46 research outputs found


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    The author  summarizes  the  results  of research  of the  antibacterial,  antiviral  and  antifungal  properties  of multifunctional  human protein  — lactoferrin,  in order  to determine  the prospects  for its use in the prevention  and  treatment  of infectious  diseases  of children in their first year of life. The mechanisms of anti-infectious effect of this protein with breastfed children have been described. Basic differences between human lactoferrin and cattle lactoferrin have been shown. Biotechnology of obtaining recombinant human lactoferrin from the milk of genetically engineered dairy animals (goat-producers) has been described. According to the studies, both by physical and chemical parameters and biological activity, human lactoferrin, obtained from milk-producing  goats, corresponds to its natural counterpart

    Дизонтогении микробиоты кишечника у детей первых месяцев жизни как фактор формирования атопии

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    The article describes the modern views on the relationship between altered development of gut microbiota in infants and the risk of developing atopic diseases (atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma). The studies of genetic susceptibility to atopy and the influence of epigenetic mechanisms involved in the regulation of gene expression responsible for the hyperproduction of immunoglobulin E are discussed. The characteristics of the microbiota of infants with already developed atopic diseases and children at risk of atopy are analyzed. In infants who subsequently developed atopy, the composition of gut microbiota at the birth is characterized by a reduced abundance of bifidobacteria  and high content of potentially pathogenic microorganisms.  The triggering role of active metabolites of altered microbiota on the differentiation of T-regulatory  cells has been established.  A preventive effect of optimal breastfeeding has been confirmed: meta-analyzes of recent studies indicate a link between the duration of breastfeeding  and a decrease in the frequency of bronchial asthma. The microbiota of breast milk contributes to the proper development of the infant’s microbiota, determines its diversity and immunomodulating action. On the basis of the conducted research, methods of targeted correction of the intestinal microbiota in children with risk of atopy can be developed.В статье отражены  современные взгляды  на связь формирования  микробиоты кишечника у детей первого  года жизни с риском развития атопических заболеваний (атопического дерматита и бронхиальной астмы). Обсуждаются исследования  генетической  предрасположенности к атопии и влияния эпигенетических  факторов  на регуляцию экспрессии генов, ответственных за гиперпродукцию иммуноглобулинов  класса Е. Проанализированы  характеристики микробиоты младенцев с уже развившимися атопическими заболеваниями и детей из группы риска по атопии. У детей, впоследствии  сформировавших атопию, состав микробиоты кишечника при рождении  характеризуется сниженным содержанием бифидобактерий и высоким — условно-патогенных микроорганизмов. Установлена триггерная роль активных метаболитов измененной микробиоты в трансформации Т-регуляторных клеток. Подтверждена превентивная  роль  адекватного  грудного  вскармливания:  метаанализы  исследований  последних лет  свидетельствуют  о связи продолжительности грудного  вскармливания  со снижением  частоты бронхиальной астмы. Микробиота грудного молока способствует адекватному формированию микробиоты младенца, определяет ее разнообразие и иммуномодулирующее действие. На основе проведенных исследований могут быть разработаны методы направленной коррекции кишечной микробиоты у детей группы риска по атопии

    Central Collisions of Au on Au at 150, 250 and 400 A MeV

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    Collisions of Au on Au at incident energies of 150, 250 and 400 A MeV were studied with the FOPI-facility at GSI Darmstadt. Nuclear charge (Z < 16) and velocity of the products were detected with full azimuthal acceptance at laboratory angles of 1-30 degrees. Isotope separated light charged particles were measured with movable multiple telescopes in an angular range of 6-90 degrees. Central collisions representing about 1 % of the reaction cross section were selected by requiring high total transverse energy, but vanishing sideflow. The velocity space distributions and yields of the emitted fragments are reported. The data are analysed in terms of a thermal model including radial flow. A comparison with predictions of the Quantum Molecular Model is presented.Comment: LateX text 62 pages, plus six Postscript files with a total of 34 figures, accepted by Nucl.Phys.


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    The author  summarizes  the  results  of research  of the  antibacterial,  antiviral  and  antifungal  properties  of multifunctional  human protein  — lactoferrin,  in order  to determine  the prospects  for its use in the prevention  and  treatment  of infectious  diseases  of children in their first year of life. The mechanisms of anti-infectious effect of this protein with breastfed children have been described. Basic differences between human lactoferrin and cattle lactoferrin have been shown. Biotechnology of obtaining recombinant human lactoferrin from the milk of genetically engineered dairy animals (goat-producers) has been described. According to the studies, both by physical and chemical parameters and biological activity, human lactoferrin, obtained from milk-producing  goats, corresponds to its natural counterpart.В статье обобщены результаты исследований, посвященных изучению антибактериальных, противовирусных и противогрибковых свойств многофункционального белка человека — лактоферрина, для определения перспектив его применения с целью профилактики и лечения инфекционной патологии у детей первого года жизни. Описаны механизмы противоинфекционного действия этого белка у детей, находящихся на грудном вскармливании. Показаны основные различия между лактоферрином человека и лактоферрином крупного рогатого скота. Описана биотехнология получения рекомбинантного лактоферрина человека из молока генно-инженерных молочных животных (коз-продуцентов). Согласно проведенным исследованиям, как по физико-химическим параметрам, так и по биологической активности лактоферрин  человека, выделенный из молока коз-продуцентов, соответствует его природному аналогу

    Current status of nuclear cardiology in the Russian Federation

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the current status of nuclear cardiology in the Russian Federation. The data on the number of facilities performing radionuclide investigations for the diagnosis and monitoring of the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, their staffing and equipment are given. The statistics of the conducted nuclear cardiology tests for 2018-2020 are given, as well as their methods, features and diagnostic significance are described

    Entropy production in the Au + Au reaction between 150 and 800 A MeV

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    The entropy per nucleon (S/A) has been extracted for the Au [(150—800)A MeV] + Au reaction by using the phase I setup of the 4 pi facility at GSI, Darmstadt. The entropy has been obtained from the comparison of various observables characterizing the dM/dZ fragment multiplicity distributions, extending up to Z~15, with those calculated with the quantum statistical model. It is the first time that S/A values are determined by considering the full ensemble of charged products detected in the reaction. Consistent values of S/A are found from different methods. These entropy values are shown to be fairly independent of the volume of the ``participant'' region considered. They are somewhat lower than those extracted in earlier works but are in good agreement with hydrodynamic calculations and suggest a low viscosity for the hot and dense nuclear matter

    Diurnal Dynamics of Organic Matter Production by Phytoplankton

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