30 research outputs found

    Relationships Among Some Populations of Anthoxanthum alpinum and A. odoratum (Poaceae, Pooideae): a Morphological/Anatomical Approach

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    The genus Anthoxanthum s.l. (including Hierochloë) (Poaceae, Pooideae, Aveneae) comprises 35–50 species and has a cosmopolitan distribution. Anthoxanthum alpinum was described as a diploid perennial that is distributed in northern Eurasia and in the high mountains of central and eastern Europe. Difficulties in finding reliable morphological differences between this taxon and the widespread tetraploid A. odoratum have resulted in taxonomists treating them as conspecific, despite the cytological differentiation. The purpose of this study was to provide information that may help clarify the relationships between these taxa. Macromorphologial, micromorphological, and anatomical data were gathered and analyzed for 14 populations representing both taxa from Scandinavia and the Iberian Peninsula. Statistical analyses were carried out to identify the most useful characters for taxonomy. The relationships among samples were based on different similarity coefficients and summarized using UPGMA clustering methods. The results show that geography has more statistical weight than ploidy level in explaining the relatedness among individuals and populations. A strong correlation between leaf micromorphological/anatomical characters and environmental parameters was detected. The results of the analyses do not support recognition of A. alpinum as a distinct species

    Análise dunha experiencia APS na Facultade de Ciencias

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    [Resumo] Para provocar un cambio no xeito que ten o alumnado de aproximarse aos contidos da materia Fanerogamia, troncal do 3º do Grao en Bioloxía, considerada excesivamente teórica e de pouco interese na sociedade actual, planteouse no curso 2016-2017 aplicar a metodoloxía APS (Bringle & Hatcher, 1996; Astin et al. 2000). A proposta consistiu en contactar con dúas ONG ambientalistas as cales plantexaron unha serie de proxectos que foron consensuados cos profesores da materia. Así mesmo, explicouse ós alumnos a posibilidade de participar nesta metodoloxía e pedíronse voluntarios. Esta actividade sería paralela a outros traballos de investigación teórica que realizan o resto dos estudantes mais coa mesma carga de créditos e peso na cualificación final. Os estudantes escolleron o proxecto no que desexaban traballar e realizárono en grupos. Representantes das ONG explicaron a cada grupo de alumnos o seu proxecto, para que os estudantes percibisen a problemática social que había detrás do traballo que se lles pedía, a importancia de aplicar os coñecementos adquiridos con rigor e a responsabilidade que asumían á hora de desenvolver o proxecto. Por outra banda, os estudantes terían que organizar o traballo en grupo e, finalmente, presentar os resultados aos membros das ONG. Para avaliar o proxecto APS deseñáronse enquisas como un cuestionario con escala tipo Likert e unha rúbrica para os profesores (Campo 2015). Como resultado, é salientable a gran aceptación e a melloría na percepción da materia por parte dos estudantes, aumentando a súa comprensión e interese polos contidos. Entre os problemas o volume de traballo e a organización temporal. Por parte das ONG perciben a necesidade de implicarse máis no desenvolvemento dos traballos e clarificar mellor o proceso de avaliación. No profesorado, os problemas xurdiron pola escasa flexibilidade das guías docentes e o volume de traballo xerad

    MakeUP Stylist

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    Este proyecto, es una aplicación de escritorio que simula los efectos que se producen al aplicar un determinado maquillaje, o un complemento como podrían ser unas gafas, sobre un rostro. Por eso hemos llamado a este proyecto, MakeUP Stylist, algo así como estilista de maquillaje. Sobre las características técnicas , hemos de decir que está programado en C#, con un diseño de interfaces, basado en la tecnología WPF. Para detectar las caras a maquillar o sus elementos, ojos y boca, hemos empleado una potente librería de visión por computador llamada OpenCv, en su versión .Net: Emgu. Utiliza un estilo de programación basado en el modelo 3 capas y un patrón de diseño llamado Model-View-ViewModel. A groso modo, este programa funciona de la siguiente forma, realiza una captura de de imágenes empleando una cámara web o una imagen cargada del sistema, procesa la información obtenida buscando los elementos de la cara y muestra una serie de respuestas y/o soluciones basadas en el maquillaje.Sahuquillo Falaguera, S.; Fortuny Elvira, O.; Sabic, N. (2012). MakeUP Stylist. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/17032.Archivo delegad

    Are diversification rates and chromosome evolution in the temperate grasses (Pooideae) associated with major environmental changes in the Oligocene-Miocene?

