63 research outputs found

    Neuroplasticity Changes of Rat Brain by Musical Stimuli during Fetal Period

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    Objective: Fetal development of the central nervous system is an important and sensitive stage which is affected by many external and internal stimuli. This study aimed to investigate effect of musical stimuli on fetal rat brain. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, twelve female Wistar rats were selected and evenly assigned to control and musical groups. The females were mated with a male rat of the same genotype. Musical group was exposed to classic music with 60 dB power for 90 minutes twice per day from 2nd to 20th day of gestation. The control rats were handled similar to the musical group, but were not exposed to music. Before parturition, all the dams were anesthetized, and their blood samples were obtained and used for corticosterone (COS) measurement. They were transcardially perfused by electron microscope (EM) fixative agent. The fetal brains were extracted intact and used for slice preparation. Horizontal slices were made for electron microscope preparation, and images were taken and analyzed in terms of cell density and morphological changes. Results: EM observation indicated significant morphological difference in cellular and intercellular spaces between the two groups. Music-treated fetuses had significantly higher cell density in parietal cortex and music-treated dams had lower COS level. Conclusion: It was concluded that prenatal music would have a great impact on neuroplasticity of fetal rat brain, at least indirectly. Although the rat fetuses cannot hear until birth, music-induced reduction in COS blood level of dams might be the reason for neuroplasticity of fetal brain

    Shared and Distinct Features of Human Milk and Infant Stool Viromes.

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    Infants acquire many of their microbes from their mothers during the birth process. The acquisition of these microbes is believed to be critical in the development of the infant immune system. Bacteria also are transmitted to the infant through breastfeeding, and help to form the microbiome of the infant gastrointestinal (GI) tract; it is unknown whether viruses in human milk serve to establish an infant GI virome. We examined the virome contents of milk and infant stool in a cohort of mother-infant pairs to discern whether milk viruses colonize the infant GI tract. We observed greater viral alpha diversity in milk than in infant stool, similar to the trend we found for bacterial communities from both sites. When comparing beta diversity, viral communities were mostly distinguishable between milk and infant stool, but each was quite distinct from adult stool, urine, and salivary viromes. There were significant differences in viral families in the infant stool (abundant bacteriophages from the family Siphoviridae) compared to milk (abundant bacteriophages from the family Myoviridae), which may reflect significant differences in the bacterial families identified from both sites. Despite the differences in viral taxonomy, we identified a significant number of shared viruses in the milk and stool from all mother-infant pairs. Because of the significant proportion of bacteriophages transmitted in these mother-infant pairs, we believe the transmission of milk phages to the infant GI tract may help to shape the infant GI microbiome

    The impact of sleep deprivation on sexual behaviors and FAAH expression in the prefrontal cortex of male rats

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    Sleep deprivation (SD) causes alterations in the function of the endocannabinoid (EC) system and also results in alteration in many behaviors such as increased anxiety, deteriorated alertness, memory deficits, as well as sexual behaviors. Controversial data about the effects of SD on sexual response are provided. Fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), the enzymes involved in the degradation of the EC system play an important role in the function of the EC system. This study aimed to investigate the effect of REM SD (RSD) and total SD (TSD) on the sexual behaviors and FAAH expression in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of male rats. RSD was carried out through the flower pot technique for 24 h and 48 h, and TSD also was induced by keeping awake the rats by gentle handling for 6 h. Immediately after RSD and TSD, sexual behaviors were recorded for 45 min. Sexual behaviors were reduced by both types of RSD and TSD. The deleterious effects of 24 h RSD were more severe compared with 6 h of TSD. Serum testosterone concentration was significantly higher after TSD but not RSD compared to the normal sleep (NS) group. FAAH expression in the PFC was significantly reduced after both RSD and TSD compared to the NS group. Given that the function of the EC system has been previously shown to change different behaviors such as sexual activity, our results could suggest that behavioral effects of both types of SD on sexual behavior may partially result from activation of this signaling pathway by the reduction of FAAH in the PFC

    Sayyadi H. Prenatal Stress+Morphine and Postnatal Re-Exposure to Stress Alter Pentylentetrazol-Induced Epileptic Manifestations in Rats

