (p<0.0001) to Ciprofloxacin. Resistance of Klebsiella spp strains to Ceftazidime increased significantly from 25.26% to 42.54% (p< 0.0001) and to Ceftriaxone from 2.17% to 41.79% (p< 0.0001) respectively from 2010 to 2017. Conclusion: The increase in antibiotic resistance in Enterobacteriaceae and especially the evolution of resistance to 3rd generation cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones is a real phenomenon. This will lead to difficulties in therapeutic management and requires the implementation of appropriate measures

    Gradual emergence followed by exponential spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant in Africa.

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    The geographic and evolutionary origins of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant (BA.1), which was first detected mid-November 2021 in Southern Africa, remain unknown. We tested 13,097 COVID-19 patients sampled between mid-2021 to early 2022 from 22 African countries for BA.1 by real-time RT-PCR. By November-December 2021, BA.1 had replaced the Delta variant in all African sub-regions following a South-North gradient, with a peak Rt of 4.1. Polymerase chain reaction and near-full genome sequencing data revealed genetically diverse Omicron ancestors already existed across Africa by August 2021. Mutations, altering viral tropism, replication and immune escape, gradually accumulated in the spike gene. Omicron ancestors were therefore present in several African countries months before Omicron dominated transmission. These data also indicate that travel bans are ineffective in the face of undetected and widespread infection


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    This is a retraction of 'Gradual emergence followed by exponential spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant in Africa' 10.1126/science.add873