307 research outputs found


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    The formulation of the problem in this study is the lower the number of AUTP participants in Sungai Pinyuh District, so the purpose of this study is to analyze the level of motivation, the level of participation and the relationship between motivation and participation. This study uses the Likerta scale method (descriptive) then the range spermant test to find a relationship. The research location was chosen by purposive sampling, this means that the Sungai Pinyuh sub-district is an active AUTP participant in Mempawah Regency. Determination of the number of respondents as many as 81 respondents. The results in this study are the level of motivation with a high category, the level of participation is included in the high category, the relationship between motivation and participation has a positive relationship, suggestions in research participants should be involved in the evaluation stage in order to contribute to providing criticism and suggestionsThe study's concern is the low number of AUTP participants in Sungai Pinyuh District, so the goal is to examine motivation, participation, and the relationship between motivation and participation. The Likerta scale approach (descriptive) is used to find a relationship in this study, followed by the rang spermant test. Purposive sampling was used to select the research area, which indicates the Sungai Pinyuh sub-district is an active AUTP participant in Mempawah Regency. The number of responses was determined to be as high as 81. The findings of this study show that the level of motivation is in the high category, that the level of participation is also in the high category, that the relationship between motivation and participation is positive, and that research participants should be involved in the evaluation stage to contribute criticism and suggestions


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    Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui strategi penyelesaian kredit bermasalah pada bank bri kcp sape bima dimana agar kredit bermasalah pada bank dapat diminimalisirkan. Karena kredit adalah merupakan produk yang disalurkan oleh bank dalam membantu kelancaran usaha nasabah (debitur). dengan pemberian kredit merupakan salah satu fungsi bank yang sangat mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat yang berkekurangan dan dalam membantu usaha nya. Kredit perbankan membantu tersedianya dana untuk membiayai kegiatan produksi nasional. Apabila pemberian kegiatan perkreditan berjalan dengan lancar, maka kegiatan perekonomian dapat berkembang dan terus di tingkatkan oleh para kreditur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa strategi penyelesaian kredit bermasalah pada bank bri kcp sape bima bahwa disini masih banyak nasabah dan pihak pegawai yang mempunyai itikad tidak baik terhadap bank bri kcp sape bima ini. Selain itu juga pihak pegawai masih lemah dalam menganalisa calon debitur dan mengikuti SOP(Standar operasi prosedur. Untuk itu kepala bank bri kcp sape bima terus melakukan pelatihan untuk para pegawai guna menghindari terjadinya masalah yang terjadi pada bank bri kcp sape-bima ini

    Perencanaan Penyemenan Casing 7 Inch Dengan Metode Dual Stage Cementing Pada Sumur Nr-x Lapangan Limau Di Pt.pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia Area Sumbagsel, Prabumulih

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    Lubang bor hasil pengeboran berarah yang memiliki kolom yang panjang pada formasi yang mempunyai litologi sebagai zona lost circulation alami dimana tekanan hirostatis fluida penyemenan lebih besar dari tekanan maksimum formasi memiliki potensi yang besar terjadinya lost circulation saat proses penyemenan. Salah satu solusi yang dapat digunakan adalah mengurangi tekanan hidrostatis fluida penyemenan dengan metode dual stage cementing. Penentuan metode penyemenan casing 7 inch pada trayek 8.5 inch ditentukan dengan cara melakukan interpretasi data master log, melakukan korelasi sumur dan membandingkan tekanan maksimum formasi dengan tekanan hirostatis fluida penyemenan, kemudian dilakukan perhitungan pada design penyemenan. Berdasarkan data master log diketahui bahwa litologi sumur didominasi oleh batuan shale, sandstone dan limestone. Tekanan maksimum formasi sebesar 3.642,6488 psi sedangkan tekanan hidrostatis fluida penyemenan sebesar 4.363,3186 psi, jika dilakukan penyemenan dengan cara normal maka formasi akan pecah sehingga penyemenan dilakukan dengan metode dual stage cementing dengan membagi penyemenan kedalam dua tahap yaitu stage 1 pada interval 821,75 –1.812,40 mMD selanjutnya Stage 2 pada interval 0 – 821,75 mMD. Dari hasil perhitungan pada design penyemenan didapat total fluida penyemenan yang dibutuhkan adalah 425,1396 bbl pada stage 1 dan 248,5022 bbl pada stage 2 yang terdiri dari semen slurry, displacement, spacer dan fresh water

