23 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Monopoli pada Materi Fungsi Bagian Tubuh Hewan dan Tumbuhan di Kelas Bagi Siswa Kelas 4 SD

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    The problems of this research are 1) What is the validity of Monopoly learning media on the function material of animal and plant body parts for fourth grade students of Sanggrahan 2 Prambon Nganjuk Elementary School 2) What is the practicality of Monopoly learning media on material function of animal and plant body parts for fourth grade students of Sanggrahan 2 Prambon Nganjuk Elementary School 3) How is the effectiveness of Monopoly learning media on material function of animal and plant body parts for Grade IV students at SDN Sanggrahan 2 Prambon Nganjuk This research is a type of development research with reference to research and development. According to Robert Maribe Branch (2009) in Sugiyono (2015: 38) "ADDIE is an extension of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation". Research data collection techniques through observation, material expert validation questionnaires and expert validation questionnaires. media, teacher response questionnaire, student response questionnaire, pre-test and post-test. the implementation of monopoly learning media was carried out in trials, research trials were carried out at SDN Sanggrahan 2 Prambon. The results of Monopoly learning media research on the function of animal and plant body parts for fourth grade students at Sanggrahan 2 Prambon Elementary School conducted a validity test by media and material experts, the material validation test was carried out in 2 stages. . the second validation test with a score of 97% means that it is in the Very Valid criteria. for the results of the validation test by the learning media, 2 stages were carried out, the first was the validation test by the media with a score of 86.25%, meaning that it was included in the Very Valid criteria, the second was the validation test by the media with a score of 88.75%. the practicality test was validated by teachers and students, the results of the practicality test by the Teacher Response Questionnaire obtained a score of 77.78%, which means that it is included in the practical criteria and is easy to use. The results of the effectiveness test were carried out with the pretest and post-test, stated to be Very Effective in increasing students' ability to investigate the function of animal and plant body parts. Evidenced by the achievement of KKM ≥70 questions Posttest 100% of students who are able to achieve KKM

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Multimedia Peka (Pembagian Perkalian) Pada Materi Pembagian Dan Perkalian Mata Pelajaran Matematika Siswa Kelas III SD

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    This research is motivated by the problems that exist  in SDN Gayam 3, which shows the learning of Mathematics in the basic competencies of subtraction and addition in grade III. In this study using the RnD (Research and Development) method. The development model used is the ADDIE research model which has 5 stages, namely : (1) Analysis Stage, (2) Design Stage, (3) Development Stage, (4) Implementation Stage, (5) Evaluation Stage. The subjects of this study were 29 students of grade III SDN Gayam 3 Kediri city. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis and quantitative descriptive analysis. The result of this study indicate that (1) the validation results obtained from the media validator reach a percentage of 86,66% and the validator material 91%. Then the results of the validity an average percentage of 89%. So that devepment media can be declared valid. (2) The results of the teacher’s response questionnaire rechead a percentage of 88,5%. So that media development is declared practical. (3) The results of the analysis of limited trials and wide trials of post test questions reached 83 and 88,4, there is a significant difference through the Paired T-Test. So that the development of PEKA media is stated to be effective for use


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    This research is motivated by the fact that when explaining, the teacher is more oriented towards teacher center learning, where the teacher explains more material without being accompanied by real examples or the teacher has not used learning media. The research method used is the type of R&D (Research and Development) development research method. The development model used by researchers in this study is the ADDIE Model. This model consists of five stages of development, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. Based on the results of data analysis research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the validity of the media that has been developed meets the requirements. The validity obtained from media validators reached a percentage of 76% and material validators reached a percentage of 98%. So that the development of Microsoft Sway multimedia media can be declared valid, the practicality of Microsoft Sway multimedia obtained from the results of the teacher's response to the media obtained a very good response, feasible, and practical to use to support learning by obtaining a percentage score of 90%.  Thus, it can be concluded that the Microsoft Sway multimedia media developed can be said to be practical with a very good category, practical, and can also attract students' attention in learning, The effectiveness of Microsoft Sway multimedia media is measured from pretest and posttest, Comparison of limited and extensive trials the number of pretest scores < the number of posttest scores


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    This research is motivated by the fact that when explaining, the teacher is more oriented towards teacher center learning, where the teacher explains more material without being accompanied by real examples or the teacher has not used learning media. The research method used is the type of R&D (Research and Development) development research method. The development model used by researchers in this study is the ADDIE Model. This model consists of five stages of development, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. Based on the results of data analysis research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the validity of the media that has been developed meets the requirements. The validity obtained from media validators reached a percentage of 76% and material validators reached a percentage of 98%. So that the development of Microsoft Sway multimedia media can be declared valid, the practicality of Microsoft Sway multimedia obtained from the results of the teacher's response to the media obtained a very good response, feasible, and practical to use to support learning by obtaining a percentage score of 90%.  Thus, it can be concluded that the Microsoft Sway multimedia media developed can be said to be practical with a very good category, practical, and can also attract students' attention in learning, The effectiveness of Microsoft Sway multimedia media is measured from pretest and posttest, Comparison of limited and extensive trials the number of pretest scores < the number of posttest scores


