53 research outputs found

    The effect of amniotic membrane on growth, proliferation, and survival of the myeloma cells and examination of genes related to proliferation (BCL2), implantation (CXCR4), and cell cycle stop (P21 and P27)

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    BACKGROUND: The myeloma cell is not able to grow and proliferate out of bone marrow (BM) media, and in laboratory conditions its survival is low. We considered to use an environment that has the same conditions as body physiological conditions. In this study, the effect of the amniotic membrane (AM) on the growth and proliferation of myeloma cells were evaluated.METHODS: This study was performed on plasma cells derived from BM aspiration (primary cells) in 3 patients with multiple myeloma (MM). Plasma cells of these patients were isolated by magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) technique and cultured in different environments of AM for two consecutive weeks, and then were examined by qualitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique for expression of genes related to proliferation [B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL2)], implantation [chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4)], and cell cycle stop (P21, P27).RESULTS: Isolated plasma cells were cultured in 3 different groups for 2 weeks. The most cell proliferation was observed in the medium containing Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) medium from amniotic cultures and plasma cells [an environment without fetal bovine serum (FBS)]. All genes were expressed on day zero (on the day of isolation). On the day 4, proliferation genes (BCL2) and implantation genes (CXCR4) had an expression in the control group without FBS medium, but P21 and P27 genes had no expression.CONCLUSION: The best environment for the growth and maintenance of plasma cells in vitro is the use of RPMI from the AM (without FBS) in which plasma cells can be kept alive for 10 days

    The effect of amniotic membrane on growth, proliferation, and survival of the myeloma cells and examination of genes related to proliferation (BCL2), implantation (CXCR4), and cell cycle stop (P21 and P27)

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    BACKGROUND: The myeloma cell is not able to grow and proliferate out of bone marrow (BM) media, and in laboratory conditions its survival is low. We considered to use an environment that has the same conditions as body physiological conditions. In this study, the effect of the amniotic membrane (AM) on the growth and proliferation of myeloma cells were evaluated. METHODS: This study was performed on plasma cells derived from BM aspiration (primary cells) in 3 patients with multiple myeloma (MM). Plasma cells of these patients were isolated by magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) technique and cultured in different environments of AM for two consecutive weeks, and then were examined by qualitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique for expression of genes related to proliferation [B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL2)], implantation [chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4)], and cell cycle stop (P21, P27). RESULTS: Isolated plasma cells were cultured in 3 different groups for 2 weeks. The most cell proliferation was observed in the medium containing Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) medium from amniotic cultures and plasma cells [an environment without fetal bovine serum (FBS)]. All genes were expressed on day zero (on the day of isolation). On the day 4, proliferation genes (BCL2) and implantation genes (CXCR4) had an expression in the control group without FBS medium, but P21 and P27 genes had no expression. CONCLUSION: The best environment for the growth and maintenance of plasma cells in vitro is the use of RPMI from the AM (without FBS) in which plasma cells can be kept alive for 10 days

    Design, implementation, and evaluation of educational program in oral health for midwives and other antenatal care providers in Iran

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    Background: Maintaining oral health during pregnancy has been considered an essential public health issue worldwide. One of the various preventive strategies is to train antenatal care providers to guide pregnant women. This study aimed to design, implement, and evaluate an educational program’s effect on the oral health related knowledge, attitudes, and practice of antenatal care providers in Iran. Materials and Methods: All of the antenatal care providers working at Isfahan health centers were invited for this study in April 2019. A total of 340 volunteers (120 midwives and 220 others) finally participated in this interventional study with a pre test–post test design. A questionnaire was developed to assess the participants’ knowledge, attitudes, and practice before and after the intervention. A lecture based educational session containing similar issues asked in the questionnaire was held for all the participants. The participant’s total knowledge scores before and after the intervention, and their attitudes and practice were evaluated and compared through paired t test. Results: The participants’ mean total knowledge scores before and after the intervention were 42.87 and 52.25, respectively. The paired t test revealed a statistically significant difference between pre and post intervention scores (p < 0.001). The frequency of participants’ answers to attitude and practice questions was also determined. Conclusions: Improving oral health related knowledge of antenatal care providers can be achieved through a single educational session designed by accurately assessing their needs. The participants’ attitudes revealed barriers to seeking dental care by pregnant women; however, the participants’ oral health related practice was acceptable