    Integrasi Pasar Daging Sapi menggunakan Metode Vector Error Correction Model (Vecm)

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      Market integration is a measure that shows how far the price changes that occur in the reference market will cause price changes in the followers market. Domestic beef price fluctuations have the same tendency with world prices. Although fluctuations in domestic beef prices follow fluctuations in world beef prices, the integration of the global beef market with the domestic beef market is not certain. This study aims to analyze the level of price variation and integration of beef market in Pontianak. The coefficient of variation analysis is used to analyze the level of price variation and the cointegration approach with the Vector Autoregression (VAR) model to analyze market integration. The results showed that from the results of the VAR and VECM analysis in large markets and consumer markets in Pontianak City it can be said that in the long run between large markets and Consumer markets integration did not occur. In the short-term changes in consumer market cattle prices do not affect changes in large market cattle prices. Changes in large market cattle prices and consumer prices do not affect each other which indicates in the short term there is no integration between the two markets. &nbsp

    Analisis Kompetensi Guru Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) Di SDN Tunggulsari II Surakarta

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    This study aims to describe about :1)The profile of social science teachers ( IPS) 2) The increasing model competence of teachers in social science learning. 3) The obstacles which faced in built learning competence of social science teachers at SDN Tunggulsari II Surakarta The kind of this research is a Qualitative research used ethnography approach. the techniques of collecting data is by interview, observation and documentation. and data analysis techniques used several stages, i.e data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The results of this study are: 1) The profile of teachers of Social Sciences (IPS) in Tunggulsari II Surakarta is done by teachers assessing the characteristics of students through introductions and observations. But in the field there are many making of RPP only for administrative completeness. 2) The model of increasing the competence of social science learning teachers (IPS) implementation of learning by teachers SDN Tunggulsari II Surakarta requires creativity and patience, Because teachers teach elementary school who need extra energy in terms of behavior. Some of teachers in the preliminary activities do not make suggestions but direct to the core of the learning activities. Competence is the knowledge, skills, values that at certain times directed educators in improving the quality of self. Teachers Working Group or (KKG) is still not optimal, so the ability to obtain educator skills is still far from what is expected. 3) common constraints in the world of education is the means and infrastructure. However, educators are required to be patient, sincere, and should not despair in improving their competence and innovating methods

    Charge Characteristics and Cation Exchanges Properties of Hilly Dryland Soils Aceh Besar, Indonesia

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    Soil surface charge and cation exchange are important parameters of soil fertility in tropical soils. This study was conducted to investigate characteristics of surface charges and cation exchanges on four soil orders of the dryland in  Aceh Besar district. The soil order includes Entisols Jantho (05o16’58.41” N; 95o37’51.82” E), Andisols Saree (05o27'15.6" N; 95o44'09,1" E), Inceptisols Cucum (05º18’18,37” N; 95º32’48,04” E), dan Oxisols Lembah Seulawah (05o27’19,4” N; 95o46’19,2” E). The charge characteristics of surface charge are evaluated from the parameter of DpH (pHH2O-pHKCl), variable charge (Vc), permanent charge (Pc), and point of zero charges (PZC). In contrast, cation exchange properties are evaluated from several soil chemical properties, such as soil organic matter (SOM), base saturation (BS), cation exchange capacity (CEC), and effective CEC (ECEC). The results show that the four pedons of soil in the hilly dryland of Aceh Besar include a variable charge because it has a PZC, which is characterized by a negative surface charge with a PZC of pHH2O and has CEC dependent soil pH. PZC value varies from 3.21 – 5.26 and sequentially PZC Andisols Oxisols Entisols Inceptisols. The total CEC value differs considerably from ECEC and the sum of cations. CEC total of the soils varies from 12.8 – 34.4 cmol kg-1, whereas the ECEC values vary from 2.72 – 8.66 cmol kg-1. The highest variable charge percentage is found in Andisols Saree. In contrast, the highest permanent charge is found in Inceptisols Cucum and is positively correlated with pHH20, PZC, CEC, and sums of cations or ECEC. Improving soil quality in hilly dryland soils in Aceh Besar District can be done by decreasing the PZC status of soils with organic amendments and fertilizers or increasing the pH by using liming

