111 research outputs found

    Kajian Instrumen Pungutan Bagi Pengguna Jalan Untuk Dana Pemeliharaan Di Propinsi Jawa Barat

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    . In the current condition revenue from road transport sector allocated to road expenditure, especially related to road maintenance, is very low. The revenue is collected in a form of tax of the object, the vehicle. But, this does not represent the contribution of the object to the road maintenance expenditure. Charging instruments for the road maintenance have been implemented widely in many countries and known as Road Fund. The fund is managed by road\u27s stakeholder to assure that the collected charges will be reallocated to the road sector. This study is dealing with some aspects of the charging instrument for the road maintenance with respect to types, charges, and mechanism. Based on the literature study the selected instruments are vehicle license fee, fuel levy, and heavy vehicle license fee. This study refers to the International practices and experiences and considers some criteria such as administration characteristics, applicability, and simplicity of collecting mechanism. This study reveals that the charge per vehicle per kilometer for the maintenance expenditure based on some financing scenario increases the Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC) by 0.68% to 3.32% depending on the vehicle type. The suggested collecting mechanism is to use the established existing mechanism to save the time and cost, namely vehicle license fee through the car license plate number (STNK) payment, fuel levy through the Pertamina as the sole distributor of fuel, and heavy vehicle license fee through the car inspection mechanism

    Kajian Instrumen Pungutan Bagi Pengguna Jalan Untuk Dana Pemeliharaan Di Propinsi Jawa Barat

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    . In the current condition revenue from road transport sector allocated to road expenditure, especially related to road maintenance, is very low. The revenue is collected in a form of tax of the object, the vehicle. But, this does not represent the contribution of the object to the road maintenance expenditure. Charging instruments for the road maintenance have been implemented widely in many countries and known as Road Fund. The fund is managed by road's stakeholder to assure that the collected charges will be reallocated to the road sector. This study is dealing with some aspects of the charging instrument for the road maintenance with respect to types, charges, and mechanism. Based on the literature study the selected instruments are vehicle license fee, fuel levy, and heavy vehicle license fee. This study refers to the International practices and experiences and considers some criteria such as administration characteristics, applicability, and simplicity of collecting mechanism. This study reveals that the charge per vehicle per kilometer for the maintenance expenditure based on some financing scenario increases the Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC) by 0.68% to 3.32% depending on the vehicle type. The suggested collecting mechanism is to use the established existing mechanism to save the time and cost, namely vehicle license fee through the car license plate number (STNK) payment, fuel levy through the Pertamina as the sole distributor of fuel, and heavy vehicle license fee through the car inspection mechanism

    Pelatihan Teknologi Bio-induksi untuk Petani Gaharu di Desa Pejaring, Kabupaten Lombok Timur

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    Agar wood farmer of Pejaring Village have used traditional method to induce resin formation on agarwood tree. They used mechanical method induction by nail and machete tools as well as chemical method induction by chemical liquid that the called by “infus”. These traditional methods influenced resin formation on agarwood tree at their agarwood plantation. That resin production was low in productivity and low in efficiency. The purpose of this community service was to conducted workshop of bio-induction technology for Pejaring Village agarwood farmer to solve their problem. Agarwood farmer of Pejaring Village were directly involved in all bio-induction training activity. This training was started by socialization of program through FGD with Agarwood Farmer of Pejaring Villange. Practical stage was started by selecting agarwood tree for sample by themselves. After selecting process has been done, training continued by bio-induction of agarwood sample using bore and injecting method also by themselves. The last stage was monitoring and evaluating of resin production on agarwood sample as result of bio-induction. In this stage, they got opportunity to give self-assessment of those resin production by organoleptic test. Bio-induction technology could stimulate resin formation on agarwood tree sample at 3 months after induction. This result was much better comparing to the result of traditional induction method that they used to conducted. Organoleptic test has confirmed that resin has quite good fragrance quality. It could be concluded that Pejaring Village agarwood farmers have understood about bio-induction technique and could applied that technology to replace traditional technology

    Examination of seminal qualities of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) treated with insecticides and fungicides

