260 research outputs found

    A Note on Flips in Diagonal Rectangulations

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    Rectangulations are partitions of a square into axis-aligned rectangles. A number of results provide bijections between combinatorial equivalence classes of rectangulations and families of pattern-avoiding permutations. Other results deal with local changes involving a single edge of a rectangulation, referred to as flips, edge rotations, or edge pivoting. Such operations induce a graph on equivalence classes of rectangulations, related to so-called flip graphs on triangulations and other families of geometric partitions. In this note, we consider a family of flip operations on the equivalence classes of diagonal rectangulations, and their interpretation as transpositions in the associated Baxter permutations, avoiding the vincular patterns { 3{14}2, 2{41}3 }. This complements results from Law and Reading (JCTA, 2012) and provides a complete characterization of flip operations on diagonal rectangulations, in both geometric and combinatorial terms

    Contrasting human perceptions of and attitudes towards two threatened small carnivores, Lycalopex fulvipes and Leopardus guigna, in rural communities adjacent to protected areas in Chile

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    Indexación: Scopus.The interaction between humans and small carnivores is a phenomenon especially frequent in rural fringes, as is the case of communities surrounding natural areas. In Chile, two species of threatened carnivores, the Darwin's Fox and the Guigna, have increased their contact with humans due to human-induced changes in their habitat. The objective of this study was to characterize the interactions of these species with humans by assessing human perceptions and attitudes toward them, and to assess livestock and poultry ownership and management practices in local communities to evaluate their possible roles in the phenomenon. We conducted semi-structured interviews in rural communities adjacent to natural protected areas of two different regions in southern Chile. We found that people have a more positive perception of Darwin's Foxes than Guignas, but both species are considered damaging due to poultry attacks. Livestock and poultry management was generally deficient. Improvements in animal management and education programs could lead to a significant decrease in negative interactions. © Sacristan et al. 2018.https://www.threatenedtaxa.org/index.php/JoTT/article/view/4030/442

    CatLC: Catalonia Multiresolution Land Cover Dataset

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    The availability of large annotated image datasets represented one of the tipping points in the progress of object recognition in the realm of natural images, but other important visual spaces are still lacking this asset. In the case of remote sensing, only a few richly annotated datasets covering small areas are available. In this paper, we present the Catalonia Multiresolution Land Cover Dataset (CatLC), a remote sensing dataset corresponding to a mid-size geographical area which has been carefully annotated with a large variety of land cover classes. The dataset includes pre-processed images from the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia (ICGC) (https://www.icgc.cat/en/Downloads) and the European Space Agency (ESA) (https://scihub.copernicus.eu) catalogs, captured from both aircraft and satellites. Detailed topographic layers inferred from other sensors are also included. CatLC is a multiresolution, multimodal, multitemporal dataset, that can be readily used by the machine learning community to explore new classification techniques for land cover mapping in different scenarios such as area estimation in forest inventories, hydrologic studies involving microclimatic variables or geologic hazards identification and assessment. Moreover, remote sensing data present some specific characteristics that are not shared by natural images and that have been seldom explored. In this vein, CatLC dataset aims to engage with computer vision experts interested in remote sensing and also stimulate new research and development in the field of machine learning

    Disseny d'un cronòmetre i d'un freqüencímetre integrats en un NIOS controlats sobre μClinux

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    Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia.El projecte que es presenta permet analitzar els avantatges i inconvenients d'una programació orientada a hardware i d'una programació orientada a software a partir del desenvolupament de dos dissenys, un cronòmetre i un freqüencímetre en cadascun dels modes de programació. Donat que en les dues aplicacions es requereix alta precisió de temps (μs) i flexibilitat en el control, la solució final que es proposa és un disseny "mixt" amb dos mòduls hardware específics (cronòmetre i freqüencímetre) integrats en un NIOS/CPU sobre una FPGA. Els dos mòduls es controlen per software sobre un sistema Linux empotrat (μCLinux).El proyecto que se presenta permite analizar las ventajas e inconvenientes de una programación orientada a hardware y de una programación orientada a software a partir del desarrollo de dos diseños, un cronómetro y un frecuencímetro en cada uno de los modos de programación. Dado que en las dos aplicaciones se requiere alta precisión de tiempo (μs) y flexibilidad en el control, la solución final que se propone es un diseño "mixto" con dos módulos hardware específicos (cronómetro y frecuencímetro) integrados en un NIOS/CPU sobre una FPGA. Los dos módulos se controlan por software sobre un sistema Linux embebido (μCLinux).The project presented analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of a hardware-oriented programming and a software-oriented programming from the development of two designs, a chronometer and a frequencymeter in each of the programming modes. Because the two applications require high-precision time (μs) and control flexibility, the proposed final solution is a design "mixed" with two specific hardware modules (chronometer and frequencymeter) integrated in a NIOS/CPU on a FPGA. The two modules are controlled by software on a Linux embedded system (μClinux)

