60 research outputs found

    Epigenetic and transcriptional analysis supports human regulatory T cell commitment at the CD4+CD8+thymocyte stage

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    The natural CD25 + FOXP3 + regulatory T cell (Treg) population is generated as a distinct lineage in the thymus, but the details of Treg development in humans remain unclear, and the timing of Treg commitment is also contested. Here we have analyzed the emergence of CD25 + cells at the CD4 + CD8 + double positive (DP) stage in the human thymus. We show that these cells share T cell receptor repertoire with CD25 + CD4 single-positive thymocytes, believed to be committed Tregs. They already have a fully demethylated FOXP3 enhancer region and thus display stable expression of FOXP3 and the associated Treg phenotype. Transcriptome analysis also grouped the DP CD25 + and CD4 CD25 + thymocytes apart from the CD25 - subsets. Together with earlier studies, our data are consistent with human Treg commitment already at the DP thymocyte stage. We suggest that the most important antigens and signals necessary for human Treg differentiation may be found in the thymic cortex.Peer reviewe

    Serum transglutaminase 3 antibodies correlate with age at celiac disease diagnosis

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    Background: Transglutaminase (TG)2 is the autoantigen in celiac disease, but also TG3 antibodies have been detected in the serum of celiac disease patients. Aims: To investigate the correlations between serum TG3 antibodies and clinical and histological manifestations of celiac disease and to assess gluten-dependency of TG3 antibodies. Methods: Correlations between serum TG3 antibody levels measured from 119 adults and children with untreated coeliac disease and the demographic data, clinical symptoms, celiac antibodies, histological data and results of laboratory tests and bone mineral densities were tested. TG3 antibodies were reinvestigated in 97 celiac disease patients after 12 months on a gluten-free diet (GFD). Results: TG3 antibody titers were shown to correlate with the age at celiac disease diagnosis. Further, negative correlation with TG3 antibodies and intestinal gamma delta+ cells at diagnosis and on GFD was detected. Correlations were not detected with the clinical manifestation of celiac disease, TG2 or endomysial autoantibodies, laboratory values, severity of mucosal villous atrophy, associated diseases or complications. TG3 antibody titers decreased on GFD in 56% of the TG3 antibody positive patients. Conclusion: Serum TG3 antibody positivity in celiac disease increases as the diagnostic age rises. TG3 antibodies did not show similar gluten-dependency as TG2 antibodies. (C) 2016 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Identifying the inheritable component of human thymic T cell repertoire generation in monozygous twins

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    We have analyzed T cell receptor repertoires in a unique set of thymus samples from a pair of monozygotic twins. While genetics affect the V(D)J rearrangement and generation of junctional sequences, the thymic selections seem largely stochastic and import no detectable inheritable effect at clonal level.Non peer reviewe

    Deep sequencing of blood and gut T-cell receptor beta-chains reveals gluten-induced immune signatures in celiac disease

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    Celiac disease (CD) patients mount an abnormal immune response to gluten. T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoires directed to some immunodominant gluten peptides have previously been described, but the global immune response to in vivo gluten exposure in CD has not been systematically investigated yet. Here, we characterized signatures associated with gluten directed immune activity and identified gluten-induced T-cell clonotypes from total blood and gut TCR repertoires in an unbiased manner using immunosequencing. CD patient total TCR repertoires showed increased overlap and substantially altered TRBV-gene usage in both blood and gut samples, and increased diversity in the gut during gluten exposure. Using differential abundance analysis, we identified gluten-induced clonotypes in each patient that were composed of a large private and an important public component. Hierarchical clustering of public clonotypes associated with dietary gluten exposure identified subsets of highly similar clonotypes, the most proliferative of which showing significant enrichment for the motif ASS[LF] R[SW][TD][DT][TE][QA][YF] in PBMC repertoires. These results show that CD-associated clonotypes can be identified and that common gluten associated immune response features can be characterized in vivo from total repertoires, with potential use in disease stratification and monitoring.Peer reviewe

    The Psoriasis Risk Allele HLA-C*06 : 02 Shows Evidence of Association with Chronic or Recurrent Streptococcal Tonsillitis