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    Uljana repica se uzgaja na velikim površinama u svijetu, a u posljednjem desetljeću zabilježen je i značajan rast površina u području jugoistočne Europe. Najčešće se siju nove sorte u tipu kvalitete “00” bez eruka kiseline i niskog sadržaja glukozinolata. Konstantan je porast površina pod sjemenskom uljanom repicom. Tretiranje sjemena uljane repice insekticidima i fungicidima koristi se u sve većoj mjeri kao ekološki i ekonomski prihvatljiviji vid kemijskog suzbijanja bolesti i štetnih kukaca u ranoj fazi vegetacije. U radu je ispitivan utjecaj različitih kombinacija fungicida i insekticida na klijavost sjemena sorte Banaćanka, nakon 15 mjeseci i 21 mjesec skladištenja od dana tretiranja. Klijavost i energija klijanja testirani su na filter papiru, a životna sposobnost sjemena na smjesi perlita i pijeska. Korišteno je šest najzastupljenijih pripravaka u doradi sjemena. Dužina skladištenja izazvala je pad sjemenskih kvaliteta kod svih kombinacija pesticida, kao i kod netretirane varijante. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja izdvojene su formulacije pesticida i njihove koncentracije koje nisu pokazale negativan utjecaj na sjemenske kvalitete.Oil seed rape is cultivated on great areas in the world, and in the last decade, a significant growth of the sown areas in the region of south east Europe was recorded. New sorts in quality type “00” without eruca acid and a low content of glucosinolate are most frequently sown. The growth of areas under seminal oilseed rape is constant. The treatment of oilseed rape with insecticides and fungicides has been highly used as ecologically and economically acceptable way in chemical control of disease and harmful insects in early stage of vegetation. The review has examined the effect of different combinations of fungicides and insecticides on seed germination of Banacanka sort after 15 and 21 months of storage, from the day of treatment. Germination and energy of germination have been tested on filter paper, and life ability of seed has been tested on mixture of perlite and sand. Six most represented preparations in seed processing have been used. Storage length caused decline of seminal quality with all pesticide combinations as well as with the untreated variety. Based on research results, pesticide formulations and their concentrations which haven’t shown a negative effect on seminal qualities have been singled out

    A Burgessian critique of nominalistic tendencies in contemporary mathematics and its historiography

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    We analyze the developments in mathematical rigor from the viewpoint of a Burgessian critique of nominalistic reconstructions. We apply such a critique to the reconstruction of infinitesimal analysis accomplished through the efforts of Cantor, Dedekind, and Weierstrass; to the reconstruction of Cauchy's foundational work associated with the work of Boyer and Grabiner; and to Bishop's constructivist reconstruction of classical analysis. We examine the effects of a nominalist disposition on historiography, teaching, and research.Comment: 57 pages; 3 figures. Corrected misprint

    Priming with recombinant auxotrophic BCG expressing HIV-1 Gag, RT and Gp120 and boosting with recombinant MVA induces a robust T cell response in mice

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    In previous studies we have shown that a pantothenate auxotroph of Myocbacterium bovis BCG (BCGΔ panCD ) expressing HIV-1 subtype C Gag induced Gag-specific immune responses in mice and Chacma baboons after prime-boost immunization in combination with matched rMVA and VLP vaccines respectively. In this study recombinant BCG (rBCG) expressing HIV-1 subtype C reverse transcriptase and a truncated envelope were constructed using both the wild type BCG Pasteur strain as a vector and the pantothenate auxotroph. Mice were primed with rBCG expressing Gag and RT and boosted with a recombinant MVA, expressing a polyprotein of Gag, RT, Tat and Nef (SAAVI MVA-C). Priming with rBCGΔ panCD expressing Gag or RT rather than the wild type rBCG expressing Gag or RT resulted in higher frequencies of total HIV-specific CD8 + T cells and increased numbers of T cells specific to the subdominant Gag and RT epitopes. Increasing the dose of rBCG from 10 5 cfu to 10 7 cfu also led to an increase in the frequency of responses to subdominant HIV epitopes. A mix of the individual rBCGΔ panCD vaccines expressing either Gag, RT or the truncated Env primed the immune system for a boost with SAAVI MVA-C and generated five-fold higher numbers of HIV-specific IFN-γ-spot forming cells than mice primed with rBCGΔ panCD containing an empty vector control. Priming with the individual rBCGΔ panCD vaccines or the mix and boosting with SAAVI MVA-C also resulted in the generation of HIV-specific CD4 + and CD8 + T cells producing IFN-γ and TNF-α and CD4 + cells producing IL-2. The rBCG vaccines tested in this study were able to prime the immune system for a boost with rMVA expressing matching antigens, inducing robust, HIV-specific T cell responses to both dominant and subdominant epitopes in the individual proteins when used as individual vaccines or in a mix

