128 research outputs found

    Chemical quality parameters and anthocyanin pattern of red-fleshed Weirouge apples

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    Red-fleshed ‘Weirouge’ apples were investigated with respect to their chemical quality parameters including anthocyanins and colour. Anthocyanin concentrations were considerably higher than previously reported for common red-peeled apples. Due to its high malic acid content, the cultivar ‘Weirouge’ was characterised by a high colour brilliance. Among the anthocyanins, cyanidin-3-maloyl-galactoside and 5-carboxy-pyrano-cyanidin-hexoside not previously found in apples were tentatively identified by HPLC-MS3. Highest anthocyanin and total phenolics contents were found in the peel corresponding with the respective antioxidant capacities as determined using the FRAP and TEAC assays, respectively

    Anthocyanins, phenols, and antioxidant activity in blackberry juice with plant extracts addition during heating

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    In this work the influence of addition of different plant extracts (olive leaf, green tea, pine bark PE 95%, pine bark PE 5:1, red wine PE 30%, red wine PE 4:1, and bioflavonoids) to blackberry juice during heating (at 30, 50, 70 and 90 °C) on the anthocyanin and phenol contents, polymeric colour, and antioxidant activity was investigated. Also, reaction rate constant, half-lives of degradation, and activation energy were calculated. Control sample was juice without addition of extracts. The highest anthocyanin content at 30 °C was in samples with the addition of olive leaf and green tea. At 90 °C the highest anthocyanin content was measured in samples with the addition of extract of red wine and bioflavonoides. Samples supplemented with the extracts had much higher antioxidant activity in comparison to the control sample. Results showed that at 90 °C the sample with green tea supplementation had the lowest reaction rate constant and the highest half-life. Activation energy ranged from 29 to 44 kJ mol−1

    New approaches to the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases

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    The results of clinical and microbiological investigation testify the efficacy of using combined medication of bacteriophages - “Sextafag” (pyobacteriophage polyvalent liquid, FGUP “NPO Microgen’' MZ RF “Biomed”) in the complex treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases. Some original methods of bacteriophage topical preparation appliance well adapted to specific clinical situation are describe. The addition of pyobacteriophage preparation to complex periodontal treatment provides the reliable reduction of the quantity of pathogenic microorganism in periodontal tissues in short terms, significantly improves the main oral hygienic and periodontal indexes. The most pronounced curative effect of phagetherapy was registered in patients with catarrhal and ulcerative gingivitis. No side effects or complications of phagetherapy were in the study.На основании клинических и микробиологических исследований продемонстрирована эффективность применения комбинированного препарата бактериофагов «Секстафаг» (пиобактериофаг поливалентный жидкий производства ФГУП «НПО «Микроген» М3 РФ «Пермское НПО Биомед») в комплексном лечении воспалительных заболеваний пародонта. Фаготерапия проведена по оригинальным авторским методикам, адаптированным к конкретным клиническим ситуациям. Включение фаговых препаратов в комплекс пародонтологического лечения обеспечивает достоверное и быстрое снижение обсемененности пародонтальных тканей патогенной микрофлорой, сопровождается улучшением показателей гигиенического и пародонтологического статуса. Наиболее выраженный лечебный эффект отмечен у больных с катаральным и язвенным гингивитом. Осложнений и побочных эффектов при применении фаговых препаратов не выявлено

    Non-thermal processing effects on fruits and vegetables phytonutrients

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    The health‐promoting effects of many phytonutrients are attributed mainly to their antioxidant activity, although there may be other modes of action. The demand for high quality food with high phytonutrients content is attracting a lot of attention, as it provides health benefits and has been shown to possess antimicrobial, antiviral, antiparasitic, anti‐inflammatory, antioxidant, antimutagenic, and antitumor effects. To maintain food quality at the highest possible levels, there is a need to develop novel processing techniques such as non‐thermal processing. This chapter discusses novel non‐thermal processing techniques, including ultraviolet radiation, high pressure processing (HPP), dense phase carbon dioxide (DPCD), ultrasound processing, and pulsed electric field (PEF). The application of HPP and its effects on quality attributes, specific to the phytochemical compounds in fruits and vegetables. High pressure offers a technology that can achieve the food safety properties of heat‐treated foods while meeting consumer demand for fresher tasting food products

    Prevention of age-related macular degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the leading causes of blindness in the developed world. Although effective treatment modalities such as anti-VEGF treatment have been developed for neovascular AMD, there is still no effective treatment for geographical atrophy, and therefore the most cost-effective management of AMD is to start with prevention. This review looks at current evidence on preventive measures targeted at AMD. Modalities reviewed include (1) nutritional supplements such as the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) formula, lutein and zeaxanthin, omega-3 fatty acid, and berry extracts, (2) lifestyle modifications, including smoking and body-mass-index, and (3) filtering sunlight, i.e. sunglasses and blue-blocking intraocular lenses. In summary, the only proven effective preventive measures are stopping smoking and the AREDS formula