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    We studied effects of restraint-induced stress and morphine co-administration within the prenatal period and of re-exposure to stress at the end of infancy on the body mass and pentylenetetrazol-induced epileptic manifestations in rats. Pregnant rats were divided into six groups (control, restraint-stressed, saline, morphine, stress+saline, and stress+morphine). In the stressed groups, pregnant rats were subjected to restraint stressing twice per day for three consecutive days (starting on pregnancy day 15). Rats in saline and morphine groups received saline and morphine subcutaneously at the same days. In the morphine/saline+stressed groups, rats were exposed to stress and received morphine/saline simultaneously. Control rats were left intact. The pups were weighed at postnatal days (PD) 1, 15, and 22. On P22, half of the pups were re-exposed to stress; then, pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced seizures were recorded. The offspring body mass was significantly smaller in stressed, morphine, and stressed+morphine groups compared to the control. The time to onset of the first tonico-clonic seizure was shorter, while the duration and number of tonico-clonic attacks were greater significantly in the stressed+morphine group compared to other groups. Re-exposure to stress decreased the number of clonic seizures. The number of leg-opening and tail rigidity episodes were smaller in female offspring compared to male ones. Co-administration of restraint stress and morphine within the prenatal period reduces the offspring body mass and increases the seizure vulnerability more severely compared to the respective individual effects In addition, prenatal stress exerts stronger effects on the neural development and epileptic behaviors of the offspring than postnatal stress.Ми досліджували на щурах впливи пренатально індукованого іммобілізаційного стресу, який комбінували з уведенням морфіну, а також повторного стресування щурів-нащадків наприкінці «періоду дитинства» на прояви індукованої пентилентетразолом (ПТЗ) епілептиформної активності у цих нащадків. Вагітні самиці щурів були розділені на шість груп (контроль, стресовані іммобілізацією, з уведенням фізіологічного розчину – ФР, з уведенням морфіну, стресовані+ФР та стресовані+морфін). Вагітні самиці стресованої групи були піддані сеансам іммобілізаційного стресування двічі за день протягом трьох послідовних днів (починаючи з 15-го дня вагітності). Щуриці груп ФР та «морфін» отримували відповідні підшкірні ін’єкції протягом тих самих трьох діб. У групах «морфін/ФР+стрес» щури піддавалися комбінації стресування та відповідних ін’єкцій; контрольні щури залишалися інтактними. Народжені щурята зважувались у постнатальні дні ПД, 1, 15 та 22. У ПД 22 половину щурят піддавали повторному стресуванню. Після цього в усіх нащадків реєстрували епілептиформну судомну активність, індуковану введенням ПТЗ. Маса тіла щурят стресованої, «морфінової» груп та групи «стрес+морфін» була вірогідно нижчою, ніж у щурят контрольної групи. Час до проявів першої тоніко-клонічної судоми у тварин групи «стрес+морфін» був вірогідно коротшим, ніж в інших групах. Тривалість та кількість тоніко-клонічних нападів у згаданій вище групі («стрес+морфін») були вірогідно більшими. Повторне постнатальне стресування призводило до зменшення кількості клонічних судом. Отже, комбінація пренатального іммобілізаційного стресу та введення морфіну викликає зменшення маси тіла та підвищення чутливості до судомної активності, і ці ефекти сильніші, ніж впливи вказаних факторів поодинці. Окрім того, пренатальний стрес спричинює сильніші впливи на розвиток нервової системи та прояви епілептиформної активності у нащадків, аніж постнатальний стрес

    Behavioral effects of perinatal opioid exposure

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    Opioids are among the world's oldest known drugs used mostly for pain relief, but recreational use is also widespread. A particularly important problem is opioid exposure in females, as their offspring can also be affected. Adverse intrauterine and postnatal environments can affect offspring development and may lead to various disabilities later in life. It is clear that repetitive painful experiences, such as randomly occurring invasive procedures during neonatal intensive care, can permanently alter neuronal and synaptic organization and therefore later behavior. At the same time, analgesic drugs can also be harmful, inducing neuronal apoptosis or withdrawal symptoms in the neonate and behavioral alterations in adulthood. Hence, risk–benefit ratios should be taken into consideration when pain relief is required during pregnancy or in neonates. Recreational use of opioids can also alter many aspects of life. Intrauterine opioid exposure has many toxic effects, inducing poor pregnancy outcomes due to underdevelopment, but it is believed that later negative consequences are more related to environmental factors such as a chaotic lifestyle and inadequate prenatal care. One of the crucial components is maternal care, which changes profoundly in addicted mothers. In substance-dependent mothers, pre- and postnatal care has special importance, and controlled treatment with a synthetic opioid (e.g., methadone) could be beneficial. We aimed to summarize and compare human and rodent data, as it is important to close the gap between scientific knowledge and societal policies. Special emphasis is given to gender differences in the sensitivity of offspring to perinatal opioid exposure

