28 research outputs found

    New Deal Art: California

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    Traditionally, the years of the New Deal projects have been treated as a part of the Depression experience with an emphasis on their economic and social dimensions. Until recently, sporadic interest in the art of the period has usually focused on individual artists, not general movements in the art of the time. This has been particularly true in the western states. The purpose of the New Deal Art: California exhibition was to create an overview of the New Deal art projects by bringing together examples of art from the federal art programs in California. New Deal Art: California came about as the result of a chance remark made, by Dr. Francis V. O\u27Connor, Art Historical Consultant, on his first trip to the de Saisset Art Gallery and Museum in 1971. The original exploratory research he did revealed a wealth of information about California\u27s contribution to the Works Progress Administration\u27s Federal Art Project and the Treasury Programs. Dr. O\u27Connor\u27s initial work helped provide the foundation for two years of subsequent research into the historical and aesthetic climate that gave birth to New ,Deal Art in California. The results of our explorations, in both quantity and quality of resources, has far exceeded our original expectations.https://scholarcommons.scu.edu/faculty_books/1367/thumbnail.jp

    Component-based modeling of PEM fuel cells with bond graphs

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    A polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell is a power generation device that transforms chemical energy contained within hydrogen and oxygen gases into useful electricity. The performance of a PEMFC unit is governed by three interdependent physical phenomena: heat, mass, and charge transfer. When modelling such a multi-physical system it is advantageous to use an approach capable of representing all the processes in a unified fashion. This paper presents a component-based model of PEMFCs developed using the bond graph (BG) technique in Modelica language. The basics of the BG method are outlined and a number of relevant publications are reviewed. Model assumptions and necessary equations for each fuel cell component are outlined. The overall model is constructed from a set of bond-graphic blocks within thermal, pneumatic and electrical domains. The model output was compared with the experimental data gathered from a two-cell stack and demonstrated a good accuracy in predicting system behaviour. In the future the designed model will be used for fuel cell reliability studies

    Qu'est-ce que l'histoire du costume

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    Saisset Pascale. Qu'est-ce que l'histoire du costume. In: Femmes Diplômées, n°5, 1953. pp. 1-4

    Governance, intangible investments and performance of agricultural cooperatives : the case of wine cooperatives in Languedoc-Roussillon

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    Cette thèse examine les déterminants de la performance économique des coopératives agricoles. Elle porte plus précisément sur le cas des coopératives vinicoles du Languedoc-Roussillon qui constituent, avec 70% de la production régionale, le moteur de ce bassin de production viticole.Grâce à une approche multi paradigmatique de la gouvernance (théorie de l'agence, théorie des parties prenantes et théorie cognitive), ce travail analyse l'influence de ces différentes modes de gouvernance et des investissements immatériels qui y sont liés sur la performance économique au sens large (amont, aval et financière).Cette thèse distingue, à travers le « dilemme coopératif », la notion de performance à court terme, axée sur l'optimisation du revenu des associés coopérateurs, et celle de performance à long terme, focalisée sur la création de richesse pour l'entreprise coopérative.Cette recherche applique une méthodologie alliant approche qualitative essentiellement exploratoire et approche quantitative confirmatoire. L'analyse s'appuie sur 25 entretiens qualitatifs semi-directifs auprès de dirigeants ainsi que sur 87 enquêtes quantitatives réalisées à l'aide d'un questionnaire et traitées partiellement grâce à l'outil d'intelligence économique COOPERFIC®. Les résultats montrent que la gouvernance coopérative résulte bien d'une combinaison complexe de trois dimensions complémentaires (disciplinaire, partenariale et cognitive) qui ont chacune une influence notable sur la performance économique. En matière purement financière, il apparaît que la dimension disciplinaire de la gouvernance peut entraîner soit un équilibre de la performance orientée vers le court terme (optique adhérents), soit un équilibre axé sur le long terme (optique direction et salariés). Pour ce qui est de la dimension partenariale, elle est porteuse d'un accroissement général de la performance financière (à court et long terme). Enfin, une forte dimension cognitive provoque, de son côté, un accroissement exclusif de la performance financière à long terme, en lien avec une stratégie d'investissements immatériels prononcée, elle-même déterminée par le niveau d'implication des acteurs dans la gouvernance cognitive.Cette étude a ses limites car elle repose principalement sur le point de vue des dirigeants salariés et concerne un peu moins de la moitié des coopératives vinicoles du Languedoc-Roussillon. Toutefois, jusqu'à présent, très peu de recherches empiriques ont été menées sur le lien entre gouvernance et performance des coopératives agricoles, ainsi que sur le rôle essentiel des investissements immatériels dans cette relation. Cette thèse contribue donc à la connaissance des modes de gouvernance dans la coopération agricole et, plus généralement, à celle des déterminants de la performance des coopératives agricoles. Elle est, sur le plan académique, une contribution à la littérature gestionnaire portant sur la gouvernance des coopératives agricoles, ainsi que sur leur performance.This thesis deals with the economic performance factors of agricultural cooperatives and more precisely of wine production cooperatives in Languedoc-Roussillon, which account for 70% of regional production and drive growth of wine production development in the region. Using a multi-paradigmatic approach to governance (agency theory, stakeholder theory, as well as cognitive theory), this work analyses the influence of different modes of governance and intangible investments on broader economic performance (upstream, downstream, and financial).This thesis maps out the “cooperative dilemma”: short-term performance based on optimizing cooperative members' incomes versus long-term performance focusing on value creation for the cooperative. This research applies a methodology combining a qualitative approach, essentially exploratory, with a confirmatory quantitative approach. Analysis was based on 25 semi-structured qualitative interviews of managers as well as 87 quantitative surveys using a questionnaire and partially evaluated using the economic data base COOPERFIC®.Results show that cooperative governance is a result of a complex combination of three complementary dimensions (disciplinary dimension, partnerships, and the cognitive), each of which has a significant influence on economic performance. In purely financial terms, it seems the disciplinary dimension of governance can lead to either a performance balance geared to the short term (vision of members) or long term (vision of management and employees. Stakeholders approach lead to better financial performance both in the short and long terms. Finally, a strong cognitive approach to governance leads to better financial performance only in the long term, when linked to a well-developed strategy of intangible investments, itself determined by the level of implication of agents involved in the cognitive governance.This study has its limits since it is based mainly on the point of view of salaried managers and concerns a little less than half of the wine cooperatives in Languedoc-Roussillon. Nevertheless, until now, very little empirical research has been carried out on the link between governance and performance of agricultural cooperatives, as well as the essential role intangible investments play in their relationship. Consequently this thesis contributes to our knowledge of styles of governance in agricultural cooperatives, and more generally to what determines the performance of agricultural cooperatives. From an academic point of view, it is a contribution to writing on managing agricultural cooperatives and how they perform

    Précurseurs et disciples de Descartes

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    Contiene: Roger Bacon; La réforme de Ramus; La vie et l'oeuvre de Descartes; Spinoza et la philosophie des Juifs; La personne de Malebranche; Leibnitz et la dernière philosphie allemand

    Título: L'esthétique française

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