442 research outputs found

    Royal Decree: Gene Expression in Trans-Generationally Immune Primed Bumblebee Workers Mimics a Primary Immune Response

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    Invertebrates lack the cellular and physiological machinery of the adaptive immune system, but show specificity in their immune response and immune priming. Functionally, immune priming is comparable to immune memory in vertebrates. Individuals that have survived exposure to a given parasite are better protected against subsequent exposures. Protection may be cross-reactive, but demonstrations of persistent and specific protection in invertebrates are increasing. This immune priming can cross generations ("trans-generational" immune priming), preparing offspring for the prevailing parasite environment. While these phenomena gain increasing support, the mechanistic foundations underlying such immune priming, both within and across generations, remain largely unknown. Using a transcriptomic approach, we show that exposing bumblebee queens with an injection of heat-killed bacteria, known to induce trans-generational immune priming, alters daughter (worker) gene expression. Daughters, even when unexposed themselves, constitutively express a core set of the genes induced upon direct bacterial exposure, including high expression of antimicrobial peptides, a beta-glucan receptor protein implicated in bacterial recognition and the induction of the toll signaling pathway, and slit-3 which is important in honeybee immunity. Maternal exposure results in a distinct upregulation of their daughters' immune system, with a signature overlapping with the induced individual response to a direct exposure. This will mediate mother-offspring protection, but also associated costs related to reconfiguration of constitutive immune expression. Moreover, identification of conserved immune pathways in memory-like responses has important implications for our understanding of the innate immune system, including the innate components in vertebrates, which share many of these pathways

    Pinning of quantized vortices in helium drop by dopant atoms and molecules

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    Using a density functional method, we investigate the properties of liquid 4He droplets doped with atoms (Ne and Xe) and molecules (SF_6 and HCN). We consider the case of droplets having a quantized vortex pinned to the dopant. A liquid drop formula is proposed that accurately describes the total energy of the complex and allows one to extrapolate the density functional results to large N. For a given impurity, we find that the formation of a dopant+vortex+4He_N complex is energetically favored below a critical size N_cr. Our result support the possibility to observe quantized vortices in helium droplets by means of spectroscopic techniques.Comment: Typeset using Revtex, 3 pages and 5 figures (4 Postscript, 1 jpeg

    Analysis of a normalised expressed sequence tag (EST) library from a key pollinator, the bumblebee Bombus terrestris

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The bumblebee, <it>Bombus terrestris </it>(Order Hymenoptera), is of widespread importance. This species is extensively used for commercial pollination in Europe, and along with other <it>Bombus </it>spp. is a key member of natural pollinator assemblages. Furthermore, the species is studied in a wide variety of biological fields. The objective of this project was to create a <it>B. terrestris </it>EST resource that will prove to be valuable in obtaining a deeper understanding of this significant social insect.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A normalised cDNA library was constructed from the thorax and abdomen of <it>B. terrestris </it>workers in order to enhance the discovery of rare genes. A total of 29'428 ESTs were sequenced. Subsequent clustering resulted in 13'333 unique sequences. Of these, 58.8 percent had significant similarities to known proteins, with 54.5 percent having a "best-hit" to existing Hymenoptera sequences. Comparisons with the honeybee and other insects allowed the identification of potential candidates for gene loss, pseudogene evolution, and possible incomplete annotation in the honeybee genome. Further, given the focus of much basic research and the perceived threat of disease to natural and commercial populations, the immune system of bumblebees is a particularly relevant component. Although the library is derived from unchallenged bees, we still uncover transcription of a number of immune genes spanning the principally described insect immune pathways. Additionally, the EST library provides a resource for the discovery of genetic markers that can be used in population level studies. Indeed, initial screens identified 589 simple sequence repeats and 854 potential single nucleotide polymorphisms.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The resource that these <it>B. terrestris </it>ESTs represent is valuable for ongoing work. The ESTs provide direct evidence of transcriptionally active regions, but they will also facilitate further functional genomics, gene discovery and future genome annotation. These are important aspects in obtaining a greater understanding of this key pollinator species.</p

    Effects of the floral phytochemical eugenol on parasite evolution and bumble bee infection and preference

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    Ecological and evolutionary pressures on hosts and parasites jointly determine infection success. In pollinators, parasite exposure to floral phytochemicals may influence between-host transmission and within-host replication. In the bumble bee parasite Crithidia bombi, strains vary in phytochemical resistance, and resistance increases under in vitro selection, implying that resistance/infectivity trade-offs could maintain intraspecific variation in resistance. We assessed costs and benefits of in vitro selection for resistance to the floral phytochemical eugenol on C. bombi infection in Bombus impatiens fed eugenol-rich and eugenol-free diets. We also assessed infection-induced changes in host preferences for eugenol. In vitro, eugenol-exposed cells initially increased in size, but normalized during adaptation. Selection for eugenol resistance resulted in considerable (55%) but non-significant reductions in infection intensity; bee colony and body size were the strongest predictors of infection. Dietary eugenol did not alter infection, and infected bees preferred eugenol-free over eugenol-containing solutions. Although direct effects of eugenol exposure could influence between-host transmission at flowers, dietary eugenol did not ameliorate infection in bees. Limited within-host benefits of resistance, and possible trade-offs between resistance and infectivity, may relax selection for eugenol resistance and promote inter-strain variation in resistance. However, infection-induced dietary shifts could influence pollinator-mediated selection on floral traits

    Macronutrient intake and simulated infection threat independently affect life history traits of male decorated crickets.