    Sharia en national recht in Afghanistan

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    Effects of L-arginine on morphometr ic changes of small intestine in burned rats

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    Background: Small Intestine mucosal integrity, function and barrier are defective after severe burn and because of the bacterial translocation it will end up to sepsis and death. Due to positive effects of L-arginine in wound healing during burns, the purpose of this study was to assess the effects of L-arginine to prevent the morphometric changes in small intestine of burned rats. Materials and Methods: Twenty-four mature male rats weighting 250-270g have used in three groups. control group (n=8), burned group (n=8) and burn with L-arginine (100 mg/kg intra peritoneal on 1, 3 and 5 days after burn). For burning induction, after general anesthesia and shaving, a selected area of the back region (5�3.5cm) was exposed to boiling water for 8 seconds in order to produce the wet burns. On the 7th day after burn specimens from the first part of small intestine were obtained. After fixation and staining the samples with Hematoxiline and Eosin villi height, small intestine diameter and its lumen diameter, muscular layer thickness, and crypt depth were measured. Results: Villi height, crypt depth of small intestine mucosal was significantly decreased in burned group compared with other groups. The structure of the small intestine in L-arginine group was similar to control (normal) group. Conclusion: The results showed that L-arginine prevented from villi atrophy and also morphometric changes of small intestine mucosal and prevented pathological changes during burn

    Prenatal Acute Stress Attenuated Epileptiform Activities in Neonate Mice

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    Objective: Development of the central nervous system (CNS) is dependent on interactionsbetween genetic and epigenetic factors, some of which could affect the susceptibilityof the developing brain to damaging insults. Gestational stress has been shown as a potentialfactor associated with higher risk of developing certain neurological and psychiatricdisorders. This study tested the hypothesis that maternal stress influences the risk ofepilepsy in offsprings.Materials and Methods: Pregnant mice were exposed to restraint stress twice a day forthree days at the start of the last week of gestation. Ten days after birth, the intact hippocampiof the newborn mice were excised and prepared for investigation. The hippocampiwere bathed in low magnesium artificial cerebrospinal fluid to induce field potential,and the subsequent spontaneous seizure-like events of the CA1 neurons were recorded.Plasma corticosterone was measured using a commercial radioimmunoassay (RIA) kitand the values were expressed as μg/100 ml.Results: Both the number of recurrent seizures and the duration of seizure activity werereduced in the stressed group compared to the controls (p<0.001). Stress induced a significantrise in serum corticosterone levels in both pregnant mice and in their newbornpups (p<0.001).Conclusion: These findings suggest that acute prenatal stress, which may mimic acutestress in human pregnancy, is a likely factor affecting seizure control in childhood temporallobe epilepsy. The underlying inhibitory mechanism may be an increase in the level ofneurosteroids both in the blood and the brain


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    Introduction. Early enteral feeding reduce the mortality and morbidity of head-Injured patients. However, many of these patients have atonic stomach and do not tolerate early gastric feeding. It is suggested that small bowel feeding will improve the patient"s tolerance of early enteral feeding.&#13; Methods. In a randomized clinical trial, sixty patients with moderate and severe head injury were divided in two equal groups. In experimental group, a feeding tube with a length, equal to distance from nose to earlobe and umblicus was inserted and interavenous metuclopramide was injected every 6 hours (10 mg in adults, 5mg in children between 6-14 years old and 0.1 mg/kg in children less than 6 years old). These patients also were placed in right lateral decubitus position. In control group, only a tube with a length equal to experimental group"s tube was inserted. After 48 hours, with injection of barium sulfate into the feeding tube and plain radiography of abdomen, the position of the tip of the feeding tube was determined (Prepyloric VS. Postpyloric).&#13; Results. The rate of passage of feeding tube from the sphincter of pylor was 63.3 percent in experimental group and 6.7 percent in control group (P &lt; 0.001).&#13; Discussion. This study introduces a new safe method for bypassing the atonic stomach in patients with moderate and severe head injury