21 research outputs found

    Enhancing Solubility of Recombinant Plasmodium Lactate Dehydrogenase (pLDH) Using Combination of Cold-Inducible Expression System and Cold-Stirred Bioreactor

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    A major drawback associated with an expression of a high-level Plasmodium Lactate Dehydrogenase (pLDH) using Escherichia coli is the low solubility due to the formation of an inclusion body (IB). This study aimed to develop a suitable protocol for enhancing the solubility of pLDH expressed in E. coli. Firstly, a pLDH-encoding gene was amplified from the blood sample of malaria-infected patients and ligated into pBlueScript II KS+ for sequencing. Afterward, the pLDH gene was digested and cloned into pColdTF for expression. The recombinant plasmid was transformed into the E. coli BL21 (DE3) RIPL Codon Plus Strain. Then, the bacterial host was initially cultured at 37°C until reaching optical density (OD) at 600 nm: 0.5. Thereafter, the growth temperature was lowered to 15°C, followed by the addition of 0.1 mM IPTG into the culture medium for inducing pLDH expression. Thereafter, the bacterial hosts were cultured in a cold-stirred bioreactor (15°C). The result showed that a combination of the low culture conditions (15°C) and a low amount of IPTG increased the solubility of pLDH. This result suggests that this protocol can be a convenient method for generating high-quality recombinant protein using the E. coli system

    Pembelajaran Koperatif Kemahiran 4K dan Penggunaan Media Digital terhadap Sikap Akademik Pelajar

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti pengaruh pembelajaran koperatif kemahiran 4k (komunikasi, kolaborasi, pemikiran kritis dan kreatif) pelajar dan penggunaan media digital oleh guru terhadap sikap akademik pelajar dalam mata pelajaran sejarah. Responden terdiri daripada 400 orang pelajar tingkatan empat bagi 18 buah sekolah menengah harian di daerah Kota Kinabalu Sabah. Reka bentuk kajian ini adalah bukan eksperimen dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif melalui kaedah tinjauan. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan adalah melalui borang soal selidik dengan pengukuran skala likert. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif dan inferensi dengan menggunakan perisian SPSS 25. Hasil dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap penggunaan media digital oleh guru berada pada tahap sederhana. Selain itu, tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan penggunaan media digital oleh guru antara pelajar lelaki dan perempuan. Terdapat juga hubungan yang signifikan tetapi lemah antara penggunaan media digital oleh guru dengan sikap akademik pelajar. Implikasi dan cadangan lanjut turut dibincangkan

    Teams Games Tournament Method Assisted Quizizz Media in Mufradat Learning for Students of The Islamic Education Management Program

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    Arabic language learning methods that are less interesting tend to be boring, so the Teams Group Tournaments method assisted by Quizizz media can be a solution that can be applied. The aims of this research are: (1) to describe how to apply the Teams Group Tournaments method assisted by Quizizz media in learning Arabic vocabulary (2) to obtain information regarding student responses regarding the application of Teams Group Tournaments assisted by Quizizz media in learning mufradat. This research method is descriptive qualitative; data collection methods are observation and interview. The results of this research include: (1) there are strengths and weaknesses in implementing the Teams Games Tournament type cooperative learning model assisted by Quizizz in this research. The strength is that students become more enthusiastic, motivated, and easy to understand in learning Arabic, while the weakness is that the internet does not work, the class becomes noisy, and the projector LCD must be able to connect (2) the implementation of the Teams Group Tournaments method assisted by Quizizz media in learning  Arabic vocabulary makes students enthusiastic, happy, interested and easy to understand in learning Arabic, mainly Arabic vocabulary. The conclusions can be drawn, namely (1) the methods and media are very suitable for use in learning Arabic, (2) the level of student motivation in learning Arabic has increased, and (3) student satisfaction in the learning process that has been carried out has been achieved

    Cloning and sequencing of VP19-encoding gene of white spot syndrome virus from Situbondo’s isolate

