13 research outputs found

    Lessons Learned from Two Usability Studies of Digital Skiing Game with Elderly People in Finland and Japan

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    Physical decline is associated with old age. Engagement in regular physical exercises can help elderly people improve their physical functionalities, as well as cognitive abilities. Among modern technologies, digital games have the potential to promote elderly people’s engagement in physical exercises through fun and enjoyable gameplay. Although commercial digital games show promise, most of them are not designed for elderly people. The literature also suggests that more studies need to be undertaken to understand the usability and usefulness of digital games for elderly people. Hence, in this study, we designed and developed a digital game-based Skiing activity for elderly people. Then, we evaluated it with the Finnish and Japanese elderly participants in Finland and Japan to investigate their feedback towards the usability and usefulness of the game. The findings from both studies show that digital games are useful for promoting elderly people’s engagement in physical activities. While digital games are promising to be used as an alternative solution for promoting the Japanese elderly participant’s physical activities, the Finnish elderly participants recommend to use it when they don’t have access to non-digital physical exercises. The lessons learned from this study can help researchers and practitioners gain insights into game design and development for elderly people and their physical activities.</p

    Do Rural Second Homes Shape Commensal Microbiota of Urban Dwellers? : A Pilot Study among Urban Elderly in Finland

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    According to the hygiene and biodiversity hypotheses, increased hygiene levels and reduced contact with biodiversity can partially explain the high prevalence of immune-mediated diseases in developed countries. A disturbed commensal microbiota, especially in the gut, has been linked to multiple immune-mediated diseases. Previous studies imply that gut microbiota composition is associated with the everyday living environment and can be modified by increasing direct physical exposure to biodiverse materials. In this pilot study, the effects of rural-second-home tourism were investigated on the gut microbiota for the first time. Rural-second-home tourism, a popular form of outdoor recreation in Northern Europe, North America, and Russia, has the potential to alter the human microbiota by increasing exposure to nature and environmental microbes. The hypotheses were that the use of rural second homes is associated with differences in the gut microbiota and that the microbiota related to health benefits are more diverse or common among the rural-second-home users. Based on 16S rRNA Illumina MiSeq sequencing of stool samples from 10 urban elderly having access and 15 lacking access to a rural second home, the first hypothesis was supported: the use of rural second homes was found to be associated with lower gut microbiota diversity and RIG-I-like receptor signaling pathway levels. The second hypothesis was not supported: health-related microbiota were not more diverse or common among the second-home users. The current study encourages further research on the possible health outcomes or causes of the observed microbiological differences. Activities and diet during second-home visits, standard of equipment, surrounding environment, and length of the visits are all postulated to play a role in determining the effects of rural-second-home tourism on the gut microbiota

    Åtgärdsprogram för vattenvården för åren 2022–2027 i Södra Österbotten, Österbotten och Mellersta Österbotten.

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    Det centrala syftet med vattenvården är att hindra att tillståndet i vattendragen, sjöarna och kustvattnen försämras och att sträva efter att alla vatten uppnår åtminstone god status. Tillståndet i vatten som bedömts ha hög eller god status får inte försämras. För att nå målet planerar och vidtar man åtgärder som förbättrar vattnens status samt följer upp effekterna. I vattenvården beaktar man också målen för havsvården, för hanteringen av översvämnings-risker och för naturskyddet. Vattenvården planeras enligt vattenförvaltningsområden, av vilka det finns sju i Fastlandsfinland. Ett vattenför-valtningsområde bildas av ett eller flera vattendragsområden. Planeringen av vattenvården framskrider i sexårspe-rioder. De första åtgärdsprogrammen som sträcker sig fram till 2015 utarbetades i ett brett samarbete under 2008–2009. Mer information om vattenvården och organiseringen av den inom vattenförvaltningsområdet finns på https://www.ymparisto.fi/sv-FI/Vatten/Vattenskydd/Vattenvardsplanering_och_samarbete/Vattenforvaltningsomraden/Kumo_alvSkargardshavetBottenhavet och i förvaltningsplanen för Kumo älvs-Skärgårdshavets-Bottenhavets vattenförvaltningsområde. I förvaltningsplanen för vattenvården beskrivs lagstiftningen och andra planer och strategier som rör vattenvården mer i detalj. Dessutom har man i vattenförvaltningsplanen gjort en granskning av alternativ för vattenvårdsåtgär-derna i hela vattenförvaltningsområdet

    Lessons Learned from Two Usability Studies of Digital Skiing Game with Elderly People in Finland and Japan

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    Physical decline is associated with old age. Engagement in regular physical exercises can help elderly people improve their physical functionalities, as well as cognitive abilities. Among modern technologies, digital games have the potential to promote elderly people’s engagement in physical exercises through fun and enjoyable gameplay. Although commercial digital games show promise, most of them are not senior-friendly. The literature also suggests that more studies need to be undertaken to understand the usability and usefulness of digital games for elderly people. Hence, in this study, we designed and developed a digital game-based Skiing activity for elderly people. Then, we evaluated it with the Finnish and Japanese elderly participants in Finland and Japan to investigate their feedback towards the usability and usefulness of the game. The findings from both studies show that digital games are useful for promoting elderly people’s engagement in physical activities. While digital games are promising to be used as an alternative solution for promoting the Japanese elderly participant’s physical activities, the Finnish elderly participants recommend to use it when they don’t have access to non-digital physical exercises. The lessons learned from this study can help researchers and practitioners gain insights into game design and development for elderly people and their physical activities

    Vesienhoidon toimenpideohjelma 2022–2027. Etelä-Pohjanmaa, Pohjanmaa ja Keski-Pohjanmaa.

