1,090 research outputs found

    Traffic Accident Blackspot Identification and Ambulance Fastest Route Mobilization Process for the City of Surakarta

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    Quickly and precisely treatment in traffic accident is one way to avoid the risk of death victims. Therefore, it's necessary to determine the fastest route from the traffic accident locations to the nearest hospital. The research objective was to determine the traffic accident blackspot of Surakarta city, the referral hospitals and the ambulance fastest route using GIS program. Determination of traffic accident blackspot used three methods, that are kernel density estimation, cluster and outlier analysis. Method of determining the fastest route mobilization is network analyst tool. Determination of the fastest route mobilization based on travel time. According to an analysis, there are 15 locations of traffic accident blackspots in Surakarta city. A referral hospitals in Surakarta city are Brayat Minulya, Dr. Moewardi, Dr. Oen, Kasih Ibu, Kustati, Panti Waluyo and PKU Muhammadiyah hospital. Mobilization route of the accidents victim has an average of travel time about 4.84 minutes

    Cambio de actitudes hacia la MGF en Finlandia

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    Algunas exrefugiadas están trabajando actualmente como educadoras profesionales en las comunidades de migrantes y refugiados en Finlandia para abordar la ignorancia sobre el impacto y alcance de la ablación/mutilación genital femenina

    The Impact of Climate Change on The Beginning of Wet Season

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    Abstract: The Impact of Climate Change on the Start of Wet Season Climate Change is the change in the start of the wet and dry season. The start of the wet season is to be marked with a cumulative of 2 month rainfall. It will be different in each catchment area. This number is often used as a benchmark of planting time. That is why the beginning of the wet season known as the beginning of planting time. If planting start can be predicted, then it may be some adaptation on cropping patterns. The aim of research is to find the climate change based on characteristic of historical data, and then predict the start of wet and dry season on the next time series period.The method is the model predictionof Artificial Neural Network Back Propagation. The results showed that the initial season was shifted 2 weeks until 6 weeks. This study concluded that climate change causes changes to the monsoon in the next 6 years. The impact of climate Change in the start of the wet season is the start of planting time. The reliability model is 80%


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    Abstract Inundation areas caused by overflowing water from a drainage channel will create an inconvenient issue for people and its environment. Geographical Information System (GIS) is capable to present information of existing inundation areas within digital maps. This paper aims at presenting an initial assessment of a drainage channel by exploring the capability of SIG and taking Kali Jenes, Surakarta, as a case study. Inundation maps were assessed by analyzing the condition of watershed covering slope of land, land use, surface runoff, estimated inundation area, and pattern of inundation. This research resulted in digital inundation maps correspond to its time of inundation. It would be beneficial to stakeholders concerned in providing information of inundation areas faster and user friendly. Keywords: Drainage, Geographical Information System, Inundation


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    Quickly and precisely treatment in traffic accident is one way to avoid the risk of death victims. Therefore, it’s necessary to determine the fastest route from the traffic accident locations to the nearest hospital. The research objective was to determine the traffic accident blackspot of Surakarta city, the referral hospitals and the ambulance fastest route using GIS program. Determination of traffic accident blackspot used three methods, that are kernel density estimation, cluster and outlier analysis. Method of determining the fastest route mobilization is network analyst tool. Determination of the fastest route mobilization based on travel time. According to an analysis, there are 15 locations of traffic accident blackspots in Surakarta city. A referral hospitals in Surakarta city are Brayat Minulya, Dr. Moewardi, Dr. Oen, Kasih Ibu, Kustati, Panti Waluyo and PKU Muhammadiyah hospital. Mobilization route of the accidents victim has an average of travel time about 4.84 minutes.Keywords: traffic accident blackspot, hospital, GIS, fastest rout


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    Quickly and precisely treatment in traffic accident is one way to avoid the risk of death victims. Therefore, it’s necessary to determine the fastest route from the traffic accident locations to the nearest hospital. The research objective was to determine the traffic accident blackspot of Surakarta city, the referral hospitals and the ambulance fastest route using GIS program. Determination of traffic accident blackspot used three methods, that are kernel density estimation, cluster and outlier analysis. Method of determining the fastest route mobilization is network analyst tool. Determination of the fastest route mobilization based on travel time. According to an analysis, there are 15 locations of traffic accident blackspots in Surakarta city. A referral hospitals in Surakarta city are Brayat Minulya, Dr. Moewardi, Dr. Oen, Kasih Ibu, Kustati, Panti Waluyo and PKU Muhammadiyah hospital. Mobilization route of the accidents victim has an average of travel time about 4.84 minutes.Keywords: traffic accident blackspot, hospital, GIS, fastest rout

    Presubiculum principal cells are preserved from degeneration in knock-in APP/TAU mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease