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    ABSTRACTWhite spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is the most dangerous shrimp pathogen and give a very bad impact to the shrimp industry in many countries, including Indonesia. Furthermore, the vaccine usage is less effective since the local WSSV suspected to have some mutation and have differences in sequence from the one that used for recombinant vaccine production so far. Therefore, it is necessary to produce recombinant vaccine for immunization of local shrimp according to WSSV isolates from Indonesia. Viral protein 19 (VP19) is an important WSSV envelope proteins because of its involvement in the systemic infection of shrimp, so it can be developed as a recombinant vaccine. The objectives of this study are to obtain VP19-encoding gene of WSSV from Situbondo, Indonesia. This research conducted through several stages, DNA genome isolation of Penaeus monodon infected with WSSV, amplification of VP19-encoding gene, isolation of VP19-encoding gene, ligation of VP19-encoding gene into pGEM-T Easy vector, transformation to Escherichia coli, recombinant vector screening, vector isolation using mini preparation technique, vector verification, and sequencing. The result of cloning shows that the size of VP19-encoding gene from Situbondo isolates is similar to VP19-encoding gene from the abroad one, which is 366 bp. However, the sequence result shows that there are some differences on bases and amino acid. However, the result of sequencing shows there are difference of five base and three amino acid arranged VP19 sequence the Situbondo isolate with isolate from several countries. The similiarity of the Situbondo isolate sequence with the other isolate (from Indonesian and other countries) was only 98%. This difference indicates the importance of making a vaccine from a local WSSV genes especially Situbondo isolate.Keywords: white spot syndrome virus, VP19, Penaeus monodonABSTRAKWhite spot syndrome virus (WSSV) merupakan patogen yang paling serius menyerang udang windu dan telah menghancurkan industri udang windu di berbagai negara, termasuk di Indonesia. Penggunaan vaksin WSSV yang didesain berdasarkan isolat WSSV luar negeri kurang efektif karena diduga WSSV yang menyerang udang Indonesia telah mengalami mutasi dan memiliki perbedaan sekuen. Untuk itu, penggunaan isolat WSSV asal Indonesia, khususnya Situbondo sebagai cetakan dalam memproduksi vaksin rekombinan untuk imunisasi udang di Indonesia sangat perlu dilakukan. Viral protein-19 (VP19) merupakan protein pembungkus WSSV yang penting karena keterlibatannya dalam infeksi sistemik pada udang, sehingga dapat dikembangkan sebagai vaksin rekombinan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gen penyandi protein permukaan VP19 virus WSSV isolat Situbondo. Tahapan penelitian yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah isolasi DNA genom udang windu yang terinfeksi WSSV, amplifikasi gen penyandi protein VP19, isolasi gen penyandi protein VP19, ligasi gen penyandi protein VP19 ke dalam plasmid pGEM-T Easy, transformasi plasmid, skrining plasmid rekombinan, isolasi plasmid dengan teknik mini preparation, verifikasi plasmid dan pengurutan. Hasil pengklonan menunjukkan bahwa ukuran gen penyandi protein VP19 isolat Situbondo sama dengan ukuran gen penyandi protein VP19 isolat asing yaitu 366 pb. Namun hasil pengurutan menunjukkan adanya perbedaan lima basa dan tiga asam amino penyusun sekuen VP19 isolat Situbondo dengan isolat dari beberapa negara lain. Kemiripan sekuen isolat Situbondo dengan isolat lain (dari Indonesia sendiri maupun dari negara-negara lain) hanya sebesar 98%. Adanya perbedaan ini mengindikasikan pentingnya pembuatan vaksin dari gen WSSV lokal khususnya isolat Situbondo.Kata kunci: white spot syndrome virus, VP19, Penaeus monodo

    Cooperative Learning of 4C Skills and the Use of Digital Media Towards Students' Academic Attitudes

