4 research outputs found

    A study on the state of conservation of the Roman Necropolis of Carmona (Sevilla, Spain)

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    The Roman Necropolis of Carmona (Sevilla, Spain) has experienced a severe deterioration since the accidental discovery in 1868 and subsequent archaeological excavations starting in 1882. To this deterioration contributed the location in a soft calcarenite rock quarry, the adverse environmental conditions and the numerous and extensive wrong archaeological and managing interventions along more than a century. The cultural, artistic and religious importance of this Necropolis converts the protection and conservation of this archaeological site in a major issue. This work present the data obtained in a multidisciplinary research were geology, geomorphology, micro-environmental and climatic monitoring, rock petrophysical characterization, description of weathering forms and biological colonization were considered in order to propose corrective measures to minimize deterioration

    Impact of wildfires on subsurface volcanic environments: New insights into speleothem chemistry

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    Siliceous speleothems frequently reported in volcanic caves have been traditionally interpreted as resulting from basalt weathering combined with the activity of microbial communities. A characteristic feature in lava tubes from Hawaii, Azores and Canary Islands is the occurrence of black jelly-like speleothems. Here we describe the formation process of siliceous black speleothems found in a lava tube from La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain, based on mineralogy, microscopy, light stable isotopes, analytical pyrolysis, NMR spectroscopy and chemometric analyses. The data indicate that the black speleothems are composed of a hydrated gel matrix of amorphous aluminum silicate materials containing charred vegetation and thermally degraded resins from pines or triterpenoids from Erica arborea, characteristic of the overlying laurel forest. This is the first observation of a connection between fire and speleothem chemistry from volcanic caves. We conclude that wildfires and organic matter from the surface area overlying caves may play an important role in the formation of speleothems found in La Palma and demonstrate that siliceous speleothems are potential archives for past fires