454 research outputs found


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    This study aims to identify and acquire empirical evidence of how the influence of active addiction, professional skills and experience in the tax authorities of tax arrears. The population used in this study is the tax on KPP Pratama Jakarta Cilandak. The data obtained in this study through questionnaires completed by a sample of 55 tax authorities. The analysis method used in this research is multiple linear regression. Based on the results of research conducted in the statistical analysis showed that the drug is active in influencing the disbursement of tax arrears, as a result of the t test statistics show that t> t (3,385> 2,004) and significantly greater levels of the real level (0.001 <0.05). The variable does not affect the ability of a professional in the disbursement of tax arrears, as a result of the t test statistics show that t <t (- 0,062 <2,004) and significantly greater levels of the real level (0.951> 0.05). And experience variables affect the tax authorities in tax arrears, as a result of the t test statistics show that t> t (2,358> 2,004) and significantly greater levels of the real level (0.022 <0.05). The simultaneous collection of active, professional skills and experience in the tax effect of tax arrears, because test results showed that f t> t (12,895> 2,786) and significantly greater levels of the real level (0.000 <0.05). Keywords: Active Billing, Professional Capability, Experience tax authorities,and tax arrear

    Analisis Dimensi Kualitas Teknis Website Sipenduduk Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Pekanbaru

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    Tingkat implementasi perkembangan teknologi yang tinggi pada pemerintahan ditandai diantaranya dengan bermunculannya banyak website, namun seringkali hal tersbutdikompromikan dengan kualitas dari website tersebut. Kecenderungan tersebut membuat penelitian mengenai kualitas suatu website pemerintahan menjadi hal yang cukup penting untuk dikaji. Diantaranya, peneliti mengambil contoh pada website Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Pekanbaru yang memiliki sebuah inovasi berupa aplikasi Sipenduduk yang dapat diakses melalui sipenduduk.pekanbaru.go.id. dengan harapan untuk meningkatkan digitalisasi pelayanan publik administrasi kependudukan kepada masyarakat Kota Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menggambarkan bagaimana kualitas website tersebut. Adapun peneliti menggunakan teori Alvaro Rocha yang memiliki tiga dimensi, dimana pada artikel ini hanya difokuskan pada satu dimensi saja, yaitu dimensi kualitas teknis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode campuran. Hal tersebut diantaranya dilakukan dengan melakukan uji indicator didalam dimensi kualitas teknis tersebut dengan menggunakan aplikasi., serta melakukan cek silang dengan bertanya pada informan baik dari pemerintah maupun Masyarakat mengenai indicator tersebut. Adapun indicator tersebut diantaranya adalah aksesibilitas, kegunaa, mesin telusur, kompatiblitas browser dan tautan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini didapati bahwa kualitas website tersebut masih perlu dioptimalkan dalam dimensi kualitas teknisnya, karena dari lima indikator terdapat tiga indicator yang dinilai masih kurang.   Kata Kunci: Disdukcapil, Aksesibilitas Website, Kecepatan Website

    Effect of Organic Matter Amendment on Lead Contamination in Roadside Soil and Plant

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    Lad Contamination in Roadside Soil and Plant and Effect of Organic Matter Amendment (Sabaruddin, D Budianta and Mardia):  Roadside soils and plants may be the most important sink of lead (Pb).  It has been widely known that soil organic matter (SOM) plays important roles in determining concentrations of metals in soil solution and their extractability from the soil.  To investigate Pb contamination in the roadside soils and plants, as well as the effect of organic matter (OM) on the soluble Pb in the roadside soils, surface soils (0 to 20 cm) were collected from a busy road.   The soils were incubated for 4 weeks under room temperature after being treated with 0, 30, 60 and 90 Mg ha-1 of OM.  Leaves of oil palms (Elaeis guineensis) planted on the roadside were also analyzed for Pb content.  Current study revealed that Pb content in roadside soils and leaves of oil palm was 1.5 and 5.5 times higher than the safe level of Pb in soil and plant.  It confirms that both soil and plant at the study site were contaminated by Pb.  Current study also showed that SOM amendment significantly (P<0.01) affected soluble Pb content in the soils.  Adding OM to the soil at 30 Mg ha-1 to correct the level of SOC from very low to low was sufficient to significantly reduce soluble Pb in the soils.  However, the application of 60 Mg ha-1 of OM triggered the increases in soluble Pb in the soils.  Further increases in OM application to 90 Mg ha-1 resulted in significant increases in soluble Pb as compared with that in the soil receiving 30 Mg ha-1 of OM.  In spite of the increases, the level of soluble Pb in the soils receiving 60 and 90 Mg ha-1 of OM was still much below the safe level of Pb in soil