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    This study was conducted to identify the influence of cooperative learning of students 4c skills (communication, collaboration, critical and creative thinking) and the use of digital media by teachers towards students’ academic attitudes in History subjects.The respondents consisted of 400 Form 4 students of 18 daily secondary schools in the Kota Kinabalu district.The design of this study is a non-experiment that used a quantitative approach through survey method.The instrument used for this study is through questionnaires with Likert scale measurement.The data obtained is analyzed in descriptive and inferential using SPSS 25 software.The results of the findings shown that the use of digital media by teachers was at a moderate level.Meanwhile, there was no significant difference in the use of digital media by teachers between male and female students.However, there was a weak significant relationship between the use of digital media by teachers with students’ academic attitudes.Further implications and suggestions were discussed

    Pengembangan Formative Sebagai Media Evaluasi Maharah al-Istima’ dan al-Qira’ah Siswa Kelas X MAN Kota Batu Malang

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    In the current digital era, technology plays a crucial role in supporting learning assessment methods. The use of technological devices in learning has become a major requirement in learning. In evaluating Arabic language lessons, a teacher is required to be able to present learning material questions in an innovative evaluation media to meet learning targets. This research aims to describe evaluation in Arabic language learning using formative media in evaluating listening and reading skills. The research employs a reseach and development ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). Data collection involves literature review, documentation, and questionnaires distributed to 34 students. The results of this research found that formative evaluation media can support and make it easier for teachers to evaluate Arabic language learning, especially listening and reading skills. The media's advantages include diverse question types, audio-visual features, login functionality, scoring for each question item, and time limits for completion. With this conclusion, this media can be a solution for teachers in evaluating students' Arabic language skills. This research is still limited to evaluating listening and reading skills only, so suggestions for further research are to use this media to evaluate speaking and writing skills

    Analisis Pemarkah Lokatif ‘Di’ dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan ‘Fii’, ‘Bi’ dan ‘‘Alaa’ dalam Bahasa Arab

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    Dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa asing terdapat perbedaan baik dari segi makna yang dapat mengakibatkan kesalahan dalam berbahasa. Untuk mengetahui hal tersebut maka diperlukan analisis kontrastif yang bertujuan mengidentifikasi segi-segi perbedaan atau ketidaksamaan yang kontras (mencolok) antara dua bahasa atau lebih yang diperbandingkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan dan persamaan pemarkah lokatif dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Arab. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis kontrastif sebagai upaya untuk mendeskripsikan persamaan dan perbedaan pemarkah lokatif di antara kedua bahasa tersebut. Diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa kata ‘fii’, ‘bi’ dan ‘‘alaa’ memiliki fungsi yang sama sebagai pemarkah lokatif, tetapi tiap-tiap kata tersebut memiliki penggunaan yang berbeda pada kalimat. Pemarkah lokatif ‘di’ digunakan untuk menyatakan tempat, sedangkan pemarkah lokatif ‘bi’ untuk menyatakan tempat yang bersanding dengan suatu aktivitas dan ‘’alaa’ untuk menyatakan tempat yang lebih spesifik yaitu menempel pada permukaan. Analisis kontrastif pemarkah lokatif dapat dijadikan solusi alternatif bagi pengajar untuk membantu siswa mengatasi kesulitan yang dihadapi dalam mempelajari bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa kedua

    Penggunaan Canva sebagai media pembelajaran keterampilan membaca bahasa Arab siswa kelas X di MAN Kota Batu

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    In the digital era, learning activities must be adapted to developments in technology and information. Teachers are required to develop learning media creatively and innovatively. This study aims to determine the use of Canva as a medium for learning Arabic reading skills for class X students at MAN Batu City, student responses to the media and evaluate the use of the advantages and disadvantages. This research approach combines both qualitative and quantitative methods, employing data gathering techniques such as observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The research data respondents were 33 class X MAN Batu City students. The questionnaire instrument uses 13 statements with a Likert scale rating of 1-5 related to the use of Canva as a medium for learning Arabic reading skills for class X IPS 1 MAN Batu City. The results of the study show that using Canva as a media for reading skills is easy to use in learning, both in class and for independent study at home. Student response in using this media is also good. This can be seen from the results of the Pearson correlations for each item above 0.2826. So that the results of the questionnaire from students are valid. The 2-tailed significance of 0.000 <0.05 means that each item is correlated. So it can be concluded that student responses are acceptable. The advantages of using Canva are being able to make learning materials that are visually interesting and the drawbacks are requiring a stable internet network

