33 research outputs found

    Classifying confidential data using SVM for efficient cloud query processing

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    Nowadays, organizations are widely using a cloud database engine from the cloud service providers. Privacy still is the main concern for these organizations where every organization is strictly looking forward more secure environment for their own data. Several studies have proposed different types of encryption methods to protect the data over the cloud. However, the daily transactions represented by queries for such databases makes encryption is inefficient solution. Therefore, recent studies presented a mechanism for classifying the data prior to migrate into the cloud. This would reduce the need of encryption which enhances the efficiency. Yet, most of the classification methods used in the literature were based on string-based matching approach. Such approach suffers of the exact match of terms where the partial matching would not be considered. This paper aims to take the advantage of N-gram representation along with Support Vector Machine classification. A real-time data will used in the experiment. After conducting the classification, the Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm will be used to encrypt the confidential data. Results showed that the proposed method outperformed the baseline encryption method. This emphasizes the usefulness of using the machine learning techniques for the process of classifying the data based on confidentiality

    A combination of least significant bit and deflate compression for image steganography

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    Steganography is one of the cryptography techniques where secret information can be hidden through multimedia files such as images and videos. Steganography can offer a way of exchanging secret and encrypted information in an untypical mechanism where communicating parties can only interpret the secret message. The literature has shown a great interest in the least significant bit (LSB) technique which aims at embedding the secret message bits into the most insignificant bits of the image pixels. Although LSB showed a stable performance of image steganography yet, many works should be done on the message part. This paper aims to propose a combination of LSB and Deflate compression algorithm for image steganography. The proposed Deflate algorithm utilized both LZ77 and Huffman coding. After compressing the message text, LSB has been applied to embed the text within the cover image. Using benchmark images, the proposed method demonstrated an outperformance over the state of the art. This can proof the efficacy of using Deflate as a data compression prior to the LSB embedding

    AlexNet Convolutional Neural Network Architecture with Cosine and Hamming Similarity/Distance Measures for Fingerprint Biometric Matching

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    يعد التحقق من بصمة الأصبع أحد الطرق الحديثة في مجال أمن المعلومات والذي يهدف إلى إيجاد أنماط مميزة للتعرف على هوية الفرد. يتم ذلك عبر عملية مقارنة بين أزواج من نماذج معدة مسبقا للبصمة وإيجاد نسبة التشابه بينهم. غالبية الدراسات السابقة كانت تعتمد على طريقة تدعى (فازي فالت) بالإضافة إلى طرق فلترة الصور. لكن هذه الطرق لا تزال تعاني من ضعف تمييز النقاط المهمة في البصمات، ظهور التقنيات الحديثة من التعلم العميق مثل الشبكات العصبية اللفائفية قد ساهم بشكل كبير في تحليل الصورة والتعرف على الكيانات داخل الصور وقدأظهرت دقة أعلى من الطرق التقليدية. هذه الدراسة استغلت إحدى هذه الشبكات المدربة مسبقا على صور بصمات وتعرف باسم (اليكس نت) بحيث تم استخراج أهم الخصائص الكامنة بالصور وتم توليد مفتاح خاص بكل صورة ومن ثم تم تخزين كل تلك المعلومات في قاعدة بيانات مرجعية. باستخدام أدوات قياس التشابه مثل جتا الزاوية  وهامنج استطاعت هذه الدراسة من تبيان التشابه خلال مقارنة صور اختبارية بالنسبة لقاعدة البيانات المرجعية. تم استجلاب الصور من قاعدة بيانات عامة وقد أظهرت نتائج دقة القبول دقة الرفض على نسبة 2.09% و 2.81% على التوالي. بمقارنة هذه النتائج مع نتائج الدراسات السابقة خصوصا تلك التي استخدمت أدوات تقليدية مثل (فازي فالت) تفوق الطريقة المطروحة بهذه الدراسة. وبذلك تم استنتاج أهمية استخدام الشبكات العصبية اللفائفية مع أدوات قياس التشابه في التعرف على بصمة اليد.In information security, fingerprint verification is one of the most common recent approaches for verifying human identity through a distinctive pattern. The verification process works by comparing a pair of fingerprint templates and identifying the similarity/matching among them. Several research studies have utilized different techniques for the matching process such as fuzzy vault and image filtering approaches. Yet, these approaches are still suffering from the imprecise articulation of the biometrics’ interesting patterns. The emergence of deep learning architectures such as the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has been extensively used for image processing and object detection tasks and showed an outstanding performance compared to traditional image filtering techniques. This paper aimed to utilize a specific CNN architecture known as AlexNet for the fingerprint-matching task. Using such an architecture, this study has extracted the significant features of the fingerprint image, generated a key based on such a biometric feature of the image, and stored it in a reference database. Then, using Cosine similarity and Hamming Distance measures, the testing fingerprints have been matched with a reference. Using the FVC2002 database, the proposed method showed a False Acceptance Rate (FAR) of 2.09% and a False Rejection Rate (FRR) of 2.81%. Comparing these results against other studies that utilized traditional approaches such as the Fuzzy Vault has demonstrated the efficacy of CNN in terms of fingerprint matching. It is also emphasizing the usefulness of using Cosine similarity and Hamming Distance in terms of matching

