375 research outputs found


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    La necessita\u300 di ridurre le emissioni derivanti dal settore dell\u2019edilizia ha portato alla ricerca di soluzioni per migliorare la sostenibilita\u300 e la performance energetica degli edifici. Una soluzione efficace e\u300 l\u2019utilizzo di mate- riali isolanti di origine naturale. Il calcecanapulo e\u300 un biocomposito ottenuto dalla miscela di una fibra natura- le (canapulo) e di un legante (calce) con ottime capacita\u300 isolanti e igrometriche. L\u2019obiettivo dello studio e\u300 quello di valutare la sostenibilita\u300 in termini di Life Cycle Assessment di tre diverse miscele del biocomposito prodotte dall\u2019azienda italiana Equilibrium: Natural Beton 200 (con un rapporto calce canapa 1:1), Natural Be- ton 300 (con rapporto 2:1) e Biomattone (2:1). L\u2019approccio dello studio e\u300 \u201cdalla culla al cancello\u201d. Per tutte le miscele la fase di produzione della calce e della canapa risultano essere quelle con impatti maggiori. Gli im- patti derivanti dal trasporto della calce possono essere ridotti cambiando il sito di approvviggionamento

    Rna interference strategies for future management of plant pathogenic fungi: Prospects and challenges

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    Plant pathogenic fungi are the largest group of disease-causing agents on crop plants and represent a persistent and significant threat to agriculture worldwide. Conventional approaches based on the use of pesticides raise social concern for the impact on the environment and human health and alternative control methods are urgently needed. The rapid improvement and extensive implementation of RNA interference (RNAi) technology for various model and non-model organisms has provided the initial framework to adapt this post-transcriptional gene silencing technology for the management of fungal pathogens. Recent studies showed that the exogenous application of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules on plants targeting fungal growth and virulence-related genes provided disease attenuation of pathogens like Botrytis cinerea, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Fusarium graminearum in different hosts. Such results highlight that the exogenous RNAi holds great potential for RNAi-mediated plant pathogenic fungal disease control. Production of dsRNA can be possible by using either in-vitro or in-vivo synthesis. In this review, we describe exogenous RNAi involved in plant pathogenic fungi and discuss dsRNA production, formulation, and RNAi delivery methods. Potential challenges that are faced while developing a RNAi strategy for fungal pathogens, such as off-target and epigenetic effects, with their possible solutions are also discussed

    Comparison of regeneration capacity and Agrobacterium-mediated cell transformation efficiency of different cultivars and rootstocks of Vitis spp. via organogenesis.

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    The success of in vitro plant regeneration and the competence of genetic transformation greatly depends on the genotype of the species of interest. In previous work, we developed a method for the efficient Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation via organogenesis of V. vinifera cultivar Thompson Seedless, by using meristematic bulk (MB) as starting tissue. In this study, we applied this method for the regeneration and transformation of MBs obtained from the Italian cultivar Ciliegiolo and two of the commonly used Vitis rootstocks, 110 Richter and Kober 5BB, in comparison with Thompson Seedless. The A. tumefaciens strain EHA105, harbouring pK7WG2 binary vector, was used for the transformation trials, which allowed selection through the enhanced-green fluorescent protein (eGFP) and the neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII) gene. Putative transformed tissues and/or shoots were identified by either a screening based on the eGFP expression alone or its use in combination with kanamycin in the medium. MBs obtained from Thompson Seedless showed the highest regeneration and transformation cell competence, which subsequently allowed the recovery of stably transformed plants. Ciliegiolo, 110 Richter, and Kober 5BB, produced actively growing transgenic calli showing eGFP fluorescence, more consistently on selective media, but had no regenerative competence

    Double-Stranded RNA Targeting Dicer-Like Genes Compromises the Pathogenicity of Plasmopara viticola on Grapevine

