412 research outputs found

    Metode Pembuatan Minyak Kelapa Murni (VCO) Dengan Variasi Crude Enzim Bromelin dan Crude Enzim Papain

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    Minyak kelapa murni(VCO) merupakan minyak kelapa dengan warna yang jernih, berbau khas, tahan terhadap panas dan proses degredasi lainnya, dan memiliki sifat tidak mudah tengik karena kandungan asam lemak jenuhnya yang tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji pengaruh dari penambahan crude enzim bromelin dan crude enzim papain terhadap minyak kelapa murni (VCO) yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini sudah pernah dilakukan sebelumnya tetapi dengan menggunakan variasi enzim bromelin kasar dan enzim papain kasar. Sedangkan pada penelitian ini menggunakan variasi ekstrak crude (mentah) enzim bromelin dan crude enzim papain. Pengujian minyak kelapa murni (VCO ) berupa organoleptik, pengukuran rendemen, dan analisa asam lemak bebas.Dari hasil penelitian minyak VCO diperoleh, untuk organoleptik terdapat pada semua sampel yang sesuai dengan SNI yaitu berwarna putih bening dan tidak berwarna hingga kuning pucat,berbau khas minyak VCO serta memiliki rasa normal khas minyak VCO.Untuk pengukuran rendemen, rendemen tertinggi lebih banyak diperoleh dengan penambahan crude enzim papain sebanyak 40 gr menghasilkan rendemen sebesar 19% sedangkan pada penambahan crude enzim bromelin sebanyak 100 gr menghasilkan rendemen tertinggi sebesar 16,6 %. Rendemen minyak terendah terdapat pada konsentrasi ekstrak daging nanas 70 gr yaitu 10,4 % dan konsentrasi ekstrak getah pepaya 10 gr yaitu sebesar 13,6 %. Untuk analisa bilangan asam lemak bebas , ALB tertinggi terdapat pada VCO dengan penambahan 70 gr crude enzim bromelin yaitu 0,16 % dan untuk ALB terendah terdapat pada VCO dengan penambahan crude enzim papain sebesar 10 gr yaitu 0,2 %. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan secara keselurusan dapat disimpulkan bahwa setiap sampel minyak VCO memenuhi karakteristik minyak sesuai SNI 7381-2008 yang memiliki warna putih bening, berbau khas dan memiliki rasa normal khas VCO, rendemen minyak lebih dari 10%, serta bilangan asam tidak melewati 2 %

    Comment on Artistic Features of Washington Irving’s The Sketch Book

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    Washington Irving is a great American romantic writer. He employs his beautiful works, unique description to create different genders of literary works. The Sketch Book is seen as his masterpiece, because of its language like poems, the author’s contemplation of scene he darts his eyes into as well as his detailed description of what he associated with the scene he saw. This paper aims to make a comment on the artistic features of Washington Irving’s The Sketch Book from three respects. The first is insert of poem functioning theme interpretation of his articles. The second is the author’s evaluation knitted with the narration. The last is the minute description of the scene by refine words. 

    Kebudayaan Masyarakat Manggarai Barat: Tradisi Teing Hang Empo

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    Tradisi adat manggarai yang dilakukan telah memperkokoh eksistensi dari agama yang dianut oleh masyarakatnya karena berbagai tradisi yang berkaitan dengan siklus kehidupan berkembang dan menjadi kuat ketika ia telah mentaradisi dan membudaya di tengah masyarakat manggari. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan pendekatan etnografi dan literatur. Subyek penelitian adalah tokoh adat, tokoh masyarakat dan masyarakat manggarai barat. Pengumpulan data menggunakan studi literature, interview, dan observasi. Studi literature yaitu artikel ilmiah, buku kebudayaan local manggarai, dan hasil penelitian. Interview dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara dengan para tokoh adat, tokoh masyarakat yang relevan, observasi dilakukan yaitu pengamatan ketika proses palakasanaan tradisi dilakukan. Sumber data primer yaitu analisis dokumen, data sekunder yaitu artikel ilmiah, buku, majalah dan lainnya. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tradisi Teing Hang Empo merupakan tradisi merupakan sesuatu yang di lakukan secara turun temurun dari nenek moyang hingga sekarang. Proses pelaksanaan Teing Hang Empo adalah (1) melaksanakan musyawarah tokoh adat, (2) menyiapkan berbagai macam kebutuhan yang harus di korbankan pada saat pelaksanaan upacara teing hang empo, (3) kebersihan, (4) melaksanakan ritual adat, (5) memakai seragam, (6) bersalaman, (7) penutupan. Jadi kebudayaan masyarakat manggarai barat tradisi teing hang empo sebagai simbol ketaataan masyarakat manggarai terhadap tuhan dan roh para leluhur terdahulu.The Manggarai traditional tradition has strengthened the existence of the religion embraced by the community because various traditions related to the life cycle develop and become strong when it has been traditionalized and entrenched in the Manggarai community. The research method used in this study uses qualitative research, with an ethnographic and literary approach. The research subjects were traditional leaders, community leaders, and the people of West Manggarai. Collecting data using literature studies, interviews, and observations. Literature studies are scientific articles, books on local Manggarai culture, and research results. Interviews were conducted by conducting interviews with traditional leaders, relevant community leaders, observations were made, namely observations when the traditional doing process was carried out. Primary data sources are document analysis, secondary data are scientific articles, books, magazines, and others. The data analysis method uses interactive analysis. The results of the study show that the Teing Hang Empo tradition is something that has been passed down from generation to generation from the ancestors until now. The process of implementing Teing Hang Empo is (1) carrying out deliberations of traditional leaders, (2) preparing various kinds of needs that must be sacrificed during the teing hang empo ceremony, (3) cleaning, (4) carrying out traditional rituals, (5) wearing uniforms, (6) shaking hands, (7) closing. So the culture of the West Manggarai community, the Teing Hang Empo tradition, is a symbol of the Manggarai people's obedience to God and the spirits of the previous ancestors

