Uljana repica se uzgaja na velikim površinama u svijetu, a u posljednjem desetljeću zabilježen je i značajan rast površina u području jugoistočne Europe. Najčešće se siju nove sorte u tipu kvalitete “00” bez eruka kiseline i niskog sadržaja glukozinolata. Konstantan je porast površina pod sjemenskom uljanom repicom. Tretiranje sjemena uljane repice insekticidima i fungicidima koristi se u sve većoj mjeri kao ekološki i ekonomski prihvatljiviji vid kemijskog suzbijanja bolesti i štetnih kukaca u ranoj fazi vegetacije. U radu je ispitivan utjecaj različitih kombinacija fungicida i insekticida na klijavost sjemena sorte Banaćanka, nakon 15 mjeseci i 21 mjesec skladištenja od dana tretiranja. Klijavost i energija klijanja testirani su na filter papiru, a životna sposobnost sjemena na smjesi perlita i pijeska. Korišteno je šest najzastupljenijih pripravaka u doradi sjemena. Dužina skladištenja izazvala je pad sjemenskih kvaliteta kod svih kombinacija pesticida, kao i kod netretirane varijante. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja izdvojene su formulacije pesticida i njihove koncentracije koje nisu pokazale negativan utjecaj na sjemenske kvalitete.Oil seed rape is cultivated on great areas in the world, and in the last decade, a significant growth of the sown areas in the region of south east Europe was recorded. New sorts in quality type “00” without eruca acid and a low content of glucosinolate are most frequently sown. The growth of areas under seminal oilseed rape is constant. The treatment of oilseed rape with insecticides and fungicides has been highly used as ecologically and economically acceptable way in chemical control of disease and harmful insects in early stage of vegetation. The review has examined the effect of different combinations of fungicides and insecticides on seed germination of Banacanka sort after 15 and 21 months of storage, from the day of treatment. Germination and energy of germination have been tested on filter paper, and life ability of seed has been tested on mixture of perlite and sand. Six most represented preparations in seed processing have been used. Storage length caused decline of seminal quality with all pesticide combinations as well as with the untreated variety. Based on research results, pesticide formulations and their concentrations which haven’t shown a negative effect on seminal qualities have been singled out