    High seroprevalence of feline morbilliviruses in free-roaming domestic cats in Chile

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    Feline morbillivirus infections have gained increased attention due to repeated reports of their association with urinary tract disease in cats. In the present study, 112 serum samples from free-roaming domestic cats in Chile were tested for antibodies against feline morbillivirus genotypes 1 and 2 (FeMV-1 and FeMV-2) using an indirect immunofluorescence assay. In total, 63% of the animals showed antibodies against one or both FeMV genotypes. Antibodies directed exclusively against FeMV-2 were significantly more prevalent in male cats. The correlation of sex and FeMV-2 infection might give insight into potential routes of transmission. We provide, for the first time, serological data on FeMV in Chile

    PsyGeNET : a knowledge platform on psychiatric disorders and their genes

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    Altres ajuts: Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking (no. 115372, EMIF and no. 115191, Open PHACTS), resources of which are composed of financial contribution from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) and EFPIA companies' in kind contribution.Summary: PsyGeNET (Psychiatric disorders and Genes association NETwork) is a knowledge platform for the exploratory analysis of psychiatric diseases and their associated genes. PsyGeNET is composed of a database and a web interface supporting data search, visualization, filtering and sharing. PsyGeNET integrates information from DisGeNET and data extracted from the literature by text mining, which has been curated by domain experts. It currently contains 2642 associations between 1271 genes and 37 psychiatric disease concepts. In its first release, PsyGeNET is focused on three psychiatric disorders: major depression, alcohol and cocaine use disorders. PsyGeNET represents a comprehensive, open access resource for the analysis of the molecular mechanisms underpinning psychiatric disorders and their comorbidities

    Cathodoluminescence Characterization of Dilute Nitride GaNSbAs Alloys

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    The effects of ex situ annealing in N ambient and in situ annealing in As ambient on GaNSbAs/GaAs structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy were investigated by low temperature cross-sectional cathodoluminescence (CL). The amount and distribution of Sb was measured by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The cross-sectional CL analysis of all samples reveals a shift of the near band edge (NBE) emission along the growth axis, presumably associated with a non-uniform incorporation of Sb during the growth process, in agreement with the Sb distribution measured by EDS in the as-grown sample. The NBE emission in the annealed samples presents a redshift with respect to the as-grown sample. This effect might be explained by a redistribution/activation of N in the GaNSbAs lattice since the Sb distribution measured by EDS does not reveal significant changes, within the error margin, with respect to the as-grown sample. The in situ annealed in the As overpressure sample shows the best properties for solar cells applications, i.e., a NBE peak position close to 1.0 eV and the lowest full width at half maximum of this emission.Spanish Government (MINECO Project ENE2014- 56069-C4-4-R) and Junta de Castilla y Leo´n (VA293U13 and VA081U16 Projects). The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness MINECO supports this work through Projects TEC2014-54260- C3-1-P, TEC2014-54260-C3-2-P, TEC2014-54260- C3-3-P, PCIN-2015-181-C02-01 and PCIN-2015- 181-C02-02

    Scalability and cost-effectiveness analysis of whole genome-wide association studies on Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services

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    Objective Advancements in human genomics have generated a surge of available data, fueling the growth and accessibility of databases for more comprehensive, in-depth genetic studies. Methods We provide a straightforward and innovative methodology to optimize cloud configuration in order to conduct genome-wide association studies. We utilized Spark clusters on both Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services, as well as Hail (http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2646680) for analysis and exploration of genomic variants dataset. Results Comparative evaluation of numerous cloud-based cluster configurations demonstrate a successful and unprecedented compromise between speed and cost for performing genome-wide association studies on 4 distinct whole-genome sequencing datasets. Results are consistent across the 2 cloud providers and could be highly useful for accelerating research in genetics. Conclusions We present a timely piece for one of the most frequently asked questions when moving to the cloud: what is the trade-off between speed and cost
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