    Social Influence And Savings Behavior: Evidence From A Developing Country Context

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    Purpose: This paper highlights the relevance of Savings Behavior and the impact of Social Influence on Savings Behavior in a developing country utilizing both life cycle and economic theories Methodology: This paper presents findings from a thorough review of the literature. Relevant articles were reviewed on both savings behavior and social influence. The articles consisted of both contexts developed versus developing. Findings: The findings suggest that from the developed country context, Social Influence positively affects Savings Behavior, which is not the case for the developing economies that show the negative impact of social influence on savings behavior. Therefore, financial education and literacy training are two of the means of encouraging individual self-control in these developing economies despite their vulnerability to social influence to encourage positive savings behavior. Implications: Individuals are encouraged to save, especially during their productive ages, along with their lifespan. This can be done by obligatory deductions for those that are officially employed. Originality/Value: This paper reveals a bibliography theoretical review on Social Influence and Savings Behavior within the developing country context. The paper presents the puzzle about the effect of Social Influence and Savings Behavior in the emerging economy. The majority of savings behavior research undertaken in the developed economies shows the positive effect of social influence on savings behavior, which is not the case in the developing economies

    Deciding Conjugacy of a Rational Relation

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    A rational relation is conjugate if every pair of related words are conjugates. It is shown that checking whether a rational relation is conjugate is decidable. For this, we generalise the Lyndon-Sch\"utzenberger's theorem from word combinatorics. A consequence of the generalisation is that a set of pairs generated by a sumfree rational expression is conjugate if and only if there is a word witnessing the conjugacy of all the pairs


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    The purpose of this study was to examine the factors influencing wastage among girls in secondary schools in Kisii Central district. Generally it looked into the factors that force girls to drop out of school or repeat grades. The objectives that were used to guide this study were to; establish the influence of school related factors on the wastage rate among girls at secondary level in Kisii central district, establish the influence of economic factors on wastage among girls in secondary schools in Kisii Central district, investigate the influence of cultural factors on wastage among girls in secondary schools in Kisii central district , and finally establish the influence of social factors on wastage rate among girls in secondary level in Kisii central district. The study was both qualitative and quantitative in nature. Descriptive survey research design was used in conducting the study. This study was based on the production function theory as expressed by Psacharapoulos and Wood hall (1985). Stratified random sampling was used to select 22 secondary schools which were either public mixed or public girl’s schools. This formed 35% of the total 63 public mixed and public girls’ schools in the study area. The respondents were all head teachers and one form three class master in each selected school. Form three students of the selected schools also participated. All the above respondents were purposively sampled into the study. A total of 399 respondents participated. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview schedules. Piloting of the study was conducted in two schools in the neighbouring Gucha district. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The inferential statistics used was chi-squire. From the findings it was found out that economic factors like poverty at household level, cultural factors such as pregnancy and marriages were responsible for dropout among girls. Also, school related factors like school examination regulations and social factors such as provision of sanitary towels were found to affect girls’ education negatively. It is therefore hoped that the findings and recommendations of this study will be useful to educational planners and other educational stakeholders in solving the problem of wastage among girls in secondary schools in Kenya


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    Secondary school education is very critical in any education system because of the crucial role it plays in catalyzing national development. Consequently, maintaining a high student enrolment at this level should be a priority for all countries. The Constituency Bursary Fund (CBF) was established by the government of Kenya through an act of parliament in 2003 to ensure that the needy students have access to secondary education. This fund provides for the involvement of community members in identifying the bursary recipients. With the communal involvement in decision-making, it was anticipated that there would be fairness and efficiency in the bursary allocation process. Contrary to the high expectations however, cases of complaints about the implementation of the constituency bursary fund are many. The purpose of the study was to determine adherence to the established criteria in allocating bursaries influences retention in secondary school. This study was guided by the following objectives namely: To examine the criteria used by the constituency bursary fund committee to allocate bursaries to the recipients in the constituency; To determine the level of inequality in the allocation of bursaries to recipients in the constituency.; To establish how constituency bursary fund influenced students’ retention in secondary school, To find out the problems encountered by the bursary allocation committee when allocating bursaries to the recipients. This study adopted descriptive survey design using mixed approach methodology. This study was guided by the theory of socialist economics of education. The target population for this study comprised of the 1 DEO, 30 school principals, 120 class teachers, 14 CBF committee members and 1500 form three students. The study adopted both probability and non-probability samplings design to determine sample size. Quantitative data was collected through questionnaire and qualitative data through interview and document analysis. The quantitative data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. (Pearson Correlation Coefficient) Qualitative data was thematically classified and arranged before they were reported in narrations and quotations. Constituency Bursary Committee officials indicated that the total amount of bursary is distributed equally between the 19 wards in the constituency. There is a significant relationship between Adequacy of CBF and Retention in Secondary Schools. Among the challenges faced in the provision of CDF bursaries is the high geographical mobility of urban dwellers which lead to lack of detailed information about them.   Article visualizations