    Pengaruh Penambahan Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit terhadap Sifat Fisika dan Kimia Tanah serta Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai pada Ultisols

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    Bakri B, Sabaruddin S, Rahmadhoni LW. 2021. The effect of addition of palm oil mill liquid waste on physical and chemical properties of soil and growth and yield of soybeans on ultisols. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang 20 Oktober 2021. pp. 47-57.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).This research aims to study the effect of the application of Palm Oil Mill (POME) on the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil as well as the growth and yield of soybean (Glycine max L.). Field experiments were carried out on Ultisols soil in Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. The treatments included chemical fertilizers (75 kg urea/ha, 100 kg SP-36/ha, 50 kg KCl/ha) without POME (L) and POME application at a dose of 75,000 L/ha (L1), 150,000 L/ha (L2), 225,000 L/ha (L3), and 300,000 L/ha (L4). The experiment used a simple randomized group design with 4 replications. The experimental results showed that POME application had a significant effect on soil K-dd at 30 DAP, several primary branches, and soybean yield per plot but had no significant effect on total pore space, permeability, pH, C-organic, and P-available at 30 DAP and 60 DAP and soil K-dd at 60 DAP and soybean plant height. The highest soybean yield was 2.72 tons/ha obtained by treatment L4 (300,000 L POME/ha)


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    The purpose of this study is to describe the effectiveness of the application of the Experiential Learning model to increase the &nbsp;Speaking Ability and Student Achievement. This research has been carried out with an experimental model of classroom action research at SMP Negeri 6&nbsp; Lahat. of English subjects in class VIII . The research method used was Classroom Action Research (CAR) and quasi-experiments. The subjects of this study were eighth grade students of SMP Neger 6 Lahat in the&nbsp; second semester of the 2020/2021&nbsp; school year. The number of students for the PTK class was 20 people, for the experimental class there were 20 people, and for the control class there were 20 people. Data collection methods in this study used the observation sheet Experiential Learning model, Speaking &nbsp;&nbsp;observation sheet, and&nbsp; English&nbsp; outcomes test. Data analysis using analysis of average scores and tests consisting of different tests between cycles and different tests of two samples that are not related .From the results of the study show that the application of the Experiential Learning model can increase speaking English and&nbsp; outcomes in&nbsp; subjects in class VIII of &nbsp;SMP &nbsp;Negeri &nbsp;6 &nbsp;Lahat. This research was conducted in three cycles to determine that the application of Experiential Learning improved students' speaking ability and student achievement results from the first cycle to the third cycle. This proves that the application of the Experiential Learning Model not only improves students' speaking ability but also increases understanding of the material and this has the impact of increasing student Student Achievement results. The technique of taking PTK by means of observation and tests, while the experimental class only tested the simulation learning model. Data analysis used the t-test. Based on the data analysis of this study, it was found that there were differences in the learning model that used Experiential Learning to increase Speaking Ability by 73% and student Student Achievement increased by 95% in English Learning

    Pandemic Covid-19: The Opportunities and Challenges to Using ICT in Mathematics Learning

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    Purpose: Social distance arrangements applied in all Indonesian educational institutions and even throughout the world including universities during Covid-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: All teaching and learning activities on campus turn to online learning that uses a variety of teaching media, such as Zoom cloud meetings, WhatsApp groups, and Google classrooms. Findings: The purpose of this study is to see how the opportunities and challenges of using information technology in learning mathematics during covid-19. &nbsp;&nbsp; Research limitations/implications: The approach in this study uses a qualitative approach and type of descriptive research. Intake of research subjects using a purposive technique. . Practical implications: The subjects in this study conduct 8 students of the mathematics education department. The conclusions of this study are 1) The use of mathematics learning technology has been maximally carried out by students through online mathematics learning using various learning platforms. 2) In terms of understanding not all students can adapt to learn mathematics well because students have difficulty in understanding mathematics material through distance learning. 3) Factors that hinder learning are the availability of internet networks and the limitations of internet quotas.. Paper type: This paper is study case typ
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