    Socio-demographic and behavioural correlates of oral hygiene status and oral health related quality of life, the Limpopo - Arusha school health project (LASH): A cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Promoting oral health of adolescents is important for improvement of oral health globally. This study used baseline-data from LASH-project targeting secondary students to; 1) assess frequency of poor oral hygiene status and oral impacts on daily performances, OIDP, by socio-demographic and behavioural characteristics, 2) examine whether socio-economic and behavioural correlates of oral hygiene status and OIDP differed by gender and 3) examine whether socio-demographic disparity in oral health was explained by oral health-related behaviours.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cross-sectional study was conducted in 2009 using one-stage cluster sampling design. Total of 2412 students (mean age 15.2 yr) completed self-administered questionnaires, whereas 1077 (mean age 14.9 yr) underwent dental-examination. Bivariate analyses were conducted using cross-tabulations and chi-square statistics. Multiple variable analyses were conducted using stepwise standardized logistic regression (SLR) with odds ratios and 95% Confidence intervals (CI).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>44.8% presented with fair to poor OHIS and 48.2% reported any OIDP. Older students, those from low socio-economic status families, had parents who couldn't afford dental care and had low educational-level reported oral impacts, poor oral hygiene, irregular toothbrushing, less dental attendance and fewer intakes of sugar-sweetened drinks more frequently than their counterparts. Stepwise logistic regression revealed that reporting any OIDP was independently associated with; older age-groups, parents do not afford dental care, smoking experience, no dental visits and fewer intakes of sugar-sweetened soft drinks. Behavioural factors accounted partly for association between low family SES and OIDP. Low family SES, no dental attendance and smoking experience were most important in males. Low family SES and fewer intakes of sugar-sweetened soft drinks were the most important correlates in females.</p> <p>Socio-behavioural factors associated with higher odds ratios for poor OHIS were; older age, belonging to the poorest household category and having parents who did not afford dental care across both genders.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Disparities in oral hygiene status and OIDP existed in relation to age, affording dental care, smoking and intake of sugar sweetened soft drinks. Gender differences should be considered in intervention studies, and modifiable behaviours have some relevance in reducing social disparity in oral health.</p

    Iranilaisten esimurrosikäisten suuterveys : koulussa toteutettu terveyskasvatuskokeilu ja sen tehokkuus

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    The present study assessed oral health and its determinants among Iranian preadolescents, and evaluated a school-based health education programme aimed to promote their oral health. The target population of this study comprised a random sample of the third-grade school children (n = 459) of all public primary schools in 19 areas of Tehran city. The data came from a clinical examination of the children and two self-administered questionnaires: one for children, and one for mothers. The clinical dental examination was performed for recording children's oral health. The mothers' questionnaires covered background factors, oral self-care (OSC) behaviours and oral health-related knowledge and attitude statements. After baseline data collection, a community trial was designed as a 3-month school-based intervention study. For the intervention trial, the third-grade classes as the clusters were randomly assigned to the intervention and control groups. Three kinds of intervention were implemented, one in class, one via the parents, and one as a combination of these. One group served as controls with no intervention. The outcome measures of the study were changes in plaque and bleeding scores recorded. The results showed that mean dmft was 3.75 (SD = 2.8) for the primary teeth and mean DMFT was 0.4 (SD = 0.9) for the permanent teeth. All children had plaque on at least one index tooth and bleeding on probing in at least one index tooth occurred in 81%. About one-third (34%) of the children reported favourable OSC and less than half (46%) of the children reported brushing their teeth at least twice daily. Girls reported favourable OSC (OR = 2.0), had decay-free teeth (OR = 1.8) and treated permanent teeth (OR = 3.3) more than did boys. Mother's oral health-related aspects, i.e., mother's favourable OSC, high knowledge levels of and positive attitudes towards oral health, and active supervision of the child's tooth brushing had a positive effect on all aspects of children's oral health status and behaviours (ORs from 1.3 to 1.9). After the intervention, the results showed a strong intervention effect on healthy gingiva in both groups where parents were involved: the parental-aid group (OR = 7.7, 95% CI 2.2-27.7) and combined group (OR = 6.6, 95% CI 2.0-22.1). To improve children's oral health, community school-based oral health educational programmes should be established to include all primary schools. These programmes should benefit from the common risk factor approach and a multi-sectored approach to employ for communication between the community, the school, and the family. Oral health interventions should empower the parents' ability to improve their own oral health behaviour and then to transfer that healthy behaviour to their children.Iranilaisten esimurrosikäisten suuterveys: koulussa toteutettu terveyskasvatuskokeilu ja sen tehokkuus. Tutkimuksessa tutkittiin Iranilaisten esimurrosikäisten suun terveyttä ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä iranilaisilla ja arvioitiin koulussa toteutetun terveyskasvatuskokeilun tuloksellisuutta. Tutkimukseen valittiin satunnaisotannalla 459 kolmasluokkalaista Teheranissa. Tutkimustiedot kerättiin lasten hampaistotarkastuksen ja kyselyjen avulla, joihin vastasivat koululaiset ja heidän äitinsä. Terveyskasvatuskokeilu suoritettiin koululuokissa, vanhempien toimesta ja näiden yhdistelmänä. Tulokset osoittivat, että koululaisilla oli keskimäärin 3,8 reikiintynyttä, reikiintymisen takia poistettua tai paikattua maitohammasta ja keskimääräin 0.4 vastaavaa pysyvää hammasta. Ilman reikiä oli 78 % pysyviä hampaita omaavista ja 15 % maitohampaallisista lapsista. Kaikilta lapsista löytyi hammasplakkia ja 81 % ilmeni verenvuotoa ikenistä. Tutkittaessa hampaiden harjauksen tiheyttä, fluoripitoisen hammastahnan käyttöä ja sokeripitoisen välipalojen määrää ilmeni että vain kolmasosa koululaisista voitiin luokitella nykyisten omahoitosuositusten mukaisesti käyttäytyviin. Tytöillä suositusten mukainen omahoito oli yleisempää ja heillä oli useammin reikiintymätön tai hoidettu hampaisto kuin pojilla. Äitien hyvä omahoitokäyttäytyminen, paremmat tiedot hammassairauksista ja suuterveyteen liittyvät myönteisemmät asenteet heijastuivat heidän lastensa parempana suuterveytenä ja terveyskäyttäytymisenä. Aktiivisesti lasten harjaamista valvoneiden äitien tytöt olivat ahkerimpia harjaajia mutta tätä yhteyttä ei löytynyt heidän poikiensa osalta. Heikoimmin koulutettujen äitien lapsilla oli eniten reikiintyneitä ja sen takia poistettuja sekä pysyviä että maitohampaita. Vanhempien mukanaolo vaikutti positiivisesti kokeilun tuloksellisuuteen. Sekä vanhempien yksin että yhteistyössä koulun kanssa tekemä terveyskasvatus näkyi selvästi kohonneena ienterveytenä kummassakin ryhmässä. Tutkimustulokset tukevat käsitystä että lasten suuterveyden parantamiseksi kouluissa toteutetut terveyskasvatusohjelmat ovat tuloksellisia ja ne tulisi olla osa koulujen arkea. Suuterveyskasvatus tulisi toteuttaa osana yleistä terveyskasvatusta jolloin moniammatillisesti voidaan vaikuttaa riskitekijöihin ja mahdollistaa koulun, lasten lähiympäristön ja perheen yhteistyö. Lasten vanhempien rooli terveyttä edistävän käyttäytymisen mallina on tärkeä