    Medium access control protocol design for wireless communications and networks review

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    Medium access control (MAC) protocol design plays a crucial role to increase the performance of wireless communications and networks. The channel access mechanism is provided by MAC layer to share the medium by multiple stations. Different types of wireless networks have different design requirements such as throughput, delay, power consumption, fairness, reliability, and network density, therefore, MAC protocol for these networks must satisfy their requirements. In this work, we proposed two multiplexing methods for modern wireless networks: Massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) and power domain non-orthogonal multiple access (PD-NOMA). The first research method namely Massive MIMO uses a massive number of antenna elements to improve both spectral efficiency and energy efficiency. On the other hand, the second research method (PD-NOMA) allows multiple non-orthogonal signals to share the same orthogonal resources by allocating different power level for each station. PD-NOMA has a better spectral efficiency over the orthogonal multiple access methods. A review of previous works regarding the MAC design for different wireless networks is classified based on different categories. The main contribution of this research work is to show the importance of the MAC design with added optimal functionalities to improve the spectral and energy efficiencies of the wireless networks

    Tumor markers of bladder cancer : the schistosomal bladder tumors versus non-schistosomal bladder tumors.

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    Background: The aim of this study is to comparatively elucidate the underlying molecular pathways and clinicopathological criteria in schistosomal bladder tumor (SBT) versus non-schistosomal bladder tumor (NSBT). Methods: This study explored the role of p53, p16, bcl-2, ki-67, c-myc, Rb and EGFR, by using Immunohistochemistry assay, in 45 SBT and 39 NSBT patients in comparison with 16 schistosomal chronic cystitis (SC), 28 non-schistosomal chronic cystitis (NSC), and 20 normal control (CTL) subjects. The studied markers in SBT and NSBT were correlated with different clinicopathological criteria namely, tumor histopathology, grading, invasiveness, stage, and presentation of the disease. Results: SBT was associated with high grade invasive squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) while NSBT was associated with lower grade less invasive transitional cell carcinoma (TCC). The expression of p53, bcl-2, c-myc, and EGFR was higher in SBT than in NSBT while Rb was higher in NSBT than in SBT. However, p16 and ki-67 were not different between SBT and NSBT. The profile of molecular markers in SC was similar to NSC except for EGFR which was higher in SC than in NSC. Both SC and NSC showed higher level of p53, bcl-2, ki-67, and EGFR than in CTL group while p16, Rb, and c-myc were not different. p53 was associated with high grade SCC in both SBT and NSBT. Bcl-2 was associated with high grade invasive tumors in SBT and NSBT. P16 was associated with low grade, late stage, and recurrent SBT and high grade, invasive, late stage, and recurrent NSBT. Rb was associated with SCC in SBT, invasive tumors in NSBT, and late stage and recurrent presentation in both SBT and NSBT. C-myc was associated with high grade, invasive, and late stage SBT and SCC, high grade, invasive, and late stage NSBT. EGFR was associated with invasive SCC in SBT and invasive, high grade, and late stage TCC in NSBT. ki-67 was associated with invasive SBT and high grade late stage NSBT. Conclusion: SBT and NSBT showed distinct molecular profile of tumor development and progression which can be taken into consideration in fine adjusting the anti-cancer therapy for SBT and NSBT

