515 research outputs found


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    内容の要旨, 審査の要旨広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(理学)Doctor of Sciencedoctora


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    Penyakit kanker termasuk golongan penyakit tidak menular yang merupakan peringkat ketiga penyakit dengan resiko kematian tinggi di Indonesia setelah penyakit jantung dan stroke. Jumlah penderita penyakit kanker di dunia terus bertambah dari tahun ke tahun. WHO memperkirakan lonjakan penderita kanker hingga 300% di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2030. Sebanyak 70% dari kenaikan tersebut terjadi di negara berkembang termasuk di Indonesia. Prevalensi kanker di Indonesia berdasarkan Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2013 Kemenkes RI mencapai 1,4 per 1000 penduduk atau sekitar 347.792 jiwa. Dengan perincian menurut provinsi, di Jawa tengah mencapai angka prevalensi kanker 2,1 per 1000 penduduk yaitu sebanyak 68.638 jiwa. Jawa Tengah sebagai Provinsi dengan jumlah penderita kanker yang cukup tinggi khususnya kota Semarang belum terdapat fasilitas kesehatan atau rumah sakit yang memberikan fasilitas deteksi dini serta pengobatan penyakit kanker secara khusus. Tidak sedikit dari sejumlah pasien kanker yang datang berobat disaat penyakit kankernya sudah mencapai stadium lanjut. Untuk mewujudkan pelayanan kesehatan yang optimal, perlu didukung oleh adanya sarana kesehatan yang memadai dan memiliki kualitas pelayanan yang baik dengan cara dilakukan perencanaan dan perancangan “Rumah Sakit Kanker di Semarang” sebagai pusat rujukan pasien penderita kanker di Semarang maupun di Jawa Tengah yang memberikan kenyamanan dan pengharapan bagi pasien dan keluarganya yang dikemas dalam sebuah bangunan yang memiliki kekhasan dalam fisik bangunan dan penekanan desain yang digunakan dalam proses perancangan. Hal tersebut untuk mendukung Orientasi Pembangunan Kesehatan yang menekankan pada pentingnya upaya promotif dan preventif tanpa mengabaikan upaya kuratif, rehabilitatif dan juga paliatif

    The synthesis of polyglutamate forms of folate by N. crassa

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    Synthesis of polyglutamate forms of folat

    On the Derivation of Vector Radiative Transfer Equation for Polarized Radiative Transport in Graded Index Media

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    Light transport in graded index media follows a curved trajectory determined by the Fermat's principle. Besides the effect of variation of the refractive index on the transport of radiative intensity, the curved ray trajectory will induce geometrical effects on the transport of polarization ellipse. This paper presents a complete derivation of vector radiative transfer equation for polarized radiation transport in absorption, emission and scattering graded index media. The derivation is based on the analysis of the conserved quantities for polarized light transport along curved trajectory and a novel approach. The obtained transfer equation can be considered as a generalization of the classic vector radiative transfer equation that is only valid for uniform refractive index media. Several variant forms of the transport equation are also presented, which include the form for Stokes parameters defined with a fixed reference and the Eulerian forms in the ray coordinate and in several common orthogonal coordinate systems.Comment: This paper has been submitted to JQSR

    A Deficiency Problem of the Least Squares Finite Element Method for Solving Radiative Transfer in Strongly Inhomogeneous Media

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    The accuracy and stability of the least squares finite element method (LSFEM) and the Galerkin finite element method (GFEM) for solving radiative transfer in homogeneous and inhomogeneous media are studied theoretically via a frequency domain technique. The theoretical result confirms the traditional understanding of the superior stability of the LSFEM as compared to the GFEM. However, it is demonstrated numerically and proved theoretically that the LSFEM will suffer a deficiency problem for solving radiative transfer in media with strong inhomogeneity. This deficiency problem of the LSFEM will cause a severe accuracy degradation, which compromises too much of the performance of the LSFEM and makes it not a good choice to solve radiative transfer in strongly inhomogeneous media. It is also theoretically proved that the LSFEM is equivalent to a second order form of radiative transfer equation discretized by the central difference scheme

    Sarcosine oxidase activity of rat liver tissue: Effect of folic acid deficiency and induced hyperthyroidism

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    The sarcosine oxidase content of hepatic tissue from rats made deficient in folic acid was similar to that of normal rats. This is taken as evidence that sarcosine oxidase activity is not dependent upon the presence of folic acid vitamins.The liver sarcosine content of vitamin B12-deficient rats was decreased below normal values. Since B12 supplementation did not increase the enzyme activity, it could not be ascertained whether the loss in enzyme activity was primarily due to a B12 deficiency or whether it was the result of other conditions imposed by a hyperthyroid state.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/32539/1/0000648.pd