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    Nutritional geometry has advanced our understanding of how macronutrients (e.g., proteins and carbohydrates) influence the expression of life history traits and their corresponding trade-offs. For example, recent work has revealed that reproduction and immune function in male decorated crickets are optimized at very different protein:carbohydrate (P:C) dietary ratios. However, it is unclear how an individual's macronutrient intake interacts with its perceived infection status to determine investment in reproduction or other key life history traits. Here, we employed a fully factorial design in which calling effort and immune function were quantified for male crickets fed either diets previously demonstrated to maximize calling effort (P:C = 1:8) or immune function (P:C = 5:1), and then administered a treatment from a spectrum of increasing infection cue intensity using heat-killed bacteria. Both diet and a simulated infection threat independently influenced the survival, immunity, and reproductive effort of males. If they called, males increased calling effort at the low infection cue dose, consistent with the terminal investment hypothesis, but interpretation of responses at the higher threat levels was hampered by the differential mortality of males across infection cue and diet treatments. A high protein, low carbohydrate diet severely reduced the health, survival, and overall fitness of male crickets. There was, however, no evidence of an interaction between diet and infection cue dose on calling effort, suggesting that the threshold for terminal investment was not contingent on diet as investigated here

    Static spectroscopy of a dense superfluid

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    Dense Bose superfluids, as HeII, differ from dilute ones by the existence of a roton minimum in their excitation spectrum. It is known that this roton minimum is qualitatively responsible for density oscillations close to any singularity, such as vortex cores, or close to solid boundaries. We show that the period of these oscillations, and their exponential decrease with the distance to the singularity, are fully determined by the position and the width of the roton minimum. Only an overall amplitude factor and a phase shift are shown to depend on the details of the interaction potential. Reciprocally, it allows for determining the characteristics of this roton minimum from static "observations" of a disturbed ground state, in cases where the dynamics is not easily accessible. We focus on the vortex example. Our analysis further shows why the energy of these oscillations is negligible compared to the kinetic energy, which limits their influence on the vortex dynamics, except for high curvatures.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, extended version, published in J. Low Temp. Phy

    Genetic covariance in immune measures and pathogen resistance in decorated crickets is sex and pathogen specific

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    Insects are important models for studying immunity in an ecological and evolutionary context. Yet, most empirical work on the insect immune system has come from phenotypic studies meaning we have a limited understanding of the genetic architecture of immune function in the sexes. We use nine highly inbred lines to thoroughly examine the genetic relationships between a suite of commonly used immune assays (haemocyte count, implant encapsulation, total phenoloxidase activity, antibacterial zone of inhibition and pathogen clearance) and resistance to infection by three generalist insect pathogens (the gram-negative bacterium Serratia marcescens, the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus cereus and the fungus Metarhizium robertsii) in male and female Gryllodes sigillatus. There were consistent positive genetic correlations between haemocyte count, antibacterial and phenoloxidase activity and resistance to S. marcescens in both sexes, but these relationships were less consistent for resistance to B. cereus and M. robertsii. In addition, the clearance of S. marcescens was genetically correlated with the resistance to all three pathogens in both sexes. Genetic correlations between resistances to the different pathogen species were inconsistent, indicating that resistance to one pathogen does not necessarily mean resistance to another. Finally, while there is ample genetic (co)variance in immune assays and pathogen resistance, these genetic estimates differed across the sexes and many of these measures were not genetically correlated across the sexes, suggesting that these measures could evolve independently in the sexes. Our finding that the genetic architecture of immune function is sex and pathogen specific suggests that the evolution of immune function in male and female G. sigillatus is likely to be complex. Similar quantitative genetic studies that measure a large number of assays and resistance to multiple pathogens in both sexes are needed to ascertain if this complexity extends to other species

    Mapping heterogeneities through avalanche statistics

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    Avalanche statistics of various threshold activated dynamical systems are known to depend on the magnitude of the drive, or stress, on the system. Such dependencies exist for earthquake size distributions, in sheared granular avalanches, laboratory scale fracture and also in the outage statistics of power grids. In this work we model threshold-activated avalanche dynamics and investigate the time required to detect local variations in the ability of model elements to bear stress. We show that the detection time follows a scaling law where the scaling exponents depend on whether the feature that is sought is either weaker, or stronger, than its surroundings. We then look at earthquake data from Sumatra and California, demonstrate the trade-off between the spatial resolution of a map of earthquake exponents (i.e. the b-values of the Gutenberg-Richter law) and the accuracy of those exponents, and suggest a means to maximise both

    Nonlocal density functionals and the linear response of the homogeneous electron gas

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    The known and usable truly nonlocal functionals for exchange-correlation energy of the inhomogeneous electron gas are the ADA (average density approximation) and the WDA (weighted density approximation). ADA, by design, yields the correct linear response function of the uniform electron gas. WDA is constructed so that it is exact in the limit of one-electron systems. We derive an expression for the linear response of the uniform gas in the WDA, and calculate it for several flavors of WDA. We then compare the results with the Monte-Carlo data on the exchange-correlation local field correction, and identify the weak points of conventional WDA in the homogeneous limit. We suggest how the WDA can be modified to improve the response function. The resulting approximation is a good one in both opposite limits, and should be useful for practical nonlocal density functional calculations.Comment: 4 pages, two eps figures embedde