    Distinct cytokine patterns may regulate the severity of neonatal asphyxia

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    Abstract Background Neuroinflammation and a systemic inflammatory reaction are important features of perinatal asphyxia. Neuroinflammation may have dual aspects being a hindrance, but also a significant help in the recovery of the CNS. We aimed to assess intracellular cytokine levels of T-lymphocytes and plasma cytokine levels in moderate and severe asphyxia in order to identify players of the inflammatory response that may influence patient outcome. Methods We analyzed the data of 28 term neonates requiring moderate systemic hypothermia in a single-center observational study. Blood samples were collected between 3 and 6 h of life, at 24 h, 72 h, 1 week, and 1 month of life. Neonates were divided into a moderate (n = 17) and a severe (n = 11) group based on neuroradiological and amplitude-integrated EEG characteristics. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were assessed with flow cytometry. Cytokine plasma levels were measured using Bioplex immunoassays. Components of the kynurenine pathway were assessed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Results The prevalence and extravasation of IL-1b + CD4 cells were higher in severe than in moderate asphyxia at 6 h. Based on Receiver operator curve analysis, the assessment of the prevalence of CD4+ IL-1β+ and CD4+ IL-1β+ CD49d+ cells at 6 h appears to be able to predict the severity of the insult at an early stage in asphyxia. Intracellular levels of TNF-α in CD4 cells were increased at all time points compared to 6 h in both groups. At 1 month, intracellular levels of TNF-α were higher in the severe group. Plasma IL-6 levels were higher at 1 week in the severe group and decreased by 1 month in the moderate group. Intracellular levels of IL-6 peaked at 24 h in both groups. Intracellular TGF-β levels were increased from 24 h onwards in the moderate group. Conclusions IL-1β and IL-6 appear to play a key role in the early events of the inflammatory response, while TNF-α seems to be responsible for prolonged neuroinflammation, potentially contributing to a worse outcome. The assessment of the prevalence of CD4+ IL-1β+ and CD4+ IL-1β+ CD49d+ cells at 6 h appears to be able to predict the severity of the insult at an early stage in asphyxia

    Off-target effects of bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccination on immune responses to SARS-CoV-2: implications for protection against severe COVID-19

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    Background and objectives: Because of its beneficial off-target effects against non-mycobacterial infectious diseases, bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccination might be an accessible early intervention to boost protection against novel pathogens. Multiple epidemiological studies and randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are investigating the protective effect of BCG against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Using samples from participants in a placebo-controlled RCT aiming to determine whether BCG vaccination reduces the incidence and severity of COVID-19, we investigated the immunomodulatory effects of BCG on in vitro immune responses to SARS-CoV-2. Methods: This study used peripheral blood taken from participants in the multicentre RCT and BCG vaccination to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on healthcare workers (BRACE trial). The whole blood taken from BRACE trial participants was stimulated with γ-irradiated SARS-CoV-2-infected or mock-infected Vero cell supernatant. Cytokine responses were measured by multiplex cytokine analysis, and single-cell immunophenotyping was made by flow cytometry. Results: BCG vaccination, but not placebo vaccination, reduced SARS-CoV-2-induced secretion of cytokines known to be associated with severe COVID-19, including IL-6, TNF-α and IL-10. In addition, BCG vaccination promoted an effector memory phenotype in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and an activation of eosinophils in response to SARS-CoV-2. Conclusions: The immunomodulatory signature of BCG’s off-target effects on SARS-CoV-2 is consistent with a protective immune response against severe COVID-19

    An Agent-Based Model of a Hepatic Inflammatory Response to Salmonella: A Computational Study under a Large Set of Experimental Data

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    Citation: Shi, Z. Z., Chapes, S. K., Ben-Arieh, D., & Wu, C. H. (2016). An Agent-Based Model of a Hepatic Inflammatory Response to Salmonella: A Computational Study under a Large Set of Experimental Data. Plos One, 11(8), 39. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161131We present an agent-based model (ABM) to simulate a hepatic inflammatory response (HIR) in a mouse infected by Salmonella that sometimes progressed to problematic proportions, known as "sepsis". Based on over 200 published studies, this ABM describes interactions among 21 cells or cytokines and incorporates 226 experimental data sets and/or data estimates from those reports to simulate a mouse HIR in silico. Our simulated results reproduced dynamic patterns of HIR reported in the literature. As shown in vivo, our model also demonstrated that sepsis was highly related to the initial Salmonella dose and the presence of components of the adaptive immune system. We determined that high mobility group box-1, C-reactive protein, and the interleukin-10: tumor necrosis factor-a ratio, and CD4+ T cell: CD8+ T cell ratio, all recognized as biomarkers during HIR, significantly correlated with outcomes of HIR. During therapy-directed silico simulations, our results demonstrated that anti-agent intervention impacted the survival rates of septic individuals in a time-dependent manner. By specifying the infected species, source of infection, and site of infection, this ABM enabled us to reproduce the kinetics of several essential indicators during a HIR, observe distinct dynamic patterns that are manifested during HIR, and allowed us to test proposed therapy-directed treatments. Although limitation still exists, this ABM is a step forward because it links underlying biological processes to computational simulation and was validated through a series of comparisons between the simulated results and experimental studies
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