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    Motivation of achievement is the interest to achieve success in academics. Motivation of achievement demonstrated by efforts and seriousness in following each lecture and exercise the tasks. Mc Lelland suggests there are six characteristics of individuals who have the motivation high achievers among these: strong feelings for mecapai purpose, responsibility, take risks, are evaluative, creative and innovative, and like a challenge. To find out motivation of achievement in course learning materials development, then it needs to be done a study. This research used the qualitative approach. The model used in this study was a case study. Data analysis used qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the interview and observation during course  learning materials development support the motivational characteristics of achievers. This means, in general student PGSD level II has motivated achievers in course learning materials development

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Materi Dongeng Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Jawa Timur Bagi Siswa Kelas III SD

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    Abstrak  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1)untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar materi dongeng yang di peruntukkan kelas tiga sekolah dasar dengan mengangkat kearifan lokal Jawa Timur (2) Mengetahui kevalidan bahan ajar materi dongeng yang telah dikembangkan (3) Mengetahui kepraktisan bahan ajar materi dongeng yang telah dikembangkan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah model penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model pengembangan yang dikemukakan oleh borg & Gall.Tahapan borg and gall diantaranya sebagai berikut a.analisiskebutuhan danpengumpulandata, b. Tahap perencanaan, c. pengembangan rancangan produk, d. ujitahap awal(validasi), e. revisiprodukawal f. ujicobalapangan terbatas, g. revisiproduk, h. uji lapangan, i. penyempurnaanprodukakhir, j. diseminasidanimplementasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar yang di kembangkan dinyatakan sangat valid, sangat tuntas dan dapat digunakan dengan skor 85.8% berdasarkan hasil validasi dari ahli pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Untuk mengetahui kepraktisan bahan ajar dilakukan validasi kepada pengguna dan uji coba. Hasl validasi pengguna menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan dengan skor 91 %. Hasil uji coba produk menunjukkan bahwa siswa dapat menggunakan bahan ajar dengan baik


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    The results of observations made in class 1 at SDN Bulusari 3 showed that students experienced difficulties in addition and subtraction material due to a lack of learning media. This study aims to develop three-dimensional mathematics learning media with R&D (ADDIE model). The data collected includes the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of learning media. The validation of material experts and media experts resulted in an average score of 88%, teacher responses achieved an average score of 88%, while student responses in limited and wide trials achieved an average score of 92% and 95%. Media effectiveness was assessed through a post-test. In the limited trial, the pre-test average was 40 and the post-test was 83. In the wide trial, the pre-test average was 44 and the post-test was 83. The statistical analysis of the Paired Sample-t Test showed a result of 0.001 % <0.05%, indicating a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test, proving that three-dimensional learning media is effective in improving student learning outcomes


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    The results of observations made in class 1 at SDN Bulusari 3 showed that students experienced difficulties in addition and subtraction material due to a lack of learning media. This study aims to develop three-dimensional mathematics learning media with R&D (ADDIE model). The data collected includes the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of learning media. The validation of material experts and media experts resulted in an average score of 88%, teacher responses achieved an average score of 88%, while student responses in limited and wide trials achieved an average score of 92% and 95%. Media effectiveness was assessed through a post-test. In the limited trial, the pre-test average was 40 and the post-test was 83. In the wide trial, the pre-test average was 44 and the post-test was 83. The statistical analysis of the Paired Sample-t Test showed a result of 0.001 % <0.05%, indicating a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test, proving that three-dimensional learning media is effective in improving student learning outcomes

    Development of interactive multimedia based on educational games of plant parts and their functions to improve student learning outcomes

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    Natural Science (IPA) is an activity to study nature systematically through actual activities and trains students to think critically and objectively to achieve learning objectives. Using learning media in the learning process can support success in the learning process. This study aims to determine interactive multimedia development's validity, practicality, and effectiveness based on the educational game "Plant World" material about plant parts and their functions. This research uses the R&D (Research and Development) method with the ADDIE model, which consists of 5 stages, namely 1) analysis, 2) design, 3) development, 4) implementation, and 5) evaluation. Data collection techniques using expert validation questionnaires, teacher and student responses, and pre-test and post-test evaluations were then analyzed using qualitative and quantitative descriptive. The results showed that the development of interactive multimedia based on the educational game "Plant World" with the validation of media and material experts obtained an average percentage of 86% very valid criteria, teacher responses received a percentage of 89% very practical criteria, and student responses obtained a percentage of 90% very good criteria. The effectiveness was obtained from the average pre-test result of 57.7 and the post-test of 81.7. It was found that the post-test value was higher than the pre-test value, and the specified KKTP was 75. Strengthened by the Paired Sample-test results obtained 0.001 <0.05, there is a significant difference between pre-test and post-test evaluation