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    Pharyngeal tonsillitis is one of the most common upper respiratory tract infections, and group A streptococcus is the most important bacterial pathogen causing it. While most patients experience tonsillitis only rarely, a subset of patients suffers from recurrent or chronic tonsillitis or pharyngitis. The predisposing factors for recurring or chronic forms of this disease are not yet fully understood, but genetic predisposition has been suggested. A genetic association study using Illumina's Immunochip single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array was performed to search for new genetic biomarkers in pharyngeal tonsillitis. More than 100,000 SNPs relevant to immune-mediated diseases were analyzed in a cohort of 95 patients subjected to tonsillectomy due to recurrent/chronic tonsillitis and 504 controls. Genetic association between the cases and controls showed strongest association with two peaks in the HLA locus (odds ratio [OR], 3.7 to 4.7; P = 4.9 x 10(-6) to 5.7 x 10(-6)). Further analysis with imputed classical HLA alleles suggested the known psoriasis risk allele HLA-C*06:02 as a risk factor for tonsillitis (P = 4.8 x 10(-4); OR, 2.3). In addition, the imputed HLA haplotype HLA-C*06:02/HLA-B*57:01, a reported risk haplotype in psoriasis, had the strongest risk for tonsillitis (P = 3.2 x 10(-4); OR, 6.5). These findings further support the previously reported link between streptococcal throat infections and psoriasis.Peer reviewe

    Dermatitis Herpetiformis Refractory to Gluten-free Dietary Treatment

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    Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is a blistering skin disease, which is regarded as an extra-intestinal manifestation of coeliac disease. Refractory cases of coeliac disease, that do not respond to a gluten-free diet and which carry an increased risk of lymphoma, are well-known in coeliac disease. To determine whether refractory cases of DH with active rash and persistent small bowel atrophy occur we analysed our series of 403 patients with DH. Seven (1.7%) patients, who had been on a gluten-free diet for a mean of 16 years, but who still required dapsone to treat the symptoms of DH, were identified. Of these, one patient died from mucinous adenocarcinoma before re-examination. At re-examination skin immunoglobulin A (IgA) deposits were found in 5/6 refractory and 3/16 control DH patients with good dietary response. Small bowel mucosa was studied at re-examination from 5 refractory and 8 control DH patients and was normal in all 5 refractory and 7/8 control DH patients. One refractory DH patient died from adenocarcinoma, but no lymphoma developed in any of the patients. This study documents for the first time refractory DH, in which the rash is non-responsive to a gluten-free diet, but the small bowel mucosa heals. This differs from refractory coeliac disease, in which the small bowel mucosa does not heal on a gluten-free diet.Peer reviewe

    Enhanced influenza A H1N1 T cell epitope recognition and cross-reactivity to protein-O-mannosyltransferase 1 in Pandemrix-associated narcolepsy type 1

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    Narcolepsy type 1 (NT1) is a chronic neurological disorder having a strong association with HLA-DQB1*0602, thereby suggesting an immunological origin. Increased risk of NT1 has been reported among children or adolescents vaccinated with AS03 adjuvant-supplemented pandemic H1N1 influenza A vaccine, Pandemrix. Here we show that pediatric Pandemrix-associated NT1 patients have enhanced T-cell immunity against the viral epitopes, neuraminidase 175-189 (NA175-189) and nucleoprotein 214-228 (NP214-228), but also respond to a NA175-189-mimic, brain self-epitope, protein-O-mannosyltransferase 1 (POMT1675-689). A pathogenic role of influenza virus-specific T-cells and T-cell cross-reactivity in NT1 are supported by the up-regulation of IFN-γ, perforin 1 and granzyme B, and by the converging selection of T-cell receptor TRAV10/TRAJ17 and TRAV10/TRAJ24 clonotypes, in response to stimulation either with peptide NA175-189 or POMT1675-689. Moreover, anti-POMT1 serum autoantibodies are increased in Pandemrix-vaccinated children or adolescents. These results thus identify POMT1 as a potential autoantigen recognized by T- and B-cells in NT1. </p

    Alterations in functional connectivity for language in prematurely born adolescents