    Pembuatan Website Sebagai Media Promosi Wisata Pulau Mubut

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    The development of information technology that is fast and easy to use, allows someone to quickly publish certain objects. Information technology also contributes to the introduction and existence of an area that has tourism potential. If the tourism potential of an area is not carried out properly and correctly, it will not be known by many people. As the island of Mubut should be able to do. Mubut Island, which has a lot of potentials, can be a promotional tool to attract local and foreign tourists, especially tourism. One of the problems that arise from tourism management lies in the lack of good promotional strategies and the absence of clear and accurate sources of information about the potential of Mubut island tourism. Utilizing a website as a promotional medium is a good choice to achieve this. Therefore, in this service activity, we will build a website that can later be used as a means of promotion and training will be conducted in managing website content for the operator appointed as the person in charge of the website.Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang cepat dan mudah digunakan, memungkinkan seseorang untuk mempublikasikan objek tertentu dengan cepat. Teknologi informasi turut berperan dalam pengenalan dan eksistensi suatu kawasan yang memiliki potensi wisata. Jika potensi wisata suatu daerah tidak dikelola dengan baik dan benar maka tidak akan diketahui banyak orang. Seperti yang seharusnya bisa dilakukan pulau Mubut. Pulau Mubut yang memiliki banyak potensi dapat menjadi sarana promosi untuk menarik wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara, khususnya pariwisata. Salah satu permasalahan yang muncul dari pengelolaan pariwisata terletak pada strategi promosi yang kurang baik dan tidak adanya sumber informasi yang jelas dan akurat tentang potensi pariwisata pulau Mubut. Memanfaatkan situs web sebagai media promosi adalah pilihan yang baik untuk mencapai hal ini. Oleh karena itu dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini kami akan membangun sebuah website yang nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai sarana promosi dan akan dilakukan pelatihan-pelatihan dalam mengelola konten website bagi operator yang ditunjuk sebagai penanggung jawab website tersebut


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    Mubut Island is one of the islands that has a great potential as one of tourist attractions in Batam, especially Riau Islands. Currently, tourism managers have been provided with a website as a promotional medium, which is also a product of student project-based learning activities and community service in 2021. Thus, its utilization has not been used properly. The current content and information on the website have not been updated in accordance with existing promotional needs. The purpose of making a website as a means of tourism promotion has not been achieved. Therefore, this activity was carried out to assist them in utilizing their website as one of promotional media. The methods that have been included are: preparation stage such as literature studi and preparation of service instruments, development stage such as updating content or information on the website as needed, implementation stage as a tourism promotion medium, and evaluation stage based on website user satisfaction. Result shows that 81.05% of user satisfaction has been achieved. Besides, content or information needed based on interviews and observations has been added. Also, website link address has been published widely through social media.Mubut Island is one of the islands that has a great potential as one of tourist attractions in Batam, especially Riau Islands. Currently, tourism managers have been provided with a website as a promotional medium, which is also a product of student project-based learning activities and community service in 2021. Thus, its utilization has not been used properly. The current content and information on the website have not been updated in accordance with existing promotional needs. The purpose of making a website as a means of tourism promotion has not been achieved. Therefore, this activity was carried out to assist them in utilizing their website as one of promotional media. The methods that have been included are: preparation stage such as literature studi and preparation of service instruments, development stage such as updating content or information on the website as needed, implementation stage as a tourism promotion medium, and evaluation stage based on website user satisfaction. Result shows that 81.05% of user satisfaction has been achieved. Besides, content or information needed based on interviews and observations has been added. Also, website link address has been published widely through social media.