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    Downy mildew caused by Plasmopara viticola is one of the most devastating diseases of grapevine, attacking all green parts of the plant. The damage is severe when the infection at flowering stage is left uncontrolled. P. viticola management consumes a significant amount of classical pesticides applied in vineyards, requiring efficient and environmentally safe disease management options. Spray-induced gene silencing (SIGS), through the application of exogenous double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), has shown promising results for the management of diseases in crops. Here, we developed and tested the potential of dsRNA targeting P. viticola Dicer-like (DCL) genes for SIGS-based crop protection strategy. The exogenous application of PvDCL1/2 dsRNA, a chimera of PvDCL1 and PvDCL2, highly affected the virulence of P. viticola. The reduced expression level of PvDCL1 and PvDCL2 transcripts in infected leaves, treated with PvDCL1/2 dsRNA, was an indication of an active RNA interference mechanism inside the pathogen to compromise its virulence. Besides the protective property, the PvDCL1/2 dsRNA also exhibited a curative role by reducing the disease progress rate of already established infection. Our data provide a promising future for PvDCL1/2 dsRNA as a new generation of RNA-based resistant plants or RNA-based agrochemical for the management of downy mildew disease in grapevine

    21 sguardi sulla costruzione ecologica in europa

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    21 interviste a professionisti edili nel campo della progettazione, realizzazione e assicurazione sono state elaborate nel 2011 nel quadro del progetto europeo INATER' sulla costruzione ecologica Tutti questi professionisti hanno fatto la scelta di utilizzare materiali naturali o riciclati, sia per interventi di nuova costruzioni che nel campo del recupero e restauro. Interessati a isolare in maniera efficace le costruzioni, sono altresì interessati a garantire il comfort degli operatori e dei fruitori, lo sviluppo delle filiere corte o la diminuzione degli impatti ambientali. Tutti apportano innovazione, contribuendo ognuno secondo le proprie possibilità, ad un'evoluzione del mondo della costruzione Il collettivo INATER' vi offre queste testimonianze raccolte in una Guida che illustra al contempo alcune informazioni tematiche sui seguenti temi: lo sviluppo del mercato, la problematica delle assicurazioni, il quadro normativo.... La Guida è al servizio di tutti gli attori del mondo edile che lavorano sul cantiere, in studi di progettazione, in un raggruppamento d'imprese o in centri di formazion

    Multi-step self-guided pathways for shape-changing metamaterials

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    Multi-step pathways, constituted of a sequence of reconfigurations, are central to a wide variety of natural and man-made systems. Such pathways autonomously execute in self-guided processes such as protein folding and self-assembly, but require external control in macroscopic mechanical systems, provided by, e.g., actuators in robotics or manual folding in origami. Here we introduce shape-changing mechanical metamaterials, that exhibit self-guided multi-step pathways in response to global uniform compression. Their design combines strongly nonlinear mechanical elements with a multimodal architecture that allows for a sequence of topological reconfigurations, i.e., modifications of the topology caused by the formation of internal self-contacts. We realized such metamaterials by digital manufacturing, and show that the pathway and final configuration can be controlled by rational design of the nonlinear mechanical elements. We furthermore demonstrate that self-contacts suppress pathway errors. Finally, we demonstrate how hierarchical architectures allow to extend the number of distinct reconfiguration steps. Our work establishes general principles for designing mechanical pathways, opening new avenues for self-folding media, pluripotent materials, and pliable devices in, e.g., stretchable electronics and soft robotics.Comment: 16 pages, 3 main figures, 10 extended data figures. See https://youtu.be/8m1QfkMFL0I for an explanatory vide

    Monitoraggio biologico ed esposizione a silice: applicazione di nuovi indicatori di dose e di effetto

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    In 16 addetti alla produzione di marmi ricomposti è stato misurato Si-CAE, è stata eseguita una spirometria e sono stati dosati 8oxoGua, 8oxoGuo, 8oxodGuo, SP-A, SP-D, CC16 e HO-1. Si sono osservati valori spirometrici (FVC e FEV1) più bassi nei lavoratori rispetto ai controlli. Nei lavoratori abbiamo osservato livelli più elevati dei seguenti marcatori: Si-CAE, 8oxoGuo ed espressione di HO-1. Lo studio evidenzia che l’esposizione a silice può aumentare i livelli di Si-CAE, che può essere usato per stimare la dose al bersaglio. Infine si evidenziavano aspecifiche alterazioni spirometriche ed un aumento di biomarcatori d’effetto