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    Vesienhoidon keskeisenä tavoitteena on estää jokien, järvien ja rannikkovesien sekä pohjavesien tilan heikkeneminen sekä pyrkiä kaikkien vesien vähintään hyvään tilaan. Erinomaisiksi tai hyviksi arvioitujen vesien tilaa ei saa heikentää. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan vesien tilaa parantavia toimenpiteitä ja seurataan niiden vaikutuksia. Vesienhoidossa otetaan huomioon myös merenhoidon, tulvariskien hallinnan sekä luonnonsuojelun tavoitteet. Vesienhoitoa suunnitellaan vesienhoitoalueittain, joita on Manner-Suomessa seitsemän. Vesienhoito-alue muodostuu yhdestä tai useammasta vesistöalueesta. Vesienhoidon suunnittelu etenee kuuden vuoden jaksoissa. Ensimmäiset vuoteen 2015 ulottuvat toimenpideohjelmat laadittiin laajassa yhteistyössä vuosien 2008–2009 aikana. Lisätietoa vesienhoidosta ja vesienhoidon järjestämisestä vesienhoitoalueella on saata-villa osoitteessa https://www.ymparisto.fi/lantinenvesienhoitoalue sekä Kokemäenjoen - Saaristomeren – Selkämeren vesienhoitoalueen vesienhoitosuunnitelmasta. Vesienhoitosuunnitelmassa esitellään tarkemmin vesienhoitoon liittyvä lainsäädäntö ja vesienhoitoon liittyvät muut suunnitelmat ja strategiat. Lisäksi vesienhoitosuunnitelmassa on tehty koko vesienhoitoaluetta koskeva vaihtoehtotarkastelu vesienhoidon toimenpiteistä. Tämä päivitetty toimenpideohjelma ulottuu vuoden 2027 loppuun asti. Etelä-Pohjanmaan elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskuksen (Etelä-Pohjanmaan ELY-keskus) ympäristövastuualueen toimialueen toimenpideohjelman suunnittelualueiden sijainti on esitetty kuvassa 1.1. Päivityksen yhteydessä on tehty väliarvio vesien tilasta ja vesien hyvän tilan saavuttamiseksi tarvittavista toimenpiteistä. Alkuperäinen tavoite, vähintään hyvä vesien tila, piti saavuttaa vuoteen 2015 mennessä. Joidenkin vesien kohdalla on ollut mahdotonta saavuttaa vaadittavia tavoitteita esimerkiksi luonnonolojen vuoksi tai taloudellisista syistä. Tällöin niiden tavoittamiseen voidaan antaa lisäaikaa aina vuoden 2027 loppuun asti

    Do rural second homes shape commensal microbiota of urban dwellers? : A pilot study among urban elderly in Finland

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    According to the hygiene and biodiversity hypotheses, increased hygiene levels and reduced contact with biodiversity can partially explain the high prevalence of immune-mediated diseases in developed countries. A disturbed commensal microbiota, especially in the gut, has been linked to multiple immune-mediated diseases. Previous studies imply that gut microbiota composition is associated with the everyday living environment and can be modified by increasing direct physical exposure to biodiverse materials. In this pilot study, the effects of rural-second-home tourism were investigated on the gut microbiota for the first time. Rural-second-home tourism, a popular form of outdoor recreation in Northern Europe, North America, and Russia, has the potential to alter the human microbiota by increasing exposure to nature and environmental microbes. The hypotheses were that the use of rural second homes is associated with differences in the gut microbiota and that the microbiota related to health benefits are more diverse or common among the rural-second-home users. Based on 16S rRNA Illumina MiSeq sequencing of stool samples from 10 urban elderly having access and 15 lacking access to a rural second home, the first hypothesis was supported: the use of rural second homes was found to be associated with lower gut microbiota diversity and RIG-I-like receptor signaling pathway levels. The second hypothesis was not supported: health-related microbiota were not more diverse or common among the second-home users. The current study encourages further research on the possible health outcomes or causes of the observed microbiological differences. Activities and diet during second-home visits, standard of equipment, surrounding environment, and length of the visits are all postulated to play a role in determining the effects of rural-second-home tourism on the gut microbiota.publishedVersionPeer reviewe