    Novel steganography scheme using Arabic text features in Holy Quran

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    With the rapid growth of the Internet and mobile devices, the need for hidden communications has significantly increased. Steganography is a technique introduced for establishing hidden communication, Most steganography techniques have been applied to audio, images, videos, and text. Many researchers used steganography in Arabic texts to take advantage of adding, editing or changing letters or diacritics, but lead to notable and suspicious text. In this paper, we propose two novel steganography algorithms for Arabic text using the Holy Quran as cover text. The fact that it is forbidden to add, edit or change any letter or diacritics in the Holy Quran provides the valuable feature of its robustness and difficulty as a cover in steganography. The algorithms hide secret messages elements within Arabic letters benefiting from the existence of sun letters (Arabic: ḥurūf shamsīyah) and moon letters (ḥurūf qamarīyah). Also, we consider the existence of some Arabic language characteristics represented as small vowel letters (Arabic Diacritics). Our experiments using the proposed two algorithms demonstrate high capacity for text files. The proposed algorithms are robust against attack since the changes in the cover text are imperceptible, so our contribution offers a more secure algorithm that provides good capacity

    Finite Element Analysis Using MATLAB of Oxidation Properties in H2O Vapor of Steel-T22 Alloy Coated by Simultaneous Y-Doped Chromizing-Siliconizing Process

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    The application of a pack cementation of Y-doped chromium and silicon coatings on low alloy steel type-T22 yields a significant improvement in the oxidation resistance. Steel-T22 was coated with Ydopedchromizing-siliconizing. Diffusion coating was carried out at 1050 oC for 6 h under an Ar atmosphere by simultaneous Y-dopded chromizing-siliconizing process. Cyclic oxidation tests were conducted on the coated steel-T22 alloy in the temperature range 300-500 oC in H2O for 100 h at 5 h cycle. . The oxidation kinetics for coated system in H2O was found to be parabolic .Oxide phases that formed on coated system are SiO2 and Cr2O3. Finite element results show that there is a good agreement between FEM and experiments results

    Three-Dimensional Analysis of Extrusion in Complex Die by Using Upper Bound Theory

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    This paper depends on a new analytical method to calculate relative deformation energies for complex die shape by using upper bound theory which is an important method to solve technical problem in the field of metal deformation .This study divides the complex shape to a number of sectors for counting the deformation energies and then to find the total energy requirement for extrusion process in die with arbitrary linear function. This study uses (H) section which represents one of complex shapes to calculate the relative deformation energies for it, taking into account the effects of friction factor , relative die length and reduction of area . The results of the present study are compared with M.KIUCHI study and found it in a very good agreement

    Genetic Variation of Trichomonas vaginalis Isolates from Iraqi Women: Association with Fertility and Cervical Abnormalities