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran IPS melalui Discovery Learning untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas VII E SMP Negeri 1 Kota ternate  Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017, serta  mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran IPS dengan menggunakan Discovery Learning pada siswa kelas VII E SMP Negeri 1 Kota Ternate Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (Classroom Action Research). Penelitian dilaksanakan di kelas VII E  SMP Negeri  1 Kota Ternate yang dilaksanakan mulai bulan Oktober sampai bulan November 2016. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa  penerapanMetode discovery learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar IPS materi sumber daya alam dan kemaritiman Indonesia Kelas VII E SMP Negeri 1 Kota Ternate Tahun Pelajaran 2016-2017. Hal tersebut  ditunjukkan dengan hasil belajar siswa pada tahap pra siklus, Siklus I, dan Siklus II yang mengalami kenaikan hasil belajar. Pada tahap prasiklus yaitu dari 35 siswa diperoleh data bahwa terdapat 28 atau 80% anak yang memperoleh nilai kurang dari KKM 75 dan 7 atau 20% anak yang nilainya lebih dari KKM dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 61.42. Selanjutnya siklus I dari 35  siswa diperoleh data bahwa terdapat 16  atau 46% anak yang memperoleh nilai kurang dari KKM 75  dan 19  atau 54 % anak yang nilainya lebih dari KKM 75 dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 74.00 dan pada siklus II 35 siswa diperoleh data bahwa terdapat 6  siswa atau 17%  yang memperoleh nilai kurang dari KKM 75 dan 29 atau 83% anak yang nilainya lebih dari KKM 75 dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 78.57.  Kata kunci: Discovery learning, hasil belajar, sumber daya alam dan kemaritiman Indonesia


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    STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN TERNAK SAPI POTONG BERORIENTASI AGRIBISNIS DI KECAMATAN KUTA BARO KABUPATEN ACEH OLEHSaina Hotmarida/Agribisnis Universitas Syiah KualaABSTRAKSapi potong merupakan salah satu ternak ruminansia yang mempunyai kontribusi terbesar sebagai penghasil daging. Selama ini produksi daging sapi di Indonesia belum mampu memenuhi permintaan dalam negeri yang cenderung meningkat setiap tahun. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah melakukan impor daging sapi dan bakalan antara lain Australia, Selandia Baru dan Amerika Serikat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk menganalisis tenaga kerja, modal, teknologi dan pasar yang mempengaruhi jumlah populasi sapi potong dan menentukan strategi pengembangan usaha ternak sapi potong. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan regresi linier berganda dan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Secara serempak variabel tenaga kerja, modal, teknologi dan pasar terima Ha tolak H0 dan signifikan terhadap jumlah populasi sapi potong. Secara parsial variabel tenaga kerja, modal, teknologi dan pasar terima Ha tolak H0 dan signifikan terhadap jumlah populasi sapi potong, sedangkan pasar tidak signifikan. Strategi yang perlu diterapkan adalah strategi internal kekuatan dan strategi eksternal peluang yakni memanfaatkan peluang dengan kekuatan yang ada. Kata Kunci : Strategi Pengembangan, Sapi Potong, AgribisnisTHE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF AGRIBUSSINESS-ORIENTED BEEF CATTLE IN SUB DISTRICT OF KUTA BARO ACEH BESAR SUBMITTED BYSaina Hotmarida/Agribussiness Department of Syiah KualaABSTRACTBeef cattle is one ruminants which has the largest contribution as a producer of meat. During the production of beef in Indonesia has not been able to meet growing domestic demand tends to increase every year. Therefore, the government has to import beef and feeder including Australia, New Zealand and the United States. This study aimed to analyze the labor, capital, technology and markets that affect the number of beef cattle population and determine the business development strategies of cattle. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The analytical method used is by using multiple linear regression and SWOT analysis. The results showed that simultaneously variable labor, capital, technology and markets accept Ha reject H0 and significant impact on the number of beef cattle population. In partial labor, capital, technology and markets accept Ha reject H0 and significant impact on the number of beef cattle population, while the market is not significant. The strategy needs to be implemented is the strategy of internal strength and external strategic opportunities that take advantage of opportunities to the forces in the field. Keywords: Strategy Development, Beef Cattle, Agribusines
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