    Head and face injuries and helmet use among injured motorcyclists with road accidents in Isfahan, Iran

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: The study aimed to assess the frequency of head and face injuries in motorcyclists who had an accident and to find out the relationship between helmet use and frequency of these injuries. METHODS: A cross-sectional study with multi-stage sampling method provides data on the injured motorcyclists with road accidents. Data came from a registration form which has documented information of each injured person who had a road accident and hospitalized in the biggest hospital of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran (Al-Zahra). All the registration forms were surveyed for hospitalization period, treatment costs, severity of injury, and date of accident during 2010 (n = 1626). Later, among the list of injured motorcyclists during the last 3 months of the registration form, 125 cases were randomly selected and interviewed by phone regarding occurrence of the head and face injuries and whether wearing helmet during the accident. Confidence intervals (CI), Chi-square, and Phi and Cramer’s correlation coefficient were applied. The ethical approval was provided. RESULTS: Accident by motorcycle was 31.0% of all road accidents. The frequency of motorcycle accidents was higher in the autumn and among 21-25 year olds. The mean period of hospitalization was 4.3 days and the mean of hospital costs was about 9000000 Rials [about 8200 United States dollar (USD), in 2010]. Of motorcyclist, 35.0% reported they were helmeted when they had the accident. The frequency of head and face injuries was 51.0% among all the injured motorcyclists, 22.0% and 78.0% among the helmeted and non-helmeted motorcyclists, respectively (P = 0.009, r = -0.267). CONCLUSION: Motorcycle accidents comprise a large number of road accidents and cause substantial morbidity and financial impact for the community members. Head and face injuries are the most common trauma in motorcyclists, and the injury rate is higher among non-helmeted motorcyclists. KEYWORDS: Helmet, Motorcycle, Accident, Costs, Hospital, Head Injury, Facial Traum

    The relationship between mothers’ oral health literacy and their children’s oral health status

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    Background and Aims: Caregivers’ oral health literacy (OHL) can be effective in increasing their children’s knowledge, and can improve their oral health-related behaviors. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between mothers’ OHL and children’s oral health status. Materials and Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study on 202 6-year child/mother dyads in Semirom, Iran, applying a cluster sampling method. Self-administered questionnaires (Oral Health Literacy-Adult Questionnaire) requested information about mothers’ OHL. Children’s oral health status (dmft and pufa) was recorded via clinical examination. Pearson correlation coefficient, spearman correlation coefficient, independent T-test, and a linear regression model were used for statistical analysis. Results: Among 202 pre-school children, 99 were girls (49%). The mean OHL score of mothers was 63.2 (Max achievable score=100, SD=18.9). Higher score of OHL among mothers was associated with their children’s less missing teeth (mt) and more filled teeth (ft) (P<0.05). No significant the association existed between the mothers OHL and their children’s dt, dmft, and pufa. Childrens of younger mothers, more educated mothers, and those with better oral health behaviors in terms of daily flossing and tooth brushing, showed lower scores of dmft and pufa (P<0.05). Conclusion: A significant association revealed between mothers’ OHL and the oral health status of their children. Thus, it is recommended to increase mothers’ OHL to improve their children’s oral health status
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