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    الخلفية/ الهدف: داء المشعرات المهبلية هو واحد من أكثر الأمراض غير الفيروسية المنقولة جنسيا, يسببه طفيلي Trichomonas vaginalis. لا يعرف سوى القليل عن التنوع الوراثي والهيكل المعيشي لهذا الطفيلي. هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد التنوع الوراثي لعزلات طفيلي المشعرات المهبلية وارتباطه بالخصوبة وتشوهات عنق الرحم. الأساليب: تم تعيين مجموعة من 154 امرأة عراقية ممن يراجعن قسم الولادة والامراض النسائية في عدد من مستشفيات محافظة بغداد خلال الفترة من شباط 2013 إلى نيسان 2014 ، لهذه الدراسة. تم استخراج الحمض النووي لعزلات الطفيلي من مزروع المسحات المهبلية. تم إجراء طريقة التنميط التتابعي المتعدد المواقع (MLST) لستة من الجينات المرجعية لدراسة التغيرات الجينية. النتائج: ثلاث وخمسون امرأة (34.41 ٪) قد أعطت نتيجة موجبة للأصابة بالطفيلي T.vaginalis. أظهرت طريقة MLST وجود اليلات مختلفة. وكان للمورث glut أعلى درجة من التغايرات بين المورثات الستة. الاستنتاج: يمكن الاستنتاج أن التنوع الوراثي في ​​الكائن الحي نفسه في عزلات العراق ، يمكن أن يرتبط بالنتائج السريرية. هناك حاجة إلى مزيد من الدراسات MLST لمقارنة عدد أكبر من العزلات من مختلف المواقع ودراسة الطفرات المحددة في المورثات المرجعية لنساء  اللاتي يعانين من العقم ومن تشوهات عنق الرحم. الكلمات المفتاحية: طفيلي المشعرات المهبلية. التغاير الوراثي, الخصوبة, تشوهات عنق الرحم, طريقة التنميط التتابعي المتعدد المواقع.Background: Trichomoniasis, is one of the most common non-viral sexually transmitted diseases caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. Little is known about the genetic diversity and population structure of this parasite. This study aimed to determine the genetic diversity of T. vaginalis isolated from Iraqi women and its association with the fertility and the cervical abnormalities. Methods: Overall, 154 Iraqi women attending the Gynecology Outpatient departments in Baghdad Province, Iraq from February 2013 to April 2014, were enrolled in this study. DNA of T. vaginalis isolates was extracted from the culture of high vaginal swabs. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) method for six housekeeping genes was done in studying the genetic variations. Results: Fifty-three women (34.41%) were positive for T. vaginalis. MLST method resulted in different alleles. With glutaminase gene, the highest degree of variation was found among the six genes. Conclusion: The genetic diversity in the organism itself in Iraqi isolates can associate with clinical outcome. Further MLST studies are needed to compare a larger number of isolates from different localities and correlate the certain mutations in housekeeping genes to infertile women and patients with cervical abnormalities

    Severity of asthma: the role of CD25+,CD30+, NF-κB, and apoptotic markers

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    Objectives: We studied the role of the regulatory T cells CD4+CD25+ (Treg) and activated CD4+CD30+ cells in the pathogenesis of asthma and their association with apoptosis and NF-κB in patients with mild intermittent asthma (MA), severe persistent asthma (SA), and healthy volunteers (HV). Methods: Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were extracted from asthmatic patients during exacerbations, and CD4+ cells were separated using Dynal beads. Immunostaining of whole PBL for NF-κB, Bax, and Bcl-2, and immunostaining of CD4+ cells for CD25+ and CD30+ cells were performed using immunocytochemistry. Results: Treg cells were expressed at higher levels in MA than in HV and SA (P.05). Levels of NF-κB, Bcl-2, and Bcl-2/Bax increased, whereas those of Bax decreased, progressively, from MA to SA (P<.05). NF-κB levels correlated directly with the Bcl-2/Bax ratio and with CD4+CD30+ cells in SA and MA, whereas CD4+CD30+ cells correlated inversely with the Bcl-2/Bax ratio. Conclusions: Unregulated Treg cells probably return inflammatory responses to normal values during exacerbations in MA; however, expression of Treg cells was extensively diminished in SA, leading to probable loss of suppressive control over underlying immune reactions. CD4+CD30+ cells were associated with the pathogenesis of asthma but not with severity. NF-κB seems to be the central inflammatory factor in SA, with a remarkable loss of PBL apoptosis, diminished Treg levels, and high CD30+ cell levels that probably induce NF-κB, which in turn blocks the proapoptotic potential of CD30 induction itself