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    The presubiculum (PRS) is an integral component of the perforant pathway that has recently been recognised as a relatively unscathed region in clinical Alzheimer’s disease (AD), despite neighbouring components of the perforant pathway, CA1 and the entorhinal cortex, responsible for formation of episodic memory and storage, showing severe hallmarks of AD including, amyloid-beta (Aβ) plaques, tau tangles and marked gliosis. However, the question remains whether this anatomical resilience translates into functional resilience of the PRS neurons. Using neuroanatomy combined with whole-cell electrophysiological recordings, we investigated whether the unique spatial profile of the PRS was replicable in two knock-in mouse models of AD, APPNL-F/NL-F, and APPNL-F/MAPTHTAU and whether the intrinsic properties and morphological integrity of the PRS principal neurons was maintained compared to the lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) and hippocampal CA1 principal cells. Our data revealed an age-dependent Aβ and tau pathology with neuroinflammation in the LEC and CA1, but a presence of fleece-like Aβ deposits with an absence of tau tangles and cellular markers of gliosis in the PRS of the mouse models at 11–16 and 18–22 months. These observations were consistent in human post-mortem AD tissue. This spatial profile also correlated with functional resilience of strong burst firing PRS pyramidal cells that showed unaltered sub- and suprathreshold intrinsic biophysical membrane properties and gross morphology in the AD models that were similar to the properties of pyramidal cells recorded in age-matched wild-type mice (11–14 months). This was in contrast to the LEC and CA1 principal cells which showed altered subthreshold intrinsic properties such as a higher input resistance, longer membrane time constants and hyperexcitability in response to suprathreshold stimulation that correlated with atrophied dendrites in both AD models. In conclusion, our data show for the first time that the unique anatomical profile of the PRS constitutes a diffuse AD pathology that is correlated with the preservation of principal pyramidal cell intrinsic biophysical and morphological properties despite alteration of LEC and CA1 pyramidal cells in two distinct genetic models of AD. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of this resilience could be beneficial in preventing the spread of disease pathology before cognitive deficits are precipitated in AD

    Familial Alzheimer's Disease Mutations in Presenilin Generate Amyloidogenic Ab Peptide Seeds

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    Recently it was proposed that the familial Alzheimer’s disease (FAD) causing presenilin (PSEN) mutations PSEN1-L435F and PSEN1-C410Y do not support the generation of Aβ-peptides from the amyloid precursor protein (APP). This challenges the amyloid hypothesis and disagrees with previous work showing that PSEN1 FAD causing mutations generate invariably long Aβ and seed amyloid. We contrast here the proteolytic activities of these mutant PSEN alleles with the complete loss-of-function PSEN1-D257A allele. We find residual carboxy- and endo-peptidase γ-secretase activities, similar to the formerly characterized PSEN1-R278I. We conclude that the PSEN1-L435F and -C410Y mutations are extreme examples of the previously proposed “dysfunction” of γ-secretase that characterizes FAD-associated PSEN. This Matters Arising paper is in response to Xia et al. (2015), published in Neuron. See also the response by Xia et al. (2016), published in this issue

    ST 8. África: Religiosidades, Conexões, Representações

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    Ao longo dos séculos, as sociedades africanas empreenderam modos de ver e viver o mundo pautados, em grande parte, pelas suas religiosidades. As práticas religiosas transcendem conjuntos de crenças que nelas existem, elas emergem nos seus modos de vida e em seus >valores culturais e morais. Esta perspectiva de vida nas sociedades africanas vem se ampliando com as conexões de religiões africanas com o Islã, o Cristianismo e o Judaísmo. Deste modo a multiplicidade de práticas religiosas em África ganhou novas formas e diferentes representações. Este simpósio temático tem por objetivo o encontro de pesquisadoras e pesquisadores em todos os níveis de formação acadêmica, e o fomento à discussão de trabalhos que abordem a multiplicidade das formas religiosas do continente africano, suas conexões a níveis local, regional e global e suas representações constituintes ao longo dos séculos, entre assimilações, incorporações e resistências. Deste modo, aceitam-se propostas de apresentações que dialoguem com as mais recentes pesquisas africanistas, reconhecendo a diversidade ontológica e epistemológica das sociedades africanas, e que problematizem abordagens historiográficas de viés eurocêntrico, colonialista ou orientalista. Em se tratando de estudos e pesquisas que tenham como escopo a religião, faz-se indispensável a interdisciplinaridade entre a história, a história da arte, a psicologia e as ciências sociais – sociologia e antropologia.Coordenadores:Gabriel Giacomazzi (Mestrando  PPGH-UFRGS)Saido Baldé (Mestrando  PPGH-UFRGS

    Dominant and differential deposition of distinct β-amyloid peptide species, AβN3(pE), in senile plaques

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    AbstractWe analyzed an amino-terminal modification of β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide in brain, using anti-Aβ antibodies that distinguish distinct molecular species. Examination of cortical sections from 28 aged individuals with a wide range in senile plaque density revealed that a molecular species distinct from the standard Aβ is deposited in the brain in a dominant and differential manner. This modified Aβ peptide (AβN3(pE)) starts at the 3rd amino-terminal residue of the standard Aβ, glutamate, converted to pyroglutamate through intramolecular dehydration. Because plaques composed of AβN3(pE) are present in equivalent or greater densities than those composed of standard Aβ bearing the first aminoterminal residue (AβN1) and because deposition of the former species appears to precede deposition of the latter, as confirmed with specimens from Down's syndrome patients, the processes involved in AβN3(pE) production and retention may play an early and critical role in senile plaque formation