    Determinants of outcome in early arthritis

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    Ultrasound is useful in providing information on subclinical joint and tendon inflammation that is not clinically evident. Current ultrasound technology has very high sensitivity in detecting subtle ultrasound pathology even in healthy joints. In order to use ultrasound effectively it is therefore important to understand the extent of ultrasound findings in healthy individuals, particularly in age ranges where rheumatological disease presents. I have developed a large collaborative network of units experienced in musculoskeletal ultrasound in order to investigate the extent of these ultrasound changes (i.e. synovial hypertrophy, Power Doppler, effusion, osteophytes and erosion) in a large cohort of healthy individuals. Healthy individuals exhibit ultrasound changes in the small joints of the hands, wrists and feet. There is an age-dependent effect of these changes. Synovial effusion is common across all age groups. Ultrasound has also been established as a predictive tool to identify early arthritis patients who will progress to persistent clinical synovitis. The predictive potential of joint synovitis as measured by ultrasound is well documented. The predictive potential of tendon inflammation measured by ultrasound is not clear. I have investigated the utility of tendon ultrasound variables in the prediction of rheumatoid and persistent arthritis development. Finger flexor tendon showed very promising capacity to predict both rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and persistent arthritis in patients who present within 12 weeks of symptom onset. This is even after taking into account conventional predictors such as RA-related autoantibodies and ultrasound joint synovitis. Finger flexor tendons should thus be considered as a candidate variable when designing prediction algorithms for early arthritis patients. The ability to predict those who will develop rheumatoid arthritis could allow clinicians to better identify those who require immunosuppressant therapy within the therapeutic window of opportunity. However, the duration of this therapeutic window of opportunity has never been prospectively investigated, particularly in the context of how mode of onset may affect treatment response. Mode of onset refers to how rapid the joint symptoms develop at initial presentation. In this thesis, I classified mode of onset as abrupt, acute or palindromic. I have studied the relationship between treatment response and symptom duration prior to starting DMARDs treatment, taking into account the mode of onset. It appears the mode of onset has a measurable impact on treatment response in RA patients. This novel finding should be further assessed in a larger cohort

    Requirement Model for Purchasing Management System: A Case Study at Agensi Anti-Dadah Kebangsaan Kedah (AADK)

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    Requirement Model for Purchasing Management System can help organisation to overcome all purchasing issues in a proper and effective way. This case study which focuses on purchasing activity as the domain of study was conducted at Agensi Anti-dadah Kebangsaan Kedah. This organisation was chosen because of the current implementation purchasing activities that was implemented at AADK is very complex. So hopefully that this constructed model will help system developer to understand the concept, flow as well as procedures in managing purchasing activities. Therefore this study is to utilise a Requirement Model for Purchasing Management System as a basis to develop a Purchasing Management System so as to overcome all purchasing issues in the organisation. This requirement model was developed using Unified Modelling Language (UML) that consists of certain model diagrammatical such as Use case Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Activity Diagrams and Interaction Diagram (Sequence Diagrams and Collaboration Diagrams) and supported by certain textual information likes Use Case Specification and Requirement List. Test Script Technique and Sample System (prototype) is then developed to validate this constructed model. Through this study, requirement model findings shows that it consists of 47 functional requirements and 3 non-functional requirements that were needed to construct Requirement Model for Purchasing Management System. This study can provide a better solution for organisation to develop a Purchasing Management System that can be implement at all government agencies as well as all related private sector companies