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    The Pooideae are a highly diverse C3 grass subfamily that includes some of the most economically important crops, nested within the highly speciose core-pooid clade. Here, we build and explore the phylogeny of the Pooideae within a temporal framework, assessing its patterns of diversification and its chromosomal evolutionary changes in the light of past environmental transformations. We sequenced five plastid DNA loci, two coding (ndhF, matk) and three non-coding (trnH-psbA, trnT-L and trnL-F), in 163 Poaceae taxa, including representatives for all subfamilies of the grasses and all but four ingroup Pooideae tribes. Parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses were conducted and divergence times were inferred in BEAST using a relaxed molecular clock. Diversification rates were assessed using the MEDUSA approach, and chromosome evolution was analyzed using the chromEvol software. Diversification of the Pooideae started in the Late-Eocene and was especially intense during the Oligocene-Miocene. The background diversification rate increased significantly at the time of the origin of the Poodae + Triticodae clade. This shift in diversification occurred in a context of falling temperatures that potentially increased ecological opportunities for grasses adapted to open areas around the world. The base haploid chromosome number n = 7 has remained stable throughout the phylogenetic history of the core pooids and we found no link between chromosome transitions and major diversification events in the Pooideae.España, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología CGL2006-00319, CGL2009-12955-C02-0

    Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid. (Lemnaceae): primera cita para Galicia (NO de la Península Ibérica)

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    La familia Lemnaceae Martinov incluye monocotiledóneas propias de aguas continentales que viven flotando libremente o sumergidas. Se trata de un grupo de plantas que, debido a su reducido tamaño y particular morfología, presentan una compleja taxonomía lo que dificulta su identificación. Esta familia comprende 6 géneros de los que tres −Lemna L., Spirodela Schleid. y Wolffia Horkel ex Schleid− han sido citados para la Península Ibérica (Galán de Mera & Castroviejo, 2007). En Galicia, hasta el momento, sólo viven dos especies de Lemna: L. minor L., en las cuatro provincias gallegas y L. giba L., esta última únicamente en Lugo y Ourense

    A GIS-supported Multidisciplinary Database for the Management of UNESCO Global Geoparks: the Courel Mountains Geopark (Spain)

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    [Abstract] The management of a UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp) requires a vast wealth of miscellaneous scientific knowledge that can be successfully organised using a Geographical Information System (GIS). This paper presents a pragmatic GIS database to assist in the suitable governance of the Courel Mountains UGGp (2017) in Northwest Spain. The database is structured in 66 coverages compiled from public sources and previous works or produced through traditional mapping (combining fieldwork and photointerpretation) and GIS tools. The acquired data was later homogenised and validated by a multidisciplinary team and archived in independent coverages. Forty thematic maps illustrate the broad range of cartographic information included in the GIS database. Among them, 25 basic maps provide an overview of the UGGp and 15 new maps focus on crosscutting and technical issues. All maps illustrate the huge potential of GIS to create new resources combining coverages and adapting the legend according to their purpose and audience. The database facilitates the suitable publishing of consistent outputs (e.g., brochures, books, panels, webpages, web serves), as well as the elaboration of technical data to assist the park management. The database furnishes information on the design of education actions, touristic routes, activities and Geopark facilities. The GIS database is also a supportive tool for scientific research and provides the necessary knowledge to conduct geoconservation actions based on land use, geological hazards and the occurrence of natural and cultural heritages. Altogether, the GIS database constitutes a powerful instrument for policy-making, facilitating the identification and evaluation of alternative strategy plans.This work was developed in the framework of the Scientific Program of the Courel Mountains UGGp with the cooperation of tourism agents (A.M. Arza and A. López), roofing slate quarries (Pizarras de Villarbacú, Pizarras de Quiroga) and local people (M. Reinosa, G. Díaz, O. Álvarez). We are deeply grateful to J.R. Martínez Catalán (Universidad de Salamanca), A. Pérez-Alberti and J. Guitián (both from Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), J.R. Gutiérrez-Marco (ICOG, Universidad Complutense de Madrid/CSIC), J. Vegas (IGME-CSIC), L. González-Menéndez (IGME-CSIC), J.M. García Queijeiro (Universidade de Vigo), L. Santos and A. Grandal-D’Anglade (both from Universidade da Coruña) for their assistance supplying information involved in the database. We thank also E. de Boer for proofreading the article. DB is grant holder of Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación 2021, funded by Junta de Andalucí

    Design of a GIS-database for the management of the Courel Mountains UNESCO Global Geopark (Spain)

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    X Congreso Geológico de España, 5-7 Julio 2021, Vitoria - GasteizSe ha desarrollado una base de datos en un sistema de información geográfica (SIG) para la gestión del Geoparque Mundial de la UNESCO Montañas do Courel (NO de España). El SIG incluye 66 capas de información topográfica, geológica, minera, biológica, arqueológica y etnográfica, que pueden ser combinadas entre sí para elaborar mapas temáticos adaptados a la finalidad y al usuario. Los mapas generados son empleados en actividades de divulgación, en el diseño de cartografías técnicas de apoyo a los gestores del Geoparque, en el desarrollo de estudios científicos y en acciones de geoconservació

    Novas aportacións á orquideoflora da Serra do Courel (Galicia, NW Península Ibérica)

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    In this study, the find of two new orchids at Serra do Courel is commented. These data improve knowledge about the F. Orchidaceae in this area and, therefore, in Galicia and the Iberian Peninsula.Neste traballo coméntase o achádego de dúas novas especies de orquídeas na Serra do Courel. Estes datos complementan a información existente da Familia Orchidaceae nesta serra e no contexto global de Galicia e a Península Ibérica