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    Recent data suggest recovery of language systems but persistent structural abnormalities in the prematurely born. We tested the hypothesis that subjects who were born prematurely develop alternative networks for processing language. Subjects who were born prematurely (n = 22; 600–1250 g birth weight), without neonatal brain injury on neonatal cranial ultrasound, and 26 term control subjects were examined with a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) semantic association task, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III (WISC-III) and the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF). In-magnet task accuracy and response times were calculated, and fMRI data were evaluated for the effect of group on blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) activation, the correlation between task accuracy and activation and the functional connectivity between regions activating to task. Although there were differences in verbal IQ and CELF scores between the preterm (PT) and term control groups, there were no significant differences for either accuracy or response time for the in-magnet task. Both groups activated classic semantic processing areas including the left superior and middle temporal gyri and inferior frontal gyrus, and there was no significant difference in activation patterns between groups. Clear differences between the groups were observed in the correlation between task accuracy and activation to task at P < 0.01, corrected for multiple comparisons. Left inferior frontal gyrus correlated with accuracy only for term controls and left sensory motor areas correlated with accuracy only for PT subjects. Left middle temporal gyri correlated with task accuracy for both groups. Connectivity analyses at P < 0.001 revealed the importance of a circuit between left middle temporal gyri and inferior frontal gyrus for both groups. In addition, the PT subjects evidenced greater connectivity between traditional language areas and sensory motor areas but significantly fewer correlated areas within the frontal lobes when compared to term controls. We conclude that at 12 years of age, children born prematurely and children born at term had no difference in performance on a simple lexical semantic processing task and activated similar areas. Connectivity analyses, however, suggested that PT subjects rely upon different neural pathways for lexical semantic processing when compared to term controls. Plasticity in network connections may provide the substrate for improving language skills in the prematurely born

    Insights into the genetic epidemiology of Crohn's and rare diseases in the Ashkenazi Jewish population

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    As part of a broader collaborative network of exome sequencing studies, we developed a jointly called data set of 5,685 Ashkenazi Jewish exomes. We make publicly available a resource of site and allele frequencies, which should serve as a reference for medical genetics in the Ashkenazim (hosted in part at https://ibd.broadinstitute.org, also available in gnomAD at http://gnomad.broadinstitute.org). We estimate that 34% of protein-coding alleles present in the Ashkenazi Jewish population at frequencies greater than 0.2% are significantly more frequent (mean 15-fold) than their maximum frequency observed in other reference populations. Arising via a well-described founder effect approximately 30 generations ago, this catalog of enriched alleles can contribute to differences in genetic risk and overall prevalence of diseases between populations. As validation we document 148 AJ enriched protein-altering alleles that overlap with "pathogenic" ClinVar alleles (table available at https://github.com/macarthur-lab/clinvar/blob/master/output/clinvar.tsv), including those that account for 10-100 fold differences in prevalence between AJ and non-AJ populations of some rare diseases, especially recessive conditions, including Gaucher disease (GBA, p.Asn409Ser, 8-fold enrichment); Canavan disease (ASPA, p.Glu285Ala, 12-fold enrichment); and Tay-Sachs disease (HEXA, c.1421+1G>C, 27-fold enrichment; p.Tyr427IlefsTer5, 12-fold enrichment). We next sought to use this catalog, of well-established relevance to Mendelian disease, to explore Crohn's disease, a common disease with an estimated two to four-fold excess prevalence in AJ. We specifically attempt to evaluate whether strong acting rare alleles, particularly protein-truncating or otherwise large effect-size alleles, enriched by the same founder-effect, contribute excess genetic risk to Crohn's disease in AJ, and find that ten rare genetic risk factors in NOD2 and LRRK2 are enriched in AJ (p < 0.005), including several novel contributing alleles, show evidence of association to CD. Independently, we find that genomewide common variant risk defined by GWAS shows a strong difference between AJ and non-AJ European control population samples (0.97 s.d. higher, p<10-16). Taken together, the results suggest coordinated selection in AJ population for higher CD risk alleles in general. The results and approach illustrate the value of exome sequencing data in case-control studies along with reference data sets like ExAC (sites VCF available via FTP at ftp.broadinstitute.org/pub/ExAC_release/release0.3/) to pinpoint genetic variation that contributes to variable disease predisposition across populations